Dame Julie Andrews Discusses Her Career, Losing Her Singing Voice and Going to Therapy | Lorraine

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congratulations on homework which of course you've written with your lovely daughter yes it's it's been a thrill to write with her help and she's so much better a writer than I am and I mean that because she teaches writing it and and does so much of it herself and research and so on but I couldn't have managed without her guidance and help and she did all the really difficult stuff like with a timeline and and the research into my Diaries that I use and things like that oh it's wonderful and sharing those experiences together as well so reliving all losing amazing University what I think is is at the time you don't think about it so much because you're so busy getting on with life course but to review it in in a memoir is quite another thing altogether very much so and of course we learned a lot about your daughters that you adopted from South East Asia and which again you know I don't think a lot of people would know about that so much so lovely to read that - oh I'm glad I'm so glad well my my trip there later was was an amazing revelation for me and but that was long after they were our kids and the good thing is you changed the law you know you you were you were a really vital part and you know it was a minor very small thing that I did but it felt wonderful to be able to do it and what it was was that I seen all the Amerasian children that were desperate to get visas to come into the states and that bill was coming up for review on the floor of in Washington and my voice was probably the last one that they heard saying please get the bill signed and have it done because these children need a home know very much so and I think if we get it not at that time that the vessel means well they were and then and and they were allowed in finally which was huge for them and I felt it happened on my birthday and I thought that's the best birthday present I could ever have been given because you think of all the amazing achievements you've had in your career they huge all these massive milestones amazing films but I guess that was so very special it was special makes such a difference yes challenge seeing seeing all the refugee camps for myself and the the problems in Southeast Asia I mean they are someone you mental it really puts life into perspective for sure but there's not many people that would have to did that and not meaning people that we do a lot of that we do wonderful people out there that do that work but for me it was it was a very good thing to have done oh it's fantastic yeah I love the stories about all the movies of course that we associate you with and the thing about Mary Poppins at that time it was really trailblazing because then the special effects and all of them were so many more these days in those days they had to find a way to make them look invisible it was extraordinary and of course you were dangling from the wire and I was very distressed to read but it was near the end of you when they dropped you like a ton of bricks just just one unlucky moment that's for sure luckily I had counterbalancing weights at the other end of those wires so I didn't actually break a leg or anything like that you could have been squashed well yes it's like that can you imagine and obviously that was a huge part of your life they did do a remake as well yes which I thought 50 years later crazy like that yeah I've really enjoyed it but there's nothing like the original and I can't imagine them ever doing the sound of music again for example what would be the point oh no I mean they made everything's made over these days there's no it can't well thank you very much nobody could do it nobody could do it like you did you know at the time this was going to be a movie though I don't think it will you hope that you're not making a disastrous flop and you want it to be as good as possible but you I don't think anybody because in fact the reviewers at the time for the film were not that great it's the way the sound of music in in in in its history just grew and new and grew because people seem to love it so much Sasa - I know it's an amazing film and each generation that grows up and experiences that films the first time always feel very envious of somebody watching it for the first game go in find oh it's one of the great well made Hollywood movies the the great musicals that they they they do make and they they're so amazing to see how they're made and and the work that goes at what a collaborative effort it is you're very very generous and your book you have a positive I love your positivity it just shines out through every page and I can hear you talking to me oh I'll it's like you're talking to it so we were having a conversation I mean but but you you are you always tend to see the best and things well I think I guess I sort of most of my life have seen the glass half full rather than half empty and I've been so blessed I mean think about it I'm the lucky girl that was asked to do all these wonderful things and so how could I write be anything but positive you know I don't music amazing Mary Poppins but for me Victor Victoria I love that film so much so ahead of its time well in what box real blazing film that was so you were a girl pretending to be a man who's pretending to be a girl yes that's right that is one of the toughest things you could ever do well I felt like I was tapping my head and rubbing my belly at the same time oh baby yeah but you got it I mean we absolutely believed it I think that my husband my wonderful director husband Blake Edwards who directed victor/victoria he said to me I said to him I don't think anybody's gonna ever believe that I really could fake it as a male and he said Julie it'll be all right because the audience within the movie believes it there for the audience watching the movie will probably go along with it and that made me feel much easier and of course you did it on Broadway as well yes your voice in that is extraordinary because it's from a way you don't hear - right up there thank you for noticing in absolutely incredible do you still sing no and again no I don't I think leave it up to other people now and I do use music in every way possible but I don't really sing anymore but the thing is we've got we've got the music having me we've got it there well thank heavens man I loved it so I wish I could but I had an operation and it wasn't that successful so I knew that was through suicide it was but you know the amazing thing is I guess glass-half-full the things that came out of that I wouldn't have been writing as much and my daughter said mum you've just found a new way of using your voice oh what a wonderful way to do that that's a great thing again that's you've obviously passed on your positivity to you well it was such a generous thing to say and it was like the weight fell off really as you mentioned of course Bleek Edwards your husband you work together loads and loads I always remember the movie sob and there was a huge feud ory about that and I will never forget the headline was Meili pops out oh no I'm sorry oh I'm it was like you rehearse through here it's not seating because we actually saw you know you do have boobs cuz you're a women and you've got boobs and that's fine yes absolutely and it was partly it was Mary this story but I mean were you quite didn't feel stranger than that was such a big deal well just say you know I had about it took about eight years to get that movie made yes because it really was a diatribe against the follies in Hollywood and what movies he needs Wow yes he was very gorgeous there's a master of evil all genres really musical comedy isn't you know of and just so many but but that scene we I had about eight years to think about burying my chest and so by the time we got to it and Blake was very tactful about it that's somebody else's calling that okay - I'm just got his No mein it's usually me that not happens - it's fine yes you had plenty of time to prepare yes yes exactly it was but it's a funny story oh I know it is it was eventually originally going to be just one side of me and then Blake said now it's got to be both well Heath in the before and he knew he did thank God we were married and midnight yeah I knew you had an incredible relationship you two I mean working together lives together being together and I miss him like crazy he was the most charismatic fellow and he he had a lot of problems he suffered from depression a great deal but when all was said and done he was my mate and I loved him so much well that Shane's out in the big thing really does in the time you spent because do you get time you know I know that you spent a lot time to start is that somewhere that is very close to your heart and you've had a home in for many many many years and that's where you could just well the family can you know kick back and which is just be family it's just our place that's good unique that I love the fact that you're very honest and open again a bit going to a therapist and you know no we are getting so much better at talking about me - okay I know this is some reasons people think is a very now we have a thing but everybody seems to feel that it's such a but an amazing thing to discuss but I feel so very fortunate that I had something that helped me clear clear my head and get rid of the clutter and understand life a little better and I needed that yeah and it's just you'd absolutely Bay and I think everybody know we are getting to the stage where people arguing a little so I remember when I first went my mother thought that I was going into a madhouse or something like that it was quite unusual and I guess for someone I guess from your background as well maybe it's that that thing because you have got the attitude off your soldier on your a grafter you've always been a grafter haven't you I love that word I love that I've never been called that before but you absolutely are and again you can tell that in the boot just who you think your heart and soul and every single project Oh think how lucky I've been I mean I'm the fortunate lady that's been asked to do all those wonderful things and that did meet my husband and that was able to learn about film and and I just think that I'm extremely fortunate I like that I think that's I wish more people had you data too to be honest anything left for you to do commemorating a who oh I hope so too and I enjoy it very much anything left yes there's quite a bit in in my future there's um my daughter and I are preparing a podcast next year about children's books which we write together of course and I'm doing a series for Netflix called the Bridget ins and it's I actually I'm narrating that the series which is voiceover each episode and I think I play a rather sharp lady of the press who reports all the goings-on in town that sounds very intriguing well it might be oh I'm at least I'm hoping it will but you know well no absolutely will and that's the thing you know about television that won't be happening till next you know at some point the thing about Talia Netflix as you mentioned as an actor and you can actually really delve deep into the character because you get the time well you do you know you do I think you'll probably I don't know whether you get more time on a movie or on television but I'm grateful for it whatever it is so you're never ever ever going to retire please I can't say that but you know what I can never not be doing something for sure probably maybe not in the business the way I used to but certainly am either doing something in my garden or doing something with my kids which I love or books or whatever you
Channel: Lorraine
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Keywords: lorraine, lorraine kelly, lorraine itv, lorraine interview, interview on lorraine, chat show, talk show, julie andrews, julie andrews lorraine, julie andrews interview, julie andrews singing voice, julie andrews the sound of music, julie andrews mary poppins, julie andrews home work, julie andrews book
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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