Dad and Step-Mom DEMAND my $1 MILLION dollar INHERITANCE... claiming it'd be SELFISH to TAKE IT ALL

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my entitled dad and his stepwise are demanding that I give up some of my inheritance of almost a million dollars as they claim it would be selfish of me to keep it all for myself and at this point I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened so I'm a 17-year-old male and I will be coming into a large amount of money when I turn 18 this is money that my mom who died when I was seven and my maternal grandparents accumulated for me since I was born I won't say the exact amount but it's between $500,000 and a million the reason it's that much is my grandparents ran a successful business for many years and they sold it 18 months ago and all money from that sale went to me they literally kept none of it my grandparents have control over all of it currently before my mom passed away she left them in charge of the account where she was saving she was married to my dad at the time but had wanted to secure my future in case anything happened like my dad getting married again and having some additional kids she did not want to run the risk that once she was was gone her money could be used for someone who wasn't her kid my dad knew some money had been saved for me by Mom but was never aware of how much or how little it was he also had no idea my grandparents continued saving for me well my grandparents told me about the money over a year ago they wanted me to prepare for my future and to know that I would have so many options because of the money available to me they also mention that this would never bring back my mom but it could alleviate the burden of becoming an adult so with that bit of context out of the way here's where the real problem comes into play my dad did end up getting remarried and he has a stepdaughter and a son with his current wife the stepdaughter is 16 and the son is 5 years old they are not wealthy and my dad's wife has prepared her daughter to try and work hard for scholarships as well as financial aid to get into college because she wants to study to become a lawyer my dad had similar conversations with me and had sat me down a few times since I learned of the money's existence to figure out what our plans would be eventually I told him it wasn't going to be a big concern and I told him about the money he was absolutely blown away when I said that and then he turned around and told his wife and they were both completely stunned they then got together and told me that I could be gracious and split the money when I get it between the three of us and give the other two a chance to have a decent helping hand with college I told them I would not be sharing it because it was created by my family not theirs my dad's wife argued that it would be incredibly selfish to take such a large amount of money and blow it all of myself when I have two siblings who would also benefit in a major way from it my dad told me that even giving some of it to them not even a full split but some of the money even just some that I had left over would be really amazing and it would help my family out a lot but I still told him that I wasn't going to do that well as a result they are so not happy with me they told me that being selfish with this is not a good way to be my dad is also angry that he continued saving for me and dividing things equally between the three of us when there is so much I will have access to in just a few months so honestly am I the jerk in this situation what should I do okay before I even get into this let this be a very valuable lesson to anybody listening if you win the lottery or you're about to get a lot of money from some kind of like inheritance or something like that your best course of action in my opinion is to just keep your mouth shut and not tell anybody you literally gain Nothing by spilling the beans and it will literally only cause problems in your life and this story is a fantastic example about that if the original poster just kept their mouth shut and chose not to discuss that aspect of their life they could probably still live a normal life and get away with it in some kind of way so for the record of course you're not the jerk and these people trying to guiltrip you into giving away your money is insane to me they're only calling you selfish because you're getting the money not because you already knew you were going to use it for yourself like that idea is completely misguided and I can see these people hounding you about this pretty much for the rest of your life so no you are definitely not the jerk for keeping this money for yourself and the fact that your dad and his wife are trying to guiltrip you into handing over some of that money in my opinion is incredibly toxic if you like am I the jerk you're probably going to love am I the genius check it out link Down Below in the description also go to Mi thee sssubmit if you would like to submit your own stories an entitled neighbor tries to buy property off my mom for $1 and when my mom refuses to do so they try to make her life a living Nightmare and I've honestly never been more Blown Away by someone's entitlement in my life here's what happened okay so this story is basically a combo of entitlement and general terribleness my 74-year-old mom's neighbor a mid-60s male decided he needed a bigger driveway so it could fit four cars including the ones belonging to his two children who no longer live there my mom somewhat reluctantly agreed under the condition that she pay for everything built over the property line and maintain the right to remove or build on top of the unreasonably large driveway well a few years went by and the neighbor wanted to sell the house and asked my mom to sell him the part of the property he built on for $1 and trust me when she said no everything became a living nightmare he then started showing up at her house with a video camera screaming at her for being a cruel woman who didn't want him to see his kids but here's the thing there is a permit street parking and all residents on the Block have two parking passes and you can request up to six temporary guest parking passes eventually she decided to have a surveyor come to determine the property line and then build a fence to keep him and his family away from her when workers started pulling up the part of the driveway on her side of the property line it got even more aggressive and ridiculous his wife even showed up crying over how they can't live without the extra driveway space they then started strategically parking their cars to make it as difficult as possible for the workers they threatened to report the workers to ice despite having no knowledge of the immigration status of the workers in response to all of this they rather hilariously pulled up everything around and under the son's car so only the tires were still on the driveway then the son showed up at the door and told my mom that he just made his first million dollars and that he's going to buy the house and make her life miserable in fact one day I was in the backyard and the guy leaned over the fence and swore at me when I turned around he said oh I'm sorry I thought you were your mother well as karma would have it they eventually sold the house for nearly $500,000 under their asking price and I can definitely say that the new neighbors are absolutely lovely wow how entitled and weird can you possibly get like that guy seriously tried to buy that property back for what $1 that's not only insulting but also insane and it really seems like they almost expected the mom in this story to just give it over so with all things considered I'm just really glad that those neighbors moved out and that they were not able to sell it for the price they were looking for because they attitude and demeanor was completely inappropriate and I know if I was in your mom's shoes I would be very upset and annoyed by them as well am I the jerk for refusing to help my brother any further after he ended up in jail because of his excess drinking because right now his mother is calling me a jerk and at this point I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened okay so my half brother has a long history of drinking in excess he got his act together for a while after his daughter was born but after he broke up with her mother his drinking became more out of of control than ever he lost his job his license he lost custody and eventually his home I tried to help him by getting him health insurance and bringing him to a detox center when he left detox I helped him with his supervised visitations with his daughter and gave him a list of all kinds of resources to help him maintain his sobriety but unfortunately he did not take advantage of any of them and he lost his visitation privileges shortly thereafter I then got him into a 90-day rehab facility and I told him that was the last time I was was going to help him he did still have his resources for when he got out well apparently he checked himself out after less than 30 days and promptly showed up at his child's mother's house and demanded to see his daughter when she refused he decided to drink 1 F of a bottle of vodka and drive with no license no insurance with an expired inspection sticker and then attempted to resist arrest when he was of course pulled over he called me from jail the other day and asked me to bail him out he wanted me to let him stay with me and help him get visitation with his daughter again at my house but I told him I'm not doing any of the above and to not call me again until he starts doing right by himself and his daughter my husband supports me 100% and says that if I did help him I would just be enabling him but my half brother's mother called me sobbing and said that it's not being able to see his daughter that is causing him to make such poor life choices and beg me to reconsider I told her that I'm sorry but I don't see it that way he lost the right to to see his daughter because he was already making poor Life Choices well she said that she never knew me to be so heartless and then she hung up on me on the spot so honestly am I the jerk in this scenario what should I do no the original poster is definitely not the jerk you did literally everything you could do to try and help this guy out you brought him to detox centers you gave him a list of resources you even like organized his visitations with his daughter like seriously you were going way above and beyond to help this guy out so I don't blame you for saying sorry but I'm not helping you any further because in my opinion if I was in your shoes I would do the exact same thing I would explain to him that I can't help him any further and that he needs to get his life in order it's also really ridiculous that the Mom is calling up and acting like this when she easily could step up to the plate and also help her son out like it really seems like she's pointing the finger at you and being like wow why would you not help him out but it's like lady what are you doing to help him out why am I the only person in the family that can help him get his life together because you've definitely put your time in you've done everything within reason to try and help this guy out so for the mom to call you heartless is just so disgusting in my opinion because out of anyone clearly you're the only one that cared and if this mom really wants her son to have some kind of better future then maybe it's time for her to take over and try to help out instead am I the jerk for refusing to eat a vegan meal at a movie night that historically has been a wings and pizza night because right now my friend is incredibly upset and at this point me and my friends seriously don't know what to do here's what happened so me and my group of friends have the tradition of having movie Nights every Friday and Saturday usually the same two people host due to availability and space in their home as well as their roommate situations and will either all contribute with snacks or the host will provide food and drinks and we'll all chip in or just order food and whatever app has the lowest delivery fee well one of the guys in the group has been dating this new girl for a couple of weeks and he wanted to introduce her to the group and I guess she wanted to make a good impression so he told us that she wanted to host the movie night that week we all thought that was super considerate and we agreed since she seemed like a really nice girl and the gesture was really kind when the day came along we asked what she wanted to do in terms of food and she just said that she would provide the food obviously that was fine for us especially since sometimes we already did that so we happily agreed however when we got there the food was all vegan and fit type food which there isn't really anything wrong with that but it's just not something that we wanted to eat on a Friday a movie night it was a lot of vegan Sushi type of stuff where you would have random stuff rolled up with a cucumber or fruit on skewers and crackers with dipping sauce we didn't know that she was vegan at first but upon looking at the food selection we figured it out pretty quickly when she told us the price we all got a little confused we thought it was nice of her to want to cook but it was really just weird that she wanted to force feed us a vegan diet when none of us were vegan and when she knew that we were more than fine bringing our own stuff we told her that we appreciated the work that she went through but that it wasn't something that we enjoyed and we didn't want to pay for food that we didn't like or didn't even want to eat well our friend is now not talking to us all because we upset his girlfriend but not only did we just not want to consume the food but the bill was also significantly more expensive than we usually have because it was all bio ingredients that she used not to mention all of the vegan substitutions that she had as well some of my friends straight up didn't like the stuff that was in the vegan suit Su they had an aversion to cucumber and cream cheese and it was very prevalent in what she made but I will admit that I was a little bit more Petty I really look forward to the wings and pizza that await me at the end of a long week and I feel irritated that this was switched out for a meal that I could have gotten at the gym or on a random Tuesday and I also think it was quite Petty for not giving us a heads up about the food I think we all agreed to politely decline but invite her to spend the next movie night with us elsewhere so honestly am I the jerk for refusing to eat this stuff what should I do I don't think you're the jerk at all for this lady to suddenly change the menu on what is historically a wings and pizza party in my opinion is really weird and so misguided because this friend has been to these parties right he knows what everybody likes to eat and not once has anyone been like ooh let's have a vegan meal and I am right there with the original poster if I showed up to some kind of party night and I was given a vegan menu I think I would lose my mind I would be so frustrated so no you are definitely not the jerk they really should have warned you ahead of time because this is just super annoying and nobody deserves to be blindsided in this way and entitle couple lies repeatedly about their order being wrong and cause a lot of chaos for workers who definitely were doing their job and I'm honestly just so annoyed by their dishonesty that I really wish I documented my interactions with them a little bit better here's what happened so today we had a couple come in and order food and get some drinks I first had a ticket come through that they ordered some cocktails so I get to to making it by the time the drinks were in the Shaker the gentleman comes to the bar and asks to cancel the cocktails I was almost done making them but whatever I voided the items and he orders a bottle for his table instead of the cocktails I bring the bottles to the table show him the bottle ask if he would like to try it first but they say no so I leave and that is honestly perfectly fine they then order some food I'm not on food but I'm watching as the lady tells the server that she ordered something different which again there's no issue with that so new food gets brought out but she says again that it is the wrong order and said it was something different again now I know for a fact this is what she ordered as I heard it and I say that because I was behind the bar opposite of her table I heard the whole interaction and I know she kept changing what she wanted I think three or four times she sent the meal back and at this point the manager is involved as well as two to three other staff members as the server was bringing her meal back to the kitchen she then has a conversation with another table I didn't catch the start of the conversation but I did hear them say that they ordered cocktails too but they haven't come to their table either now I knew full and well that they had canceled their cocktail order it also wasn't as if they canceled because it was taking too long as it was literally around 5 minutes from placing the order that the husband came to the bar and cancelled now I obviously can't interject at this point but she is basically trying to make us look as bad as possible to the other guest and blatantly lying that none of us know what she wants she finally gets a meal that she's happy with and this is after bringing one of the servers to tears but I hear again that the couple were complaining that they had received wine that they didn't order and were attempting to send it back now I'm not sure if they were successful in doing so but the bottle was literally half empty this husband literally came to the bar and ordered the bottle himself I'm not sure if they weren't happy with a place at this point and I'm kicking myself for not making him sign for the bottle at the end of the night the manager is far from happy and tells us that the couple came to him with many complaints and likely a distasteful review but my interactions with a couple were very polite and they seemed very happy with their drinks up until the point they started to complain so I'm not sure what their aim was but I'm willing to bet they were probably in it for a free meal yeah in my opinion it kind of seems like this was really on purpose like for starters they absolutely asked for that bottle and then drank half the bottle and then had the audacity to be like oh yeah we didn't want this bottle we were waiting for our cocktails nothing came along it's also pretty suspect that they sent back the order what 3 to four times like that's just really weird and it's also really rude because the original poster it sounds like they're on the right track like they had a normal if not pleasant interaction with this couple so for them to try and like flip the script all of a sudden and be like wow nothing is ready for us and nothing that we ordered is coming to our table I don't know about you but that really comes off as disingenuous and it really does seem like they were just trying to work the system and considering how hard the staff worked to make sure they got everything they wanted that in my opinion is incredibly disappointing and am I the jerk for putting up a no trespassing sign on my fence after seeing my neighbor's kid on the roof of my shed because right now I am seriously very frustrated and at this point I don't know what to do here's what happened so I moved into my neighborhood about 5 years ago and I'm a single female in my mid to late 20s early on I would hang out with the children on my street and be lenient with them regarding being on my property a little under 2 years in I got a puppy that got out quite a few times over the first couple of years of owning her and my neighbor has been helpful in helping get her and keep her in their house or backyard sometimes if I'm not home this family has been generous on other occasions such as having me over for dinner once shoveling my driveway a couple of times and assisting with putting a new fence up that benefited them as much as it benefited me over the past few years there have been numerous occasions where their son will either hop the fence to get into my backyard or open the gate and later leave it open because it's too tall for him my dog got out a few more times because this happened on multiple occasions I had asked my neighbor's son and the other children on our street if they could please ask for permission before entering my backyard I had even talked to my neighbor's mother about it a few times one of which was when she was opening my back gate to let her son in her reasoning for this was that because I was not home when her son knocked on my door she took it upon herself to let him in after that moment I bought a no trespassing sign to put on my fence but ended up not using it thankfully the past few months have been fine and my neighbor's son and his friends were even coming to my front door to ask if I could get their ball for them so I figured that we were P this in some kind of way this morning I was driving back onto my street but when I was about to pass my house to get into my driveway I saw my neighbor son and a friend on the roof of my shed which is in my backyard with My Neighbor Next Door helping them out I stopped my car right there and I called out asking what they were doing the father responded that there was a ball between the fence and my shad and the only accessible way of getting the ball was by climbing my Shad now that's all good and fine but I asked why he couldn't wait to ask me before doing it and I literally just didn't get a response when Timmy and his parents left for the day I went outside and I put a no trespassing sign on the fence right near my shed which is right next to their property line well 5 hours later they arrived home and I received a text message from the mother outlining how generous they have been and how they have respected my boundaries so they were really hurt by my sign that I put up so honestly am I the jerk in this situation what should I do you are definitely not the jerk because your neighbors are 100% out of line you told them repeatedly please stay out of my yard like this isn't an isolated incident where this has happened once or twice but instead this is a consistent thing that keeps happening like these people don't respect your privacy or your property at all so in my opinion I think a no trespassing sign isn't nearly enough because if I was in your shoes I would be getting locks for my Gates as well as cameras for my yard in case they come back for some reason because you can bet one day if they're Standing On Top of the roof of your shed that kid's going to fall down and break his arm and it's going to be then and only then these parents are going to have a problem with their kid in your backyard and it's somehow going to become your problem instead of theirs and I personally think that it wouldn't be a bad idea to try and get ahead of that when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications to finish listening to all the stories check out the playlist at the top of the the description and if you want some chill music to put on in the background check out easy if you like am I the jerk subscribe to am I the genius everything will be linked Down Below in the description
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 57,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: 40ZskfFuNx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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