Sage and Raze Voice Actors from Valorant!

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you will not kill my allies you are a boulder i'm a mountain revive me jet revive me jets revive me jets i am both shield and sword remember that fire in the hole we're live we're live i get excited when we go live all right guys welcome to the revasa twitch we are here with naomi yang the voice of sage in valorant welcome thank you thanks for having me how are you today it's 8 p.m in london it is it's dark it's cold um i've had quite a busy day rushing around um so it's quite nice to just yeah come back and do this everyone's excited they're like phage oh my god she's beautiful in the comments her voice she's so pretty um it's it's a crazy kind of like i think when i did the job like i didn't realize how big it was going to be and it's been yeah it's so nice having all these fun games yeah absolutely so let's talk about this guys so all of you watching i want you to know that naomi has incredible film and tv career uh go to her right now to check it out and we questions about that but this is your first video game that kind of throws you into that world to understand what that's all about so uh i'm really curious as to how the first audition was uh if you knew what the heck riot games was uh if you knew it was going to be such a big game all that kind of stuff and then the process of of the beginnings of everything yeah well i guess also i have a voice agent and it was just sort of you know there's this audition for a video game didn't have any idea what it was for and you know they were when i went there they were talking to me about you know it's it's uh um you know you work as a team and it's like and i had no basis of like knowledge because i'm not a gamer and so she's like yeah yeah okay uh-huh like yeah yeah i know i kind of get that but they were like you know sage is like talking about her and i was like that sounds really cool and because i don't game and i auditioned for a video game before i kind of hadn't i just sort of pitched it kind of it's whatever came out that day really yeah and i wasn't that nervous because i was like well i don't really know have nothing to compare to and then i kind of forgot about it for a while and then it was a few weeks before they were like oh we liked her and now we're gonna get some people from the states to listen in for a recall so they had a second meeting and yeah and they were like we love your voice and we think it's great and yeah and then i kind of got the job even doing after doing the job it was ages before it kind of came out right and then remember when it first came out i had no idea it even came out and in the first few weeks they had that thing called like the beta key or like the dave yeah they're like only a few people were like i don't know hardcore gamers or whatever got that key and one of my friends i know one and he was like i just i just checked this and this is your voice i was like oh yeah i did i did a thing i did i did this thing last year and he was like dude it's huge and i was like oh is is it and he's like yeah dude it's huge and then it was kind of like i don't know a little while after that before it just properly came out yeah yeah like oh my god and since then then carolina reached out to you on twitter and you go what the hell is this woman were you confused were you just like because yeah i don't really do things like this i suppose and um i had to like go on your i was like oh she's if someone calls me from a number i don't know i'm just like yep i don't know yeah but i was like oh okay this this actually sounds really cool now but before i looked it up i was like i don't know no no i know and it can be scary i think that when you do when you're like what's twitch that's not in my wheelhouse or what are these online interviews or in front of fans like i think i'd only heard of twitch fairly recently so yeah but it's huge but i was like i don't really know what it is guys the chat watching for you guys twitch is like the most normal thing and you're probably on it so much watching gameplay but i have so many friends that i'll be like yeah i've been doing these interviews on twitch and they're like what's twitch i'm like yeah so it's like this youtube for gamers so they would love to hear uh we could i think i like sprinkling voice lines throughout the game yeah as we get to know you and whatever and we would like to hear some sage in a british accent it's fun too um so one of the ones they've requested is you will not kill my ally oh i think this is quite like a you will not kill my allies do you have some off the top of your head that you'd like to share um i remember the first line i did for the very first audition it was um i am both shield and sword remember that i was like oh i like it yeah she's she's spicy she is she's got some she's a warrior you are a boulder i am a mountain yeah dude that's so good you are a boulder i'm a mountain it's good listening to someone else do it right so another line is stand tall we are valorant we are fighters oh stand tall we are violent we are fighters i love her already oh my god there's something very sweet but real badass about her she is sweet though like i remember um so when you know when i had to do a day for valerian uh during lockdown and i was at my mum's one of the lines was like um it was like a really aggressive harsh line and i just i just couldn't for some reason maybe i just spent too much time around like my mum and stuff ah i couldn't get there and then like they were like oh it's okay like maybe say you just can't get there and i felt really bad because i was like no no i can get i can do it i can do it but i just i think it's just my personality but you know what though that's that's what's so beautiful about zach and dave who uh david uh wanted me to say hi because he had a great time directing you and he said that you walked in and you just walked in with sage like he was oh well he's he's a great director it makes you feel very comfortable so i was kind of just able to just sort of run with it but like yeah like he's so encouraging to like you do something like yes yeah yeah more of that or try this but he's yeah super encouraging the thing with with david and zach is that they understand that they've they've written something they're expecting something and then they're not expecting something they might imagine something and then you walk in and you do your thing and it's like you know maybe sage just doesn't have it in order to say that line and that's okay and we cut the line they're not it's like waiting for you to hit it you know um and that's really encouraging for actors you know yeah i know they were great to work with let's talk about the fact that you were a school teacher before you became an actress that is super rad and i want to hear that kind of process of transformation yes i was a primary school teacher in london for a few years um and then so yeah i got into acting it was quite a non-traditional route i guess i saw an open audition for um this film um and it was looking for someone that spoke english and mandarin and was in their like early 20s which i was at the time and that was enough for me to be like oh that's me and also loads of other people but i was like oh cool that's me so um i emailed them and they're like oh come to this open audition and it was like 12 of us uh we're all good for different parts and it was like when it's an open audition a big group thing they were like oh you know and just i want you to now do a an interpretive dance of your morning uh how you got here and i was like you're like why don't i get myself into no i'm not doing that i'm just obviously i did it but i was like i'm not enjoying this at all and so i did it i had the audition and i went went away and kind of didn't think about it and then i got invited back like two three four times somehow got the job took all my holiday to do the job and then went back to teaching and it was about a year and a half before the film came out and i remember my agent who i'm with now and got a hold of my details somehow and emailed me was like you know do you do you want representation and i was like no and actually with my agent i then emailed the only person that i knew that was vaguely related to an agent was which was the casting director on this film and i was like hey this woman's emailed me is she legit like in the same way that i kind of think yeah yeah well you have to go do you know who she is and she's like yeah yeah i do she's a legit asian but i was like no i don't want representation because i'm a primary school teacher and so we left at that and she said okay i went back to teaching and then i finished this was like beginning of the year so i had a whole six seven months left of teaching before the summer holidays got to the end of the year and then was like maybe i could give it a go i mean how hard can it be i've had one audition and i got the job did you know i know so then i was like well i'll quit teaching for a year and i can always go back and then yeah little did i know it's impossible to get a job most of the time um but i stuck with it and that was like seven years ago holy cow they a lot of a lot of the chat saying that they would love to go to school if sage was their teacher oh that's very sweet i wonder if some of your ex-students know that you're sage now they would probably be so happy yeah i wouldn't they might not know but they definitely probably do play there was a lot of gamers in mind that every boy in my class was like when i grow up i want to be a gamer i was like how about something else as well how about well nowadays twisted live streamers you know you're making good living so absolutely um revive me jet is that one of the lines no oh it's not it's like i don't remember doing that line yeah okay three times remind me jeff however you like yes okay revive me jet revive me jet revive me jet guys we did it can you say i am not just your healer i am not just your healer dude yeah these lines you know you haven't set them in so long it's like oh yeah i do but they're in your body you know well dude we recorded i i mean at least three or four hundred lines you know so okay so my character's raised she's an insane insane brazilian whom i love dearly um and uh they want you to say some of sages lines in jed's accent in sage's voice okay so uh maybe you can and take your own spin on it so you know obviously the fun intonation doesn't have to happen um here comes the party here comes the party she's so cute and fire in this hole fire in the hole iron the hole the hole what is that what's the context there there's uh you know when you throw some bombs down okay okay fire in the hole raise line referring to sage that sage is mine she builds walls i take them down oh so you know how we can like build our teams and then what there can be a sage on each team yeah yeah so sometimes there are lines referring to the other sage not the one that's on your team and i think those are funny too so the chat is asking for you to do some mercy voice lines another video game a character in overwatch i'm not sure are they similar is it because they're healers like what's the dealio tell me heroes never die okay can you say heroes never die heroes never die i'm telling you man you could say the worst thing like oh satchel out is one of rey's lines satchel out that l yeah satchel like the bag yeah satchel out okay there we go chat hope you're excited so maybe you could say in as sage obliterated obliterated what is it so sweet damn it they say nothing sage says can sound evil she's so gentle she's gentle but she's like she's snaky right like you freaking she's always just like guys stop messing around you get stuff done absolutely so i do say ah surrounded by nina familia there's nothing we can't do surrounded by mina familia there's nothing we can't do she's so cute so they're asking again what you know about balorant before you audition you you really knew nothing it was just in a nutshell because i know we already covered this but knew nothing honestly nothing it was just uh i think they mentioned bright games never heard of them went in and it was like you know have you ever heard of a game called league of legends just like spoken around i've heard of it oh okay i'd heard of that game i would have i'd heard of fortnite um and then actually during lockdown i got myself um a nintendo switch and i was playing animal crossing that is the extent of my hey that's more than me man i just i really don't i mario parts when i was seven your duty your duty is not over um what has been one of your most favorite roles that you've worked on that you've just cherished so much and that you connected with and um honestly valerian is the most fun i've had honestly it's just so much fun and you know since it's come out and i'm just not realizing how big it was and how many people loved it and all the fans and you're just like oh this is just such a nice world to be part of yeah i've really been involved with anything like that before because i usually just do like british tv which you know is is good but it's it's i suppose it's a certain audience and this is like a worldwide thing and people playing from all over just being like i'm mainsage or like i don't even know what that meant at the beginning and i had i could guess but i was like oh my god yeah yeah yeah i'm finding out that sage had been nerfed okay and i was like oh god what does nerfed mean terrible porn plus age like multiple times i was like stop making her weaker they're asking if you'll try to play valorant at some point and if you would play sage i will try at some point i don't have a pc you can only play on the bc right yes pc only they're letting us know for the for the noobs slash non-gamers okay i'll need to go to a friends but i i will i yeah i plan soon if you do it you should film yourself or find a way to do a twitch live stream with somebody that can do it because people do love everything about watching voice actors trying to play their characters they want you to say your homework is not over because you were a teacher um your homework is not over is that what it is yes all right your homework is not over awesome thank you for coming on dude this has been really great naomi if you have any questions on any video game stuff um that i can help you with i'm happy to everyone loves you so much they're thanking you for coming along oh thank you comments and keep watching everyone yeah from all over the world it's super cool um awesome guys so keep booming and booping boop
Channel: Hispanglosaxon
Views: 285,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, riot games, riot, video games, gamer, gamer girl, interviews, voice actors, voice actor, voice over, raze, phoenix, jett, sage, viper, killjoy, omen, breach, brimstone, sova, reyna, carolina, carolina ravassa, sombra, overwatch, blizzard, gaming, voice lines, twitch
Id: wxu85Rqj97c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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