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By now, most of you are almost certainly aware  of SCP-343. From the outset, he appears to be an   unassuming old man, although the specific details  of his appearance are subject to change based   on whoever happens to be looking at him. Oh, and  he’s also God; we probably should have opened with   that. Or, at the very least, SCP-343 claims that  he was responsible for creating… well, everything.  Virtually the entire universe as we know and  understand it, and even all of the parts we   can’t even fathom are, according to him,  the result of SCP-343’s design. It’s that   assertion that earned him his nickname of ‘God’  among the staff of the SCP Foundation. Well,   that and the fact that he can seemingly do  anything with as little as a thought. In fact,   SCP-343 doesn’t really even need to think all  that hard to literally rework reality around him.  So, you might be wondering, with virtually  unlimited reality-warping power that can enable   him to do and be anywhere, all the knowledge in  the entire universe, and nothing but free time on   his hands: what exactly to SCP-343 do all day? 6:00 AM  SCP-343 starts most days awake before most  of the Foundation staff at Site 17. Well,   to say he’s awake before is actually  something of a misstatement. Technically,   he can’t be awake before anybody, because he never  really sleeps to begin with. He doesn’t need to,   not only because he doesn’t require sleep to  replenish energy like any mortal being does,   but also due to the fact that SCP-343  doesn’t exactly experience time in much the   same way as human beings do. After all, he did –  supposedly – create the very force of time itself.  Rather than living moment to moment like we do,  experiencing the present, which then becomes   our past, SCP-343 can exist at any and all points  in time at will. For him, the past, present, and   future are occurring simultaneously, although he  seems to stay as closely tethered to the present,   but this is more out of choice. If he wanted to, we’re sure SCP-343   could be at every moment in history, probably even  in multiple different locations and even timelines   at once. But that’s just what happens when you’re  the apparent original architect of the universe   and don’t rely on ancient numerical systems and  the rotation of the Earth in order to tell time.  After being awake for all of what we  perceive as nighttime, SCP-343 will go for   a stroll around nice and early. Oh, you thought we  meant a stroll around the facility he’s kept at?   No, no, he’ll take a stroll anywhere, literally  phasing through solid matter and sometimes even   just teleporting to whatever place takes his  fancy. Sometimes he’ll just choose a place   at random, or pick an old favorite; just  somewhere scenic to watch the sun rise.  8:00 AM Once the Foundation’s personnel have had   enough time to both fully wake up and realize that  SCP-343 has wandered out of his quarters, then an   urgent search will undoubtedly be underway.  Panicked Foundation security teams will start   racing through the halls of Site 17, frantically  searching for SCP-343. He’s not exactly trying   to evade them, he’s just naturally very resistant  to being contained. It certainly makes keeping up   with him a challenge, especially when he walks  through walls into the cells of other SCPs.  When the security team find him,  it’s inevitably because alarms are   sounding to alert them that another containment  chamber has been breached. Sometimes, in fact,   more often than not, the staff stationed at SCP  Site 17 will receive word from another Foundation   installation that they’ve just seen SCP-343 stroll  past security at a completely different location.  Sometimes he’ll pay a visit  to SCP-049, the Plague Doctor,   usually casually conversing with the anomalous  physician and admiring his surgical skills.   Handling medical tools is a tricky enough task,  made even harder with a beaky mask on your face.  On other occasions, the Foundation has caught up  with SCP-343 on his morning strolls in various   other facilities, or with a number of different  anomalies. Often, he’ll slip through walls to   spend time with SCP-529, better known as  Josie the Half Cat; an otherwise ordinary   domesticated cat with anomalously intangible  hind quarters. Sometimes SCP-343 will also   pay a morning visit to SCP-999, stating that he  hopes the Tickle Monster will be ‘ready one day’.  Other times, SCP-343 has been found by the  Foundation sitting with Cain, with the pair   usually being in mid-discussion over some deep  philosophical pondering. The pair of them are   rather friendly with each other, as if they’ve  known each other for a while, with SCP-343 on one   occasion even being noted as remarking to Cain: “It’s so good to see how far you’ve come, my boy,   especially after all that nasty  business with your brother.”  10:00 AM Wherever he ends up, once the Foundation is   able to catch up with him, they politely ask him  to return to his quarters back at Site 17. SCP-343   is always amicable and will make his way back  post-haste, usually arriving before the security   team who chased him down are able to make it back. Once he’s back, it doesn’t take SCP-343 long to   get bored, however. So, he decides to undertake  a little bit of home decorating to pass the   time. He’s already conjured a fireplace and  plenty of elegant furniture into his room,   but on this particular day, he feels like  adding some color to brighten the place up.  With little effort, the Mona Lisa, The  Starry Night, The Persistence of Memory,   Café Terrace at Night, and plenty more of the  world’s most famous paintings all simultaneously   appear on the walls. Having summoned so many  famous works to his room, SCP-343 has transformed   his quarters into his own personal art gallery. He spends a while studying the paintings,   looking at the skillfulness that went into  the creation of each one. Every brush stroke,   every color choice; he almost seems like a proud  father looking at his child’s art on display at a   school open day. SCP-343 finds it oddly humbling,  to see how human artists have reflected just a   fraction of the majestic universe he created, and  all through such simple means. Paint on canvas,   oil and water, brushes, and an easel; they  seem so quaint to someone whose preferred   medium is the very fabric of reality itself.  And yet, so many of the paintings he looks   at seem to show the world through an even more  beautiful lens. Imagination, SCP-343 admired it.  Naturally, when multiple art galleries  around the world reported that some of   their most famous works had all been stolen at  the exact same moment, it didn’t take very long   for that news to reach the Foundation. When  they were eventually able to determine where   the paintings were, a squad of guards politely  told SCP-343 that they needed to be returned.  “We’ve been looking everywhere  for them,” one explained.  With as little as a blink, SCP-343 sent each of  the paintings back to where they had come from.  12:00 PM At midday, there was a knock   at SCP-343’s door, from notorious high-ranking  Foundation researcher Doctor Jack Bright. Often,   whenever he was working close enough to Site  17, Doctor Bright would pop in to visit SCP-343,   usually bringing along the anomalous reality  warper’s preferred meal: hamburgers. The pair   would chat casually to begin with, enjoying  their food while a pair of security guards   stood watch outside. However, inevitably their  conversation would always take the same turn…  “You could remove it, couldn’t  you?” Doctor Bright asked,   referring to SCP-963, the amulet he wore  around his neck. “Or nullify it somehow?”  The anomalous artifact was bound to Jack  Bright, allowing his consciousness to be   passed from one host body to the next, granting  him functional immortality. Although, over time,   his extended lifespan had felt less and less  like a gift, and more like a curse. SCP-343   had already been aware of this, thanks to them  having the same conversation over a number of   years. He’d known Doctor Bright for longer  than most others working at the Foundation;   and knew how badly the researcher wanted to die.  But every time, SCP-343 would deny Jack’s request.  “Jack, you know I could,” SCP-343 replied. “But you won’t,” the Foundation doctor   finished the sentence. “Why not?  Will you explain that to me?”  “Because I know why you’re asking.” “And why am I?” Jack probed further,   calm, not once raising his voice. “It’s not that you’re tired of being alive   for so long, although that may be how it feels,”  SCP-343 explained. “But you only feel that way   because you’re unfulfilled. You have this gift of  immortality, and what do you use it for? You work,   all you do is work. Just because you no longer  have the short life everyone else doesn’t mean you   should stop living, Jack. You devote yourself to  the Foundation, all its SCPs and horrors. Go out   and do something for yourself every so often. Go  to a party, meet people. Or make something, create   a piece of art. You could even try making a movie.  What’s the worst that could happen? That’s why I   won’t remove the amulet, Jack, because I want  you to have a chance to enjoy your extra time.”  1:30 PM After finishing   his lunch with Doctor Bright, SCP-343 takes some  time out of his day for recreation. Completely   unbeknownst to the Foundation, SCP-343 phases out  of reality – as we understand it – and enters an   extradimensional space, an astral plane, some  might call it. While there, SCP-343 likes to   enjoy a game of Solitaire, conjuring a deck of  playing cards from nothing and using them to play.  Solitaire is a basic game, and once based  on chance. How easy or difficult it is to   complete rows of cards all in their matching  set, is all down to the random arrangement of   the deck. That could be why SCP-343 likes playing  a game like Solitaire. He has the ability – so he   claims – to create or unmake any part of the  universe, to go anywhere, or to do anything.   If he wanted to, the cards could always be in  the perfect order for him to finish the game   in a few seconds. But where would be the fun? Most, if not all, of SCP-343’s behavior seems   to imply that – despite his untold levels of  reality-warping power – he enjoys giving up   control. Or at least, the illusion of not having  to control everything around him. Playing with a   completely random deck of cards feels very much  in line with that aspect of his personality.  If SCP-343 wanted to, he could always draw the  right card he needed for his Solitaire games, but   then he would be giving up that illusion of not  having control. In much the same vein, he could   very easily erase the universe’s most dangerous  anomalies, or even destroy the SCP Foundation with   little effort, if he wanted to. And yet, he opts  instead to go through the motions, to let the deck   of cards stay in random order. 4:00 PM  By the time the afternoon is about to  become the evening, there’s normally   a bit of commotion at Site 17, all caused by  SCP-343. Given how large the SCP Foundation is,   and how expansive the organization’s various  facilities and operations are, inevitably,   someone who hasn’t heard about SCP-343 eventually  learns of his existence. When another group   within the Foundation learns that Site 17 is  accommodating a potentially dangerous SCP,   with the ability to warp reality on a completely  unknown scale, it tends to cause a little panic.  Requestioning a Mobile Task Force, a Site  Director from another facility stormed into   Site 17. He demanded to be shown to SCP-343’s  quarters, despite protests from the on-site staff,   who all reassured the Director that there  was nothing to worry about. They had all   worked with SCP-343, all conversed with him,  and knew him to be benevolent. But that just   gave the Site Director more cause for concern.  If SCP-343 could really do anything, surely he   could have influenced how the personnel at Site  17 perceived him, via some cognito hazardous means   that meant they only thought he was harmless. Bursting into SCP-343’s room with the MTF   troopers, the Site Director demanded that the  powerful reality warper explain himself. By   this point, this had happened enough times that  SCP-343 just used the sudden intrusion as an   excuse to leave the facility again for a while.  He never even acknowledged that the agents from   another part of the Foundation were trying  to confine him, he merely got up and walked   away. Even when the Site Director, who was a  far more trigger-happy one this time around,   commanded his men to open fire, SCP-343 was  unphased. The bullets from the MTF’s weapons   had no effect, melting into nothing practically  the second they exited the barrel of their guns.  Ignoring angered shouts to sit back down  and stay put, SCP-343 casually walked off,   disappearing through a wall and leaving the Site  Director and MTF scrabbling to track down where   he’d gone to now. 7:00 PM  The wider SCP Foundation was thrown into a state  of panic, all while the reassurances of the Site   17 staff fell on deaf ears. It didn’t matter  how many times they said that SCP-343 would   come back in his own time, the Foundation  were already scouring the Earth looking for   the reality-warping old man. Of course, few  people think to look for you when you hide   out in a specific quiet old town in Belgium. SCP-343 had decided to take a sightseeing tour   of Europe while the SCP Foundation attempted  to track him down. Every time he sensed that   their agents were nearby, he vanished to another  scenic location. He enjoyed being around people;   their lives were so short and fleeting compared  to his, the novelty of spending time walking   among his ‘creations’ never seemed to wear thin. They spent their lives fretting over concerns that   seemed so trivial to a being who could see  the entire cosmic scope of everything that   existed. And yet, it was these ordinary people  who had built great cities and civilizations,   who had developed culture and art beyond anything  SCP-343 could ever have anticipated when he   created them… if he actually did create them. His tour across Europe had brought SCP-343   to Bruges, the oldest and most well-preserved  medieval town in Belgium. He stood at the top   of an old clock tower, looking out at the view  of the buildings and the canal that ran through   Bruges. He was impressed at how long a place like  this, made by man, had stood the test of time.  An old man came to join SCP-343, having observed  him in the tower and thinking he looked lonely.   The pair of them got to chatting, the reality  warper revealed who he was; much to the man’s   surprise, he found himself believing the  outlandish claim that this stranger had indeed   made the whole universe. The old man proceeded to  ask about the meaning of life and the universe,   what everything meant and was for. “Forty-two,” SCP-343 answered smirking,   still staring out over Bruges. The old man looked confused.  “That’s just a joke from a book I quite enjoyed.” 8:00 PM  SCP-343’s sightseeing break didn’t end in  Belgium. In fact, it didn’t even stay confined   to Earth for very long. The SCP Foundation,  the ones who weren’t stationed at Site 17,   were still on the lookout for the reality-warping  old man, although they were still yet to turn   their gaze upwards. Without any fanfare, nor any  explosive teleportation, SCP-343 just popped into   existence… standing on the surface of the Moon. He basked in the Earth-light for a while,   looking at the view of the entire world. From  here, it seemed so much smaller, still colossal   in size compared to SCP-343 himself, but it was  the distance. Everything seemed so far away, so   microscopic that for a mortal, it might be hard to  comprehend. But for SCP-343, he could see clearly:   a world teeming with life. He turned his gaze to  the infinite expanse of space, the whole universe   beyond; stars burning against an inky blackness. As he stood looking out at the solar system,   like someone admiring their handiwork, he  spotted something that surprised even him.   A few million kilometers from the Sun was an  old Volkswagen microbus. This was SCP-1958,   a vehicle that had been heavily modified by  a group of friends so that they could leave   Earth and go travel the cosmos together.  They had initially been successful,   and had planned to visit Alpha Centauri, a  Star System in the Constellation of Centaurus.  Unfortunately, a miscalculation meant it  would take millions of years to reach their   destination. Ultimately, the entire group on  board SCP-1958 had perished, lost in space.  While he was saddened to know of their deaths  – thanks to his omniscience – SCP-343 could   hardly blame the group of young friends for  wanting to travel to the stars. He might not   have chosen to do so in an old microbus,  but he could understand why they would go   to such lengths to fly away from Earth.  It truly was beautiful up here in space,   SCP-343 thought. 10:00 PM  Having decided he’d been gone for long enough,  SCP-343 thought it was about time that he should   be making his way back to Site 17. He’d given the  SCP Foundation enough of a run around for one day.   SCP-343 would finally settle back into the comfort  of his cell – exactly where he wanted to be.  Want an anomaly of your own? Check out  www.scpswag.com for high-quality SCP merch!  Now go check out WHAT IF SCP-343 WORE  SCP-035?” and “SCP-343 GOD VS BILL CIPHER   FROM GRAVITY FALLS” for more explorations  into everyone’s favorite anomalous deity!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 116,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-343, scp 343, scp343, scp god, god, scp-049, scp 049, scp049, scp plague doctor, plague doctor
Id: 3XdUT1x222w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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