Cypher and Raze Voice Actors from Valorant!

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give me a corpse revive me jet revive me get i know exactly where you are i know exactly where you are we have nabil el rehabi um [Music] your accent is fantastic by the way really fantastic yeah maybe i'll try and do some arabic lines no i'm scared nabil is the voice of cipher informant that's right that's right how exciting is that dude oh my god it's it's been like um it's kind of blindsided me because i don't expect it to be a so much fun be so well received and see um just i know so kind of gratifying it was it was just the perfect storm so no very very cool indeed and there's some more stuff coming out as i'm sure you know and you know it's just cool cypher has a line about a camera that's correct yeah what is the dark line what is the damn line i can't i know that he does it'll come to me but but i can't remember off the top of my head i mean we did so many lines there were so many of them camera taken out that's what he said that's right yes camera taken out camera taken out somebody wants you to say in uh in his voice not somebody let me read double rainbow hh uh one of my cameras is broken oh wait oh okay it's fine one of my cameras is broken ah wait no it's fine so he's he's a funny guy well he's playful he has um you know when we were kind of creating the character with the guys it was clear that they you know they wanted a real character with a back story and in my naive brain and you know i'm thinking oh you know it's going to be kind of like a game that has like a two-dimensional feel to it but that's not because i'm inexperienced and not part of that world and then suddenly i'm opened up to this thing where you know there's nuance and there's backstory and that's i think that's what um has has lent itself to me anyway to to play in such a fashion like i'm playing a character on stage or in a film or it's just slightly more heightened but there's a real emotion behind it and there's a real back story behind it and do you not do you see what i'm saying absolutely well because you had only worked on one video game before right dragon age that's right that's right and and what did you feel uh like obviously about ballerina uh not obviously i don't know what your experiences experience was with uh the other one but this seems like it was a more full-fledged character that you get to work on without a doubt i mean look when i first went in and you know i loved the kind of break the brief of the character you know this kind of you know this moroccan guy who's into his gadgets and who has his whole story behind him and the secret and all that i was like yeah this is excellent i love it there's intrigue and mystery you know what i mean yeah but will david david lairley told me to say hello to you that you made him laugh a lot in the recording session uh yeah him and zach are a special team that i think all of us have had a really beautiful experience with um so i just i just love that i didn't know if uh nabeel himself was funny or if you as cypher kept throwing stuff out that was making david laugh here's the funny thing is i really enjoyed just kind of like like improvising and i've i ended up just kind of adding things in and and bringing in some humor to the character a kind of dark sense of humor you know that whole thing like for instance where one of the um when he's killed everybody goes oops no one to interrogate you know it's like it's just killed everybody i liked that kind of i've always been a fan of that type of humor just in just intelligent murder right yeah or you know intelligent assassin that's a better way of putting it and um and and those guys welcomed it and they weren't threatened by it in fact zach at one point i was kind of just going crazy i'm always moving around i can't stay still and um at one point um zach said do you mind if we record you because you're giving me some ideas and and so in a sense what was great about it is they were open to letting me and letting us play and it sounds so pretentious but that's really what it comes down to it's just like you know let me lose uh so for the most part yeah so the accent you're doing isn't specific to morocco as a cipher or yeah i mean because i know they're slightly different they are slightly different and you know look here's the thing um i i think character over accent it's always been my thing you know even when i'm doing plays you know there's always going to be somebody or something to say okay well that you know you're not from there you don't sound exactly right like that i always think if there's emotional truth behind it it lands that's just my feeling but yeah no he's you know for me he is a there's an he's an arab he's an arabic accent it's a moroccan yeah totally i mean i think that like even for sombra my character in overwatch she talks like this it's a it's like a pan-hispanic accent and then when i speak in spanish it's specific to mexico but in english and maybe a colombian could sound like that maybe a question like that unless it's a very defined you know i like what you said i like the way you phrased that there was really clear pants back you know finally right yeah and that's probably the same it's like a pan arab it's there's a kind of a generalized way but if somebody wanted to really kind of drill into it you could get much much more specific but for this for me i just found that for me it was about the character and what we were trying to do you know how yeah i was trying to affect you know what we're trying to do with those lines and how are you trying to affect your audience totally so they're dying for you to say give me a corpse give me a corpse and apparently they they spam it in game so it's giga give me a court no way because like there's another one that they wrote out which i find really funny about a little engineer i borrowed one of your transmitters for my camera i pay you back probably that's right i'm going to do my best uh pan arabic accent yeah go go you can little engineer i borrowed one of your transmitters from my camera i'll pay you back probably probably very good not bad at all they want i know exactly where you are ah i know exactly where you are oh my god he he is a little he's mischievous i can i can hear it he's mischievous and his um he's smart you know he's smart that's what i like about him he's smart he's his chest not checkers yeah yeah exactly exactly and he's always like moving things around you know have you played overwatch god valerant no i haven't and i will play it though because i've seen some of the gameplay and i was like oh this looks good this looks good i mean i just you know after i haven't played any games for years but i will start with with valerian and possibly with my own character oh you have to and people will want to see that you know so uh definitely if you do it try and have somebody record you know help you out with twitch or record you and then you can upload it somewhere apparently there's a voice line you say to um uh breach and it goes breach breach i took a servo for from your arms for my tripwire don't be angry breach that's right breach breach i took a servo for your arm from my tripwire that was it that was the one then don't be angry that's right because he's apologizing to him don't be angry you know what i i feel like rey's also uh is a little bit jokey i think you have a smarter sense of humor reyes has dad jokes we talked about this with uh with zach uh and so some some of them are really funny and others are like okay it's not funny but i tried you know uh but i do feel like the way you're bugging breach right now is how i bought brimstone i'll be like come on you know like i'm trying to get in on his good side calling him brimstone um so i think that there's definitely some playfulness with our characters that makes it really really exciting i'm going to ask you a favor from the chat uh in cypher's voice we would like you to say revive me jet revive me jet revive me jet revive me get great yes it's an inside joke amongst valorant players and now it's become a thing on my twitch channel uh where i ask all the voice actors to do it and it's pretty awesome we have a great question from somebody in the chat but before i get to that i want you apparently you say a line to raise that i think is awesome um ah izzy don't tinker with my gadgets i don't want exploding cameras again izzy don't tinker with my gadgets i don't want explosive cameras again so you know i love explosives right rays oh my god they said that you have some really dark sad lines about your wife nora dying and you know how such a comedic character uh how do you can how do you find the pathos for that and how do you connect uh to to find that i mean we're actors right so we have to but i think specifically to this character i'd love for you to speak more to that well i mean i think i think i mean i just think it's it's a case of um you know tears of a clown isn't it do you know what i mean yeah the thing you know that that that that kind of dichotomy is is is you know you've got that yeah sure it's the actual drama phase i think those things are so related um i've and i can and i've you know i can i don't find it difficult to to to access that you know i i i don't find it difficult to access that i think um i think i think more often than not life is harder than we pretend it is do you know what i mean and we just we do our best to get by and that's probably what what's so challenging nowadays especially with social media where there's this kind of um potential danger that everybody's having a great life except me and it's not the case yeah i mean it's just not the case it's um it's like it's everything on social media is who we pretend we want to be yeah yeah but the reality is something different you know and that's okay yeah uh i'm gonna use this to segue into some shameless self-promotion i am uh raising funds for a film that i want to shoot via kickstarter campaign and it is about a gamer cosplayer um during quarantine and she does twitch live streaming to her fans and then like slowly things start falling apart as all of our lives fell apart during quarantine and uh one of the things in the film that's really big is this uh social media addiction we have you know scrolling scrolling scrolling and thinking everyone's like quarantine life according to pajamas quarantine profit and i do think that a lot of people will connect to it so i am doing a kickstarter i'm asking all my fans to just donate one dollar because if a hundred thousand people donate a dollar yeah great or if you have more please donate anymore i have a lot of 12 year olds watching who don't have credit cards so use your hair go get your parents credit card don't tell them but it is it is so real you know what you're saying um back to cypher is you know he's got this dark life and we we all are multi-dimensional and have a past i must survive to protect my family i can't lose them i can't feel that pain again yes man it's like you know well you know it's look here's the thing i think i think we are um if people were more honest about and it doesn't mean like violins come out and like if people were just there was less pressure to to this to present present look our industry i've spent most of my life presenting i'm relieved at the age of 47 you know how are you 47 you i think we live in an age of presentation and i think it's detrimental to uh to us i really do because because what it means is when you're not that thing i mean now they're talking about this is a slight segue but now they're talking about there's been an increase with you know um young kids wanting to do um plastic surgery because of all the filters that they're using on the phones and do you know what i mean like i don't know maybe this is just an old man talking and he doesn't know what he's talking about but that that's really sad you know that's really sad i get listen i get it that we want to look great but also we also have to accept who we really are at any given moment does that mean the moment you start getting gray hairs you you pull out the noose i mean do you know what i mean this is real did you do plastic surgery to stay in the hospital well i did i did i don't want to talk about no i don't know yeah uh oh they're asking if you're married nabil i know but i have a beautiful girlfriend and she has her and her and her two daughters i hope they're listening anya and sophia and uh if they are what's up and if they're not you should be yeah my beautiful partner she's uh she's a she's a mental health nurse and she's an amazing woman and uh yeah right so but i'm not married but um but i'm hitched up there you go love it love it love it cause uh it's uh twice a comment has come up saying does he know he's stolen hearts with his voice the chat they're like i'm gay but i still think you're hot thank you so much guys um is carolina married no she's not gentlemen put your best bids forward put your offer on the table for carol give me some i would like to hear some cipher and then maybe i'll do them in raise in raises voice nothing stays hidden from me nothing nothing stays hidden from me nothing my eyes are better than yours osmo's olios are better than yours i know exactly where you are exactly where you are boom oops no one to interrogate oh i wanted to say that as a cipher oops no one to interrogate i see their desperation let's use that i see their desperation let's use that i wonder if they have any parts i can salvage implants i need those dude you are so sneaky let's see what i have to use pictures of their children oh whoa wow way too dark that's my version now yeah i mean the thing that i love about it is there's a real thought process to what he's doing should i do that whoa not today maybe not today maybe tomorrow changes monday for real though uh thank you so much nabil uh this was super fun i'm excited to share more stuff on your instagram so we can it's been an absolute joy it really has and god bless you all and and you know said what's up to all the peeps all over the world and stay safe man we'll do we'll do a shock run and guys keep booming and pooping
Channel: Hispanglosaxon
Views: 130,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, riot games, riot, video games, gamer, gamer girl, interviews, voice actors, voice actor, voice over, raze, phoenix, jett, sage, viper, killjoy, omen, breach, brimstone, sova, reyna, carolina, carolina ravassa, sombra, overwatch, blizzard, gaming, voice lines, twitch
Id: B6ihcvf7w7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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