Dad Reacts to Death Grips! lol!!!

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hey guys it's Rory today I'm with my dad and so I'm sorry for just not making any videos for like I'm not sure how many months it has been there's literally no reason for it I've just been like out of ideas and taking a break from YouTube but we're back and so to start making videos again we are going to make a little series of videos and we're going to be doing reactions with my dad and he's going to be reacting to bands so the first band is that we're going to show is A Band Called Death Grips and you're probably thinking this sounds like a heavy metal band and you know what you're right this band is kind of hard to explain cuz they mix in between the genres it's in between hipop heavy metal and like experiment music so the first song that we're going to show is a song called guill Guillotine G Guillotine how do Guillotine okay so that's how you say it apparently basically what Guillotine is you can explain it to them and the French Revolution they chop people's heads off with a guillotine let's play the video okay let's play the video so Guillotine I'm sure my dad will not like this how to make the bottom the wall and they all fall yeah go go go go [Music] [Music] ZN is that it broke by the so uh how do you like the first song one out of 10 rating I'd give it about uh four there bits I liked but the ziko ziko part was a little redundant yeah a little repetitive yeah and a little redundant what does redundant mean repetitive was that their best song or do you think that's like just not their best all their songs are kind of like exactly the same no I don't know much about them but a lead singer is MC ride aka the crazy guy that's saying zigo zigo so the next song we're going to do is get G that's what he looks like g g g [Music] this is all right the song makes you feel like I kind of like this how did you well how would you rate that song one out of 10 that song I would give a seven yeah yeah and I don't usually like that I'm more of a punk guy believe it or not but that has Punk elements yeah intermingled with some hardcore rap from the old school yeah so so that I give a thumbs up so sadly I thought we were going to do like four songs but the only like two songs that they have on their V four is asking a lot two songs is a lot for me okay four would be way too much would you listen to Death Grips again I would listen to death grip based on the second song and if they played a song like the first song then my head would explode but I'm thinking there's more out there so maybe we'll revisit this another time yeah we might do a part two because I've heard that they're making a um I've heard that they're making an album really so yeah they're making a new album they they have like four sorry ex military or whatever your name is no his name about laughing about MC ride oh MC ride that's the name that that's the lead singer but the band's called Death Grips see you guys in the next episode bye my dad just tried to do my outro bye
Channel: P F / Dad Reacts
Views: 327,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny, DeathGrips, Death, Grips, Metal, Hip-Hop, Hip, Hop, Music, MC, Ride, MCride, Reaction, Dad, Omg, Lol, Lmao, Lmfao, Wtf, Smh, Cringe
Id: 3dz2RCao8f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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