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[Music] good morning my lovely ones how are you loves i hope everybody's well good morning good afternoon or good evening for some of you welcome to your daily energy may 5th you know 5 5 20 21 so make a wish loves because 2021 sums up in five today is the five and the month is the fifth month so five five five and when we put all together that makes six five plus one which is you know the fifteen five five five fifteen and one plus five that's six there is a lot of movement forward so let's see here loves how that day goes and how these energies are forum many many of you you know the rule of fifth five five five if you don't know circuit loves but let's see loves what we have for you in this day and how it's moving as well you know the messages are coming in are for this day for for a longer period of time and by the end of this reading we'll get a card of oracle as a device or as a message for you i'm not sure why but i have enough bidding energy here and it's not coffee i feel here it's the day or the excitement of this number we have a three of swords as overall energy for some of you you feel like well my heart doesn't feel so i gotta do something about it three of pentacles work on an issue or putting effort on a issue yes loves ten of swords and king of swords making new plans for the future is like what didn't worked i will make something else about this let's see here what this is about loves there's a lot of swords i might speak at this time with an aquarius libra gemini but for sure some of you are changing certain things also king of swords is that kind of king that if i say this i will make it this temperance judgment six of cups hang man you know it's like reconciliation cards or coming back around this temperance judgment and six of cups jeff hangman knight of ones king of wands let's see here somebody here needs to learn a lesson ace of wands lovers and three of wands and press underneath here an empress is venus also symbolized taurus and libra energy here because i'm feeling here for some of you you are indeed need to learn a lesson if this doesn't work what's the point what's the point as we speak right now in a few days somebody here needs to understand one thing that you cannot push somebody you cannot force somebody to love you you cannot force somebody to be with you to care for you what you need to do is to take care of you first thing first do things for yourself and also there is a realization here that who is this person they are not here to settle down some of you you are dealing here with somebody who you could be you know for over two three years now and they are not here to commit they are a past life energy but i feel here you you expect more from them but they are not around that expectations also we do have trees three of swords three of pentacles and three of ones the one is missing is three of cups which is friendship you know them for a long time you could consider them a friend or you know we are in the friend energy but i feel here one of you might say like well we are just friends we can be this and that you know could be even friends with benefits having the cards around here but i feel here somebody here loves the other person and it's kind of like what are you talking here about i know you for so long and now what's that so you loves i feel here there is air energy fire energy and a pisces energy but somebody here is playing not good and the empress also is the number three in the deck now let's see what's the hangman here for also here could be involved an air sign and two fire signs let's see hang man emperor all right page of pentacles and nine off pentacles all right loves you could live together for quite a long time but this person offers very lila even they offer it something tangible but it's very very small the other thing here what i'm saying here somebody here is all about money work you know doing things like they they're quite in their energy they could have strong fire in the chart but they are all about money business career travel like that's that's the the thing there is a strong bond between the two it's like you you very good match with each other in bed and things like that but you know emotionally it's not there for some of you you know this person for a very long time but their traits are not changed and i'm not saying here that you are not quite at their level because you are both same pretty level and you are meant to be here you know life partners but this person is all about their stuff for some of you you don't really know what else to do for this person to see other things but i feel here they need to see it you don't need to make them to see it and indeed here this person could put work over relationships knight of wands here speak to me will a fortune yes sagittarians all the way but i feel here this person that's how it is over and over and over again you could live with them you could date them a lot and yes they are meant to come into your energy to be with you and indeed here this could be your person but it's kind of like when they want how they want let's see here what's your expectations here three of one's magician as you see here three of ones is magician on the other side i manifested and i'm waiting for this manifestations to come forward i wish here it's like you really want this person and thinking when this will come you want a ring from them and they are your twin but you feel like i don't know if it's coming it's like you feel like already we're ready to go you're all ready to go loves into something new taking a leap of faith into something new you are not sure if this person will make that thing and you feel like how much patience i gotta have here with this person what i'm seeing here what i'm seeing here it's a long relationship for some of you you you could be living you could be dating this person you could be even engaged for a very long time but not married and now when it's about like to make this real feels is not happening because of what they do or what they are prioritized here but king of swords is speaking out loud so speak your truth loves speak your truth let's see here king of wands speak to me here page of swords page of wands and the devil and ace of swords it's like we are already here but i feel here there is something here that's not quite there with the devil here is we are anyway here but we have different opinions different things here if i'll take this way yes it's a thing but it's quite like this you know each other very long time since you've been young because there's young energy and there is mature energy here and the devil here it's this is not a marriage but this is like living together with no marriage like boyfriend girlfriend but we are like married but we are not there is a bond here but somebody here wants marriage wants whatever the thing here you know wants that document energy but feels like not whatever the thing is so something here doesn't feel going the way it is give me an answer spirit what that thing is what the thing is hierophant commitment six of pentacles seven of ones and the sun and the seven of cups too much confusion in here too much confusion not a give and take what i'm saying here for some of you i want commitment another is telling he's like we are in commitment i want a kids and somebody here doesn't want kids because it feels like they are space or their freedom will be stuck out there will be you know i cannot move you know i need to commit to another human being and somebody here is questioning what should they do let's see here one oracle card here one oracle card chaos and conflict all that glitters and serendipity and deep knowing no place like home i feel here there is certain conflict here and somebody here tried to stay superficial because all that glitter is what seems great might not be as great and serendipity here is let's work on this i don't know how to because somebody here is very much into their finances building you know building their money and somebody here really deeply wants something else or is at that age that the way they see life or the things in the life are changing so that's a slight energy here somebody here still like i still need to explore another feels like i explore enough i want to settle i want to be more you know home body energy so there is certain energies here are changing five five five loves okay so take what mostly speaks to you for this day and see for yourself what's best because there is certain plans you are about to make love and light loves many blessings and i hope this speaks to you and i'll see you next time namaste
Views: 3,237
Rating: 4.9226518 out of 5
Id: PPu054BgpfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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