Dangers Beneath The Sand! METAL DETECTING Seattle’s Alki Beach

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oh here we go here we go we got one got one hey guys sam sam the adventure man and today we are in seattle washington at alki beach with my lovely girlfriend renee and today is a day for treasure hunting check out this gear that we have with us we have the excalibur ii made by mine lab this is actually uh more for underwater but you can also use it top side as well we also have this sand scoop which works wonders in the sand just real easy you guys will see as the video progresses we're using the pinpointer by mine lab this helps to you know pinpoint you know the thing that we find and then also i'll have this um i guess you call it like a little mesh bag has a little zipper here where you can put the important stuff and then you know some of the bigger things you can put in there and also this trowel which helps you know digging um but for the most part i think we're going to end up using this the sand scoop oh and check this out i also have this super duper high tech bag here see that got this little clip here just clips on like so and we're in business just in case we find some pop cans or anything else so because yeah we are looking for treasure but we're also here to clean up as we go you ready babe i'm ready babe let's go all right let's do it let's do it looks like they're getting ready for the day for their volleyball you can see the guy down there raking since he's raking down there i'm assuming he's going to head this direction uh so let's hit that volleyball net uh before he rakes that area we don't want to be you know digging where he's freshly raked so we'll uh we'll hit that first all right see what we got no signals yet yeah i'm not picking up on any signals right now this area is actually pretty clean for the most part to cruise here a little bit more then we're gonna head over the fire pits you know that's where people sit they hang out you know stuff drops out of their pockets and also if you guys look here there's all these logs um people come sit lo sit on the logs they watch the water so we want to check around those logs so we're only a few minutes in so we're just getting started just starting to start nothing there's a little piece of trash right there have your handy dandy bag making sure we throw away all the trash that we find getting it in our cool walmart bag we got a little sound right there if i can see it's uh oh yeah more trash oh look at that seattle police junior police i think i got whatever it is see what it is it's like i think oh there it is there it is got a lighter lighter cool look at that yeah look at that guys pretty good keep that put it in my pocket okay awesome sweet good fine oh well babe we can start a fire we can start a fire we'll stay warm pretty good got a pretty good signal here let's see what we got oh i'm gonna switch it here to discrimination just kind of see get an idea that's pretty good signal that's pretty good signal uh sounds like that's going to be a metal that does not rust so something of value [Music] possibly looks like i got it here oh yeah there it is oh you see it yep gonna grab it nice one for the trash bag one for the trash bag cool another one here another signal nice flip it over let's see their side it's cool yeah got a shell baby added to our collection our shell collection [Music] all right we're gonna dig this spot here getting a good uh sound so let's see what picking up pretty good still [Music] here you want to be the pinpointer person sure all right there you go just hit that button there turns on you can tell it's on by looking at that light right there see the light yes i feel light all right there you go all right see if you can uh see if you can pinpoint that signal all right so it's in your hand see what you got nope you just dropped it baby oh my gosh where is it going maybe it's this no no babe yeah you need to jump in on that real quick well now it's over here and over here right here and right here see put that in my hand so there it is oh there we go now congratulations congratulations you found a nail those guys playing volleyball barefoot are happy yes keeping them safe anybody walking out on the sand is happy no problem he said thank you good job there's your nail there's my nail thank you look at that yeah yeah you do not want to step on that when you're out here hex no i'll put it in our bag of trash oh sweet heck yeah look at that like that washed ashore baseball nice put it in your bag good job it's good find but check out this view out here this morning let me turn the sound down a little bit of fog fog's starting to burn off though it's absolutely gorgeous here west seattle just phenomenal all right back to work two signals one here one here see let's dig this one first [Music] sounds like you got whatever it is let's see right there there it is got ourselves a uh it's the bottle top ball tap cap we'll dig this other one here see what we get sounds like still there a little circle try to zero in a little better it's right there i'm thinking i might have to bring in the pin pointer pinpointer professional there she is i am i'm ready right there all right cool [Music] sounds like we got it whatever it is all right let's take a look [Music] give it a shake see [Music] not there nothing there oh there it is you found it yeah it's stuck to the magnet so we keep magnets at the bottom that way sometimes the metal will stick to it um yeah in this case it worked it's a nail rusty nail oh what you got there a skewer this is on a nail but i don't think you want to step on this either right certainly not not at all right there sweet let's try it there it is found it found it good job oh she dropped it another one for the trash bag oh here we go here we go we got one got one in fact the metal detector uh made it noise then i can actually see it with my eyes shelves a tent spike ten spikes another one for your dad another one here you go dad just for you lawrence uh he's been taking the tent spikes i've been finding that way he could use it during the winter at christmas and different holidays to pin his uh yard decorations down got a little signal we're picking up on pretty good signal i see it right there with my eyes just a little piece right there a little piece of metal a little signal coming here scoop that up just gonna go over this real quick seems like we have it in the basket so i'm just going to kind of spread the sand out a little bit here and it's going to go like this so it's right there in the middle it seems like right there in the middle so in fact i think i see it looks like it's just a piece of paper or a piece of uh aluminum rather yep a little aluminum can or something i love coming out in these sandy areas super easy to dig got a real strong signal right there i'm seeing fire remains so i'm thinking this is going to be either aluminum that's been melted or maybe some a rusty old nail oh man there it is i was 100 wrong on that let me just dump that out you want to pick it up yeah you got it actually looks like that was another tent stake another tent stake another another tent stake for your dad babe he'll be happy well it's just your dad's birthday so maybe we can piggyback this and say it's part of his present okay we got another sound picking up here sounds like a high sound so it's pretty good it's gonna be a nice probably right there we hit the pin pointer right there all right let's see what we got [Music] is that hot i think it's hot it looks hot it feels uh the oligos still smoking yeah so we still got some smoke coming off this one here yeah those are hot coals oh that looks like they were actually cooking a mill out here that's probably stay warm yep so that's still warm so i truly don't want to be digging around in hot ashes to be honest so we're just going to cover this up i'm just going to cover this up and we're going to skip this one put another bottle cap right here saw this one with my eyes since we're here let's make sure we get this picked up right there sweet all right cool thank you yeah pinpointer definitely helps i think i got it oh i definitely have it you can see it right there look at that guys the dirty old rusty nail oh look check this one out guys just a nice little piece of sea glass a lot of people actually collect these so i think it is pretty nice soft and smooth check this out babe sea glass there you go for you that'd be cool to make something with we should keep it you should save this in your pocket so i'm getting a big signal right here there it is yep found ourselves a pop can another one out of the environment nothing just a bottle cap continues a lot of bottle caps a lot of bottle caps a lot of nails a couple of tint spikes lighter that was kind of cool right there got a bottle cap saw this bottle cap saw this one with my eyes getting uh still getting a signal though oof do that shard of glass that's not what was making the sound yeah whatever's making the sound is still down there but certainly get that out [Music] there it is got a nail yep good job yeah top top to a champagne so we're finally starting to get to the area where most of the people just hang out as you can see people are already starting to show up even though it's a gray day they're still still here with their beach towels and out enjoying so [Music] we're going to give those guys a safe distance but hopefully we'll find something over there something cool [Music] oh there it is oh yep [Music] another nail imagine that i think i'm going to dig this one here we're going to go ahead and pass it over to renee this was just another piece of this aluminum been melted out here at the fire so let's go ahead and give renaissance shot you ready ready babe i'm ready do i look dorky now no you're awesome i look awesome with more people showing up in the water like really going it's hard to hear so i think i need to put them on so that way i can actually hear what i'm trying to find so it sounds like it's a a bad metal do you see it there it is good job another now you got something sounds like there's something here uh let's see right there there it is another nail here's a little shovel can you dig it whoop you whoop you so kid toys are something we find often a lot of times it's cars or shovels or buckets or whatever but this is definitely a normal thing you got something sounds like there's something here right here there it is found it check it the out is this co2 co2 huh yep co2 cartridge for a gun oh nice all right well at least it's something different other than a nail and a we found this shovel here if you guys want to have it it's another little here you go watch you guys look yeah thank you you're welcome yeah [Music] yep another that one's really old super rusty screw i'm never going on the beach barefoot again never never not at all and the thing about it is a lot of these nails that we're finding are not by fire pits either they're just kind of out in the open so if you're on the beach people you should probably wear water shoes or some type of sandal oh there it is another tent stake another one for your dad all right here you go we're rocking up the tent stakes coming home dear lawrence that's three three all right right there [Music] oh oh nice little allen wrench little hex key yep there you guys go oh my god thank you yeah no problem yes there's a group of people here they have their soccer goals all set up uh we just asked if we cut through they're kind of hanging out at the moment um actually we're finding nails so kind of saves them from potential hazard so they said yeah come on through we're over there right there where point it there [Music] oh there it is oof so we got [Music] oh man nuts oh that's a stick [Music] yep another nail two nails we got two nails out of this spot right here well those guys can play soccer not get cut up bet you it's a nail in fact babe i bet you lunch that it's a nail now if i'm right do you buy lunch i'll buy lunch if you're wrong do you buy lunch [Music] all right sounds it sounds like a deal all right see how it goes let's see what i gotta deal with people no it's not really dylan it's a pleasure being in a relationship being in a relationship is really nice you want to try you just want to hit see if we missed it or not i got it i think you got it i think i saw it already saw it oh what was it no i'm pretty sure yeah [Music] yep there it is all right i guess i get to take you to lunch yeah yes [Music] i wanna lunch because we found it now all right guys we're gonna go ahead and grab a lunch real quick we've been out here for probably about two and a half hours as you've seen we haven't found a whole lot we have been able to save a lot of people from going to the hospital but that's about it yeah so we're gonna grab a quick lunch and then we'll come right back out sounds great see that smile that means she has been fed we just finished lunch and i gotta say the beach is absolutely packed right now there's so many people everywhere we decided we're gonna go ahead and wrap up this video and this video is actually or rather this day is going to continue over on renee's channel there's a link below make sure you guys check it out exploration togetherness we're going to go on and do some exploring here in seattle but first let me show you what we found so here it is got a bag of trash a little bit of treasure let me open up this super super high tech fancy bag that i got i found that rebar here i'm just gonna go ahead and dump this out here a lot of kids around here playing and screaming and having mostly a good time oh look at this guys all types of spikes all types of spikes and trash and found the co2 that was kind of interesting we did find a lighter that actually works there it is lighter actually works so that's kind of cool a lot of tint spikes found uh i think three total of three four four tent stakes and all kinds of nails and just sharp things to just totally ruin your day a little piece of the trash that we did pick up and see with our eyes um just nails and nails and nails and screws and spoky things found a little bean bag i'm pretty sure this is for uh that game where you toss it corn hole corn hole yup there's this for a corn hill we got a little aluminum can and also a baseball looks like this one here actually washed ashore the way it was sitting uh renee found this with her eyes but i gotta say all in all it was a really great day it was great to come out here uh beautiful place just a wonderful time spent with one of my loved ones thank you renee for being here you're welcome and i gotta say uh make sure you go over and check out the rest of the day on expiration togetherness the link is below we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Sam Sam The Adventure Man
Views: 16,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, Seattle, Puget Sound, Treasure Hunting, Mine lab excalibur, nuggetnoggin, Michael oliver, dallmyd, adventures with purpose, chaos divers, missing person, cold case, 911, danger, most dangerous city, cops, beach, alki, scuba, river treasure, depths of history, diver, underwater, scuba diving, environmental clean, mrbeast, green mountain metal detecting, water, waterproof metal detector, equinox, relic hunting, hunting, scuba jake, jiggin with Jordan, Nora svet, gold, panning
Id: 7netU8uJl18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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