Daines Recounts Walking Through ‘Reprehensible’ Anti-Israel Protest At George Washington University

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yesterday morning I left uh the beauty of Montana Big Sky country and flew back to Washington DC where I saw the ugliness of what's going on at the GW campus what I saw yesterday was reprehensible a statue of George Washington covered with stickers that say free Palestine he's carrying a Palestinian flag also wrapped around his neck and his head is covered and wrapped in a CFA there was a white board there by the way this picture was taken by members of my team who accompanied me to the GU campus there was a white board that said these are our rules number one in great big block letters said no Zionism while I was there I also met a rabbi I met with Jewish students who also told me they were afraid to be on their campus let me be very clear anti-Semitism has no place in our country but welcome to Joe Biden's world and look what happened just last night while most of us were asleep protesters surrounded the president of gw's house and called for campus administrators to be beheaded then finally this morning mayor Bowser mobilized metrop PD to clear the encampment at W but this is just one campus there are still vile protests occurring across our country our nation is in desperate need of moral Clarity these Elite universities they promote diversity and inclusion as long as it includes hating Jews everybody has First Amendment rights to free speech to protest but they do not have the right to demonstrate such hate and violence that Jewish students feel unsafe we must collectively condemn all forms of hate wherever it shows up and President Biden and Senate Democrats must join my colleagues my Republican colleagues in standing firm with the Jewish Community including looking at ways we remove the federal funding of of these universities that don't act to produce to protect these Jewish students just uh
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 8,894
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Id: q8Ksk7iUxcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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