DA62 Acrylic Pouring Swipe on Black Abstract Flowers and More with Sandra Lett 050818

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hello everybody I hope you're having a great day I am cuz I'm getting ready to paint and I've been waiting to do it it's after lunchtime and I'm just not getting the opportunity to paint so I want to quickly go through the colors that I'm using today all DecoArt so here are the colors I've got some in little bit of cups mixed up I have some and squeeze bottles so I'm gonna be using a little bit of both everything is mixed one-to-one ratio with floetrol latex based so that's what's the pouring medium is 1 to 1 back to my regular recipe and then I don't add water to the deco art bottle paints I do add like if I use the premium which is in a tube anything in a tube is always going to be thicker so that has a little bit of water added to it and then I add spot on treadmill lubricant. One drop per ounce of paint mixture so if I've got say 3 or 4 ounces then I put three or four drops in a cup and then everything gets mixed and then put into a squeeze bottle if at all possible because you get more control but like this green I had mixed up and poured into this bottle and it's full to the top so I've got a little paint left in my cup I may use first things like that but very quickly the colors that I'll be using I'll be swiping with black and lampblack and that's enough squeeze bottle one to one ratio with floetrol no silicone and my white never has silicone and the white is snow or titanium white so very quickly the other colors I have a mixture of marigold cadmium yellow, bright orange, true red, carousel pink, alizarin crimson and then my magenta color is a mixture of primary magenta, vivid violet a little alizarin crimson. I just kind of mix it till I get it to the vibrant point that I want it to be it's often that I don't have a color that I want and I'll mix my own. Dioxazine purple is the deep purple and also in a bottle. ultra blue deep is in a bottle. the teal mint is in this little cup here. sour apple is in a bottle. festive green is in the cup and in the bottle. so the squeeze bottle I have and a little bit and the cup here. our peacock teal and then this color here in the bottle is a combination of blue grass green, desert turquoise and evergreen and a little bit of ultra blue deep to make that very vibrant deep peacock what I call a peacock color so like I said everything has silicone al. the colors have silicon in it but not the white or the black so today I am doing another version the painting I did the other day which was just a 12 by 12 inch canvas it was just a foot square this was the one I did and I called an abstract garden and I want to do this again but on a 16 by 20 so it'll be that much larger and I'm gonna maybe add a third blossom at the bottom maybe and I wanted to add a little bit more violent let's see a little bit more color into my swiping and so that I'm besides the yellow which I had in it I'm adding the deeper golden color and then I had sour apple in it and I'm putting the green and I'm gonna add the peacock color which was not in there but the turquoise was in there and I'm adding the teal mint and the ultra blue deep and I'm gonna put a smidge of purple as well say I'm gonna make doesn't the swipe just a little bit different hopefully it'll still kind of come out the same because there's a person I was doing this for as a wedding gift while I was doing a bunch of canvases and I was gonna let her choose what she wanted for a wedding gift she picked one of my very colorful rainbow ones and then when I did this one she said I know this is my favorite now and I said well it's only 12 inches square and I said do you want me to do a bigger one and she said if you want to and of course I always want to because I love doing this so that's why I'm trying a bigger canvas what I'm gonna do though is it's going to be swiped with black which will be at the top and I'm going to swipe towards me so I'm gonna go dark to light so I'm going to finish up this purple in this Cup and actually I'm going to throw in a little bit of the purple rain just a little bit to add a lighter streak of that purple and I am going I know I think I swiped with a scraper the other day for the abstract garden but I'm going to use a wet a damp paper towel to swipe this with okay so I got my purples and so I want to do a little bit of this ultra blue deep so you know people will complain about their floetrol getting clogged up so that was probably the case with this one is that it had a little clump of something that was in the bottle from squirting out correctly and that's all I'm gonna do of the purples and blue and then the rest of these colors will be more true to the original color so I'm going to start i'ma do the peacock teal here whoops say there gets a little clogged and then it unclogs and it comes out really fast and I'm a kind of vary these a little bit some of the sour apple now I'm going to the turquoise color. and the teal mint. a little bit of the gold color and then the cadmium yellow took a little bit of that sour apple there again we go back to this peacock green again the one little stripe of the ultra blue deep turquoise again. this is gonna feel a little different than the other ones I'm not sure not sure how it's gonna turn out. Teal mint. festive green. forgot my little tripe of the peacock color and I'm not this just to be basically the lightest color here a little bit at the sour apple a little bit of the gold marigold color cadmium yellow., so I got plenty of paint on this canvas plenty is that paint goes over the edges a little bit I'm just kind of all together there's a paint . Put the black on so these are my two paper towel pieces I have ready now I have to do two swipes because it's not wide enough to do the whole canvas at one time so I'm gonna do it about half way over my paper towel lay down in the black well I got them just like the last time I did this I looked at this back this is also gonna be the end where the flowers are going to because they're going to be in the dark part so now the other half you go to things I'm just making sure that I have color on my edges so you know there's thicker black here and less thicker black here I'm gonna do is try to drag the black up this purple a little bit I don't want that much purple showing so I'm just very gently trying to get it to come up a little bit into that and then this little patch like I am barely skimming the surface because otherwise it's going to go straight down to the canvas I'm gonna use my heat gun so right in the area where I swiped beside each other we're just trying to go back and add in a little bit of the colors to see if that will kind of fill in that area a little bit so now I'm gonna turn it around so I decided my next paintings are going to be black canvases with swipes and metallic typically I used like the really bright rainbow colors but this time I'm going to use just the metallics, That'll be interesting to see how that turns out I'm going to let this sit for a few minutes so the last time I did some dribbles the colors this is a peacock color I put a little bit and some of the turquoise while the tail meant it's not choice in the green some sour apple that's they outdid just because there's blue and purple melted a little bit blue have you put a little bit of them all right let's blow it up so now what I'm going to do in below you how I wish this area were a little lighter say I'll just blow it on it a little bit will expand the sales like it and they'll they'll go back in okay so just to compare a comparison here is the original here's the one I just did so with that in the purple that adds a little bit more dimension almost like it could be floral like lavender or hollyhocks or something kind of growing in the background so I kind of like that feel so I'm pretty pleased with that I put this here just like and look at it for reference I think before I even go any further now go ahead and do some Leafs so I've lost my butter knife somewhere it's around somewhere I'm not sure where I'm swiping these leaves and before I do my flower skewer I'm just gonna around just a little bit I think I'm gonna do three flowers. one in the center, kind of two the curve of things I'm gonna start with this it's kind of a that one I forgot to mention is a mixture of coral blush and baby pink so it's kind of a muted down pink with a little warm edge to it put a little bit orange on it maybe just a little bit of wine oh forgot my white is kind of low and I always keep white mixed in a cup so I'm just transferring my cup to my bottle that's the titanium white mixed 50/50 with the floetrol. where there's no chance of me running low I'm doing this painting flowers are not one of my strengths did it on this one but I don't think I have much luck with it but at least it kind of looks like flowers which is what I want it to look like, so what I'm going to keep doing it as just building it up alizarin crimson magenta this is the carousel pink I like that but I'm a to a little bit of white at the top part of that thing I do red, orange so I'll warm it up a bit because the the alizarin crimson and the Carousel pink are cooler so now I'm gonna do the warmer I'll do this first before I have yellow you a little deep or down at the bottom you have just a little bit more orange and this has a little dribble of where the color sprite out and I don't like it so I'm gonna just dip my finger in and I'm trying to get rid of that lon so basically I think I have the shapes in the way out kind of like them for the flowers so now I'm just going to go back in and just add a little bit of white out one just to kind of help define them a little bit not a whole lot you and then down here the green comes out kind of thick sigh figure that out with my other colors so kind of like leaves and now what I want to do through here and the other thing I want I want here just add a little bit of something so I think i'ma do and try one out to see if it looks the way I envision it see what I could do is just now let's kind of blow no blowing works too so maybe just a few little like but I didn't have this on the other one but I thought that might add just a little bit more to the gardeny feel so I'm just putting the orange on top of the magenta and yellow and I'm just putting a dot it's not hardly any paint at all and if he didn't have squeeze bottles he could do it with a stick it would take some finesse a little bit well they're just a little see I can't get just a little white drip me try these before I go any further like that wise so this one sunk a little bit where I dipped my bottle into the paint I've got one more to do yeah I like that that's happy feeling happy happy so now I'm just going to come back and do my green again just make it work make sure my buds have a an actual vinethat they're growing from that and see if I can get a little a little accent you try they try it is white in my hand if I drip it on there it's gonna be like super heavy maybe just a hair right here at the bottom of little purple rain a little bit of magenta I'm going to stick some orange back on here and red and wondering see how it looked if I swiped it one looks like a leaf even though it's part of the cells this one does kind of too I'm trying to so I'm just getting the green color off I think I'm done. trying to decide wanna do anything else put some on this, kind of just bland swipe a little bit peacock color through it I love this this is awesome I hope she does because I think it's pretty darn awesome I don't want I don't want to drift anymore so let me see if I can lift this up and show you without screwing it up here's the top there's the flowers I think she's gonna like it so let me put this away I hope you liked it if you did please give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel thank you so much you
Channel: Sandra Lett
Views: 222,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fluid painting, art, art tutorial, painting, diy, easy diy, art lessons, abstract flow art, painting techniques, art video, technique, easy diy acrylic painting tutorial, easy diy acrylic pouring technique, decoart, floretrol, DuraClear High Gloss Varnish, floetrol latex based, acrylic swipe with intention, floral, flower garden, abstract flowers, americana
Id: iptYs5Odghs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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