Daffodils: 7 Weatherproof Varieties in my Garden

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today i'm taking you on a tour of my daffodils i'm laura from garden sanity and i have about seven varieties of daffodils that i've planted in both my front yard and backyard all of them are great for naturalizing most of them are very fragrant and all of them survived several spring rainstorms [Music] so let me take you on a tour these are tenet daffodils one of the earliest blooming daffodils they're adorable they're little they only grow about six to eight inches tall what's cute about teterate is it's like they're having a teta tet a little conversation facing each other in little groupings within the big overall grouping when i was first planting daffodils in these front yard beds i wanted something that was super easy almost like a guarantee that all my effort would pay off and it was these guys again smaller bulbs they were easy to plant they naturalized wonderfully so here are some tetats right next to the kramer's red winter heath that's been blooming from january through it will bloom through april it's early april right now behind these teta tets you see another grouping of teta tets that's finishing up and behind those you see some cragford daffodils that are mid-season bloomers [Music] tetats are so small that they look great with smaller planted bulbs like maybe grape hyacinths and of course i like them because they can camouflage some of my pruning work such as the knockout rose bush that i gave a rejuvenation pruning to well now it just looks like stubs however look at this i can't see it now [Music] red devin daffodils they are stunning very flashy with their orange cup they get to be about 18 inches tall they're a mid-season bloomer and they're great for naturalizing and they're really flashy from a distance too let me just back up doesn't look nice they're just beautiful here's some that are just starting to bloom just so you can see now this one's a little more faded and then you get down to this guy that's just going to it's almost like a reddish orange cup and then here we have a guy that just hasn't even opened yet just starting out so pretty so i've told this story before but i'll tell it again we went to the 2019 philadelphia flower show and there was this amazing display that was a combination of red twig dogwoods and yellow twig dogwoods and in between those dogwoods they had planted daffodils and on the bottom of the ground besides having mulch they had a lot of shredded leaves well i said i need that so we took these red twig dogwoods that had been planted on the opposite side of our property put them over here bought some yellow twig dogwoods planted them in between and then i went to town with the daffodils i once they went to town because i wish there were you know a thousand more in here for the most part they're red devons but there's some others that are mixed in here i'm not quite sure what some of these are i want to say they're ice volleys not 100 sometimes that'll happen you'll get a ball border and through no fault of the bulb grower different bulbs get mixed in and that's all right i think it just adds to the variety these guys look nice let's see you guys got caught here a little bit huh yeah there you go so pretty so over the years these daffodils are all going to naturalize and get more and more and more beautiful and just so you can see i'm getting new leaves on the yellow twig dogwoods and the red twig dogwoods i'll do more of an update in a future video around the base of the crepe myrtle tree i planted poeticus actea daffodils they are late blooming although for me i wish late blooming would be even later than this because i just love these daffodils look how pretty they are oh my they're so pretty i'm glad i put some color around the crepe myrtle because it does not leaf out right away you know we're gonna have these pretty bark but decorative twigs here basically for about another month or so so this provides some much needed color especially with the pinky winkies next to them which are also just starting to leaf out now there are some daffodil holes in this bed and what i mean by that is i would love to plant daffodils in between the pinky winkies what i ran into and i ran into this around the arborvities in another bed too is the ground is just a little bit too hard with all the shallow roots some are deep roots some are shallow regardless the ground was hard so what i'm going to do is have to use one of those drill bit kind of things and drill some holes in the fall to plant plant more which i will do it'll be my first time and you can watch me do it it could be good could be disaster we'll see these are cragfords these are still going strong there's a few starting to fade these are beautiful so there's red devons planted behind this bunch of cragford daffodils each stem gets three flowers on it which you can see here and these daffodils supposedly bloom reliably even in zones nine and ten so this is the limelight hydrangea tree that i pruned not too long ago starting to bud out and last fall believe it or not i planted daffodils all the way around i don't know if it was bunnies squirrels what it was but we came out just a couple days later and there were just things dug up everywhere it was really frustrating i'd even put chicken grit down and as we get into the fall i'll explain to you how i plant them but these guys remained and they will all naturalize nicely so at least i got some growth around them yeah these crackers are pretty right i really like those pretty guys now these are planted also in a group of the cragfords so i'm not quite sure what these guys are they look a little different don't they but that's the fun i'm telling you that's the fun so this section is supposed to be all yellow cheerfulness daffodils but i see some white cheerfulness mixed in and i don't mind must've got mixed in from the bulb grower that's fine with me i don't care i i take whatever daffodils i'm given they're so pretty can't go wrong so the cheerfulness daffodils whether yellow or white are intensely fragrant again i don't know i haven't gotten that close i don't bring them inside like i mentioned i like to just leave them in the garden i think the intense fragrance is one of the reasons that a lot of rodents leave them alone which is good but these are very ruffled the yellow are very pale yellow so quite different from the red devons you see over here it's quite a different shade but i kind of planted them in their own section and i'm going to fill this bed is definitely going to get filled in with plants so it kind of keeps them separated anyway or it will so these are just starting in fact see this guy right here i'm looking at him from above but you can see those flowers are just starting to form and so pretty so ruffled i'm actually thrilled that i got some yellow and white not just yellow i like the white you can see a little bit of yellow in them so nice boy oh boy i like these these are called canniloculitis and don't ask me to say that again i'll spell it for you it was hard for me to even try to find on the interwebs a good pronunciation of these long difficult name but adorable just adorable you
Channel: Garden Sanity
Views: 11,541
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Keywords: daffodils, weatherproof daffodils, mini daffodils, mini daffodils tete-a-tete, tete a tete daffodil, red devon daffodils, cragford daffodils, daffodil flower, narcissus, daffodil, spring garden, spring garden tour, spring bulbs, spring garden zone 7, gardening for beginners, gardening ideas, gardening, gardening tips, New Jersey garden, garden zone 7, Kramer's Red Winter Heath, garden planning, gardening inspiration, gardener, zone 7 gardening, garden ideas, garden sanity
Id: ef3mIGwN0-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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