Cymatic Art - Ted X - Sound Resonances or the Praise of the Void

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hi everyone here's Natalie and I'm Laura and since 2003 we formed the at gol LNG we do audio-visual performances and art works with different mediums and always we focus on the relationship between sound and image in the past years we made different somatic devices to create artworks series of paintings photography installations for example you can see here a device we made in which we induce sound waves inside the water just here and we can create those shapes and all sorts of imagery so let's keep this for a later time when we will be doing our performance so here's another example of an artwork we created using this same device it is a photo print of a tone of 8 hurts it hurts is very important for us because it is also very important for all of us and it is a the brainwave frequency of the awakened state it's also according to shamans resonance the Earth's magnetic fields frequency so Natalie and I we make - we like to make the link between men and earth and something that really bound binds us is the water that is inside the human body inside the human brain about 80% and you also have the same amount of water on earth and like you see water vibrates and we all connected in in this peculiar way so vibrating water cymatics what's really this thing cymatics it is the science of visualizing sound through water oil sands it was called cymatics in the 60s by hans jenny he was a really great scientist and he was saying that sound is everything and within the great void of space came a sound and matter took shape so now we can go back in time way back in time with pitagoras and pitagoras found a numerical explanation of the universe and revealed the numerical ratio which determine the intervals of the musical scale so the musical scale originated from his research which was deeply inspired by his studies of the planets orbiting for our new performance we are using the orbital frequencies of the planets scaled to the hearing domain as a sound and we vibrate these stones in water or sense with the devices here here's some planets orbits we visualized in water they were recorded in our studio especially to show you here tonight so you can get an understanding of different planets have different orbits make different sounds and then produce different shapes inside the water so the planet frequencies we use they come from calculating the time it takes each planet to orbit the Sun and their rotational speed pitagoras he speaks about the harmony of the spheres but later in the 17th century we had Kepler who made more calculations and defined what he calls the music of the spheres so we will here present to you some extracts of a performance for which we will show our interpretation of the music of the spheres which are both to see and to hear vibrating Mercury Venus resonating Matt query earth resonating Venus Earth resonating earth Marrs resonating Jupiter Saturn resonating resonating Uranus Neptune resonating resonating resonating resonating resonating that is amazing was amazing is amazing is a bit so it's an atavism atavism is amazing mr. something so nice I think how what what what what what what what what what understanding the universe has been a great questioning over the ages from the most ancient civilizations to the contemporary science nowadays we can digitally visualize the noise of the deep cosmos we can now even hear the sound of the universe after the big bomb ah well thank you very much if anybody wants to try and make a sound say a word he's welcome maybe one or two person we still have like one minute or two minutes ahead of us so anybody like to make a sound in the microphone and see what it looks like understand participation here okay never mind Cole Cole Cole
Views: 46,294
Rating: 4.8132677 out of 5
Keywords: kepler, pythagoras, cymatic, hans jenny, llnd, *LLND, Video Art (Visual Art Form), sound art, ted talk, tedx, Math, Resonance, tedtalk, sacredgeometry
Id: v77t5w0xnrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2015
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