Cycling the entire length of the UK - LeJog

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in this video we'll be attempting to cycle from lands ending Cornwall all the way up to Jonah Groats in Scotland the entire length of the UK the views at Land's End were amazing but we had no time to spare with 1 500 kilometers to cycle that way well actually that way to China growth spoke can't go in a straight line this time here we go then so let's go dance robots broken down ah I feel good no he's just sorting his bag out really on the afternoon of day one we covered 83 kilometers coming through Truro just as the sun was setting okay so day two has been pretty hilly and hot we're just going up with absolutely brutal Hill so hot and we are now leaving Cornwall very hilly and very hot camp for day two right by the river loo okay day three back into Somerset day three was much easier cycling through Devon and Somerset and we were fortunate enough to arrive at home for the night so we set off the next morning feeling completely re-energized the Gorge we're still on the right that guy only went for it because he knew the camera was on really just after leaving Bristol I had a Broken Spoke on my bike so we had to head backwards towards a giant shop where I was able to buy a replacement and a few spares replace the spoke and hopefully we are now back on the road it's about four o'clock yeah here we go then into Wales so evenings consisting of a dip in the local River or Brook in this case get rid of all the sun cream and sweat actually already been in but I'm just in a paddle a bit just so you get the idea day five going through the Y Valley feeling good good camp spot last night no yeah got him so me and robot have just gone our separate ways for the first time on the trip he wants to go up and over a big hill and then back down into Leominster whereas I'm just going around it I'm just following the contour lines here he is changed his mind come the good way no I just can't I thought something was wrong no your way was so silly alrighty start of day six and uh we stopped at a camp spot a campsite last night robot didn't want to go through a fence that said private strictly low access for some reason um and also the tents broken one of the poles is snapped Two Joints here um but it does just about stay up it's a bit skewer so that'll be all right you just don't lean on these things yeah well it doesn't matter who broke it this matters that it's still up that's me the first stop of the day Morrison's in Wellington but not the real Wellington the one in the Midlands 3 P.M on day six and it's been absolutely cycling day six was our longest yet at 135 kilometers but unfortunately this easy enjoyable cycling didn't last long all right to give you an update we are now at the start of day seven and Things Are utterly miserable the whole structural rigidity of the 10th is resting on this piece of material here and yes we should definitely have fixed this yesterday before it started raining so we'll get that fixed today yeah we're soaking wet we really want to go cycling now but I guess we'll just get on with it amazing side this is a hell of a bridge we're heading up to Preston now um to try and get the tent fixed or maybe get a new tent if we have to so ended up going to go outdoors and sourced a replacement section for the pole and the tent has never looked prouder so end of day seven we've covered about 80k today to try and get the tent sorted yeah okay day eight heading up to Cumbria today hopefully get to Kendall by lunchtime [Music] right so about 20 KOA from Kendall Archer's got himself a nice little puncture the alley is still going uh going strong absolutely no problems with it can't say the same to the giant I'm afraid Kendall recycled deeper and deeper into Cumbria with some amazing views arriving at a farm campsite early in the evening all right uh camp site for day three and it is a um day three why am I saying day three day three yeah campsite for day eight is a nice little farm in Cumbria the uh the lady running it has been even been nice enough to make us Cups of Tea this pleased with our our progress first overtake of day nine let's get it yes heading into penrith this morning and then Carlisle for lunch Rob keeps saying he was born there which I don't think he was he's getting confused or something right so just been going along this really nice section of Road and that just managed to uh punch his back wheel again for the second day in a row probably because the pressure's not that great in the tire already all right so we're just leaving Carlisle unfortunately we had to stop to charge our power Banks up um we're almost run out of energy so unfortunately that wasn't necessary stopping in doing so we ate way too much McDonald's so I'm extremely full now but we're about to cross over into Scotland so all is well we've just crossed the border into Scotland and there's a nice little sign which tells us that Land's End is 478 miles away Johnny Groats 360 miles away so yeah we're well over halfway halfway I'd say Okay end of day nine in my thermals definitely glad I brought these robots just in shorts and hoodies freezing cold it's pretty windy and rainy and miserable this morning but 10 yeah things despite the wind and rain we pushed on past Moffat and up a 400 meter climb on the a701 I think we just reached to the top of the climb 100 weeks up which is pretty decent day 10 got progressively wetter and colder which wasn't helped by yet another puncture in my back wheel my hands are so cold that I can hardly put the pressure on there to try and get the tire off it's so annoying pretty wet but it's bound to happen oh I can't feel half my toes Phil see it's still pretty high so cold so getting to Camp was all a bit of a quick job last night we checked in got the tent up had a shower and just got straight in the tent the rain wasn't giving over but neither will we pressing through Edinburgh just before the inevitable happened I think you all know what's going on here see this pothole in the middle of this nice wide Road that's what this guy absolutely plowed into in my defense I was looking down at the map and then yeah I went straight into the pothole what a great excuse with another replacement tube fitted we pressed on over the fourth Bridge towards the highlands where things finally started to brighten up [Music] surrounded by stunning Scottish scenery we peddled through Perth and passed some weekend cyclists and set up camp in dunkeld the next morning we bumped into a trio of others doing Le jog staying in travel lodges and aiming to do it within two weeks going along the A9 psychopath now you've got the A9 off to the right psychopath in the middle and the railway on the left all running in parallel welcome to the Highlands we left our Rivals way back in the distance and arrived in a very touristy avimo for the night at this point we were 58 kilometers from Inverness and 300 from the Finish Line at jono gross today 13th of uh we are going for a big day today 145 kilometers we made our way through the small villages on the way into Inverness where I had a slightly more serious issue with my bike right just outside Inverness Archie has managed to get himself Another Broken Spoke thankfully I had spares purchased on day four taped to the bike so I replaced the spoke and we called in at Highland bikes to pump up my tires properly and then we were back on the road Keswick Bridge just passed Inverness with less than two days of cycling left and some good news about the weather there's no more rainfork after the whole trip we came to appreciate the sheer beauty of the surrounding Scottish Countryside thank you that is a special View all right day 14 we are only 160k from Johnny grates now the plan for today was to cycle 120 kilometers to thurso pitch up for the night and then cycle to Jonah Groats the next morning however we then got a bit over excited and had a change of heart alright so the decision has just been made that we're going for Jonah grows today 160k to do in order to reach John o'groats Before Sunset we had to put the hammer down let's go to the gas opening up to the coast Johnny gross here we come we can see you see now just approaching Betty Hill and then we've got probably 90k to do along the coast [Music] first sign for Johnny Groot get in almost there we go cruising down to the city now luxury oh there it is thank you Jonah groats we made it robot how you feel yeah we'll try that we'll smashed out in two weeks and this concludes what I hope you'll agree has been an epic adventure thank you for watching and stay tuned for some big things coming up on the channel
Channel: Archie Fieldhouse
Views: 96,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ivf9q-c4Ses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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