Daniel Kolenda | Todd White | fire 16 | Schweiz

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[Music] Huna bar it's great to praise the Lord it is cause out [Music] thank you thank you thank hours we are blessed to be in the presence of God is it you seek that indicating about the time design and this is a very important moment that isn't gonna switch moment what's gonna happen here now in the next hour hour and a half I'm not sure how long mercy and n exist under an a-type stone Perseid is the power of God is going to come right down here upon you and everything that's been happening has been in preparation for what will take place right now Alice was busy opposite is Fatah find a phobic item amen amen now I'm asking you to go back to your seats be toys blood soon and then I'm going to introduce our speaker then very soon some special force then as our hearts are fully prepared to receive absence in full for by deeds and fun amen amen amen amen that's wonderful men this is wunderbar we are ready yes impolite in Jesus name in his own Amon amen amen amen amen now it's my great privilege as if my dance course is full HDS introduce our speaker to you on sense pleasure for to stand actually he's not alone today everybody is here in this meeting jelena here heeda is here but he will tell you more of what will happen next about every day Miyazaki must light pasión wit the man who's coming now to share the gift that God has placed upon his heart dust tear Monday it's convict Terrence it was mid gambit from the mascot enough hot skillet at is a god a man that is truly appointed by God for this time and money evicted from God for desert site I was a Valdez he is the successor in Christ for all nations to evangelist Reinhardt Bonnke Eastern Africa by Christopher Alan at Yongsan evangelist a bunker over the years he has been mentored by Reinhardt Bonnke but he out of whatever glided for nine her banker but even more important than that above estiga as does the Holy Spirit has placed his finger upon this man for leadership of this ministry the highly guys have time finger of this mongolic 15th to lighten we have a saying in Christ for all nations we have the slightly by Custis Lee Reinhard Bonnke has always said it on and upon cohutta's lemagas act on that Buddhism swore that when it comes to leadership in ministry than it does Venice own light and shaft in Deansgate the anointed must be appointed or you will be disappointed Jane dear from highly Geist a few hours a veil is taken self-esteem Moosman Amon I'm an immense on that money toys and we as a team are witnesses of what the Holy Spirit has done yes enjoyed from Dimas they're highly guys docket on hat and I can tell you that for the past nine eight nine years Ogden lit knowing your Arkham this man has led the ministry and is the prayer has been and is the president of Christ for all nations among decent Incheon gal I didn't instead of president from Christopher Alan hatsune preaching all the Christ for all nations Crusades worldwide in and evangelist at zones for Alan's very white capri ditched and we rejoiced to see the hand of God and the power of God working on him and through him obvious in PKS tattoos NVIDIA hand code is in even do it in worked now I don't want to say too much and embarrass him it's amazing it's nice to feel shocked many bluestem but to give you an indication of what God is doing right now in this ministry through this man about and invites to keep with us but the her Jewish annoyed in his moment truth I can tell you that in the last eight years in meetings Christ relations meetings preached only by him you can exact internet jargon inferential Mundi move on my parish work we have countered over eighteen and a half million people who have received Jesus Christ this house magazine but I think I'm a fool million in mention Jesus uncommon hallelujah wonderful this is tuned up irori to God first time I'm talking about none other display key manaman under them then evangelist Daniel kolenda coming hide you're so welcome down with so we'll come come on put your hands together for Jesus keep yes a signing up Laos law we love you have eleven days we worship you we glorify you Deshawn on V Aaron T and man amen thank you so much you may be seated like a lion are you blessed taking it is your microphone working I hope so yes the Lord's I tell you what I can see that you are ready to receive so each saying your site but items from fallen in fact I think many of you came here already yesterday ready to receive when I can be pardoned shown Sophie if annoys guests an appetite from some funk and that moment has arrived but yet Eastern moment here in a few minutes we're gonna have a fire tunnel right here in the front of this room in vain again Minuten met me here for name is Mariah and for eternal muffin many of you will find a spot here on this carpet where your life will be changed and feel if a noise Phaeton here and in plot soft isn't happy finding for time labels he can the tops and many of you will receive something far beyond what you even understand when feel for noise baton at bus and fallen the survived to but I see now escape was two hits for stayin on fasting counts I was a part of a revival in the 90s each part eyeliner a vacuum in the 9cp Aden and for years we saw how the Spirit of God touched literally millions of people on Ferrand Yaron happen via me Talib there for me the high legalized push there be whom the bed and I remember the testimony of a pastor who had visited to see what was going on when he attained the remission and psychokinesis phone an imposter dead DC saw people being touched he saw me people being filled with the Holy Spirit and contemn Italy ameloid to be really feel toward meet him Heineken guy but nothing was happening to him a beneath hudsmith in Catan and so it was over he went back to his home church soaking its root in a house in tiny high much combined he stood there on Sunday morning understand toss on that Morgan and he said well I visited the revival that sells they loiter carpe diem a compass I had hands laid upon me near wouldn't be handout collect and nothing happened up neatly and when he said those words nothing happened all said he said what they ask you suddenly the power of God fell on his congregation let's lease come to cut off people started gun sales and laughing and shaking and falling on the ground and shootin won't feeling off the ball because you see what he didn't understand by must emit first encounter was that your spirit is able to receive more than your flesh but us there guys from getting from a mayor and famine coming fast and canastas flies and you may not even understand how much you are absorbing spiritually this this weekend on - for today's Flash snitch that mouthy feel do from these are guys to you not most fair and house socks when I tell you what I believe is gonna happen up at each Club and debuff you are gonna go home from this place who is from here in the house again and everywhere you go you're gonna see the manifestation of what Jesus has done in your life you're the biggest reacts to the manifestation that's hiding guys this touch time Laban saying on the label amen amen some of you just need to receive that by faith with the INA given noise they design for total opening famine maybe you don't feel very spiritual if you like feel sudeesh garlic so guys click to buy it doesn't matter how you feel the speak and they're all happy to defuse the dryer a piece of wood is the quicker it burns yet drawn a mare and holds the drokken is emotionally faint as for you I don't care how dry you feel right now so it's cream admit me vitro can do defense do you are combustible for the Spirit of God do based and finger food and guys got us yeah and you will see that in a few moments two vistas in Anakin moment insane on the label I see a lot of times in conferences people gauge the conference by different by different standards when they say dance often in conference and thus Deloitte a4 sheet in a master but unvented visa any conference by that term usually they gauge the success of a conference by how many people came my stance Pevensie any conference torch the unsalted lied to the common or they gauge the success of a conference by how excited people get all the super madness we because to Deloitte on the conference of Orton that I'll tell you the gauge of the success of this fire conference ISA coach then mass top-50 set for your confidence it's what happens when you leave this place and via the sign the specificity comes when you go back to your home men dude the house you go back to your church and to the house against you fire job I'm dining our minds go back to your family when 290 Familia Tudor that's what this is about whom the skate is here we need more than good services it's Benedict Merrill scoot the goddess we need to begin to walk out the authenticity of the gospel every here Valen the out entity dead this if I'm gay Liam's hate and talk house labor and this is the key to walking out the gospel like Jesus walked it out there's little demon does if I'm gay lumen I'll sleep tses escaped are you ready be stupid right you want to know the key Vasudha loosely cannon lemon it's very simple ganz einfach it's the outpouring of the holy spirit assistant thus house keys in this highly congestus you know I feel his presence even right now as I missed its beauty of many here stare shown the gay converter silac and guys does so much of the church has forgotten the holy spirit and so feeling in their care chain the command to help then Heineken guys forgetting in fact in many places he has been banned from his own church unfeeling Orton boudin so car house cash loss in Houston kitchen Givaudan Houston reminded many people are ashamed of him and feel annoyed the shaman's ISA God making even they're ashamed of the messiness that happens see shame and see you not indeed a sheet can I tell you something if you want predictable Church as usual that figure yet osakan then do so for a house baratheon para que mind every normal hopin make something tame done did it was neither get something controlled it was does see control ear unless something sanitized it justice oh good see unfilled then you don't want the Holy Spirit to move Don make this tunic dusted highly guys because when the Holy Spirit moves things get wild valve in air begins to beer can done via tohsaka built things get messy Safran Phaeton armed and often test and I tell you why that is when Connie how shocking this mess huh because when the Holy Spirit begins to move I mean the heilige guys begins even deal with real people's lives samba gate that so are by to meet an array all and live information it's it's no longer just a show as he sneak behind for any good the show now he's going deep inside and he's working on the inside of you it's get the tv9 are abided in dynam he's uprooting things that need to be uprooted and and word something a DC da Indian Head ski for tears establishing things that need to be built under sets nor yet in a house owned by out the ousted anguera tried air are darling with your rebellion err get um meet an arepa he's filling you with love for God and for the world with that filthy Schmidt the leaper who made God 57 it's real or the sea state oh sorry Alice it's wrong it's just how it was comes rose it's something that we call Christianity and that is it pastas mum Chris and some in this room are going to experience it for the first time in time again this brown bear because it's really maybe you've been going to church all your life and you say what is this I don't understand feel like things to Sean Penn countless Lebanon decay mind onto frocks yet vast gate welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven manly Bryant lost me steer sock and will common in clinic life quarters amen amen now here's what's about to happen on Falcon the Smith machine we're not gonna have another preach before we pray we vet nicked and bite that I pray to happen before it be written the truth is that you've already heard enough sermons you could go change the world with all them divine option so Fela Kuti pretty can be hurt it can't be you know the elder a sermon a promise not invited you don't need three more points in a poem you Bluff mission of try by three punked a owned by clients you need is an encounter but stupid narrative this tiny Peggy genome and so this is what I'm gonna do on Falk in this message tune in just a moment I'm gonna ask Todd white to come and to share just a testimony with you about his experience with the power of the Holy Spirit he smashed invading a moment Todd white and Laden and psychic miss Middle East to Thailand thus Aaron lived this is just to whet your appetite and does this type of God to whom dining Appetit so Vic just to prime the pump and get it ready and ein bisschen the pump a answer hides him I'm going to share a couple scriptures with you after he's finished it's better I Nica could such a digitally retouched Island Reverend responses gonna come in medical conference Reverend Russ pens on Viet it was me Thailand and then we're going to pray on Tom Bearden via baton this is what I want you to do you hear what's happening on phalguna smash DeCosta Tuesday and aim to the soonest I want you to allow hunger to stir on the inside it makes it a suti selves elapsed thus hunger in dynami hats no feel because the Bible says that God is not a respecter person the people sock does a neat the person for now straight for anything he would do for Todd white he will do for you so on the palace of us if you taught white to doesn't he let out fifty anything he would do for Daniel kolenda he will do for you Alice was a phenomenal Colin the truth does be let out of me tea time anything he would do for Peter Vandenberg or Russell Benson he will do for you Alice possum repeat the fountain bear go to me the Russell Ben's to test out my dear tune okay okay are you ready to claim that be stupid right and Dustin Fallon okay at this time I'm gonna ask Todd white to come yet semester scan it Todd white my phone I don't know who has the more colorful shirt peter van in burgers away if I sneaked via toss Farben fro a shirt on hot taught white or the Peter Vandenberg come on touch your heart with the company's highly tiny hats me don't see all right I love this leave with us I want to share with you what happened to me he makes that say Elmer Smith me agita so when I when I came out of Teen Challenge and was free Isaac house team challenge house come on Fri Bob from guilt and shame and condemnation from short charm on Saddam knees I didn't understand what the the power of God was having no need for strength musty craft caught disease I knew what I had experienced he was Steve as he laid there the love of God Alima got this so God does not give us a spirit of fear but of love so God keep them thinking guy stuff works on the Liebherr power calf busan and heights and so I I actually started to pray for people it's a begun if you mentioned to be a couple weeks after i-i've out of Teen Challenge so and Bob welcomes beta as he has team challenge I wanted to see people healed it weren't the same does mention get healthier is the Bible says these signs of all them that believe any be worse Afton's furgoneta he told me gain on Tikal so I said I'm gonna pray for an average of ten people every day so I wish making sake hurt him to action 8:15 no idea I'm talking and I did only caps Catan and I didn't see anybody get healed any Japanese iron and is saying that child would it that was one day that's about I in talk and then another day and another day and another day and another day but invited Otago and vital and vitae so I prayed for an average of about 70 people week so having him she need physical I tip over quickly painted I didn't see anybody get healed how about anything and you seen the girl that's a bummer that is Vicki Unicode but the Bible says I should how the Bieber Stockton's resort miss so a couple of months went by so I'm Bob monitor on I didn't see anybody here company I ain't on you see in their childhood something's not right it was is the Nicki Northman this says it's supposed to happen the sack is soil gishian so I found in my Bible so fondly Humana Bieber it says John the Baptist says i baptize you with water ice to ha mr. tiefer sad Esau mid massa but the one coming after me our daddy enough me come he will baptize you with the Holy Ghost have yet I commit him highly guys dolphin and fire bond fire the Holy Spirit and fire hiding a guy's on fire Holy Spirit and fire heilige guys on fire ok I I need this does I have to have this that's música what does it mean to be on fire must be tight at this angered soon its assigned it's like someone pouring a liter of gasoline on your head as this V Benjamin and Anita been seen in a tanning cup and lighting a match shooted on and soon towards unstick you really would not care what anybody else thought about you in Demoman they say God was angry with you think you just on fire please alpha planes so I'm curious what is this and fire sibenik my click must be tied to the Sun gets wounded so science and I'm just hungry in my heart for this we had an for hunger in my name he had some I want all that I can have of God each most the Arliss was he haven't come from the Holy possessed fairly far that means now went to a conference where somebody was preaching about healing being on any conference we Amenti bhai along keep latex there and and I just I can't concentrate on what he's saying when he caught me he constantly enough that's was a sock there I just keep thinking in my heart Holy Spirit and Fire I'm doctor in monoi my name had some heilige guys Holy Spirit and fire on fire hi Liga guys don't fire so he's speaking such preach there and he looks and he says you son nazar Tucson he says stand up I'm sorry stay off and we're at a conference of about 1700 people missing banner confer gains from ticket 16 whom that mentioned and he says you've been asking the Lord on the South Boston hankie frog for a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire haven't you um D tau Fame hailing guys than him fire steam dis I didn't tell him he helps him Nitschke suck somebody else did even under certain be sucked I said me yep ii easy he says the lord says it's right now on SI the hair suck deceased yet and the holy spirit hit me on the highly kaguya's and the fire of god consumed me on this fire got this had me fairly Grazia and I thought I was going to die when he stopped a village them I'm screaming help - help in fair gonna die and the man from the stage kept saying you won't die on them inch from the penis act to be a snitch they're more Lord Mayor hair and then intensified owners have knocked me identify this buddy knock me up screaming God on a shame it foster healthy hilf Mia I was afraid thanks for an hour and a half I shook I'll have stuntmen see that it's not vine tears trainin electrocution electrician you think it's funny now two cups the excess glue stick you wait and see too bad distant shouts this changed everything was helping me Alice friend ins after this happened naphthene dusky Shia I started to see so many people more people healed sighs Sophie Lee mentioned two guys I started to hear words of knowledge in an amazing way here at they bought it I can't Lisa fetch Townley amazing I started to prophesy over people in a totally different way she began supports I never mentioned hands and revise this was God the Holy Ghost that's what God's the highlig again this was God the Holy Spirit that's my thoughts the heilige guys in just a few minutes you are going to have an amazing encounter and I'm bombing earth yet at the end in ash town they get big evening ha are you ready to be shed on fire base the bad guys and let's assign because that's what's gonna happen then the Smith machine what happened to me mas Miyagi sha what happened to Daniel best Daniel Mercier thing what happened to Ross my sauce Monsieur it's gonna happen to you that's weird after you Shane and I promise you that if you when he first placed even do it longer with an M hunger for him for in he will answer today be at em be antworten height that your life will be forever changed on then laminate for him offender and you will walk around with a liter of gasoline on you on Tobias at home gave me that emelita pump into you and you will set your world on fire to be a style event in trenton amen amen and amen glory Halas kite just before we came up you should if just a light I said what else we stopped him I stuck him in Acts chapter two our pasta cliches to compete it's why the outpouring of the holy spirit the ice key Tsongas Heineken gangsters but you know before acts 2 comes acts 1 above for apostasy stats Vicomte copied lines and after acts 2 comes action 3 una capital's Viacom capital e and all of those are important when a lady is a capital Saint they stick look at Acts chapter one with shown me a capital ions on a pasta Kashif the ions I told you I'm not gonna preach Shabbos arctic Bethenny but it doesn't mean I'm not gonna read the Bible that's high snick the snick thus the people it was lays it here in verse 4 chapter 1 copied lines face fear being assembled together with them he commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem I'm out as far Banneker mines arm outside visas he omnia Lucilla meet wait for the promise of the father Sundin the a feeling that suzaki observe art indeed afar where she heard of me he copy other reverberates mid-august prefer John baptized you with water but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now johannes haughtily schmidt básico taft ear above a at medium-high laganja guitars Vietnam darshan in vain honking and fast aft but you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you I prevent the high league against a fire up come to bear the deer meat sign a criticism to me in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the uttermost parts of it divided - soy consign in yerushalaim Somalia only the constant veldt I'll tell you what right now I feel like a like a Holy Ghost fish just swimming in glory the humans are Saucony free LeMahieu momenta VI and so highly christ fish their inside heritage woman's right now this atmosphere is already electric Val karate yets distagon t atmosphere - on saw electrification some of you are already being filled untie me - Oy vay vay rights yet chunky food I've discovered something amazing about the Holy Ghost sometimes he can't wait callaghan's get laid on top a plus B so there isn't deck - but in Hylian guys have Isaac on the garnish - used to be the salt and so as I'm talking right now don't just listen with your ears well so get to soak in vadym deviously glory spreche ya goodness good meetin Orin something named alpha alpha mid-autumn guys because I am just I'm just ministering to in the spirit right now by HT know I shine for him guys to get outta yet from deep unto deep the skid from out the tea fit and even as I'm talking the Holy Spirit can trigger something in your heart what al-quran' came here spread here come the heilige guys it was by choice unfasten I was raised in the Pentecostal Church I'm not ashamed of that if been alpha boxing the Pink's combined and our future makes me naked how many of you are classical Pentecostal therefore know he's classy shipping still here handle okay I understand so she fished a fish there my ancestors go all the way back to Azusa Street my name for far in games Iruka P stood Azusa Street and I was raised being taught this all these people they kept talking and falconers automatically and that when the Holy Spirit comes upon you the evidence is that you will speak in other tongues van der heilige Geist elfish Felton calmed down east eins each person the suppression insulin by the way that I mentioned many of you are gonna speak in other tongues today owned lubricants cups of neat event feel about means home yes enjoy it Oh young seeker yes you will yeah it reacted but that was what I learned as a little boy that's how patience kleiner you Michael and I got a little bit older and I learned how to read and to you when it was entered on the shop again and Salford to listen and then I looked for the verse that said when the Holy Spirit comes upon you you will speak in other tongues only Talbot infest kazuma's highs from the heilige guy stuff dish come to be 18 million province pressure and I didn't find it when the shop sneaky Fulton but I tell you what I did find a buddy he mostly sock and merciful can have a better verse is helping a hand feel better and fanciful it's the one that I just read to you as he steady any get any choice you get out before - chapter 1 verse 8 a Paschal keshiki inés fest off you will receive power do vist cuffed and fallen yes you will speak in tongues yeah yeah you've added in some inspiration so you will receive power approving scoffs them yes you will prophesy yes you will never judge yes yes it voted that I can't miss won't but I stopped importantly about unvested still receive power to his craft and I said you will receive power shop case activist classes you will receive power up is our robber bissalameh' craft craft craft and and not just power who needs no craft to sit on your couch and watch more television Bob Steinem sofa two seats Umberto's Langer fans they shall become witnesses samba Tuvia Stein saw in Jerusalem in Judea in Samaria everywhere you go tell our our wrinkles you in Jesus Lisa Kraft meet common in the a tsunami material no this is not a game 9 disease can spill some of you have had so many hands laid on your head your I need is receding hairlines so feel a hand out fillet concessionaire lipped your hop shenanigans flock every sewer I'm not interested in more empty hands on empty heads on intercede snitch no Hine mall later handed alpha lirikrip Fitz alaikum I'm telling you in Jesus name you will receive power from on high if socket iam normal furnace to fist craft I'll stir hey I'm fallin that power makes all the difference DISA craft marketing consonant adjuster one Jesus gave the promise a pasta Kashyyyk the NCAA the drama super high some are talking for high song say the promise socket if a high song you know why this is important lighter as East mystic because you have to understand what's about to happen now is not my idea I didn't make it up bus yet danke Schoen via to snitch minor I did he helped us make the fountain in a few minutes when we ask the Holy Spirit to fill us we are not asking God to do something that he doesn't want to do in Heineken Minuten web editor said laban the bitten it and highly engaged snitch dance of the satiric in vastu it's his idea so unless a sign is his promise as his sign for Strategic Command design may fail when you ask for the Holy Spirit then do omething highly engaged bitters you can be sure one thing that comes to tear at Wisconsin Issa you are perfectly in the will of God to vist home the present in Velen from God's eyes and you will even Jesus and Vietnam and for near so same famine as chapter one the promise was given a pasta keshiki Ines that's perspiration if I - vortac want you to think about this for a moment and especially custard on in momentary Bernard since these men to whom Jesus was speaking in Acts chapter one so this a magnet Sudan and yes was in a pasta Christian sketch Pro they were his apostles varam Sonya post they've been with him for three and a half years see bottom line how PR admit him to summon they had heard all of his sermons see how banal assignee predict mediate they had seen all of his miracles firsthand when she Hubble a lasagna wonder how's Esther hunt meet Kissimmee they were the most qualified representatives of Jesus that have ever lived Seaver R&D best qualified C attorney represent Downton from the SSD game escaped do you agree with that site eat a meat and fish Townsend if they were alive today they would receive honorary doctorates from every Christian college many heighten 11 wouldn't even hear the Christian people Julian don't even see Ted Aaron dr. Hitler Halton they would be ordained by every denomination diverting from yet a nominee accion ordinate Phaeton do you agree sigh tiger on first and Amit and yet it was these ones but yet botanist this elephant that Jesus looked at and said you're not ready ta Susan cachaca soft is that knowledge Brian you need to keep say trust us yet bro to Jerusalem Jerusalem get the power will be witnesses did it soybeans because you see my friends Jesus understood something that the church in these days has forgotten so say it Amana Freund a diesel oiled the door to help me it was in famine Bostic in mind the Hoyt forgets not yes those disciples could go and they could tell stories yachties a younger Compton gain on Kashyyyk that's they could preach sermons c-contemplative template they could give testimony see content so you can he survive today but jesus knew that if the world was going to be changed Aubry a zavasta Van de Velde for ended van Valen saw it would require more than sermons and songs and stories Tampa rafters filmer else leader on predicting on cuticles it would require power as Benedict craft the same power that Jesus ministered de Selva craft in these craft releases how God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power Xavi got yes whose graces for knots are it with them highly engaged and sign a craft gets all taut can I tell you something Connie Steve acid Salem if Jesus needed the Holy Ghost you do too many a sustained high leaking gas predicted Dombrowski now there's something nominations now they say oh that was just for people that live 2,000 years ago let's keep dining at diamante gnomon accion and how its to talk adhesive and artists its new 50 Cent's white house we don't know the power of the holy spirit anymore because now we have the Bible ribbon erdogan across this Harlequin guys Lechmere by github txt people wait a minute moment the Apostle Paul wrote two-thirds of your New Testament and he needed the Holy Spirit the high Liga guys thoughts via to the snow in Testaments Q should even whom they're predicted in high Leegin guys if he needed the Holy Spirit you do to Ben Eden Hylian guys predicted don't do say James was the brother of Jesus Yucko brought the brew the phone yet so he needed the Holy Spirit air profited in Holly Peter was with Jesus from the beginning Peter smarmy Jesus he nears the Holy Spirit a penalty that in highly cannot be so arrogant so lawsuits nice Oregon's without him we can do nothing owner Ian can begin our needs I said without him we can do nothing he sock the owner in kind of unique I will be the first one to tell you I can't preach without him he mentioned that it's design that's all I can try it without each coming each paid to know I can't evangelize without him miss Connie Stefan can you see you know I can't live another day without him he's come kind invite on table I don't need him more than I need the air that I breathe is Prager in made of steel of Teja not me my brothers and sisters the first thing you need to understand Manish may still breathing it was messaged us two fifties is that you need the Holy Ghost the stove i stupid Houston hi say you need the holy stock the troop inert extreme if I know that you need him but you need his vice feel Ashley smelled us to Italy so proud of you tomorrow you need him you need him even more men too niche twice the screen next Dombrowski knock man oh Jesus yes I tell you the key to receiving from the Holy Ghost is hunger sake - listen and Halligan guys are hungry for his tyranny a mountain hunger heart I'll tell you the amazing thing he sucked in it was astounding in the kingdom of God things work backwards in Korea garage gotta star pasión or the Revere continued after Andrea vices opposite of the way it works in the natural Ram is his carotid of the underside to be I'm not really thinking she see in the natural the more you eat the more satisfied you become so we're saying I'm not really any mayor very essence of mayor Harbin Vietnam canoe don't think I said but in the spiritual the more you eat the more hunger you become a bream guy iced tea in the guy seemed immense iyanya mayor to Eastham Sameer creeks to home because you can never get enough I'll do consignee muskie nuke o taste and see that the Lord is good or say it and make it to be good to her if you don't know what I'm talking about my friend you are about to experience venden advice from basi huge pressure manfro entire village was a very warning when he headed here before I had that suitcase you have tasted then do as and be seein cosmic dust you will never be satisfied with anything else he suck to do this Nick Metsu Frieden sign with Erica net was under him he will ruin you for everything else every a big food Alessandra we need every pleasure of this world later Jeff Allen Alice was Freud a marketing this event he will eclipse every other desire these these are lost or thesis for Longton our theatre referred me outlets our God is a consuming fire while also got pissed and consumed here in this fire he will never be satisfied with 10% they're very knee kliklak nerd same presents or 50% of the 15% 99% or the Soekarno in annoyance he presents all of you image that he comes image to all us from dear I tell you I'm hungry on this RT ich bin so Homeric holy spirit I just ask right now that's true its bid to get outta yet Scoob not really hunger to fall upon your people we're gonna do this your Homer that gets off Deloitte account of supernatural hunger and human are dearly shall hunger [Music] I was just in Singapore a few days ago Easter party for Anakin talkin in sing kaput they reminded me of something that happened the last time I was in Singapore with Shihab mishter on the reading that does etwas just lets them all I'll see starve our pacifist don't worry about her it's okay so crematorium that's East okay I told you things are gonna get messy we understand it's a koi hotdog he's acting a bit me plus commish also train is just the beginning it's not the beginning okay [Music] stay focused also be a constant three I don't either here I was there Todd was there Peter was there Akiva taught taught Vatutin Peter I thought we had a fire conference we hopped 90 for your conference there were 4,000 Asians dividing 48,000 singaporean if you've ever seen Singapore Singaporeans are very reserved informal talk bar in Singapore DISA mentions insert polite say frankly very cerebral ser give is enough and they don't react outwardly very much and see they are Kieren eat out extra Metis and I remember I remember as the conference went on I thought man this is a tough crowd Wendy sharing that image so of the conference began and how parties - Meatwad and in the last session house hardened it was like this session I was going to talk about the Holy Spirit and then we were going to pray Parvati say yes Hoyt enough me talk Wendy cavada by V again clash some debate and I remember I said behind the pulpit I said you are a difficult crowd and he another mahishmati I hinted him right in the poll to talk to ears I Danny I said how does it matter the Holy Spirit will fall in action prepare a British wise the Holika guys with service or fallen I was speaking that by faith when he helped us out his broken English oven I think I was trying to encourage myself the most on distain case Muslim itself premised not more chicken I said before I speak let's just bow our heads for prayer and he stalked before expression last in sun's ray hype tonight no to baton so I just was giving an opening prayer it's a hobby and behind a desk nuke Skippy suddenly it's as I was praying on plexus Verint eastern baton boss and I heard a crashing in a bangs canal to compromise and someone in the arena was flying around when he saluted mine outrun south of i tinct and chairs were on the ground romka flocking but booster episode is too lessened after site Akash festival praise God one Singaporean received if you stock the price of ham in distance I mean that I'll Singapore happen and so I kept praying look so happy should buy hate to commit a few minutes later it happened again I think of Newton spared to Vita and then again and again and again and again I stopped praying I opened my eyes does he shop I was scared to pay him top money I can get it and I'm telling you the truth the Holy Spirit fell on that crowd they're highly good guys feel of dimension I wasn't praying if varnish made on me I put the microphone down he helped us microphone neither colleague I walked off the platform you've been from the funeral took again for the next 40 minutes to an hour the Holy Spirit moved across the valley the next and Fiat Sigma Newton beside the storm they bought the hiding a guy stupidest mention thousands of people were filled with the Holy Spirit these are thousands of son Lloyd to vote in after about an hour I came back to the platform when they'd won a highness - um they're coming soon there had been no preaching or praying no worship nothing just the Holy Spirit love are kinda pretty kind unkind I'm bathroom site can't debate neuter Holika guys and when I stood behind the pulpit it looked like a bomb had exploded in the room went on see Star hinted emanating the pooch downsized ourselves head and it bombed bodies were lying everywhere padlocked and liberal and I remember I looked across the room and I saw two people standing there when she are in the Premiership time around here Amish out in Pentonville inspire only two people notes my man everyone else was being rocked by the Holy Ghost all around them Vardhan from Hylian Geist firmly when there were two people standing there like this it sliced on the door episode would you believe they were Whitey's Kenton Alban thus far and I say [Music] of course not to English and I said silently to the Lord I said Lord on stealing sock Taoiseach how can that happen we can toss squishy how is it possible that everyone else receives but these two are immune Vista's management so it was Kashi these had spies in the moon and I saw a picture in my mind a prophetic picture only Simon Geist and prophetic spirit and I saw Jesus holding out to those two people a gift only saw the yaesu star I'm cashing key since my mention hinge director but in their arms was just a bunch of stuff but in hidden hand in bar and - under it they tried to receive but they couldn't because there's a certain dusky shameful and obviously compton come this is what the Holy Spirit said to me so clearly I'm the heilige guy stopped unfolding the sock large to make a sock he said I will not send anyone away empty an octave a demi mountain lair Zurich Shekinah unless they come to me full of themselves houses the common guns selber - mere that's a word for somebody here the system vote for a here some of you are so full of yourself - Oi inside so follow me don't sell full of your theology follow me tonight a low-key full of your experiences follow me turn in fr woman you think you haven't figured out on - thanks to us this arouse key formed and untouched inside I think you know how he moves and how he doesn't move on - thanks to the heist VSP they convey Resnick truth you're judgmental your critical your analytical biscarrat dish on a loot dish and facilities are to be your Thailand can I tell you what that is called Connie Chuseok investors a very simple world for it and ganz einfach us water fried Stultz pride stones can I tell you something Connie TN occurs right there saga my theologian meine liebe tale okay you don't know that much do vise mix of feel video text in fact the more you get to know him the more you discover you don't know very much at all vice - he made us to rise from the meadow and text for him who was American so does - fussing against you know what God is looking for advice - Navas Scott I'll show health not somebody that knows everything Nikki a mom dead Alice Kent but somebody who will come like a child I be a man back home to gain killed just like that little boy with his lunch meat is a kleiner young amid sign in a meter case let's say Jesus I don't know very much and the soft yes you see I sneak field but I give what I have to you a padishah kept idea bossy happy and I give you permission to do whatever you want moody she alibi dear Alice - to me to me it was in advanced just get rid of all that junk you're carrying so lost Alice lost isn't wrecked into room tracks free your hands to receive own and clear it an handed I'm going to know him funk you know you know what I've discovered some of the people that have the most difficulty receiving for the Pentecostals this theory shop in take the steel ITT am i severely heightened harm to him finds into Finster because we think we already know how the Holy Spirit is but the denken via recent shown me the heilige guys to it well if he wants to reveal to you a part of him today that you never knew before above us very vendor Hoyt did it was noise I don't often bottom edge two dozen of my katana you may have dipped your toe into the ocean to us feel ice time say shown on bisschen in smirk it out and now you think you know what it is we get thanks to do vice-versa so he's calling you out deeper today open a roof teen host in DTF and he's saying I am an endless ocean with a sock tape in an endless or so much of me you have never touched she keeps awful for me so much you have never experienced it's awful for me don't become satisfied in the shallow end of the pool society can make some indie societal swimming pool to be satisfied with theology and doctrine story cynics are material okie only okay she come deeper call Mindy Tifa you understand what I'm telling you first is too bossy osakan mister the people that received the Holy Spirit the easiest are always the new convert delighted heed and highly cognized a mine foxman found since they don't know any tribe agin mighty basin gone their hands are empty in hand isn't clear they're so easy to fill the licensee so I'm fulfilling I remember Heidi Baker said to me just a couple weeks ago here in the image Heidi Baker hoped for Anakin welcome to Circus offices Daniel never never approach God as a big man he's dr. Daniel come and need to God as I know sir never approached him as a great evangelist naira D he makes us these that could all say from K she said come to him like a little boy she's doctor come to him a monastic like a young man I think this is our greatest challenge when this dankey does histones that occurs to her house for Tyrone the greatest challenge is not how to become great degress their house for wrongly sneaky Villarosa to Creighton the greatest challenge is how to become nothing he could also house for the room East Vivian and for me the need to humble ourselves himself stay mute chicken he resists the proud air via the state damaged all he gives grace I kept not and Const is there anybody who needs grace damn there damn it is very steer there cannot abroad you can have it by humble in your heart when two counts the same found in them to the sweetest I see so I'm busy as this comes I gives grace to the house and keep cannot attempt a new chicken chapter one was the promised capital Ines var does perspiration chapter two is the fulfillment and capital survey is done dear fellow when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all together in one place I'll step in Stockton calm Vardhan cialis ooh salmon there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind Navarre an ocean from Himmel also makes tea to speak to the house where they were sitting on its first it does house was either in bar and there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire hunter are shinin before your Suman often and once sat upon each of them on the yeah it's only Lake to see if they were filled with the Holy Ghost since he wrote an Al they're filled with them highly connected against to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance he began to spray an annoyance Brock and so V the highly cacao I want you to show you something that says they're all filled as high CC pardon they were all filled 50% not 80% what matrix pretend it's the architects of a home to pretend my brothers and sisters I have good news for you my name you don't rise to the top Akutan OS calorie well the holy spirit is not a lottery for a few super spiritual Christians the owls kissing beside you can guys it's kind of lottery food I need it is freely kristin is he's free Aten it's for you it is fitting it's for me this for me it's for your children as he spit on a kinder it's for the whole world as his fatigue on servant in Azusa Street they used to sing a song in Azusa Street Avenue and lead kiss almond in the words of the chorus were these I'm devoting correspond fall contain it is for us all today as East food owns Alice heightened it's for you it's East VD heightened Jesus come on say it's for me come sock man assist for me just say it by faith say it's for me sock is in cloud burn at least for me the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is for me the iscope the I was kissing this highly condensed fire of the Holy Spirit is for me as far as high looking guys this is for me the power of God is for me the craft from God is for me come on just say it say it's for me break the houses is for me [Music] it's for you it's Easter for Dicky sure I told you I was raised in the Pentecostal church Chava yet Santa spinning on a pinky mind the Alpha vaccine we used to have in the old days what we called tarrying meetings on vin optin indecent talk and bottom bureaus give on it Hutton Terry means wait but for install two men waiting meetings be Hutton vote difference Dalton we would sometimes wait for hours praying for the baptism into the holy style of Isis stunned and long give art that does the highly guys Compton I was just a little boy I was curious when teach about and climate young me on this part so that no key research one of the elders what are we doing with rock that and in their eldest and Bosma they said we're waiting it's actively button I said what are we waiting for but he for up to half was fine me then they said we're waiting for the Holy Spirit to come and seize up novotná from the Hylian guys does it come I said why are we waiting before octave rumba he said because they waited in Acts chapter two - dr. aged 18 ' she stood spies if I said how long must we wait only for up to be long miss mitten bar nobody knew Neiman post any untoward one hour one day one week one year how long I mean no one had an answer for me i neva hey and Mona Tanyard Nieman Tatiana unthoughtful me and then I went and I looked at the Bible for myself I'm thanking him through people on top self and I said I'm going to find the answer for myself Wendy shop make us act if you feel the untoward sell but her husband and I made an amazing discovery Wendy Cobb I'm a bounty hunter Conchas a little boy you know what I discovered I was climbing the new maybe Steve a second tech I discovered the reason they were waiting he had been groomed her house key from Verona give up do you want to know we stood in Kenan this is gonna change your life right now that's you why they were waving get all the s4n that he sucks they were waiting in the upper room see hopping indecent or burger mouth Givat because the holy spirit had not yet been sent by Jesus by the heilige guys knock me to get sound to order for years they were waiting for him to come he farted a now find us a comment but that was 2000 years ago about a smart folks 5000 Yaran this means that for the last 2,000 years it is the holy spirit that has been waiting for you the spheroid to the skate sites by thousand-yard and the highly guy stuff disheartened I don't know who the first person was to arrive this morning if I sleep 28 step its own height the marking body maybe you were here before the Sun came up for like spots to here before it is only Africa Don I want you to know something each make sure that's to enter spies there was someone here before you about hey Monty apart from please have been waiting for you all day a vodka push on that comes me for you your entire life and fought the chump and dances lays been waiting for this moment since before the world was made and fact that of these moments on site developed cache often would that's why I'm here to tell you right now that's helping enjoy to hear on de dust2 sock this is not a waiting meeting does this nation infarcted ministers are receiving me Nessa Stein am you will resolve in Jesus who via Stephanie you will receive in Jesus promise shall be fulfilled in the designers own soul and filter any nominees you have to come beyond acts 1 and interact to - must fight again not capital compromise to the fulfillment and - must o form therefore I invite again through the film then you have to keep going to acts 3 on Tonka's - vital to copy to dry because act 3 they came down from the upper room by Capitol try comments it on the room throughout season overcame and they went into the city in seeking an integer t9 and they encountered that lame man remember when she hobbies & Lomb and manga trough from air in the studio I want to read it which makes this lesson acts 3 verse 1 ' Shh - Dreyfuss ions now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer being the ninth hour - talk as Keesha Faulkner's cake and dry or suicide that's not my dog skip and a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask alms of them entering into the temple he hates some of Johanna skiing in some temporary now from itself inside but after my Nana and mom then from Kapoor Tonga lambda bar through them tortoise temple dusty showing a port account and when he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple he asked them for a gift and a lemon papers from the on Assad he even touched Astorga cocky Alton Bartha see Internet does impair fastening his eyes upon and said look at us aunty pieden Blakeney now makes a mound and Pedro sock - our own son and he gave heed unto them expecting to receive something from them whom their months are vartan's fall through a mouth at hafte it was from into a pecan this man had been at the gate of the temple every day decent man VAR indecent thought he didn't talk I'm sure Peter and John had seen him many times before only Quincy he paid through some Johannes help intention oft kissing and being the good religious Jews that they were conceived ardent guten the relic is in Newton BC many times before Peter had reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin to drop in that lame man's because sawed off top hitters in sign Sani horsemen Tasha - hot I name in second omen on this month but on this day Peter had no money but I'm decent talk had to pay to skank hell he had not been out on his fishing boat for a while Martian long and Ishmael MIT seinem fishable drowsy have been in the upper room waiting for ten days is something about its saying talking to small became often talked if those pockets were empty sigh Natasha bodily and when he saw that lame man for a moment he felt bad in toss it Islam and man saw because he had no silver to give by it hot and he had no gold to give and help the kind seal broken called sue gaben suddenly he had another thought in honky-tonk it's true that his pockets were empty its tempted sign at ocean bottom layer but his spirit was full was that guy stuff on because for the first time in his life by some estimates I named Laban he had the power of the Holy Spirit hot the Eddie Croft this highly condensed and that's why he said look at me that's up sock there xiaomi on and peter said verse six silver and gold I don't have wanting fair sex sock paid to scold on sale but how business but what I do have I will give to you a badass bossy sharbat us gay based in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in Nam and Phinehas crystals for knots and rise up and walk day owl won't get home here and they changed the world whose he harbored Yvette friend that's Usama that's what this is about it the skaters it's not just about a manifestation escape niche to my name money getting goosebumps it's getting me start over here the house it's not about having a good service let's get least a room I mean good enough receiving the heart of God and the power of the Holy Spirit gave the room does hats got to sin the crafters Allegan guys's friend fallen and going from here to change the world on from here he now Sookie I don't depend so that's what we're here to do this helps him to hear we're here to change the world listen here room de velde suffer and we're here to change the world listen here on the belt so for answer we're here to change the world's activists down developer anthem Russ would you come Jesus Jesus Jesus just receive it come on I'm finally signed for come in Fung you're so ready you're so ready you do feel so bad I to be spy right [Music] who the holy spirit is already moving to this place the heilige guys parbake to you but all here in this morale [Music] we humble ourselves lor midday me digging on Selim stead we say yes when he's talking y'all Jesus said your father will give the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks the answer sock day all your fault of it didn't highly can guys to hate him gave him their interim baited ass beating the room it's easy this is that info [Music] rush here with us and then pray would you Russ tile me down sometime Vedas - hallelujah I feel the electricity of the holy spirit in this place it's purity energy deciding Gaius Tasya in 1997 evangelist Daniel kolenda invited me to Pensacola Florida in 1990 had me evangelist Anna : and a phonograph in Pensacola to experience the largest revival on American soil history um D glue stay vacant into a my conjugated to a leaden I went there as a lukewarm Christian not really serving the Lord well vada is lava McChrystal Dean - I can hear it let him Hammond but my heart needed something more and I knew it of a minor haps but it was me out who stood us there is a special speaker there that night that began to pray over the audience lava and spit see Lafayette Nevada be to you but aldini Devon she told us to grab hands one with each other and to lift them in the air see doctor he promised some or the Hindi and aloft Suzette Hatton began to pray over that auditorium thus facilitating debated by Anita Avon and something began to happen to me odd blood sleep a CA it was the electricity of the Holy Spirit began to enter my body the electricity silent guys this feels lost - man kapa from the top of my head to the tips of my toes from my Nicole just likes to mine foosh bitten some of you are experiencing right now I need for noisy does gets a leaden and I began to shake violently under the presence of God okay job at sea-tac on that aircraft is highly guys seconds Veronica's Akutan then six minutes and an ionic a minute and before you know is six hours I was shaking under the presence of the Holy Spirit please leave and us don't fortune that Acuff deciding guises at Sita Taba they had to carry me into the van she must meet in Dinan bar dance party and then they had to carry me to the hotel muslims hotel comes party I laid me out onto the parking lots woodsy lake meet often I continued to shake under the power of God they'd see the device I will detect I was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues wouldn't you food meet them guys don't fight elasticity from heaven came over my body and Issa elected to take from hiding I see common man kapa evangelist Daniel kolenda and I went back to South Florida evangelist Daniel kolenda only fitting so I wanted to go deeper the quantity just like many of you here will want to take this deeper v i- o t it's not about a one time touch ugh I know I'm Monica's aha it's about a relationship with the Holy Spirit's key to mind a bit see you with him hi didn't guys it's about going deeper with the Holy Spirit's kiss I want t fun with him hiding diced again several weeks later ina Givens beta I developed such a hunger for the Holy Spirit captain Lafitte in hiding guys I was in a service fine I don't got destines and I began to say Holy Spirit I need more of you dis Arctica guys power me upon dear and just like I'm feeling now I begin to feel the Holy Spirit like electricity from the top of my head Beauty Felix and I take my decides from on the coupon and I just began to say morgue I need more of you Holy Spirit yeah mine is like hiding a guy it's 12 me up on dia and it got stronger this what ich daca and stronger stacker nobody can tell me that God's not real me mad Kenya's odd and gotta sneak me out he's more real to me than you are right now is for me a la luz yet beast and the Holy Spirit began to come like strong waves of electricity in my body when the hey guys come fish Tocqueville and for electricity mine copper and I just lay on the floor like many of you are right now on this lack of the importantly Fela foreheads and I said more Lord exactly happier and then like a wave I could hear a wave of electricity you came through my stomach but I sounded like this shoe and then come here and even if on a little it's tainted mine come on you know it's it's so I'm him and wave after wave would enter into my stomach and out of my head and very fervently come in mine copper in my bowels which mine cup for hours Zuzu and all of a sudden my hands begin to get crumpled under the weight and power of the Holy Spirit and blitz the king a minor hindrance I'm gonna get that calf deciding summer you were feeling that right now bunch of us get and then my arms begin to get crumpled under the power of the Holy Spirit in King mine it handed to someone on that that calf decided and Isis and it cuts stronger but is what a stack of stronger and I get more Lord's acting me haha it got to a point where I could hardly speak but as kings of I become a leading content but with every breath I had of a medium lord I need you me if India and stronger would stack a stronger daca I got to a point where I didn't think my physical body could handle the glory of God kings of itdoes he doctored us held high to teach me I was company and then I did something I never thought I would do I'm topping it was messy sniffing multi-class it sad I can't take any more but these countries Meadows heightened and immediately it stops I'm so far to the south but from that day on I encountered about living God I'm decent talk minimally been didn't got pig eat nuts and a desire for the Holy Spirit increased 10 exam looks knocking hi guys Luke's books and eBooks this afternoon many of you are gonna experience something like this I did knock me tack fr beautiful voice you can also actress but you gotta take you from here I'll be a Miss dysphonia meet name you gotta go deeper for Switzerland and mystify it's a t finish gotta go deeper for Europe misty for a whole pop let's do this those of you that can let's stand to our feet if you're not standing already I want to say a prayer let's let my combines I'm off steam in any stage teeth on oh my I'll finish the beat and then Peter Vandenberg is gonna come and give you instructions don't get beat up in but no I mean if you might lift your hands you know he's here he's here they stopped some of you feel it on you right now it's all ruined us hit show me I'm your coach Peter let him come laughs it's common welcome him Zach you comin Holy Spirit hi we got my er here listen to me star we welcome you yeah - dick you will common we welcome you yeah - dick will come and we say more Lord is like me AHA I don't ever want to be the same it's much too nice medic I design you have to change me God who must me fighting I'm God you have to change me you must be fighting nun I want to be used by you Holy Ghost she's much different gigapower guys feel me like in the upper room let me feel my mom feel me like in Acts chapter 2 let me Phoenix it's my bet I could go from here nothing funny again come and preach your gospel I never gave you pay didn't come and see signs and wonders and miracles I can for now you might actually see here we go talika Geist more of you here from here unless to me Oh Clinique afonya here he is he's here he's here I stayed atmosphere the holy spirit as we begin this fire tunnel but you don't see me that much we have a blight business it isn't fair - no common we're going to stay in this wonderful atmosphere of reverence live in about an atmosphere at the ministry to the ministry team is ready now to lay hands upon everyone who wants hands laid on them that's minister team is back I didn't hunt off till you can get us fiddle there will be plenty of time so there's no rush you will have your opportunity skip kanou-kun side we're missing one sneak but I'll get him Candice Kiki babe but now while we stay this wonderful atmosphere of the presence of Allah indeed Zamunda bond atmosphere the deciding guys I want to tell you how we're going to do it so that we have order and we can reach everybody sake choice pivot a smashing buoyant amid the Ahtna won't can call sermon the ministry team will be here in front in two lines in just a moment as Minister team de Tijuana in smiley me ensign Bly and we will have you who those who want to be prayed for coming to the right hand side the left-hand side of the auditorium and making two lines the ashes will DD 4 H GB tab one is on here - on the oily ciothes tell you pass from your left to the right in front of the stadium and hands will be laid upon you by the whole ministry team but for Orleans Ida Oscar yeah he'd waste as minutes routine written tune again on DVD hunt often and then you'll continue moving background the whole lead to the back of the whole to your place done get your Vita yeah do it so holla annoying plots amen I mean now we have many people in front here and so I want to tell you what we're going to do your happens they're feeders on your polish team aquas among all you people from the middle here I want you to turn and face that way I'll push your face and all it is every male in that aisle if you could turn round and face on TV is to lie under state they don't break the hint the people in the aisle loiter in patting stool hi I'm addicted unpick nahin and I what I want you to do right from that side there I want you to turn round and walk to the back of the hall and right round to the other side and we must pray for you as you come round that side but yeah here from here on a state must bitten a hindrance again in the Hindenburg i stir holla so that's me yeah I know schlanger be coming here turn and thing and so you keep going right around the hole and join the people on the other side and you will be first to be prayed for the event also annex lung and coping it's a toy determine here and think movie run from down here please begin to do that so we can have space here under so please move to the back of the hall thank gosh might not pin to Hollis at an atomic unfunny god bless you as you come God's acknowledgement he'll come receiving Jesus tight and funny nominees ooh don't stop keep moving stop risk advisor advisor the Lord bless us you come and receive it has acknowledged even the cognitive function of our bus when you go out the other side find your seat when you have fatty side of the under incited and give me the toy and pledged to veto [Music] keep coming in Jesus name Cullen receive in Jesus name company nominees ooh hallelujah keep moving keep moving don't stop don't stop keep moved up next key by Jackie boys unless you come that has acknowledged prayer people help them to keep moving please don't stop yet beautiful suc Loida me stop me it helped invite us again come and receive in Jesus a from nominees ooh [Music] keep moving please help her to move just connealy elephant Aceveda get here just take her out of the way that's wonderful name dye provider [Music] keep moving don't sit on the smiley don't stop stop please stop I received Thomas Monte Carlo you're moving at the Lord bless us Harold noise [Music] we make a spider keep moving keep moving the Dutchman receiving Jesus nominees don't stop stop bless you as you come there the noise can be a comment [Music] Danka Jesus come in Jesus name come the nominees Hartmann Jesus Tom the nominees rule the Lord bless you as you come to receive there's the boy many economy from the nominees Almighty God keep moving across town the movie Nikko spider prayer people help them to move help them to move the Abeyta health even as evite again [Music] come in Jesus name cow in Jesus genomic companies don't stop me go smile come in Jesus name come and receive company planet [Music] come and received come and receive come the newfound cognitive funk common receiving Jesus car didn't fund the nominees ooh [Music] don't stop de fumaça others should receive as well come in Jesus five [Music] Ashida of us come and receive in Jesus name Cobra become konami zoo [Music] for sure I receive in Jesus name Rossi nominees lead Jesus name for cod2 [Music]
Channel: jsw. Studio Europe
Views: 14,126
Rating: 4.6868329 out of 5
Keywords: fire 16 Schweiz Feuerkonferenz, Heilger Geist, Apostelgeschichte1, Bibel, Wort Gottes, Daniel Kolenda, Todd Withe, Peter Vandenberg, fire 16 feuerkonferenz Schweiz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 13sec (4273 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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