Dad Reacts to Frank Ocean - Blonde

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen uh my name is connor i'm here with my dad kevin uh today we're doing a highly requested album i've seen this in the comments hundreds of times i've seen it countless it's crazy yeah uh extremely extremely high requested album uh for you to listen to for the first time um before we get into this uh i'm not gonna you know i pretend that i'm like the biggest frank ocean fan like i i love i like frank ocean's albums i've listened to both his studio albums and his mixtape uh but i'm not like the huge like in terms of how i was with cuddy yeah so uh to give you a brief explanation of the album and who he is i'll just go through wikipedia okay um that gives me an idea yeah just so you know kind of what you're getting into but have you heard of anything from vancouver i don't know who i've never i heard the name only in the chat and i've heard it only heard blonde and that's all i don't know anything about this you've heard blonde like the album no i've seen it in the chat oh okay yeah just blonde blonde blunder i've i've seen him in the chat and i've heard blonde that's it the album we're reacting to yeah i've heard this many many times yeah great album somebody was asking last video uh if you stopped with the lyrics but we didn't stop with reading the lyrics we just have them on the computer now on the screen yes yeah and it's it is saving trees yeah right okay we'll go into uh track number one titled nikes [Music] is that a voice thing or is that helium is it a pitch shift pitch shift [Music] i want to try this pitch shift it would be fun to do that oh wow just riff over top of [Music] we'll let this guys prophesy [Music] let you guys prophesy we gonna see the future first we'll let you guys prophesy we gonna see the future first living soda last night feels like a past life this is really really different compared to compared to what just this what like even like cutting the cutting stuff and go see ghosts this is totally like another yeah like left field okay that is uh track number one nikes that is very very different than like what you said in the thing it's very different than anything that we've listened to so far yeah i mean it's hip-hop right i can the avant-garde just clearly jumps out at you right there at the beginning of this yeah with just the first of the pitchfork the pitch vocals which is i haven't heard that i don't think i've heard that used really yeah i uh when i first listened to this and that song started off the album i was kind of like turned off in a way it was like what was what is this what is it yeah yeah what is going on it was until like multiple listens that i i started to appreciate what he's doing with the vocal pitch shifting um um so i'm not going to ask you too many questions on that i think we'll just uh go into the next track so you can get more of a feel of the album he's got a high voice without the pitch up yeah [Music] [Music] if [Music] [Music] it's a cool it's a great melody i like that yeah but it's it's another bold move to they just said strip it strip back of everything really this is just just the guitar part yeah and vocals [Music] see the musician in me what's like right right right but it's good [Music] right there [Music] seriously wow [Music] that actually freaked me out a bit was that sound in here was that oh no oh jeez you thought something was breaking no i just thought something was well this is tripping me out right now oh god i'm flipping out man i don't know about this i was you know what they did there and that's the end of the track they messed with your head there yeah no because it was so uh so stripped down and his regular vocals were there right yeah and it was so like soothing and like you're waiting for the drums to dump but they don't so you're in this nice space and then then he does the freaky voice right yeah yeah it freaked me out a bit yeah no it did when it came in the first track it was it was it was at you already right the song started with the three yeah with the pitch shift right this one here he got all cozy with you right it's like in bed and like and then it was like boom slaps you with the weird voice right at the end right at the end and then i'm like what the hell i hear somebody in the house right yeah you know it is weird with this listening to this with the setup that we have because we have the mics so like we occasionally will hear like yeah the fridge go off or something or someone walking on outside with a dog yeah so then it did sound like there was something going on in the background um but yeah what do you make of that track really like i love his voice i love the melody i was a little bit weirded out just not um having anything come in like just just something right but that might be the you know something that grows on you right well yeah for me this track uh grew on me yeah in the sense where i was like my first listen i was kind of bored i was like yeah you know i didn't appreciate it uh when i first listened to it but then again i was you know a lot younger when this came out so i look at music differently now but um yeah it had to grow on me uh and anyway we'll go on to uh the next track so track number three is titled pink plus white [Music] oh my god everything totally different than the second first two right that's the way every day goes every time [Music] the chords [Music] oh that's really nice man this is such a nice mix you close your eyes wow [Music] that's uh pink and white i really like that trend wow i like that track um but coming in with the like just right away no pitch correction really the solid voice than the drums and then just a i could really hear stevie's stevie wonder yeah in that track yeah yeah big time like those really cool running bass lines that follow follow the melody and sort of leave and just go all over the place and stevie wonder were you able to uh catch much of the lyrics uh while going along yeah some of it yeah it's like yeah for sure yeah and i was like that one there remember life remember how it was climb trees michael jackson there lens okay um we'll go into track number four which is a skit and a skit wow yeah audio skit yeah you haven't heard skits on albums no oh yeah i guess we haven't done early kanye stuff yet or anything with skits really no i haven't heard a skit okay well this is just a it's like an interlude really but oh okay you can call it a skit as well like it's like two people going hey well johnny yeah yeah yeah this one's one person but okay you'll see we'll listen to it it's titled uh be yourself so track four be yourself many college students have gone to college and gotten hooked on drugs marijuana and alcohol listen stop trying to be somebody else when people become weed heads they become sluggish lazy stupid and unconcerned sluggish who is inebriated this is mom call me bye okay so that's a skit that's what a skitter okay that's my first skit in music yeah it's it's like an interlude just kind of to paint the story the album um anyway we'll go from that track into uh solo hand me a towel i'm dirty dancing by myself gone off tabs let that acid form me a circle watch my jagger and i stay away from highways my eyes like them red lights right now i prefer yellow red bone so metal [ __ ] ground be cutting you don't trip me up i think we were better off solo a third time wasn't doing that [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i'm skipping showers and switching socks sleeping good and long that was very interesting again um very bare bones eh yeah yeah there's uh you know not a lot of stuff is done on this album with his voice yeah you know the instrumentals instruments are kind of drawn back a little bit yeah it's very simple just an organ there and that was it like a little bit of some kind of bass or something in the background there well yeah what do you make of that track it's interesting it's it's again i think this this you know i'd have to get this in me a couple of times because i'm just used to hearing some some more instrument you know instrumentation in there yeah and i'm waiting for that to come but i'm sort of getting the feeling now it's it's not really going to jump out at you and mm-hmm you know i mean some kind of big you know horn section or something yeah it's just it's really but you really get this with the simplicity you really get drawn in sort of just in this trance-like state i was just sort of just grooving you know i didn't hear anything weird that except for that one sound yeah three times freaked me out right yeah but it's one of those tracks i think i got to listen to a few few times that track there would be like just seriously i don't know why it's got the feeling it'd be a good like love making track yeah it has that just yeah go on to uh track number six it's titled uh skyline too [Music] got your medal on we're alone [Music] making sweet love taking time see that's a pretty [ __ ] fast year flow by [Music] pretty [ __ ] sunrise and sand [Music] this is really really really different yeah like i thought kendrick's album was different yeah this is it's i can't i don't know where it's going at all i thought i knew there for a second and then phrasing was just so non-conventional everything comes like crazy i think that's why it takes more listens to really appreciate it i think so too that's how a lot of these albums have been for me want to film a tape on a speedboat we smell like california everything grows in the congo everything grows okay i'll just pause it here because it kind of flows into the next song you know bold again bold move like it's it's you know he could have went the an easy route he's got the voice he's got the melodies he's got all that stuff and he could have when it really went the easy route right very conventional very conventional and just [ __ ] nailed it straight down the road but kudos to him for going out of the box you know and wow like i have totally abstract totally abstract avant-garde like they see in the thing i'd have to this song i'd probably have to listen to you know your ear our ears are trained to like familiarity right yeah they love that thing so when we all these things you've showed me since the beginning of this whole series here is that i've i now listen in a new light and i give it time and then then it becomes familiar and i really dig it right um this one's going to take a while because it's it's very off really really off yeah okay track number seven self control we'll go in from the end of track number six last night could i make it last night tonight could we make it do we have time i'll be the boyfriend [Music] he's got a great voice too oh that's crazy [Music] this is going to take a little bit for me to get used to i feel like i've had too many puffs unless i'm just hearing this by myself no [Music] ufo [Music] well this is so sweet the mixture of that that guitar yeah it's on the strat and it's like a stratocaster in his voice and the harmonies [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] there's this beautiful vocals you hear the amount of delay yes that snap [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that is self-control you know i'm getting used to liking like as we get like that track there without the drums yeah it is like as a long time drum playing guy yeah i think it they should be in every you know fill the whole song from the beginning right but that didn't need it no not at all i mean just with how many vocal layers oh my god this is so beautiful man especially the the outro like i want to touch on how do you feel about that outro there with the uh when all the vocals oh that was man i got i got shivers on them just it's i don't i don't know i'd love to be able to do that one day you know that vocally yeah just try like be able to go and just be with someone who can produce like that and just i just sing a couple of lines and have that like it must be amazing you know what i mean yeah to come out hearing that right the harmonies and that and having that that that delay on there and the reverbs and knowing how to do it so it comes out like that track number eight uh it's titled good guy he's a good no you don't need me right now [Music] and [Music] anyway uh i'll pause it there before it goes into the next track but it's just a short interlude that was it that was another yeah just an interlude and then it goes to a skit at the end okay um so i'm just gonna pause this and but i mean any comments on that um i don't know it was pretty simple yeah yeah just simple there was not much to it it was just um anyway we'll play the end of the skit um and then go into uh track number nine which is titled knights [Music] everybody needs you [Music] no you can't make everybody equal although you got family you don't even got nobody being honest with you [Music] no [ __ ] in my body [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't wanna die [Music] i would never think of putting this in yeah after that try [Music] same song oh [ __ ] every night [ __ ] every day up everyday patches the night up oh god you should match it it's that kale no white lighters till i [ __ ] my 28th 1998 my family had the akra oh the legend e6 this interchanger back on boswell and percy had it acted what a different feel like completely different wow marijuana every day every night okay that's a cool track that's really cool what he did there with that that change at the end of the first yeah you thought that was different i thought it was that was a different song and then it came it's like holy [ __ ] like what a brilliant thing to do yeah like you really on the same on the same track totally changes the vibe of the track too totally completely wow that was another one i'm reading the lyrics here on and i was literally somewhere else just lost in the lyrics that's why yeah so if i didn't say much i was just really lost in the lyrics and just staring and um but no what'd you think of the uh that song instrumentally though i thought it was brilliant instrumentally it was and then then when it came to the second part and then it was just like the hi-hat had a couple of just the real tight hi-hats and the oh my god it was super cool and then uh yeah i think that's one of the biggest is that that's my i'll say right now that's so far that's my favorite track okay probably because uh just because it was again familiarity right but brilliance on what he did on the second like take like it [ __ ] me up i thought it was a new song okay track number 10 is uh solo reprise capris uh and this is got a feature well it's actually it's just uh written like wrapped by andre 3000 do you know who he is no no he's uh you know the band or the hip-hop duo outcast yes yeah okay so he's one of the people in the duo oh okay yeah you're familiar with outcast right now uh yes i don't some of their songs some of their songs i know their videos so i probably know the guy yeah okay yeah yeah so that's this is him yeah solo that i can see under the skirt of an aunt solo that i don't get how no more when i jeronimo i just go ahead solo my cup and zoro my children my friend solo that i can admit when i hear that another kid is shot by the purple and ain't even no more solo that no more high horses so hard to wear polo when i do i cut the pony off now there's a hole that once was a logo how fitting solo that i can give a [ __ ] about what is trending trying to cut down on my spending regardless of winning instead of pretending and bending over backwards over half of the whole had work done saying they want something real from a man just saying that we being real persons i hate that it's like this i feel for you and i don't know what it is i like him i really like him and sensitive but darling this only works on selling my halo say way low it feel like it's been solo they went into [ __ ] or play so don't pay no attention to it so that i am no rookie but feel like a kid looking at the other kids with astonishment while i'm on punishment watching the summer come close to an end after 20 years in i'm so naive i was under the impression that everyone wrote their own verses that's coming back different and yeah that [ __ ] hurts me i'm humbling whistling to those not deserving i stumbled and lift every word was i working just way too hard so that is solo he hi you know what i really like him okay well you guys heard it here first we're doing outcast next video oh man you know i was reading the lyrics but he has like he has flow and he has the mixture of his flowy has such good tonality mm-hmm like he's got good tone he's it's part singing part flowing we definitely have to do an outcast record though oh i like this that wow yeah for sure then that was some cool [ __ ] yeah we'll definitely have to uh do some outcasts then if you uh if you like his voice i love his voice wow anyway we'll go into track number 11. it's titled pretty sweet oh wow this is freaking me out right now it's too much [Music] [Applause] [Music] have people smoke weed on this or what yeah holy [ __ ] it's uh it's trippy [Music] oh my god if you close your eyes picture you in the way back of like the last row of it of some kind of church or small cathedral hey and you have all that reverb oh yeah yeah and there are people up on stage practicing and we're way back [Music] wow [Music] [Music] there's a beautiful baseline [Music] it says that the beginning of the song was inspired by a day in the life of the beatles oh man that totally makes sense yeah that well the crazy part yeah just before you know i woke up that whole oh wow yeah i just read that here on genius and says that's what it was heavily inspired by wow because it was like it was doing the same panicky thing to me yeah i want it freaking you out right yeah because and you know what then it then it just stopped right yeah and just like in the beatles one it goes yeah i woke up right yeah and then it was wow that is a trippy song that's really really i don't know if i would listen to that like uh you know after taking a few puffs having a few puffs in the dark no right with headphones on because it was it freaked me out here with all these lights on yeah i can't imagine i wouldn't be in the dark by myself doing solo yeah um there's a meme that i i think i shared on twitter um uh of that song uh it's like have you ever seen the meme it's like out of all the songs you played this in front of the hose no no okay so it's like uh out of all the frank ocean songs you really played pretty sweet in front of the halls um anyway we'll go on to track number 12. it's another skit it's called facebook story and i don't want it because i was like in front of her in front of her and she told me like accept me on facebook this was virtual means no sense to accept you on facebook i like this guy she thought that because i didn't accept her she thought i was cheating she told me like it's over i can't believe you it's you know a virtual thing anyway i'll just play that into the next song yeah that was really really interesting eh [Music] this one's titled close to you [Music] underneath [Music] another short track um close to you what do you think make of that it was cool i i know the melody yeah it was cool i am going back to the facebook guy there right and then coming into this um it's so weird right because it's like i i'm i was so into that that guy talking i am just really curious like to see if he that was an actual recording i believe so like he was recording from and then they just inserted it i don't think he came in and told the story in the studio right no yeah i believe it's most likely a recording i think i read that uh this morning yeah because i was i wanted to do a little bit of research on it so i believe it was an actual recording of a conversation yeah anyway we'll go into track number 14. uh this one is titled white ferrari hmm i don't know why i said hmm [Music] mine on the road your dilated eyes watch the clouds float white ferrari had a good time this is so different [Applause] [Music] on a facelift [Music] i don't think i've heard anything like this i know it's another [Music] to go [Music] i like i said i don't think i've ever heard anything like this before musically musically really i mean that like this is completely new to you i as we're going through that song i'm trying to process and i'm like okay who has done it like we've listened to radiohead and kendrick and stuff like that but going so so to the avant-garde thing i haven't heard i don't think i've heard now that we're coming close to the end of the album you you see what i mean when i like you understand why people had to listen to this a lot for sure you know the one track that i could like i could sort of was is uh nights nights is was like i got right away yeah sort of got the feeling of it right but but everything else is uh everybody else everything else is so different it's just yeah it's just so different it's it's in it's different in a different way than when i first heard kendrick how how look i can't explain but okay the familiarity with kendrick was the jazz elements oh okay yeah when he came and it was and then he came in and did his thing there was that familiarity so i was like with jazz and i just was like okay music here here it's some it's just so stripped and there's an organ and sometimes the organ when it changes chords is off time and then his stuff is just so different it's just anyway we're going to uh track number 15 siegfried do you know siegfried and roy no they had a they had a they had a tiger in vegas and then one of them got attacked by the tiger they were a big huge like a big attraction in las vegas interesting i've never i didn't know that you're teaching me stuff now i i'm just wondering if this has anything to do with it your speckled face [Music] crystals hang from your ears [Music] i couldn't gauge your fears i'd rather live outside hear that rasp there yeah that's cool [Music] maybe i'm a fool he's really got something right here by stripping it yeah [Music] and all that kind of stuff [Music] and you really notice the weird experimental stuff when it comes in yeah here's [Music] i be dreaming of dreaming a thought like a dream about a thought that could think of dreaming a dream where i cannot [Music] where i cannot oh my god speaking of dreams it's just so less more roasted and more present dwell on my gifts for a second a moment once all the flare will consume so why not this is so different man [Music] [Music] that was beautiful yeah yeah it was it was really it was really it was like i have to say it if i said one word it would be beautiful just it was just nice it was just there and you really can't predict what's gonna happen in the song in any of these songs no i had my eyes closed and it's just i didn't know there were so many different little things like different changes going on yeah and again it's just not what you think's gonna i don't know i don't know what to say i i just i'm blown away how melodically you can come like if i read the just the lyrics by themselves i would have just read them and had no music i just sat there with them i sort of preconceived like you know if you told me it was like it was you know it was a slower song or whatever and i'd have this thing right yeah i go okay it's going to be this way but it's no it's not it's like i've never heard something like this track number 16 godspeed [Music] i will always love you how i do let go of a prayer for you just a sweet word the table is prepared for you [Music] still i'll always be there for you [Music] i let go of my claim on you it's a free one what a real gospel thing [Music] that's weird [Music] okay that's god speed i don't think i've ever heard anything like i've said it again yeah it i that was i don't know that was it's strange it starts it's it's it's so you know god speed and then the whole loving you know the whole you know that and then the organ in there and it's such a such a gospel vibe right and then it's then there's some strange then you have you're in this gospel organ thing right and a picture in his church and then you and then i heard something go through my head yeah it's like it's um i don't know how frank thinks of this yeah me neither um but i just find it so cool that like this is like you listening to this is just like a complete new sound new sound all together like this is it's it's it's i can't explain it's just so so so different track 17 futura free if i was being honest i say long as i can [ __ ] three times a day and not skip a meal i'm good imagine i used to work on my feet for seven dollars an hour call my mama like mama i ain't making minimum wage my mother i'm on my way i'm on now i'm making play these foreign it's the repeat mama they paying me mama i should be paying them i should be paying y'all honest to god i'm just a guy i'm not a god sometimes i feel like i'm a god but i'm not a guy if i was i don't know which heaven would have me mama let me run this [ __ ] from running to the ground mama the whole galaxy goddamn that's right this is frank here right well vocal pitched out okay that's okay i know you love to talk i ain't on your schedule [Music] i ain't on no schedule [Music] [Music] i feel i only got one foot though remember when i had that lexus know my friendship don't go back that far tyler slept on my shoulder yeah [ __ ] go back that far i ain't smoked all yet this is the last song so i'm gonna wipe that off tolerance is so low still smoke a whole gall menage on my birthday tap out on the first row this ain't no work day she don't give it anyway does what nick say that was a very very interesting song and album here yeah that's probably the best way to put it yeah it's just you know i got to get my head around it like i really gotta you know get my head around it and play it and give it more lessons give it more listens and i think i don't know like maybe i just it's hard for me to get on the first because it's just so so different yeah you know it's it's you know his voice is fantastic there's melody spots in here that are just crazy and there's there's a lot of emotion and i mean it's it's got stuff and then it's just got that it's got really up on guard you know what i mean yeah it's just really out there which is kudos for being out there man it's like it's you know it's it's so hard to to to i don't know that's art right when people take chances and they draw stuff they paint something that's just so they paint a picture that is just so different here and then you're like man i never thought out of the box that way right yeah yeah i kind of was expecting you to have this type of reaction to the album i didn't think like after every track you were gonna be like wow i'm i'm blown away this is the best thing i've ever yeah yeah because it's something that definitely takes time to digest and you have to re-listen to this and um i think your reaction fits the fits yeah exactly oh good okay well anyway that basically sums up the video um i hope you guys enjoyed watching today um i had fun you have fun yeah i had fun again i had lots of fun yeah and i'm still reading all the comments every single comment i read another thing before we go uh i should announce that we do have uh an instagram because a lot of people been asking um so i made i set one up and i gave it into his hands so i have nothing to do with the instagram why do you put it like that why the disclaimer i just want people to know but you went i have nothing yeah the hands no i got nothing to do with it so what if there's something that is fantastic and blows up well then that's kudos to you because i had nothing to do with it um so i'm just letting you know in advance you know uh whatever you see on there it's not posted by me posted by him uh i i'm not gonna be checking it or monitoring it so yeah it's okay it's in your hands because i don't i don't use instagram really um the twitter i take care of that um thank you guys for watching if you made it all the way to the end i love you um and uh stay safe yeah and take care i'm blown away how melodically you can come
Channel: turning the tables
Views: 1,825,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frank Ocean, Frank Ocean First Reaction, Dad Reacts to Frank Ocean - Blonde, Frank Ocean Blonde Reaction, Blonde Reaction, Frank Ocean Reaction, Dad listens to Frank Ocean, Dad listens to Blonde
Id: qM8YWZvgsJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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