Daily Juicy Memes 241

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fresh juicy memes everyday 7:00 p.m. British time boomer humor you can't swipe it son you'll have to walk to the next painting genteel humor me and the boys at 2 am looking for beans I once bought a shop - although out of a Where's Waldo pic and sent it to my friends some men just want to watch the world burn teacher no hats hoods or head wear unless it's religion related me your last name is your ancestors job Steve Jobs confused screaming when you spend week studying for your blood test but you still end up getting a b-minus when you realize that your skin is made out of dead cells so you're as dead on the outsiders on the inside me explaining to my cat that I won't tell anyone if he can speak my cat pretending he can't speak immediatelly using a get-out-of-jail-free card in monopoly I'm a changed man and I'm ready to reenter society as a solid citizen cocaine marijuana bit goals beyond your understanding Shifu yo ter long escaped master rude way dat why I arise read me I've been smoking weed dat don't lie you've been thinking about the burning of the Library of Alexandria again haven't you me when you're chewing Montgomery quarto when you realize it's Rick Astley's birthday today [Music] walking running sprinting going back to the house after taking the trash out at night potential cure to Wuan corona virus discovered by doctors i'm inevitable teacher why are you smiling me nothing my mind blank hallo sir I'm here to pick up your daughter super hero needs a back story got you have lost parents privilege cashier girl at a Lego store ah this will be a great gift for your little brother 22 year old me are you delusional do you suffer from a mental illness my friend call the ambulance me but not for me congratulations to my brother on his first paycheck and his discovery of taxes everyone felt that dog owners your dog isn't a fit boy or a chunker but is morbidly obese when the new update announces methyl right and all that beats out diamonds I used to rule the world me dama I'm feeling cute today mirror damn you're cute today my friends damn you're cute today my front-facing camera hello ugly don't worry I'll keep you safe a shame introverts for not having friends at tsunami warning get as high as you can it's over tsunami I have the high ground Michelle why are we stopping barek my goals are beyond your understanding [Music] teacher does anyone know who changed all the desktop wallpapers me me puts an even number of socks in the laundry one of the socks girls how did you not cry it too tannic do you even know what sadnesses men heart is meat also heart beats does your mom know you're gay no call an ambulance but your dad does but not for me this format isn't going to be used to its full potential ps4 guys xbox is gay Xbox guys ps4 is gay PC guys both of you are gay the media I hate everyone just the same zoom isn't younger elin musk will die in your lifetime when AI starts eliminating human race humans you can't do this to us various species on earth near to being extinct because of humans first time kpop bands have internal disputes between band members the Clone Wars welcome to the gang kit we've got stealing Steve murdering Mike and crimes Johnson what did crimes Johnson do he laughed at a minion me my Stone Age ancestors who fought off wolves to survive watching me failed to open the pickle jar me and the boys vibing at my house me and the boys when my mom yells my full name auntie Vox illogic um this bridge is only 99.997% safe I think I'll swim the media the coronavirus isn't even very deadly the only reason people have been killed is because they are old out or have pre-existing health problems girls while the toy section on the shop is so cringy I can't believe I liked Barbie boys after picking up in a Kim's lightsaber knowing they can continue his legacy of destroying younglings girl slaps me you wouldn't hit a girl me a supporter of equal rights lethal force engaged grandpa climate changes a scam the earth isn't even that hot the earth Australian firefighters get their own funkopop to help animals impacted by the bush fires funkopop I'm doing my part genetically engineered moths have been released into the wild to wipe out pests your free trial of living has ended your child searched restricted topics strayed rack the nether watcher searched for how to out pits of the heart which is considered forbidden knowledge under your current parental control settings the sacred texts we bought Star Wars now what Lydia uses the force pugs don't fire directors during production when your phone is about to drop on the floor so you save it by smacking it against a wall I too am extraordinarily [ __ ] how I look when I try looking people in the eyes while talking to them small kids staring into my soul drawings made by people going through crippling depression anime Bella almost beat Manny May protagonists call an ambulance power of friendship and love but not for me nobody girls taking pictures with guns [Music] you have one hour to eat 500 maggots who do you choose to help you me an intellectual when you start making high-quality memes instead of just reusing compressed garbage wait that's illegal hi I bought this ad so you could enjoy your video in peace carefully he's a hero teenagers school doesn't let us sleep enough also teenagers at 2:00 a.m. cops do you have a criminal record me not really cops what do you mean not really me it's me are was spared but it's hardly been used since me are off just sleeps in your mom's bed instead 52 lego city commercials but they all yell hey at the same time it's beautiful I've looked at this for five hours now they are the same picture 500 million years ago when you're having a good time but someone stops you now when you play Russia's national anthem and that kid in the wheelchair stands the spine no one this guy apparently day 359 flipping it going everyday until it lands on its side when you're playing for par Laos and just want to screw with the customer you took everything from me I don't even know who you are we giving someone else directions when I don't even know where I'm at myself what your phone sees before it falls on your face unlike you Millennials I can write in cursive whoa this is worthless I can't hold on give me your hand first give me the lamp when someone stares at you in public so you stare at his wife's breasts introduce a little anarchy burglar breaks into house gun owner Blagh Blagh Blagh blip blop blop blip learn english deserts in the day deserts at night welcome to the Himalayas my therapist just be yourself let people see the person who you are me people talking about artificial intelligence overtaking the world the best artificial intelligence program me coming back from Colombia anti-drug dogs at the airport me and the boys giving each other diamonds in creative mode in Minecraft storm the Bermuda Triangle it can't swallow all of us ready for round two sorry Moomin but we never know when you open your phone in the middle of the night Fire Nation attacks the Avatar when the volleyball is coming right at ya welcome to the gang kit we've got stealing Steve murdering Mike and crimes Johnson what did crimes Johnson do he skipped to the bottom of this meme without reading the rest of it when you order Ed Sheeran on wish behold my stuff check out my store shop need comm to get a working and playable Game Boy iPhone case supporting 36 classic games such as Mario and pac-man check out that and other mean themed clothing at shop-made dot-com or using the link below thank you for watching today's episode of juicy means tune it tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. British time for your daily dose of memes if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like and subscribe if you haven't already also check out my good server for some extra juicy stuff the link is in the description
Channel: Memenade
Views: 900,648
Rating: 4.9301414 out of 5
Keywords: dank memes, dank memes compilation, memes, dank memes vine compilation, memes compilation, funny memes, best memes, dank, tik tok memes, fortnite memes, fresh memes, minecraft memes, dank compilation, memes 2020, clean memes, new dank memes, dank memes 2020, dank daily memes, dank spicy memes, dank doodle memes, ultimate dank memes, tiktok memes, unusual memes, dank meme, dankest, meme, new memes, dank memes 2018, dank memes 2019
Id: mdG53JoFvy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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