Dante Basco on Avatar Groupies, Rufio, & Being the first "cool" Asian dude on TV - No Chaser Ep 87

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It’s weird hearing Zuko talking more modern. Like I half expect him mid sentence to blurt out “I MUST FIND THE AVATAR TO RESTORE MY HONOR!”

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AshMainsBigGay 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] five four three two one every time i make a run girl you turn around and cry i ask myself why oh why [Applause] see you must understand i can't work a 9-5 so i'll be gone till november what's up y'all welcome back to the no chaser podcast i'm tim chad the wrong suit i'm ricky shucks i'm nikki blades oh my goodness what a beautiful day what a beautiful i was i was struggling to come up with a song right now and for some reason when you put the pressure on your brain you never really know but you're normally like you are so on it i mean i feel cause the thing about it is like in my natural life i feel like i only sing like the same five songs back to back to back-to-back okay which uh which is one of them one of them is um uh like tearing up my heart in sync another one is uh it's so funny running into you dave hollister yeah you should've named the white club songs we'll keep going i was too busy trying to be truthful okay okay okay so that was two oh another one is like uh hamilton apparently hamilton songs all the time and um and the thing about it is all the songs that be in my head on the regular um we've been through them all already yeah so now i'm like i'm like squeezing my brain for whatever i can find you should have did friendship oh okay cool friendship not too late [Laughter] i got this you know so i bought this i love lucy sweater because um you know i be up at like 3 a.m on some [ __ ] right and whenever i'm up i'm like i love loose love lucy or man back to the future such a good movie let's see if they got merch that i can rock so i can show people i really love these old tv shows and movies i don't know who i saw tag you and i love lucy i was like ah tim thanks for putting me on i'm like for real yeah i saw that i'll be trying to tell these kids man because i feel like the more we get to a point where you aren't forced to watch reruns of things shows like i love lucy get lost in the constant live streaming and streaming apps of the world because that [ __ ] was it's been on every day since we were kids and it's like that's like every episode is a banger yeah yeah see it's a whole generation of us that grew up watching the same [ __ ] a lot of i watched a lot of like the jeffersons all the after a certain hour those were all the shows that we're playing but now i feel like kids see some [ __ ] like that they're like i'm not watching this old [ __ ] but the beauty of that is somebody can steal all the episodes oh redoing them right and kids are gonna be like i've noticed they have some amazing new [ __ ] bruh let me tell you i'm not gonna lie there's been a couple of times where i've like trying to write some sketches i get some writer's block i'm like let me watch it be living color yeah for some inspiration because none of these kids know about this no and living color was i used to do that with key and peel and then end up just wanting to do the skit that i saw like oh [ __ ] i people might know that i got this from yeah i feel like you can get away when you pay homage to it when you're a little bit like okay i'm going to reference it kind of exactly shout out to kevin right it's when you steal it and don't tell them where you got it from is when they get pissy i named my characters pee and kid [Laughter] well [ __ ] man uh speaking of reruns of some of my favorite shows not this this will relate to what i'm about to bring up because um you know watching the fresh prince growing up watching hanging with mr cooper watching some of my favorite black sitcoms it was always refreshing to see an asian ass face pop on occasion and um this guest right here was the only one and one of the characters in the show uh on nickelodeon that i was talking about that you guys didn't know don't introduce it like that everybody watches avatar i just need you you acted like everybody knows the avatar okay i'm just a dork i really really like that for like everybody but i watched it like to be a dork it would have to be some obscure [ __ ] like i cried with uncle i wrote you know what i'm saying everyone does i see you don't think all the time because that's tick-tock this was before tiptoe oh my gosh all right so this man right here has been doing everything from from being the only dude on black sitcoms to being [ __ ] jake long american dragon to be in zuko to being rufio make some noise for dante bosco yeah i'd say that's one of the better intros somebody got you you gave a real yeah i really did a real ass intro with that what's up bro yo it's good to be here man what's going down thanks for stopping by of course man it's all love is always you know brothers for paramount we stick together you know what here's what a lot of y'all might not know uh as you may know me and rick wins a paramount high together if you're not familiar with paramount it is uh compton adjacent just north of long beach and i didn't know until years later that dante bosco is also a paramount highest alumni that would trip me out when when i first like of course when you started doing your songs early like uh it was like that was the asian song like first asian boy first asian boy and then you referenced me and then mad people hit me about it and then it was like dante 2.0 dante 2.0 and then when we found out that you went to paramount you from my old neighborhood i was like it made complete goddamn sense that is crazy yeah he lives in your old house shout out to dog pad shout out to dog fetch hilarious yeah i was i was just i just walk around dog patch and a roofio wig i don't know what it was like for you when i was there there wasn't a lot of asian cats in paramount it was like we filipinos so the you know the it's like paramount y'all knows like it's like mexican compton like compton is more black than mexican paramount it's more mexican than black paramount paramount high is like i do believe it's like 75 percent maybe even 80 percent mexican and what still is when we say mexican i'm not calling all latinos mexican it's literally mexicans yeah and uh yeah when i was going there it was uh a handful of asians it was maybe mexican then black and then sprinkles of asian and it was in the cambodians it was all the cambodians live right there and dog patch yes in dog pass you know that little restaurant cambodian village explain what dog patch is to nikki and anyone who doesn't know because i'm not from dog patch is a neighborhood uh just a small neighborhood like i would say off roads crayons and uh my frozen paramount like kind of by the elementary school and stuff like that it all saw a gang it was also a gang the two in my day the two big kind of gangs that ran the city was dog patch and east side paramount esp i don't know what it was when y'all were but and those guys always knew when the next fight was too it was crazy yeah and they scheduled it esp is my joke there hey but real quick now it's time to talk about one of my all-time favorite underdog success stories and that's movement sunglasses and watches mvmt all right founded on the belief that style shouldn't break the bank they've sold almost 2 million watches worldwide by bringing quality designs at fair prices personally now i chose a couple sexy ass designs i chose the eclipse watch which is poppin sleek and stylish and i also chose some uh frames a little tortoise shell i chose their arrival slim glasses that i'm gonna put some prescriptions in super sleek super classic super sexy and um movement watches are all about looking good while keeping it simple they don't tell you how many steps you've taken or blow your wrist up with text messages alright they're not overly intrusive on life with notifications text messages emails all that they tell time that's all you need like a classic timepiece should do and they look good all right movement watches start at just 95 you're looking at 400 dollars for the same quality from a traditional brand all right these are 95 you save like 300 you could you could buy three pairs of kicks with that money you saved okay movement has sold two million watches in over 160 countries and guess what just for y'all got a special deal okay get 15 off today with free shipping and free returns by going to mvmt.com no chaser okay movements launching new styles on their site all the time check out their latest at mvmt.com go to mvmt.com no chaser to join the movement all right free shipping and free returns um yes espanol i was like i have no idea what they're talking about there's alerts paramount was a was a very like it's cleaned up so much in the past even like five seconds it's hella different now yeah it was definitely a really like gang heavy uh area you know what i'm saying even like so much so like i feel like like 20 years ago it was like probably one of the most like gangy city yeah it was heavy it was heavy and we was all even you know being asian we was all you know went to content indoor we all was dickied out had like ben davis's flannels all that was like in the wardrobe that's your wardrobe like you if you ain't if you ain't dressing it like that in the 90s he wasn't even you can't even come to school yeah i was i was you know definitely one of the only asian dudes there when i was going there there was an asian tree uh okay the quad in the quad area is it where everybody is off to the side off the side and they weren't allowed in and i remember being one of you know my one of my first days there because i'd never been to a new school except when i when i went to paramount and it's my sophomore year and i i remember like i had i was going through a whole existential crisis bruh because i saw some of your throwback pictures that wasn't the crisis that was actually how i dressed but i liked that yeah the crisis was that i i was used to being class clown and [ __ ] at the school where i knew everybody right what was just what school was that this was in gardena's gardena valley christian school and then so when i switched schools and was going to paramount i was all of a sudden not comfortable so i was feeling shy again and i was going in my head like am i really this outgoing person or was that only because i was comfortable now that i'm in a new area am i actually shy am i actually not comfortable who am i right so then um and then i seen the asian tree because i was walking around [ __ ] lonely at lunch time first couple weeks of school and it was it was a asian dude he was saw he saw me and he was like sup and i was like oh oh sup so i sat there i ate lunch with at the agency for like a week or two and then but then i had another like existential question to myself and i was like am i just here because we're asian are we actually friends is this what i want to do and then i and then i ventured off from the agency and made some you know friends that we were just friends regardless of being friends right um but enough about me we didn't have asian tree in my day no oh would you like some tequila dante bosco hit me hit me what is this i'm seeing this very interesting bottle a little cobra on this bit there's some new [ __ ] it's called serpiente um i'm not even sure oh that's a healthy pores that's why i thought we're sipping i'm gonna sit we are i look like reposado too it is oh no no no this isn't the reposado i also i'm a fan usually of the rebel but this is um and it's like a an aged anejo yeah yeah yeah yeah like that too yeah yeah this is this shit's kind of ooh hits you a little ah i cheered you guys cheers to you sir time for paramount one time to parent once a poor little out for the homies as well so i wanted to you know i you know i lo i love um having a conversation with you bro because i had to wait for the reaction i was like what is it not bad it's smooth though yeah it's smooth and rough at the same time like like a like a like a ribbed condom ribbed ribs i thought it ripped i was like that's not what you want in your life kids um it feels better why does this feel so good because it's no longer on you dog [Laughter] and that's where babies come from oh okay okay so stop buying condoms because they give you babies um i remember the first time we met it was like i think we were what was that behind the scenes fm farce movement yeah invited us to it was that some event they put on um some i say that b.o.b was one of the headlines oh yeah yeah yeah yeah all right and we i didn't perform at that did i no we i was just there kicking it and you were also backstage and we had never met before right but i remember taking a picture and being like yo this is crazy because my whole come up on youtube [ __ ] will be like ain't you that dude from blood and bone you're right isn't this hey oh hey i i just saw my guy like a doppelganger i still look like michael jackson i still i still get that [ __ ] like out every now and then look at my twitter feed or my instagram feed someone would tag you as me or vice versa and i'm like and they're tagging me and [ __ ] where i'm like do you know this is a rerun of the first prince i was in sixth grade i was in fourth grade when this came out sir but it's like i mean and then granted like sometimes i'm like bro we don't look alike but sometimes i look at old pictures yeah yeah so it ain't full-on racist right like at least he looked like he could be in the fam exactly what i'm saying especially when we both have like you know like like a ball of fade yeah yeah but then you know someone just tagged me gonna say like john cho and you no no dog i don't look nothing like john cho shout out to john cho but i was like there ain't no resemblance a girl came up to me in line for this [ __ ] one time she was like oh my god oh my god youtube i was like yes she's like aj rafael can i please get a picture are you kidding me no no shade towards aj but we do not look alike um and so i i wanted to talk to you because it's dope because um with all the kids that hit me up saying that like thank you for repping for asian dudes and like showing me that like asian dudes can do entertainment and and you know repping for just asians in general um for for me seeing you did that for me you know what i'm saying well i'm like because growing up watching like the fresh prince watching hanging with mr cooper watching all these old shows it was like you know i always tell people the first time i ever saw an asian guy on the fresh prince was a nerdy character right that complimented carlton on his tux you know what i'm saying i remember thinking that's not that's the first time i've ever seen an asian guy on tv and he's a [ __ ] nerd and i'm like thinking like that's not me right but when i saw you i was like i can relate right there's a lot of people that's one of the things when i you know as you grow up and you see the next generation people come in or i speak at colleges a lot of asian clubs and whatnot they're like you're the first quote-unquote cool asian guy right now there wasn't a cool asian people that did [ __ ] but it was like as far as this new kind of a hip-hop asian guy and it kind of i don't think i set out to do that but i was just at that place in history and then i don't know [ __ ] popped off and then people start writing stuff and then they would be like we wrote it for you because we're like you're like the only asian hip-hop cat we ever met i even remember going to something like dance i was at a party like all these dancers right and all these you know asian dancers are like hip-hop yeah and they got the crazy like rufio hair different color and especially like old quest crew days old like how modern and then i guess it is all roofier hair now that you mentioned it yes they're like you're the dude you're the one you're like you're the guy that like started this whole [ __ ] and i'm like what the [ __ ] the one that's my [ __ ] yeah i'm saying i don't know you know you know how that [ __ ] pops off but i was kind of like the alternate you know the first kind of cat that wasn't playing into stereotypes you literally were yeah and uh see that's why you guys should have watched uh the last dragon bruce leroy there was three really cool asians yes yes you know who i'm doing yeah you're talking about what are you talking about it's funny oh [ __ ] really yeah i forgot the the little kid it's been so long since i seen the last dragon but i remember being a little kid and thinking um and even when you were on what's that movie with antoni banderas um take the lead take the lead i was like and i see you i was like i could do that and you can i know no i know and that's why i went after it because i saw you especially when i was like here's what's funny right when i because you know of course being asian we can play really young for a really long time yeah and so when i saw you um like when i was like okay okay he's playing this dude in high school right now but i was like he can't do that forever hell no i was 29 i think i was 20 i studied when that movie came yeah you were 30 playing in high school [Music] andrews who was like uh the bigger guy played monster in the movie who since passed away rest in peace big b um he went to dominguez hi oh [ __ ] so he's from the neighborhood right we're rivals and uh you know he was talking [ __ ] paramount dominguez and i was like when did your mom go to school because i thought it went to school with your mom that is funny so i remember being like if he's still playing high school kids i could play some high school yeah you got something i was getting old you got some time you got some time and people tripped out like you and other cats coming out you know interviews people asking like whoopty woo like what are you scared like these guys are coming up like this and that i'm like what was it to be scared about like you understand how things go is the next generation is supposed to do well supposed to do better than you we supposed to pave the way if we if they ain't trumping what we're doing then we ain't doing it right as a like just as a community i mean you got to pave the way so it's easier for the people coming afterwards to watch right and you know just supporting each other and seeing taking it you know like not that our hustle ever ends but it's like taking what we did like push it yeah i'm saying and then the world changed with social media and digital media and i've been i've been having a really great time seeing what you're doing aj doing um you know i didn't i did movies with kev jumbo and seeing what ryan higa all these guys doing next generation asian american content creators it's been it's been amazing asian dudes just started becoming a thing to put in movies like uh you know i feel like you were getting cast and [ __ ] when you know like like you said they were writing specifically for you or changing like and take the lead i was playing puerto rican right right like they they wrote it they wrote it for puerto rican they kept reported i was trying to wait you were still puerto rican yeah i had points if you watched the movie i got puerto rican flags on my shirt oh and so my thing was like i was like yo man i went to producers like hey the character's name is miguel ramos and miguel ramos you know you're filipino philippines i'm like that's filipino i got cousins and miguel like i got cousins ramoses yeah and they're like oh yeah that's cool but you're in new york and they're like we want you to be puerto rican wow crazy did you speak any spanish in the movie i did speak some yeah what the [ __ ] i need to rewatch that's the spanish in the movie and then i mean a [ __ ] uh antonio which i love antonina you know he's a spaniard and like filipino we are we're like the asian latinos right yeah it's in there yeah because he's like he's like filipina dante filipino you know filipino puerto rican mexican same thing oh my god oh no no not he he's like there's a little bit of me in you you're welcome we know it's the secret the dirty the dirty spanish secret like oh we all got raped and pillaged right right we didn't want to talk about it but since you want to bring it up but the latino side of us we perpetuate that [ __ ] cause every i don't care if you mexican filipino puerto rican like there's someone you'd be saying what are you this this uh spanish i mean i'm really spanish like [ __ ] same thing with asians they'll be like i'm this this and that but i'm really chinese you're like you ain't chinese you're cambodian stop saying that [ __ ] i was trying to tell we all kind of chinese if you asian but you ain't we all i mean we all got a little bit of you got a little chinese in you but you can't be like i'm cambodian and but really chinese not i mean the same way you think about it i uh i remember thinking like you know everyone always thought i was filipino growing up you look hella filipino i do i on occasion but i mean but ty and filipino we southeast asian we're close anyway yeah yeah yeah so i would always be like you know these like filipinos always want to claim every cool asian is filipino man and we do we are some claiming out it's so welcoming the filipino community is like you're this much come over here if you don't suck true you got to be bad i played in the filipino game there was like she's one of us right she's we take her if you're not good we're like nah dudes would even come up i remember i was at a party somewhere and the dude came up to me and said hey man hey timothy delgado filipino exactly don't get like with the o at the end of the the name the stage name for so many years you definitely was like that cat's filipino yeah yeah i mean you know and you know shout out to all the filipino fans because they definitely i think they really helped me early in my like the youtube years really because you know y'all go so hard for your people they're gonna ride we're gonna ride for y'all yeah so when they thought i was filipino they was going hard for me you know what i'm saying what about the ties though you like you are the thai dude i am the only one really pretty much uh and but they but but i still feel like a lot of people don't even know that i'm thai but i think out of all the like asians filipinos ride so hard of when they know that someone's filipino or and then maybe like koreans after that go hard they run everything um so i was gonna ask you because i got a bunch of questions here okay from patreon we got some exclusive dante bosco questions that i'm just gonna look up here [Laughter] how's that tequila by the way good actually it's going still got a little caramel kind of little caramel flavor at the end of it there's nice um are you uh do you do you are you a drinker um i like to drink you know i like to you know not nothing too crazy about drink yeah you just sip on a cage sip i like to kill my tequila guy most of the time when's the last time you're in the philippines bro uh actually i flew right before the kovic locked us down i flew in from asia i was doing meetings in the philippines in vietnam and uh in jakarta indonesia so you know we've been doing me and uh you know ron hi i'm ron yeah well i've been keeping my partner's company called the machine and we've been producing films uh we don't you know we're trying to tackle slate i just finished my film i directed call fabulous filipino brothers that got produced out of the philippines word yeah so i was there handling business there uh we had to change our plans up because as soon as we saw trump was locking down borders like we're gonna get back today today me and uh me and rick have only been in the philippines once yeah we gotta go back yeah we all go back together well you were supposed to write us into that movie i know what that means there was a road i was trying to get tim you know tim get kinda crazy uh we i had joe from uh what do you call from just kidding news he he kills it in the movie was that supposed to be my part whoa i wanted you to play that part why can't i do it what happened i thought i've reached out to you i don't kind of came last night i don't know it was a bad timing thing did joe tell you that but joe killed it joe killed it thanks for watching today's vlog you'll see but joe came make sure you unfollowed downtown i wrote some crazy character and then joe came in and was like can i do it with a vietnamese accent oh he loves that [ __ ] i said joe you you're japanese he goes yep i feel asians could play other asians if you do it right yeah i agree and i was like okay but then he killed it i was like this and one of the other girls in his little crew was it is uh viet and she was like this mo she starts speaking him in vietnamese and [ __ ] his vietnamese accent is always really funny it's pretty funny so i can't i can't wait for you to see that [ __ ] though it's crazy we were supposed to do what's up with that uh we still got it all right all right all right it's in the mix um okay so we got a question for you right here from eduardo calling nieto from patreon he says much love i always wondered with you doing so many voices for characters throughout your career have you ever had a time where you were in bed have you ever been a time when you were in bed with a girl and you used one of your character's voice or did you ever have a girl actually patreon is this [ __ ] yeah the best exactly what they're paying for or answer the question or did you ever have a girl ask you if you could do it mid through wow what a reality is like i'm you know because i came into voice acting from screen so i go back and forth from screen acting to voice acting i'm really if you watch all my [ __ ] i'm really just doing my i'm just acting it's just your voice it's just my voice yeah so even when i do comic con people like do the voice do the voice and i'm like i'm like i've been talking to you for five minutes but when they say like what line you want me to say and i say a line that they like then they're just like their eyes pop and [ __ ] but uh it's weird i've had some crazy enum scent i was like when i was telling nikki about hawaii i hooked up with a girl in hawaii and she just you know you know you know whatever some things are popping off and then in the middle of situation she was like i've been in love with you since i was 15. oh and i'm like you're like wait how old are you now i know you're like i'm in trouble huh this is this is like deep rooted now i'm getting all nervous i don't think i can perform right now she was like so they never ask you like like fire bend that dick that's that's role playing to another level damn i haven't been there yet but you know [ __ ] i gotta get my girl right now and even watch the show yet i gotta get her involved so she can like start getting getting involved in a role play oh she'll be like call me your roofie ho no you don't drink do you want one i'm chillin i'm good there is yo people like there is a generation of of of girls and i guess guys that come out to tell me like rufio for the generous group in the 90s like that was their first crush right so like their sexual awakening or whatever which is interest weird right and my ex girl was at a party and some girls like talking she's like i just rewind and pause on the certain parts of the movie and like masturbate and [ __ ] damn and she was like why the [ __ ] are you telling me this [ __ ] did you want me to fight you now or that's weird i like it it's a weird thing has have you met anybody that said that they were in love with you or one of your characters and then they looked at you and said well it was then not anymore but i used to like you back then they said they want you preface that you got to preface that early so it does become a weird conversation or here's a double up you're gross now but back in the day here's what's dope about if someone's a big ruffio fan right you could take a girl out to eat and be like all right girl you got your imaginary chicken oh man oh this is so good you just gotta believe it oh man thank you after some fake food dinner oh roofie hoe that's a great um halloween costume for girls [Music] maybe i'll work that into a sketch too something like that all right all right all right um okay we got another question i got three costumes all right all right so uh shel shell flakes shelley flakes um asks if you had to choose uh nilaga or sinagang do you prepare differently or for voice acting but wait what oh these are two separate questions okay if i gotta choose your glasses what you gonna eat before you go synagogue is a filipino soup yeah which is uh which i love what was the first one was the first one i don't think you pronounced that [ __ ] right now i don't know how else pronounced it it's n-i-l-a-g-a n-i-l-a i don't even know what that one is actually so i mean synagogue i mean i'm in synagogue for sure santa gank all right do you prefer differently do you prefer voice acting versus a regular role no i think it's both i mean as far as acting goes really you know it's like i'm actually doing the same performance whether it's a camera capturing the performance or the voice i mean there's certain techniques you do differently but you're doing the same work character work you're trying to be in the moment trying to be honest and with the character and trying to have a scene with people so really as as a as a on the actor side of thing and even as a director or producer it's less about the role it's like you want to be a part of a great story right and we're always looking for great stories i mean y'all or you just want to get paid like you get paid we get paid you're doing a gig and you like the people let's do the gig i'm here to support it's cool but then if you really want to get involved in something it's more about like can we be a part of those great stories because you think about stories you like can we be a part of star wars or harry potter or what like these great stories and you're looking we're always looking for those kind of projects man voice acting is so hard to get into bro like it's high key kind of like a little like small secret society kind of yeah it's a little bit i i like tripped into it i don't even know what i was doing and then all of a sudden people are like you're in the clique i was on a boat so i was on this boat my boy kevin michael richardson he's like he's he's like on the cleveland show he plays ever he's like one of the biggest voice actors in town and he was turning 50 i think and so he had rented this big boat and had all the voice actors on like if this boat sank it'd be you're talking like spongebob was on there you talking about like mark hamill the joker was on there like like everybody all the every every the top whatever the guys that do probably eighty-five percent of all voice acting like we're on this [ __ ] boat and i was like how'd i get into this [ __ ] party because you got some iconic voice characters dog yeah and and it's weird because i'm not a quote-unquote voice over actor right from the job said you're just doing your voice i'm doing my voice but they're just like you know even the great voice actors do a bunch of voices like man but your voice is yeah important for that character like you know it's just like a movie like some actors you know you say you know some people cap on like tom cruise like he's always tom cruise but like that's what he does yeah there could be other actors it might be hard for him to do a character that's not that like saving the world like we only see him in that realm whereas there's other characters character actors that do all kinds of stuff which is really hard to do but to see them do that character we might not really buy it not buy it it's just not may not be as successful for him so you know nikki is a huge avatar fan i was hearing that i am what what what what uh element do you rap i like toff so i thought toff was one of the dopest characters and then i i even got into uh when the next season of katara you know korra and qatar and like every that whole thing i liked avatar the first one the best but talk but top transitioning into the next season was dope i i just think that she's one of the best characters she's ever written she's so well-rounded and the fact that she should shout out to earth yeah and the fact that she developed and invented metal bending yeah she's we just watched that episode recently uh this week because uh you know what was crazy is this [ __ ] came back on netflix out of nowhere i mean we knew it was coming whatever and then when it went on netflix it was number one on netflix it was like what the hell is going on so i got the crew together the gang and we've been watching um just watching episodes online just kind of like hanging out once a week watching two episodes online uh and raising money on twitch live streaming with the fan so it's every friday on my my twitch channel honor society and uh we've raised like damn near 25 grand right now for coving damn that's dope but toff you know grown up top is on the show with us nearly every week and we hang out get like everyone just share memories and yeah and we have drinking games like every time people say certain lines or whatnot we just we just get turned up on friday afternoon but what squad do you rep nikki what squad you repping the earth kingdom or what i'm probably more water i knew he's gonna say this i have more water more water yeah i'm a fish you like that water been a little little healing a little healing a little bit of that so how about harmony how have you felt with so tick-tock because when it started trending on netflix tick-tock took over crazy right is that your voice or is that somebody else doing the voice of you as you singing to uh may right yeah well all he's just like and then start talking about like uh water bending katara like y'all hooking up yeah it's like this tick tock video yeah dude i can't think of his name at the moment but i thought it was you because it was he is like a filipino dude who's a rapper who sounds his voice sounds like i don't know if it's in the jeans oh and then i mean the tick tock i was like you know did you how long it take to get on tick-tock because at first i was like i ain't [ __ ] with tick-tock it's all a little hesitant but i mean you know you can't help but sink into the no get hypnotized by this [ __ ] and then i did that reaction video and then my tick tock went crazy and they and people were like coming at me like sexualizing children like that's not me i'm watching someone else rap this [ __ ] damn it's not that bad like no tick tock took over as soon if you and that's the best part about tick tock is if you're interested in something you're gonna find that world so when i was re-watching avatar you could go through all of the fan art and the scenarios and the other stories and you find out about the books and then they do a lot of comparisons and i really yeah i really liked what they did with that well on the same token here we have a question from shabazz benu who asks amongst other questions why do you think cora gets so much hate i don't know i mean i came back and and voiced my grandson general hour the second in cora which was funny when you're watching it don't look at you're going like this it's the same voice you just look hella different why is he you walked out damn it dante show us some rings and they're like a little higher a little lower a little bit like can we get right right there if you're listening to this close your eyes and you can see all the characters that's my just target regularly i thought i was going to do some no the same the same all right so exactly but they knew because as soon as my voice came out on the new show like like twitter about the twitter blew up like yeah and i said like one line like in the episode like i'll be there right we're like oh [ __ ] he's back um but i don't know why he gets a lot of hate i think people are in love i think the first one is so perfect in its own way gang was just amazing yeah cora is aggressive and very emotional but you know i i love mike and brian are the creators of the show for like progressing the story like they could have easily done like spin-offs of things and stayed in that little world but they kind of you know they ramped up stuff with blood bending they ramped up technology in the world insane you know they they tackled crazy issues that i mean cora ends up being you know a lesbian by the end of the show it can like they did [ __ ] that was like [Music] oh yeah sorry spoiler alert no spoilers this shit's over 10 years old let me ask you something why do you think the the the show runners pulled out of the live-action netflix version i don't know i can't speak for them it does bum me out a little bit because uh you know because i really respect them look what they did with with avatar and um and they're really amazing guys and they're very respectful of the culture and they i mean these dudes were training martial arts and tai chi they had the guys coming in casting they i had a meeting with them they wanted to get me involved to um to consult for the show because they wanted to do it right they wanted you know like you're one of the major voices in the asian media community and of course the family of avatar and it's like we're going to do this the ideas they had that like we want you to be involved to to make sure we do this right and i was like also to help take the blame when it gets all [ __ ] up oh man but uh so them falling out is a little bit worrisome to me i can lie but you know we'll see i still got faith in netflix and what they're doing i feel like a lot of people loved it so much and then they brought cora to netflix because it was originally on amazon yeah and if you were watching you're trying to find it you were struggling because nobody wanted to pay for amazon prime but had to go over there then they moved everything to netflix and people fell in love with it yeah i was going to audition for that live-action netflix one and then i hit my agent i was like what's good with it and they were like they are exclusively auditioning teenagers for it because they want to keep it like i knew i was young i had that feeling i had that feeling because people asked me about that and a lot of my friends in the industry i'm like i think stranger things really changed the game up because when you have real kids doing stuff it you can't fake it it's a different it's a different tone it's not like greece remember greece yeah of course or even like [ __ ] in the world i know when i graduated high school i thought i was gonna be john travolta in greece and they're like damn that i feel so small or even like watching like dawson's creek how old were they on saved by the bell they they they were young were they younger because they they started an elementary school on a show called which i auditioned for called good morning miss bliss you auditioned for good morning miss bliss yeah i was just watching uh behind the music you know behind the whatever saved by the bell on youtube randomly and uh the original version of save by the bell is good morning miss bliss it was uh the only like there was no slater there was no uh jessie there was no uh i know i auditioned for screech i remember holy [ __ ] really yeah yeah that could have took you down a whole other career a whole different thing and i know dustin i've hung out with that dude over the years you know i i've been around the industry for 35 years so there's not there's not within those age ranges like there's like i probably auditioned for almost all i mean that's how actors are it's like right we auditioned for all that stuff or no you guys are been there i lean literally every netflix thing that pops up with king bats in it i'm like auditioning to be in that batch is everywhere he's everywhere and he's doing great dudes everywhere yeah he's killing [ __ ] i um and you know and shout out to batch for um you know batch has never been a dude that like uh like made it and was like too cool you know what i'm saying batch is always like cool as hell and like um and going back to what you said about being the only asian [ __ ] i mean i talked about this uh uh before but you know when he hit me up to be in that drake video he was like i saw that recently that she was dope thank you and he was like you know i just i needed a diverse crew and i'm like well thanks for thinking me of the token agent he's like who else is there really you know and i was like well yeah this is right yeah you you you going it is 2.0 you really taking the torch and keep going with it you know what i'm saying i should have just called myself timothy bosco no bashkin i'm really impressed with you guys because i i saw you guys including batch like early in the game like maker days parties and whatnot and seeing y'all progress because none of us knew what's going on you got the inkling what's going on we had all we've always had conversations about social media and digital media where shit's going yeah and you guys are the generation that are creating it as it goes yeah which is crazy and now there's new guy you guys are like the vets like aj too like y'all are the vets and like now there's a whole new group of tick talkers and a whole new thing coming up i look at the tick tocks i'm like these [ __ ] kids man they don't know what they're doing they're gonna have to learn other platforms so much quicker it's wild it's crazy you know it's always funny what cracks me up is every once in a while you'll see viners tweeting about like man back when we started and and we're on vine right now it's like bro the vine how many three the vine joint with refined street divine oh yeah man so you're on twitch you said right yeah i'm on yeah i'm on ig and twitch and everything i'm on everything how are you liking being on another platform like a streaming platform and doing what you're doing uh as far as uh well twitch was well i i don't know you keep diversifying one of my guys in my click justin he's like a real gamer and he's like you got to come and do twitch stuff and i was like uh then i'm doing some project with another friend of mine brett claywell who was who got me into gaming and was doing production for twitch early in the game and uh just little by little just kind of like i'm down i'm game for that check things out we started pitching shows about video games and so little by little you it's another avenue you kind of get into i like the live stream in place a because it's it's really a unique engagement in real time it's also great for the workflow because there's no you know there's no editing which you know as content crews like that that's the biggest you know diverging you from going doing you more youtube videos is the hours and hours of editing time which once you get the right editor or you have that time to do it's real dope but yeah it's great to do twitch and be like we did the stream we're out let me ask you uh are are you like really like if you go to the philippines are you like michael jackson out there no no i'm like um well i'm like the phil am like the filipino american i'm like i got like that respect from the community as like you're the only filipino that really made it happen in hollywood right you know uh which makes which is cool and there's a lot of people that are fans out there of avatar and other things um but as far as for business it's good because it opens a lot of doors you know they have a little faith in the some of the things we're pitching uh subs that kind of stuff do you feel that more more parts have opened up now um i mean so how is it now compared to before it's it's night and day right i mean i told you half my half of my roles were latino roles yeah or even rufio was like the reality is back when i was coming up i got to i got to la from the bay in they didn't know what a filipino was a and then being asian there was just no asians and i mean to a degree this rule still stands like in order to scale in this industry i actually had to go beat white guys out of white rolls yeah or beat black guys out of black rolls period um now there's asian rules which is beautiful but also in order to transcend sometimes you're gonna have to either beat these guys out of roles that weren't written for you quote unquote asian because those are the roles that are like just the roles yeah i almost would rather get a part that wasn't like this is gonna be an asian part you know what i'm saying because i just i wanna play a regular person have you have you guys seen ratchet on netflix yes um well well the doctor in the show is from the philippines oh girl and so to even hear you my mom's on the truck yeah my mom plays john giambrionis's mother really on the show yeah but it was interesting too and it's sad that you'll take the little moments that you can get that when they actually said he came from the philippines and i was like oh my goodness they actually said he is filipino he is filipino and his character is filipino yes which is nice to see and you just take those moments and you go okay we're moving forward i have not seen the show yet but my mom is on the show i got it's all on my it's all my family chat group on my channel that's definitely good yeah you were watching the other day um that's the beauty of now you know the push for diversity it's like i'm i'm definitely not mad at the fact that like you know my agent told me she's like hey man now's a good time everyone wants to be diverse she just she just sent me she's like hey audition for this part um and the character's name was el perro and i'm like i feel like this isn't like a world [Laughter] not me i remember going in for like uh i like the first do they saw the for the for drumline i'm there with the directors and producers i walk in i just read the script tonight before i'm like that character going to a black college yes for the nick cannon character for the nick cannon character yes and i'm like because i mean i'm known throughout the black community like you're dope like you're doing and like i don't know what you guys are i don't know what you guys are doing did you you know that i'm not black like i mean it would have been a whole different movie there's a lot of things you can change you you can't change the character yeah but there's things like that that happen but the reality for you now tim is like we're at the highest profile as asians in america as far as like pop culture and media goes we're the highest profile we've ever been in in america since the history of america it's ever yeah since ever like we are i mean it just happened too within the last five years no i know and so that's great for you for me for all of us it's great for us and it's great that the things that generations my generation generates before us have done to kind of get us here but the reality is like we got to keep going and we and take notes from the african-american community take notes from the latino community and we've you know we've been in so many meetings within the asian community talking about this going look man i was around when you know the latinx explosion happened in in quote-unquote hollywood and the stars are going to happen those jlo's are going to be there they're going to be mark anthony's is going to be ricky martin's but the reality is you know the george lopez show is going to get cancelled fresh off the boat got cancelled right if we don't control what we're doing i mean if you look at where latino you know american like media is is not any i mean asians kind of surpass in the moment right now whereas african-american they kind of created their own thing going on have control of a lot of stuff and we got to take notes of both sides and support each other yeah there's there's no asian e.t yeah we kind of need something right asian e.t there's no latino ichi there's telemundo but it's not real but that's not but yeah young there is i remember one time man i texted you because i randomly was in my car and i was thinking i was like and i texted him and i was like bro you made out with ashley banks yeah yeah yeah sent us a random text every now and then like yo how was it bro to have a makeout scene with tatiana ali oh my god that was dope shout out to tatiana and yeah because i played her boyfriend on on freshman fresh prince and then she played my girlfriend faking the phone yeah yeah and uh it was it was i mean i mean top and you gotta understand like at that time i that was our generation a young hollywood right so we all partied together we all went to clubs together underage at that time she was dating an actor named jonathan brandis who passed away um and he was you know a lot of people know him from like ladybugs or like he was like a 90s pop you know pop whatever tiger be he was a and he's a good friend so but we were we ran the click like our generation like young hollywood like picture this like tatiana and um but like lil dicaprio and toby and that click was a part of it and like all the kids from like a lot of kids like mario lopez and like we all kind of ran all in the same circles with these clubs not everybody's 21 there were certain clubs that would like let us in right and we all kind of parted together and so when we worked together i remember we're at bar one when i did her show she like tapped me on the shoulder at the club and i don't think none of us was 21 she was like you're playing my boyfriend this i heard the next week and i'm like oh cool and by the time we were doing the movie we were pretty good friends and you was like yogi i don't think [Laughter] although when when we did faking the [ __ ] and i did the kissing scene and me and brandis are boys we partied so many nights together but he you know he's scorpio he looked crazy he was like he showed up he wasn't on the set at all but the day i had to kiss her all of a sudden all of a sudden he behind the monitor watching and [ __ ] being like real serious we did the make out scene and he was like dante did you use your tongue i was like damn brandeis i was like damn brandes you owe me one you owe me one that's dope wait so let me real quick uh just out of curiosity when you auditioned so did you have to audition for that random ass fresh prince episode that one i don't think i auditioned for because i think i don't remember if i did or not because i i was doing hanger miss cooper and it was the same producers and so they kind of like brought me on to do that sometimes i think that that happens especially when the same producers happen right right i remember when i did when i was on militia because i did militia for like a season when she went to the white school and i was like well us me and us were like he was like the black dude and i was the asian dude like the hip dudes at the white school yeah i auditioned for one of the white characters and when i walked in i was like do you want me to do it as it was written or do you and i was just like you want me just do it like dante style and they was cracking up the producers and they was like oh well do a dante style right and then i did me and then uh and then i they said let's try it try it the regular way and i did that by the way then they end up giving to a white guy and i was like okay and then they were like hold up we wrote a character for you oh word named marco that's amazing and then marco had his cash line like yo we gonna rock this marco style like they literally oh because of what you said yeah they literally wrote me into the show and so uh doing that well that is you want me to do this dante style no i mean the thing is you are doing your style and that's what that's what the uniqueness of you and what's going on and when i talk to young artists especially young actors it's like the deal is whether you're white black asian latino other like you're not supposed to make in this town you're just not like the reality is you would you would 10 million to one shot period so don't sweat don't sweat the game like just go and do your thing but the reality is if you got that courage to actually show yourself your own that's your only shot that's your only shot that you don't even get a lottery ticket until you we can see who you actually are and and that's what you kind of been able to do in the industry and create that's how you create branding of you and not some [ __ ] that you did you know that's beautiful bro yeah what are you working on now uh i mean you know i've been jumping to the other side of the camera so i just directed my first film called fabulous filipino brothers that was jacob my brother darian and we shot in the bay area pittsburgh california where i'm from and manila and so we've been heavy in on that and then uh just so many things i'm like producing writing you know i just wrote some new poems for a book a compilation coming out i wrote my book my own memoirs book from roofio to zuko and i toured right before kova hit i was touring with barnes and noble and i'll go back on the road when that's done and i'm writing some new stuff and there's like more i don't know i just did i just completed another animation series but i don't you know you never know where things are right now in coving it's just i feel like i'm a lifer you know i'm 35 years in the industry and people are like what's up what are you doing like yo it's like you just keep hustling every day doing bro we're just doing it but um but yeah keep working on right now my main focus is like figuring out where this is gonna land and then we got some other you know as you know we have some other projects that's a project that i have with you in mind that we're pitching another film some tv shows we're pitching so just keep keeps going hey man i'm glad you're here bro i'm glad you still working hey i'm doing my best and i was gonna say uh [ __ ] i was gonna say something and i i remembered it and i forgot it okay well i would say this while you try to remember i said roofie ho not roofied ho i just want to be clear get that clean rubio don't root it at home yeah don't rule that ain't leaving that's not a good concept that's not good you gotta jail mr cosby well [ __ ] man um you know thanks for stopping by man thank you for your kind words of course you know like i appreciate everything you've done in the industry and for asian people and for asian dudes like i said you know i really feel like um i really feel like seeing you on tv was a big motivator for me growing up and coming up and doing what what i was doing or trying to do so i appreciate you man and what you've done we continue can't stop won't stop we we continue like us us you know yeah and uh you know i'm always rooting for you man there's some [ __ ] you know you're gonna hire me one day be like tim come on knock knock knock oh that's what i was gonna say when i put you in that sketch that family fused that i saw that recently again that [ __ ] was hilarious bro so i remember because i made you say like something about this dick yeah and all my comments were like oh my god did did rufio just talk about his dick oh my god my my childhood i know that's there's somebody watching that on repeat we did that and then someone had reposted it on twitter some [ __ ] and i was like did we do that [ __ ] yeah rick up here with the ball the ball cap on it's real now and you know i did work with steve harvey you did it and steve hart you did oh you did you did great steve harvey you did a great steve harvey um where can they find you bro yo just at dante bosco on damn near everything except for tick tock it's at rufio zuko i can't talk lately someone stole my name but ruffia zuko is like cool you know i sometimes actors i feel like all the kids get the cool names and then you just trying to be legit like i'm just kidding my name you just feel like old and like not like i'm professional i got my name yeah exactly i got old this year and flipped it and now i'm using my government [ __ ] i know you use your government ship how do you feel about that you feel like grown on your [ __ ] i do i do because not gonna lie even though timothy de la ghetto was such a huge part of my brand there were moments where i would be like introducing myself for like meetings or auditions like somebody uh de la ghetto yeah a little flight ah yeah and now i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm chomped the wrong the butterfly all right y'all thank you for listening to the no chaser podcast i'm tim chattaronz i'm ricky i'm nikki blades bye later
Channel: Tim Chantarangsu
Views: 124,292
Rating: 4.9646091 out of 5
Keywords: no chaser podcast, timothy delaghetto podcast, avatar, rufio, prince zuko, being the first cool asian, 90s sitcoms, ricky shucks, nikki blades, crazy stories, early stages of fame, childhood stars, child stars
Id: Hgq915ZwiCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 25sec (3265 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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