Dad Jokes | You Laugh, You Lose | Teddy vs. DoBoy | All Def

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we meet again little homie I just talked to you outside talking about to wash it up we don't meet again why does Snoop Dogg use an umbrella for jism for drizzle bit why shouldn't you kiss your girl with us what a runny nose because it's not funny what type of food is good for your feet shoe see how did the hipster burn his tongue he drank his coffee before it was cool you look so angry what did the white bread say to the wheat bread why didn't the melons get married because they cantaloupe Shaquille O'Neal recently just came out with a signature line of walking sticks guess what they're called Big Daddy canes you know why that's funny well what did the bartender say to the eggs toast and bacon when they walked into the bar oh sorry we don't serve breakfast oh you need better representation don't you'll be better done don't you ever let a deep wound up like that again smells like dirty swamp water my god your beard look like it got algae in it look like a turtle tank gerbil food that goes there joke what do you call a woman officer deep in our feelings in security guard what do you call a nun who's driving virgin mobile beads he is releasing a new TV show similar to the Housewives of Atlanta but it's more of a baby mama drama what a baby mama drama that's terrible like a hood opera what insect listens to jay-z a bumblebee did you rehearse these two before you poor dude did you lie on your show No so now that we've gotten the truth from hard-hitting facts out the way say your joke what's the leading cause of dry skin towels you laughed that is so stupid right why can't ghosts have babies Wow they have Halloween ease how low weenies there's nothing inside ago Master P is putting on a Broadway play in New York City next month it's gonna be called little Romeo and Juliet come on what do you get when you cross a fish with an elephant swimming trunks should have said no white belts why don't black people trust stairs because they're always up to something how is a piece of gum like a sneeze at you but you you think as you tell the joke more jolly it's not the real joke is when are you and your barber gonna end this my barber yeah your barber has been throwing cold shake and forget you showed up today with that beard okay do your joke look like old granny panties when they got off oh god dad jokes jokes for you and yo upside down pizza built back the Chicago deep-dish Bankhead bounce yes I did that's what winners do so so does it still bouncing and you stop today they still giving baby go anything you still gotta swim with your hips to the lines at Universal to get by and get pretzels you
Channel: Dad Jokes
Views: 5,234,997
Rating: 4.8937902 out of 5
Keywords: Teddy Ray, DoBoy, Try Not to Laugh, Dad Jokes, You Laugh, You Lose, Funny Clips, Funny Vine, Hilarious, Jokes, Telling JOkes, Funniest Jokes, Laughing at funny jokes, laughing, funnier, who's funnier, comedians, stand up, stand up comedy, competitions, dad jokes, survivors of dad jokes, laugh game, laughing game, who laughs first, try not to, laugh, laughter, all def comedy, all def, all def digital, alldef, add, alldefdigital
Id: VtcS318L8g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2017
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