all you need to know about the 21 DAY DANIEL FAST

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everyone it's because he here and welcome back to my youtube channel today's video is going to be a little bit different because this channel is all about health fitness and beauty and this is just a different topic I started sharing just a little bit because I didn't really plan on talking about this and I am following a Daniel fast on my snapchat account and so many people are asking and a lot of people wanted me to go ahead and touch topic Daniel fast that is all what this video is about my mom did the Daniel Fast every single year and I lived with her so I knew that she was just doing a 21-day fast called the Daniel Fast she never talked about why she did it but she did it every single year and she was so devoted never going off track so as many of you know my mom passed away three months ago in December of 2019 and we are in 2020 of March and I decided that I'm going to dig into what the Daniel Fast is and do it myself and before jumping into this I want to remind you that this is not a diet but it is a spiritual fast so notice I'm using the word fast and not diet so what is the Daniel Fast the Daniel Fast is a widely utilized fast based on the book of Daniel in the Bible in this fast you are not counting macros you're not counting calories you're not necessarily food prepping which can help you stay on track if you want to choose to food prep or plan out your meals I did not you just eat you just eat what you are allowed to eat how long do you do the Daniel Fast and why I have actually heard of several people just doing a one day fast or a ten day fast but the Daniel Fast is supposed to be a 21-day fast no where does it say that you have to do it for you to get the benefit the spiritual benefits of this before starting I think you need to decide how long you are willing to do this fast for me I wanted to do it for 21 days I really wanted to show God at this time of my life what I am willing to give up to get closer to him to get in a deeper relationship with him but I really think you just need to decide maybe you want to start with five days and later on do tin and then move your way up to 21 I decided to dig right in and commit to 21 days so I wrote that commitment down made a commitment between me and God and I stuck to it for 21 full days so the Daniel fast plan is actually found in the Book of Daniel 10 - 2 3 at that time I Daniel mourned for three weeks I ain't no choice food no meat nor wine touched my lips and I use no lotions at all until the three weeks are over the three weeks are referring to the Passover in the feast of unleavened bread but many people just opt to do this at any time so the three weeks is 21 days and that is where the number 21 days comes from so in the book of Daniel you'll learn that Daniel was always found fasting and praying and just being so devoted to God and that is why we're the 21 days game bro what can you eat on the Daniel fast only fruits vegetables nuts legumes and whole grains that is it what can you drink you can drink water and natural fruits and vegetable juices so you want to make sure that you are reading the ingredients and there is no added things that are not in the Daniel pass so what can't you eat that's basically all you can't eat so you are taking all sugars breads processed foods fried foods sweeteners meats egg and dairy products so that is a big part of especially here in America the diet these spiritual side of it this fast can and will draw you closer to God if you are doing it right during the Daniel Fast Plan people are not supposed to focus on the lack of food paying more attention to the Bible and their spiritual study during this fast as a period of reflection it's also you really should focus on the foods you are allowed to have and not the foods that you are not allowed to have notice that all these foods are foods that come from the ground that God gave us and we have fallen so far away from the foods that just naturally come from the ground they are so into candies and pops and process foods that a lot of people I know don't even eat fruits and vegetables and if they do it's a chocolate-covered strawberry and it is also noted that anyone undergoing medical treatment or deal with an illness outside of this for me I have type one diabetes but this helps my diabetes if anything but please advise your doctor before doing this fat for me during this fast I studied the Book of Daniel and studying the Book of Daniel he is a perfect example of how US Christians are supposed to live life he would honor God even though all odds were against him and trusted in God even before he was about to be thrown in a lion's den he was so devoted to God that that is why he was always caught fasting and praying he went in too fast to show got the sacrifices that he was able to make to get God's attention this is such a good way to get on that deeper level with God and get that breakthrough in life that you are truly looking for I really went into this so blind but I was just willing to do anything at this time of my life so when you do the Daniel Fast and make sure that every day you are digging into the word and studying the people in the Bible that fasted I said at the Book of Daniel and really falling on your knees it's not just a fast but it is a spiritual fast to get you on a deeper level with God so if you're just fasting and not praying or studying the word it's probably not going to be the benefits that you are looking for next topic how to get started so write down everything that you like that follows the plan make a grocery list and go shopping if you are someone who is looking for a way to make this just easy and fun and delicious that's like not the benefits you're supposed to be sacrificing something so if you're someone who just would rather have pop than water and you're gonna go try to find something that tastes like like drink your water make a sacrifice show God that you are willing to change your ways um if like I have heard so many friends oh I could never do the Daniell fast because I do not eat fruits and vegetables I don't like them I don't like this I don't like that and it's basically everything on the Daniel fast wind that is the food God gave us you can eat it you are not going to throw up and you definitely are not going to die oh I think that you should really throw what you don't like out the window and go grab a bunch of stuff I think you would be surprised once you stick it in your mouth and take out all the garbage that you're used eveing how much better you feel and that you actually do like these foods and also be sure to keep it as raw as possible like sticking a just an apple eating an apple eating a banana eating this so many people are trying to make and cook mills or buy packaged stuff and when I was buying packaged stuff that is said this is okay I know it is like for instance corn chips there was only one bag of corn chips that would work on this diet because everything else had a little bit of added sugar added this or added that that was not able to have on the diet by the way you can have salt on this diet go to the store and when you go grocery shopping get your food and then grab a journal make a commitment to yourself there is so much information on the internet if you are not used to eating this way especially um there's so many ideas out there you can look on Pinterest look on YouTube there is so much help out there that will help you get through this diet without any cheating and then planning ahead so you want to find a study to do um I use I didn't have to buy anything there are several things on the internet like I said I use the Holy Bible app and you can click plans and I did the fast like Daniel 10 day plan and then I read the Book of Daniel it is 12 days so if you put those two together you can actually do a 21 day study um get out a calendar and mark the day you start in the day you end and then in your journal you went to journal like that devotion what you got out of your daily devotion your daily time with God your daily prayer jot down journal your experience stay on track write down what was easy write down what was hard to write down how you feel write down everything um and also you want to make sure to put day 1 day 2 day 3 because it's very easy to get off track but the first thing I did was found a calendar and put day one so I always know when and where I started and then the day it's supposed to end I made sure to pray like Daniel did three times a day and then so I did my morning devotion and then pray and then pray in the evening and then pray at night after I got the kids to bed so this is my journal that I wrote in and you can see Daniel chapter one and I went all the way to the end and then I had a separate separate journal logging my days how I felt and what I learned spiritually from that day so journaling is very important to get on that deep level you're wanting to get on okay here is my personal experience with it why I started so life has been really hard for me it is no secret it's been on TV maybe you don't know my story but basically last year I went through a really really hard year and I'm really into self-development I've done scripture based books I've done all kinds of stuff to keep me on track in my mental health on track because it really spiraled out of control when Broncs was a baby so I have a almost four-year-old and so it's been quite a few years and I just didn't really get into this stuff and so I really found God during that time and I was so low my postpartum depression was so low and then 20 2009 teen hit me really really hard I had a lot of marriage problems I had a lot of things just slap me in the face I lost my mom and then even now like we're going through a world epidemic so um the coronaviruses going on I don't know what year you're watching this or will be watching this but it's kind of a depressing time for everyone and I just noticed I was praying every day like I was supposed to but it just got the best of me so I broke I was in a really really low time and I decided God I need you now more than ever I need you so much and I need a breakthrough I demand that my depression stops I demand that my xiety gets better I didn't man that I don't feel like this anymore that I get gained hope again that I see my happiness again that the world is no longer black and gray I want to see color I want to love myself like it was so hard and I was so willing to show God please give me answers of where I belong who I belong with what I belong doing like please give me answers know that I am willing to sacrifice a lot to talk to get your attention and like I said at the beginning of this video after losing my mom I decided to really dig into this Daniel fast and what it was and why she did it and after I found out why I'm like wow this is a perfect time and I really devoted like I buckled down and I did it so I finished the Daniel Fast four days ago and so this this is why I want to kind of share my experience so that is why I started so the physical side so the first three days were pretty rough I just remember sitting on my couch and I was very very tired like it was a second day I had followed it and I was just tired like I felt weak but I got through that first week and then I coached a chair competition and the first thing that we went to eat was Ruby Tuesdays so um it is not impossible but it was just smelling the rolls and the cheese burgers and all the good things around me which I I mean like I said a million times in this video I am a type 1 diabetic so I I think it's gonna be easier for me than a lot of people because I already follow a healthy diet but I also follow up very balanced and there's not really any balance with this there's no I'll cheat once every three days or it's ok if I have a bite of this it's ok if I have a bite of that and I actually remember a time in this 21 days where I just forget like you forget you really notice how bad you do eat when you take it all out like I'll fix I fix my kids um a bowl of cereal and I remember grabbing a piece of the cereal obviously cereal is sugary and I stuck it in my mouth and I'm like oh my gosh I'm gonna Daniel fast just wasn't he thing and I spit it out in the trashcan and I remembered like that's the only taste of sugar my body had during that 21 days and I just remember like oh my gosh like you don't realize what especially having kids you eat their leftovers you I'm just really balanced I didn't I never drink drink any sugary drinks I cut out pop over a decade ago so the water was easy I Adel I drank a lot of v8 juices so that helps just make sure there's no added sugar and then the next day on that trip we ate lamb Birds and so once again I ordered a bunch of sides I could order green beans I could order this but you still you should try to not eat out as much as possible there was only three times I ate out that and then my mom's birthday celebration was five days away from my past actually was 10 days in so I'm like do I want to just do 10 days like a lot of people or do I want to do the 21 days and I stuck to it we had birthday cake we went to Texas Roadhouse and it was just looking at other people eating good food it was really really hard but I just was able to order like steamed veggies and through and I even would bring nuts and I ate a lot of nuts steering this when I just wanted something to snack on a lot of just organic corn chips and salsa carrots and hummus so I have followed a lot of NPC diets in strict diets and those diets were made - yes for you to see results but for us to be able to follow them as easy as possible so we gave ourselves cheat days we gave herself moderation mils we gave ourselves you know if I did not freak out if I was at a party and took a bite of a cake because I just ate a little bit less of my like there was ways to implement it and make it easier but this was way harder than it because for 21 days there was no cheat Mills there was no taking a bite of something and being okay with it like I don't know how everyone else follows it but I am 100% being honest when I say I did it and stuck to it - its he and never did anything because I was craving it or needing it this guy think that the reason I truly believe the reason why Daniel did this diet not only to show God that he is sacrificing and starving the flesh and feeding the spirit I think that it hang on I gotta let this dog in but I believe he did it because the the first three days I was on the toilet like it was like it cleaned my I was like man I was wanting to clean my my spirit my soul out but I would I cleaned my gut out I am clean like I know this is really gross but I want you to prepare especially and I was like already pretty much healthy but if you were unhealthy and you are experiencing gut-rot it is going to clean you out and also clear your mind up I felt like I didn't feel sluggish I didn't feel like oh and I was able to truly focus like I wish I would have done this back when I was going to school because I could focus more easy and when I was praying I noticed that I was just so clear minded so it clears up your mind it cleans you out and it makes you super super healthy so what my experience of what it did for me spiritually it truly made my praying so much more deep and intense and anytime like I felt the need to just want to take a bite of something or one sweet treat or want something I would stop and pray and not only God okay I'm really having the problems at this time I would instead of pray like help me through this I would pray for a topic or pray for someone or pray for whatever I needed to be praying for for that day I also realized something that I would have never guessed um so like I am married to someone who just sits and listens to me and I was always the friend in the group or on the cheer squad that always did all the talking and one day God was like because I was just getting really frustrated like gosh I'm falling to my knees I'm praying all the time and I just don't feel like I'm hearing anything or getting anything out of it in one day clears I could just uh I I just forgot say you can talk to me but you are gonna have to zip it and listen like if you have a conversation with the friend and you do all the talking and you ask questions and say why when how where what what what but you don't listen to what they have to say back because you never gave them a chance you're not going to get anything out of the conversation so treat God like you you treat your friends but he is your number one friend like I had to shut up and listen and I started hearing him tell me stuff so I truly think that you will in this start hearing God more good journal that you write your daily thoughts and your daily devotions in as well will be so good to go back and look through when you're going through a hard time later down the road coming out of it my life problems were not magically better but the way I was able to look at my life and the way that I was able to handle it was so much better it's like I stopped seeing myself as poor McKenzie poor McKenzie because she went through all this but started seeing life as a blessing started seeing people the way God does the people who have done me wrong I was able to see them the way God sees them through God's eyes and then also like they may have done me wrong but I've done a lot of people wrong - not that I'm a bad person we've all I mean we are all guilty of something I also like every time I don't think we're thankful for the food that gets put in front of us or for how easy it is to access all this junk food or this bad food that we eat and we're so spoiled with no I don't like that I don't like that well if all we had in life was fruits and vegetables I promise we would like it the reason why we do not like this food that came from the ground is because we have spoiled ourselves with going to the store and grabbing things off the shelf that are just easy access or running through the drive-through it's very hard to find something healthy through the drive-through or when you have a bunch of options in front of you you're gonna choose the junk food over the healthy food if you're going for taste and satisfaction um coming out of this I am a little scared to fall back just because I was so intense on a deep level with God and studying the Book of Daniel and all that and also going through the Bible studies Daniel just pain in a perfect vision in my head of how to voted we are supposed to be to God during our hard times um is the Daniel fast good for your body let's cover that really quick so it does help you lose weight you probably will experience weight loss with that I didn't expect to I lost 5 pounds but I didn't expect to experience any weight loss with it because I was already following a good diet but I do eat a lot of chicken and like I said you don't know what all you're eating until you completely take it out with no cheat meals and no moderations I don't problem you are going to experience that you feel so much better and I thought so on all my NPC diets I had severe cravings and I just ate I would eat bananas some of the apples like you can eat natural peanut butter if you look on it it's just peanuts and sea salt um the organic kind in peanut butter and bananas peanut butter in Apple's care I mean I was not experiencing any [Music] miserable miss you know on diets when you're just so hungry I was never hungry and I never experienced cravings and that blew my mind it's going to flush all the toxins and foods that can lead to unhealthy cravings so that's why you are experiencing no cravings the Dania fast can also help reduce excess water weight by supplying the body with the nutrition it needs for example vegetables especially green leafy fruit avocados and raspberries nuts and seeds and legumes all contain magnesium so you are going to get a lot of nutrients I actually recommend this diet and with how good it makes me feel I tried to still to still follow this diet like 80 90 percent of the time with a little bit of moderation here are two verses that I really look to during this diet other than the Daniell in 10 where it just talks about the diet in the one day's so Genesis 1:29 says and God said behold I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth and every tree with seed in its fruit you shall have them for food so guys God wants us to eat this stuff so it's kind of I mean if I were God I would get a little bit offended with people I don't like this I don't like that and kind of cut every fruit and vegies and seeds and all the healthy stuff out of their diet when that was how we are intended to eat as humans just turned it into something else call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you did not know and that was like I mentioned and that's Jeremiah 33:3 so as I mentioned earlier in this video I found out stuff because I was just so calling to God and begging him for answers and in listening when I started listening he's going to tell you stuff that you didn't know about yourself and I started figuring out things about myself I needed to change and I've spent 10 years trying to change someone else you guys can guess who and when you change yourself and you become holy life is not about being happy it's about being holy but with holiness God is going to give you that happiness and I think as humans try to fall from that and that is when why we are just so high with depression and anxiety that's a lack of faith and just trusting God and giving your depression and anxiety to God I did that every morning god this is your fight your battle not mine so call to him he wants us to call to him he wants us to do things like this and just beg for answers and get our life the way that it's supposed to be lived the life that we were born to live so do I recommend you do it - absolutely hands down yes if you're not a spiritual person I don't think this video or this plan is going to benefit you the diet itself is a very good diet it's a completely vegan diet but most vegans eat a lot of bread perhaps you are in a place in your life where you need hope for something - for something that seems be dying like I was or you're looking for answers in a certain area because of the way the Daniel fast is constructed I believe that in the same way Daniel receive understanding in a response from heaven so will we so I hope you guys enjoyed this message and I hope that I covered everything about the Daniel fast comment below if you've done it or what to do or any questions you have that I can go answer and also always like and subscribe and tell me what you want to see in the next video
Channel: Bodybymac by Mackenzie McKee
Views: 39,385
Rating: 4.9803748 out of 5
Id: WzP0V_d1JWk
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Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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