Damped Oscillatory Motion

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the loss of energy in an oscillator is called damping in this video we will be specifically focusing on damping in a spring and mass system damping can occur within the spring due to energy loss from internal stress and as a result of external drag from air or water the damping in an oscillator can be described in four ways undamped under-damped critically damped and over-damped in order to analyze these categories we can use the experimental values beta and omega omega the angular frequency is equal to 2 pi over the oscillatory period 2 beta is equal to b over m where b is the decay constant and m is the mass of the system the decay constant is found by fitting the peaks of oscillation to an exponential curve if beta is zero the system is undamped perfect undamped motion is impossible to achieve with a spring and mass system in the real world over a short period of time however the decay from air friction is negligible enough that a spring in mass and air can be representative of an undamped oscillator if beta is less than omega the system is underdamped in an underdamped system the amplitude of each oscillation gradually decreases until the amplitude reaches zero if beta is greater than omega the system is overdamped in overdamped systems the system returns to equilibrium without ever oscillating if beta is equal to omega the system is critically damped for critically damped systems the system returns to equilibrium without oscillating as quickly as possible this is similar to overdamned oscillatory motion but it returns to equilibrium more swiftly you
Channel: Rebecca Koehler
Views: 53,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rebecca, koehler, kaylore, film, Physics (Field Of Study)
Id: sP1DzhT8Vzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 57sec (177 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 09 2015
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