Daily Juicy Memes 651

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fresh juicy memes every day 7 p.m british time rapper i live on the street their house me when poor stay humble me when rich where's your plane peasant when you realize you are slowly disliking your favorite song don't let the flame die out my friend doing all the talking during the presentation me an introvert who did most of the work thank you students i'm not getting enough sleep each night schools just sleep faster after eating one piece of pringles chips after all why not why shouldn't i eat the whole box what is the pinnacle of human engineering me [Music] me see ya blind kind see ya tomorrow me you will 14 year old girl oh my god tyler is so cute tyler getting demoted from line leader in grade 3 i used to rule the world slytherin grifinder ravenclaw and hufflepuff knowledge leaving my body the moment i finish an exam billy what have you done animated shows are only for children let me help do you have any history of mental illness in your family i have an aunt who believes bill gates controls us with 5g dog people what's the breed husky no it's an alaskan lammute lizard people oops yes why did you stab me i thought we are best buds you bully men when they express how they feel fair enough the quiet kid me about to go in front of class and do all the talking the project he did all by himself being a computer scientist that has 20 years of experience who has worked on hundreds of projects putting the usbn upside down every time captain america super soldier thor a literal god and man i'm small youtuber asking for likes youtuber asking to consider liking youtuber not saying a thing youtuber who allows dislikes teacher i need you guys to find your partner for this activity me looks at my friend has already partner it's his crush me i'll allow it me mom and my ugly mom don't call me mom when we are in public me when i actually remember to take the reusable bags to the store got you are dead now how do you want to spend your days in heaven me no one idiots stop killing alligators to make gatorade promise you won't cry i promise i won't cry my friends making fun of me in a different language me who forgot to tell them i'm bilingual do you have any history of mental illness in your family i have an uncle who thinks legos are only four kids how school wi-fi is when you're in class how school wi-fi is when you need it banana whatever the [ __ ] these are a hannah means family family means nothing in uno get good me according to my mum when i was a teenager computers in the sixties i sent mankind to the moon with only two kilobytes of ram computers today woohoo chrome tab scary i'm the most patient man alive i click on chrome just once and wait for it to open you're clearly superior if video games are making kids more violent why do they keep losing fist fights against me [Music] mary had a little lamb hat when you're happy you enjoy the music when you're sad you understand the lyrics i'm a barbie girl in a barbie world wrapped in plastic it's fantastic yetis are just people who rejected humanity but couldn't fully embrace monkey when you turn on rtx then realize your pc can't handle it [Music] country goes against china china that's it you just lost your trading privileges when you re-watch a show and you start noticing things that only adults would understand of course the justice league will pay for the damage republicans and fox news democrats and cnn the six corporations that control 90 of our media me when i get better grades on english than on my native language confuse starks hello i'm david i lost my id to dania central park so you are dav now dav you don't get to joke the consequences of my procrastination me me i'll go to sleep early today my recommends at 3 a.m 1 trillion lions vs sun who would win solved with science me whenever i go to the store and see the security camera [Music] do you have any history of mental illness in your family my mom thinks vaccines contains microchips trash cans were invented in 1920 people in 2021 close your eyes bro ok bro what do you see bro nothing bro those are your human rights bro bro girls if your height begins with 5 don't talk to me you child 4 feet guys hey rap is spending 250 000 on a chain me spending ten dollars on something i've needed for months no one solitaire cards when you won the game sometimes what a person needs is just one piece 100 billion dollars we'll have flying cars in 2021 printers in 2021 there is no help teacher if you don't pass all your tests you will work as a garbage man the garbage man pov you're a seed spotify on pc spotify on mobile karen kids these days never go outside and play also karen when she sees kids outside anger do you have any history of mental illness in your family i have a sister who recognizes songs from tik tok the worst thing she could say is no do i know you ha ha wait you're not kidding oh when the uber driver doesn't talk during the whole ride after all why shouldn't i why shouldn't i give him a 5 star rating when you're on youtube unsubscribing from channels you used to love that no longer upload or went downhill my friend i'm so ugly also him waterfall exists gamers where secret straight men and women be like men kissing each other women kissing each other when you're happy you enjoy the music when you're sad you understand the lyrics head shoulders knee and toes knee and toes before the finale blow was struck i tore open a portal and sent him to romania cherizzard a fire-breathing dragon venosaur a walking biome blaster eyes dog people what's the breed husky no it's an alaskan lammute rat piap what breed is he rat vegans milk is murder dairy cows that actually need to be milked or it hurts their utters me finally cuts ties with someone who's been dragging me down my climbing partner pov it's the best day ever [Music] there's two types of people i dip the fries in ketchup i squeeze the ketchup onto the fries me who doesn't like ketchup i guess i'm not a person drop out of school unemployed get phd unemployed what gives people feelings of power money status the train doors arriving right in front of you without you having to move when the us military tries to find new recruits you're stupid are like that in a man superman literally a god flash faster than light bad man me does absolutely nothing life depression grew to level 14 do you have any history of mental illness in your family i have a brother who thinks master chief is from fortnite me on the toilet the thinker students i'm not getting enough sleep each night also students at 3 am successful people unsuccessful people the guy who downloaded halo on the school computer ea after removing the elf and play i will grant you three wishes i wish but tasting food was healthy yeah what the hell is up with that anyway good wish bro you still have three wishes when my little brother hits my fingers with his plastic lightsaber no one will find your body thank you for watching today's episode of juicy memes tune in tomorrow at 4 p.m and 7 p.m for your daily dose of memes if you liked the video be sure to like and subscribe if you haven't already also be sure to check out my instagram page and discord server the links are in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Memenade
Views: 170,004
Rating: 4.9486079 out of 5
Id: 640bu84x948
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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