FULL TULIP GARDEN TOUR: 30+ VARIETIES - Backyard Spring Cut Flower Garden

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hello everyone and welcome to the garden more importantly welcome to our tulip bed here our little uh four by fifteen foot two look bed last fall i planted about 1200 tulips in this bed and wow talk about a crazy colorful display of tulips this year um just like i did the daffodil tour video a lot of y'all wanted to see the complete tulip tour video as well so here it is i'm doing my best i did want to say thank you very very very much to everyone who has taken the time to watch those videos i know that they're very long these ones are very long they definitely take a lot of work to put together and i'm not the most uh tech savvy person on the planet that's for sure so it is a little difficult so i am very very thankful so let's get into this let's start back at this with this at the very very beginning when the tulips first started to open and these are in the order of which they opened here in the yard with tulips they all kind of open at the same time but the first one to open here was one called avant-garde ooh isn't that fancy anyway avant-garde is a early double it's kind of a white creamy color very beautiful it did have a little bit of a subtle scent and the stems were nice and long i really really liked this one i would definitely grow it again i love that kind of creamy yellow color on the inner bits such a nice touch in terms of just you know working in arrangements next we have a variety called shadow shadow i'm not quite sure it's probably italian a french or something like that and i don't have that that accent for that i guess but these are beautiful this is one that i've wanted to get my hands on for a very long time nice stem length more than anything i think the most notable characteristic about this is how double it is and fluffy and it's immense color like this color is so vibrant and so intense it's really something special next up on this tour we have a new to me variety this one is called double price which is kind of a weird name for a tulip i think i didn't pay double price this was pretty much the same price as the other tools that i bought but it was very nice it was a little bit on the short side here in my yard not sure if that was just my growing conditions but i did love the color it's kind of this nice blend of a lilac pink purple lavender color very hard to describe but i think the camera does a very good job at showing it here the next tulip that we have is one called bella blush bella blush turned out to be one of my favorites um very seldom grow single tulips just because they're not really my favorite thing i love the big doubles but these bella blush were absolutely gorgeous i've been looking for a true kind of blush pink single tulip for a long time and these definitely fit the bill um they also held in the garden really well uh they got a little bit darker as they aged but they looked phenomenal in a lot of different arrangements i really really like this one especially for an early single like that the greeda parrot was the next uh to start opening this was the first of all the parrot tulips for some reason my stems were a little bit shorter this year on these parrot two specifically i've grown these in the past and had good stem length but they were still usable in arrangements and things like that but just something to note my favorite thing about these is always the color i just love this shade of purple that these open in and not to mention how feathery and ruffled that the flowers themselves are very very nice always one of my favorites especially for arrangements i just wish the stems wouldn't been just a little bit longer this year uh hopefully i'll try again next year with different results the next tulip to open here in the yard we have is one called icoon um i'm not quite sure why i ordered this one i've been trying to kind of step out of outside of my you know what i like box and red flowers usually aren't my personal preference these are very bright as you can see they're very vibrant the middle is a yellow and the outer petals have this kind of tint of a pink red what's interesting is these remind me very very very much of one called queen's day that i had by mistake a couple years ago from a mix-up they look almost identical but this is this was labeled akun next um we have of course uh can you guess another double tulip another early double this is akobono uh this is actually one that i didn't order i'm not quite sure what this replaced but this was sent as a replacement for something and we got this one again which is fine with me again it's a yellow that's the main reason that i didn't order it again this year but the stems are strong the flowers are beautiful they're excellent for cut flowers they're nice and tall and if yellow with this kind of unique red kind of outline around the petals is your thing then i think these would be a good choice they're just personally not my favorite but they still looked great in our donations and everything so no complaints there the next tulip we had to open here in the yard is one called dj parrot uh dj parrot was another one that i grew in the past it first opens up with a bit of red and kind of yellow edges and over time those edges kind of fade to white instead of yellow and it turns into something very very pretty these flowers are also enormous these are one of the largest parrot tulips that i've ever grown it's just they open up so wide and they're huge like bigger than my hand they're enormous i do have trouble picking them before they bust open real big like this you just got to be right on it apparently but hopefully i'll get better at that in the future so dj parrot's pretty nice next up in the garden we have one called parrot king you'll notice i had a lot of parrot tulips this year comparatively speaking to last year parrot king was this beautiful shade of orange when it first opened it's kind of this lighter orange color and as the blooms age and get a little bit older that light orange kind of fades to more of a darker more intense orange um here in my yard it just seems like i have to you know pick the parrot tulips right on time or they're gonna bust open and i think that's one of my main complaints with parrot tulips is it's my fault you know i'm a little bit tardy to the party every single time i'm picking the flowers especially when i want to show them uh to all y'all too so that's a little bit of an issue too but otherwise very beautiful i just love the markings on these parrot tulips um they're just so gorgeous the next tulip i have here is one called columbus columbus is one of my favorite varieties of tulip they are a double variety they're a brilliant kind of vibrant pink color and they have this unique white edging that is so incredibly beautiful something about this color combination that i just love when they first open up that white is a little bit of a kind of creamy yellow color which gives it a little bit of extra gorgeousness but i think this will always be one of my favorites they're just oh it's so pretty i love just the color variation in these they're a little bit hard to use in flower arrangement at least in my experience just because i don't know what to combine with them but in terms of stems and everything the stems are long they're strong they're just they're beautiful next we have another one called pink vision this is actually another parrot tulip and much like the parrot king that i've already showed you guys this one just opens up a bright and brilliant pink you can see here in my yard there they are big and open and i missed the picking window for these big time i mean i mean i was able to pick these because donations it doesn't really matter because they get used immediately but in terms of like florists and stuff i'm always too late when i pick these i'm working on that i promise anyway these are gorgeous i love the color and i love the feathering of these the petals are just so unique looking i can't get over it next up is yet another really really popular one among flower farmers this one is called drumline and you can see why uh drumline is very similar i think similar to the columbus rather than being a pink it's more of a kind of darker reddish pink color it's very pronounced in person it might be a little bit difficult to see the difference here but we still have that same outer kind of white edging that's very very lovely and again these are really fun to use in flower arrangements as well just because that extra edging the color just gives it a bit of dimension that's kind of unexpected and fun to play with the stems are always strong these are always really really reliable too which i really like and really consistent next we have one called apricot parrot this is another one of the parent tulips it's very similar in appearance like the texture texture-wise and the kind of feathering of the petals that you see to the pink vision and the um the king when the parrot king that i showed you but the coloration on these is just a little bit different it's kind of like a mixture between the two there's a little bit of orange a little bit of pink in there um really really nice kind of a salmon color we still have those yellow centers in the middle with the dark i guess stamens i'm not sure sorry i also grew one called jacuzzi this year and i was really really surprised it turned out to be one of my favorites it's this lavender color unfortunately um this planting failed and i only had about three or four flowers from the planting but i'm glad because it was enough to see that i love this color i planted a lot of lavender flowers this year and i was so surprised that i love this lavender color it's just i guess i'll add it to my list of when i'm buying flowers i'm gonna definitely try to grow jacuzzi again next year i really really like this i'm disappointed that i only had a few flowers from a dough but fortunately it was enough to make an arrangement the next tulip to begin opening in my garden was one called was one called double shirley again staying in that kind of uh same lavender uh category where i was ordering lavender flowers i've grown this one before this is very pretty it's white but uh the kind of edges and it's got little splashes and banging of kind of this beautiful lavender color it looked very nice with both the jacuzzi and several of the different pink varieties that you'll see later in this video looked very nice with those this year the stems were nice and strong and the plants were nice and healthy last year i had a problem with the health of the plants they were kind of short but this year they were nice and big and tall and i loved that about these these were definitely a keeper i can't wait to grow more of these in the future i just i love the patterning on it they're so so cute next we have one called rococo or rococo i'm not quite sure this was actually another one that was a replacement for something i ordered it is a red parrot red parrots just it's just not something i would normally go with it's very pretty and i'm sure i just don't know what i would arrange it with i need to really expand my color horizons here in the yard the next flower is a classic and one of my favorites it's the amazing grace double tulip i've grown amazing grace doubles for about three years now and i just love them every year they're such a unique color combination between like a lavender and a pink but they're more pink it's hard to explain the video here does it justice pretty good but they are so uniform and consistent and they look like big peonies nice and strong stems too great vase life i just can't say enough good things about these amazing grace tulips antra siet i guess i don't know how to say these things you you know this by now this is one of my new favorites i purchased this one because i was attracted it was like this deep burgundy uh double it looks like a big peony even though i don't really like red tulips and red flowers too much this deep burgundy color is so alluring it goes great with so many different colors too just to give that deep dark contrast i know when you think of spring you think of pastels at least i do but this is something really special i really like these i really want to grow more of these and these had a little bit of a scent in my yard which i really like too so that's a good quality great barrier reef was again yet another one of my favorite flowers this year this one was brand new to me as well and here i am with the lavender again these lavender tulips are really just hitting it for me um these are a double fringed tulip which is interesting because usually my fringe tulips are real real short and these were really tall and really awesome and really vibrant and beautiful and they went with seemingly everything they went with the pastels they went with the different vibrant colors i love the outer edges of the petals that are a little bit darker and it kind of gives that shadow effect in the middle these are so so pretty i think these might be my favorite one from this year my new favorite one of my new favorites i love these great barrier reef awesome next up here in the yard we have one called labelle epoch maybe you've heard of it have you heard of it if you've been around flower farming circles i'm sure you've heard of this one these bulbs are even sometimes very hard to get a hold of these are beautiful there's no denying there's this beautiful kind of creamy peachy pink color and uh the outer petals and the deep in the petals have this pink kind of purple hue that just is stunning it plays with the light and shadows and everything it blends with almost everything i use these to make my first flower garland ever you could see that in the other video here on the channel i can't say enough good things about these the stems are strong they're just gorgeous the only thing i don't like about them is if you wait too long you do get that kind of black pollen that falls all over everything i'm not a fan of that but otherwise i think these flowers are a masterpiece for sure next we have a single tulip this one is called jumbo beauty and wow what a surprise another single tulip that i like maybe i really do like single tulips and i just didn't know it because this jumbo surprise or jumbo beauty sorry are amazing they held for so long in the garden um they i had plenty of time to pick them and i even let a few kind of just linger in the garden and they the color change is gorgeous i ended up with these big bright pink blooms with this white edging stunning especially for landscape who would have guessed next is a tulip called merit uh it is a single tulip and unfortunately this tulip was one of the ones that failed here in my yard and i only managed to get four flowers from it uh but i thought i would show you what these little four flowers look like just in case you were interested in growing merit unfortunately i didn't have enough experience with it to really kind of pass judgment on it but here's what they look like next up we have one called perfect wedding this is yet another one that was kind of in the failed area of my garden as you can see these blooms are not that impressive the stems were small the plants in general look a little bit weak i'm not quite sure what happened in this area of the yard but they are a beautiful kind of soft baby pink color which i guess would be perfect for a wedding which is why they call them perfect wedding rather than opening up like nice and full like a double tulip usually does these stayed closed like this i i was waiting and waiting for them to open and they never opened i'm not sure what's going on i might try these again in the future just to try them out i do like the color so i might give them another chance in the yard maybe next year maybe not next year i don't know i have to make my list for orders soon next up to bloom was another reliable classic flower this is vanilla i'm again i'm not sure if i'm saying it right but this is just a classic pink it reminds me of angelique in a lot of ways as a classic pink opens up a little bit white gets more pink as it ages nice just big peony shaped blooms nice and ruffled i do like how it has that little bit of green on the outer petals i think it always looks nice and adds a nice effect mine were a little bit scented i had there was a little bit of scent coming off but nothing too pronounced um just overall a very solid cut flower i think next tulip two bloom was one called adore this one was new to me and one of the main reasons that i ordered this one was of course because the pictures that i saw online were hot pink and you know you already know if you've been on the channel for any length of time i can't resist anything that that's hot pink and i really really love this one uh this is beautiful i love this kind of a mid-range shade of pink it's not dull like amazing grace but it's not muted and pastel it's kind of a vibrant showy like here i am i'm pink i'm proud of it i'm not ashamed that i'm pink i really like this one i think i would definitely want to grow this one again next up we have a variety that is called pink star and pink star is right this pink star is the star of the garden this is a beautiful one i think this one could go up there and compete with la bella park it's it's got to be getting popular it's gorgeous it opens up pink but early on there are these tones of this bright kind of salmon orange color that almost makes the inner petals of these start to glow and the color combination is so enchanting i did my best to kind of get that on film i tried but in person the color combination of this tulip is absolutely stunning i would love to grow an entire row of these these are absolutely gorgeous gold star for pink star it's wonderful next to bloom was a variety called charming beauty i've grown charming beauty before in the past in the past when i've grown it the stems are really short but actually this year the stems on these were very very long and i was very happy to see that the color on these is a little bit of a soft yellow with tinges of kind of a light pastel pink around the edges of the petals the pink becomes a little more pronounced as they age it's an absolutely beautiful color combination my stems were nice and strong they looked really great with a lot of daffodils and different ranunculus this year i could not be more pleased with these very nice green spirit was the next tulip to begin blooming here in the yard these are a kind of creamy pastel white yellow color when they first begin to open up the green on the outer edges of the petals is a little more pronounced and you can see there's green on the inside as well as they get a little bit older the green kind of fades a little bit so if you want to see that green you really got to focus on picking them early they were really beautiful as kind of like a neutral colored flower to work in with daffodils and kind of different pastel ranunculus and things like that so i was very happy to see that definitely just a good solid single tulip to add to the yard i think for cut flowers the next tulip is another double this one was called jean quieres or something like that it's probably like french or something i'm not saying it right anyway they are white but they have these unique kind of burgundy deep one kind of one pink color markings there's very similar to drumline but instead of just having the the specs on the outside they have more just splotching everywhere i guess i would describe it and the centers are a little bit creamy colored when they first open which is very beautiful uh they went really really nice with some of my darker pink ranunculus that i really really liked those you know that combination with the stems were so tall too such long stems beautiful stems beautiful stems great next we have one called black hero black hero is a classic staple in my garden i love this tulip it is so dark and mysterious the stems are tall and strong you can see here in these in this video you can see the black hero stems are standing way tall above everyone else here in the yard and um the form stays tight for a nice long time so i have plenty of time to pick the flower and use it and cut flower arrangements and everything like that i just i can't say enough good things about it the dark color goes with a wide range of different colors for flower arranging just really really lovely definitely one i'd like to keep around next we have another variety of tulip this one is called party clown and this is another one that i didn't actually order this is yellow and red striped fringe tulips this is definitely not something that i would actively seek out but you know what um they're pretty they're they're pretty nice i'm not going to complain because they are actually pretty nice and i enjoyed the challenge of making a flower arrangement with them because i get stuck in my my ways sometimes and it's good to explore other stuff and other options and i actually kind of like these they actually are kind of growing on me so that's good next is another single tulip i'm not going to try to pronounce this one unfortunately i didn't have too many of these this was kind of like the result of a mixed bag of tulips but i did want to show you them they were very nice uh kind of that blend of orange and pink that you see so often fun to work into flower arrangements as well uh after that one bloom the next flower to start blooming was mango charm if you watched the video from last year the tulip tour from last year you know that i love mango charm it starts out very orange and over time it fades to this beautiful pink kind of lavender color that you're seeing here in this video this was one of the tulips that failed in my garden again this year so i was really disappointed these were only the only mango charm tulips that i got i definitely encourage you to check out that other video if you want to see mango charm in their full glory i'm gonna try again next year i think it was just a fluke from the supplier hopefully that'll all be worked out or hopefully i'll amend my beds or fix my beds whatever happened who knows um the next one is one called pink impression uh i had a bunch of these but for some reason i didn't get much video of them so i do apologize but they're just uh these kind of darker this darker shade of pink pink impression are pretty pretty common especially in like store mixes so you probably have seen that one also wanted to show you one called red princess uh i had ordered red princess in hopes that it would be a little bit darker and as it would turn out it's pretty red um at least this was labeled red princess so i assume that the label is correct even though it is more of a brighter shade of red than i expected at least here in my yard the flowers are huge the flowers are big and double and they really are impressive so if you like red flowers i think this might be a good one next up here and i think this is the last one i had lambada lambada is a beautiful fringe tulip a nice combination of this kind of pinkish red color and a bright orange it is such a beautiful it's the markings are just gorgeous i love how they seemingly glow they glow in flower arrangements in the yard everything i love them i know that this tulip video was a little bit shorter than the one that i did last year and um the main reason for that is i just didn't order as many different varieties i had more kind of quantities instead of you know number of varieties especially in the yard this year but i hope that it was helpful just you know getting to take a look which ones i did grow hopefully it's helpful to get to see what they really look like because i know it's frustrating when you're trying to order bulbs and you want to see what the bulbs really look like and you see these kind of generic catalog pictures and the colors are all off you know and they don't look true true to type but hopefully it was helpful as always feel free to leave your comments down below i'll be happy to try to answer any questions or you know anything like that i do try to answer all the comments sometimes in the spring and the summer though i get way behind on answering comments just because i'm doing so much stuff in the yard i got so much stuff going on trying to get these videos going and everything but i do try to get around to them eventually as always all the links to all my stuff is down in the comments below as well links to the blog and the garden planner and um you know patreon and the subscription box and all this stuff is down there i just i sincerely want to say thank you for watching this it really means a lot to me especially if you made it to this point where i'm sitting here rambling uh it really does mean a lot and i appreciate you so much because without without each one of you it really wouldn't be possible for me to do that and i just i realized how thankful i should be for that i hope that you are having such an incredible day and i hope it's bright and sunny wherever you are i hope your garden is going well hope it's beautiful i will talk to y'all later bye bye
Channel: Tonya, with the flowers.
Views: 9,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gardening, garden, gardening tips, gardening for beginners, easy to grow plants, flowers, growing flowers, growing flowers from seed, easy to grow flowers, cut flowers, cut flower farm, farmer florist, freshcutky, spring, fall, cut flower garden, garden tour, tulip garden, tulip garden tour, spring tulip tour, spring tulip garden, how to grow tulips, tulip varieties, la belle epoque tulips, pink star tulips, double tulips, spring garden tour, backyard flower tour, tulip how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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