Daniel Fast Foods to Eat - What to Eat & Avoid on the Daniel Fast

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hello and welcome i am annette reader from thebibliconnutritionist.com and it's another q and a monday i so love these days so i'm excited about answering your questions if you want to get your question answered then please join our facebook group biblical nutrition academy and when you join i'm going to ask you hey what is a question you have for me but i'm also going to ask you have you downloaded the seven steps to amazing biblical health and the answer is required is yes so go go to our website thebiblicalnutritionist.com download the seven steps to amazing biblical health and let's get started so today i'm going to answer your question and today's questions are all about the daniel fast [Music] this is just a really great opportunity to fast to eat the foods that god created for us they totally fit within the three principles that we teach and it's a chance to really see what god has for you a chance to not diet as far as go without food you still get to eat you're just changing what you eat and just that change in what you're eating allows your mind to say wait a minute we're doing something different which means you're not into the mindless eating and you're actually thinking about what you're doing so you become more conscious about what you're doing which makes you more conscious about what god may be saying to you so make sure you include the spiritual aspect into the daniel fast now for those of you who are new to the daniel fast there is lots of information on the internet i also have created a daniel fast course that's going to give you the recipes it's going to give you the bible study it's going to give you the journal it's going to give you so many great things for you to enjoy the daniel fast get some teaching for me at the same time and it's just a very low price to make it economical for everyone to take advantage of so i will put a link to that down below but you can find it at biblical nutrition academy that's where we have all of our courses now let's get started with today's questions question number one i mostly eat canned vegetables and fruit i can't afford fresh fruits and vegetables for two weeks i have no refrigerator or freezer and everything will go bad in one day anyway can only get them once in a while will this still honor the fast i can't afford organic and not an option so this was submitted by amber okay remember amber and thanks for asking the question the daniel fast is 80 spiritual and only 20 physical when we settle this with the lord and we really seek him through these three weeks the food is not the center focus this is not about what you can't do but what you can do i see you eating canned vegetables and not focusing on this but seeking god seeking him to answer your heart's desire or just seeing him change your desires to match his desires and his plan for you his plans for you are going to be so much more greater than you could ever imagine fasting is about spiritual renewal physical benefits are just the blessing it's the side effect the rules of the daniel fast are subjective now this is not about rules on a website this is about you and god coming together more intimately for these three weeks thanks for asking question number two hi annette i just found your videos and enjoying them please could you tell me is spelt flour okay for the daniel fast also our spices like canine turmeric and masala okay for the daniel fast as well thank you in advance this was submitted by jesus the branch great title as well we get lots of great titles on these questions so i love it so let's just talk about this remember like i'm saying the daniel fast is about setting aside 21 days and saying lord i'm going to focus on you for 21 days i'm going to eat fruits vegetables or legumes depending on how you set up the daniel fast and i just want to focus on you now how you set up your daniel fast i don't want us becoming so and i'm going to use this term even though i don't like it legalistic about what to eat what not to eat that we miss the spiritual aspect of the fast yes we don't want to be eating you know processed foods sugar foods no animal products that's a given but what we do want to do is focus on our relationship with him and so here's what i teach in the daniel fast course determine before you start what you're going to eat and what you're not going to eat you may be a little bit different than other people and if they put you down then they're not focusing on their spiritual part of the daniel fast just focus on you and if you want to use spelt flour in your daniel fast and you and you've declared that that's what you're going to do then that's fine it doesn't and it doesn't undermine what you're trying to do there's nothing wrong with spelt flour it's fine if other people say it is then they're not focusing on their daniel fast they're focusing on yours and that's not the son of their business the daniel fass is between you and the lord what you decide you're going to eat and what you're not going to eat now if there is a food addiction then that definitely should not be in the daniel fast because it's about giving up our desires for a short time so we can focus on what god wants to teach us this is an important element because all over the internet people are like oh don't eat this don't eat that and it becomes more about rules i want you more focused on god speaking to you spelt flower is fine so go ahead and enjoy it and don't even think twice about it just focus on what god wants to teach you and let me just say before i go on to number three the the spices they're fine spices are perfectly okay to add into the daniel fast now let's go on to number three okay number three is are potatoes okay to eat on the daniel fast this was submitted by willy this pretty much goes along with what i've already said to the last two questions this is between you and the lord and there's nothing wrong with having potatoes on the daniel fast it's perfectly fine now we're not going to top it with butter and sour cream maybe you just bake it you could use a little bit of olive oil but you don't have to you could still spritz it with some water so there's lots of different ways of enjoying potatoes without them having the animal products with them once again if you've determined that potatoes fit within your categories of what you're eating and what you're not eating then that's good now let me just ask you though something's coming into my mind that are you addicted to potatoes do you need your french fries to keep you going do you need a baked potato every day you know if if french fries are your staple you know you have to have it all the time then yes i would say you need to eliminate them but if that's not something you have to have all the time then then yeah it's a perfectly fine food i could make a really good vegetable soup throw in some you know some small potatoes some little red potatoes you know yukon potatoes some purple potatoes and add that to my soup and that would be perfectly fine very satisfying there's nothing wrong with eating potatoes and the small potatoes have a resistant starch which is going to help build the microbiome as well so there's good reasons to add potatoes and there's other reasons if you're really hooked on and addicted to french fries then that would be a reason not to have potatoes so thanks for asking this question willie question number four this is such a blessing to have found this video i'm only a few minutes in and i already like you it's very comforting and encouraging i'm 18 days into the daniel fast but i've decided to start over again because i overlooked a lot of stuff when getting started i didn't know that you should not eat certain foods with yeast rice fried foods sauces with sugars which i didn't even realize that i was getting okay so this question is very good and this person goes on to say that they're going to start over on the daniel fest because they did it for physical reasons and now they want to redo it for spiritual reasons and they didn't stick to just the fruits and the vegetables so this was submitted by yuri yuri thank you for your honesty thank you for being willing to ask this question because it's a really good question many people many people do the daniel fast just for physical reasons and you know what the way god designed our bodies the way he loves us and his intention for us is it works it anyone who does the daniel fast just for physical reasons is going to experience good physical healing because the foods on the daniel fast which i've already explained which could be some fruits but mostly vegetables and legumes are gut promoting gut healthy gut healing foods and that means everyone's going to win who does that when we eliminate addictive foods which we've already talked about when we eliminate sugar and processed and animal products we actually have a better chance of healing physically now remember just as you're physical you are spiritual and when our gut is healthier it helps our vagus nerve to be healthier and our mind to think better and so therefore it's easier to praise the lord when we are healthier in our gut now the reverse is also true when we have a good mindset like i want to do this for spiritual reasons it helps the gut to heal as well what we think about contributes to the motility of our gut so it's a circle it's a cycle that's going on all of the time what we think about affects our gut what our gut is can is and consuming is going to affect our thinking process so i just want to say good for you good for you for being willing to say you know what i'm just going to stop i'm going to start all over i'm going to focus on the spiritual i'm going to kind of clean up my eating plan and i'm going to let god speak to me through these 21 days in ways that i hadn't taken time out before to experience thank you for submitting that question all of these questions all of these daniel fast questions are so good because we're getting to the heart of the matter and when we change the heart as people always use this symbol everything changes our heart is where our passion is our mind is where our purpose is and our gut is where our pleasure is and when they are all working together we have the most abundant life ever i am a net reader from the biblical nutritionist.com i am always here to serve you god's recipe for excellent health and yes that includes the daniel fast and i applaud every one of you for doing the daniel fast no matter what time of the year it is thanks for watching but before you leave be sure and hit the subscribe button the like button please comment down below and i can't wait to see you in our b a coaching group coming up right right [Music] away you
Channel: The Biblical Nutritionist
Views: 8,541
Rating: 4.9745221 out of 5
Keywords: daniel fast, daniel fast recipes, the daniel fast, daniel fast foods you can eat, daniel fast food, daniel fast food list, daniel fast foods to eat, daniel fast foods to, foods to eat on daniel fast, what is the daniel, what is the daniel fast, what is the daniel fast 21-day instructions, what is the daniel diet, daniel fast benefits, daniel fast 21, daniel fast 21 days of fasting and prayer, daniel fast 21 days, daniel fast 21 days bible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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