Cyberchase | Full Episode | Hacker's Bright Idea

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okay there's this really bad dude named hacker the hacker to you whatever he wants to take over the cyber world from motherboard the three kids are suck into cyberspace and they use brain power to help save everybody okay here's the plan so they travel all over and run into all these weird creatures and have all these awesome adventures it's totally up to them to save cyberspace can three cool kids and a wacky bird outsmart the hacker there's only one way to find out tune in to Cyber Chase [Music] [Music] rcky we 2 CH we Face to Face we'll together all the [Music] time r [Music] [Applause] so much further Matt yeah I'm getting tired me too and I'm not even walking come on guys we're almost there the peak of Mount stallia is the best spot in all of cyberspace for us to watch Casey's Comet what's so special about a comet other than it's like a giant Frozen snowball that zips around in space actually that does sound pretty cool well to begin with the comet is going to fly right through the middle of a huge constellation called the Dagon DOA what the Dagon check it out if you draw lines between the stars that make up the constellation it makes a 12-sided shape 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 12 sides and here's the best part Casey's comet is so rare you won't be able to see it for another 50 cyber Years and we're going to see it tonight wow hey how'd you get so into stars and comets anyway my pop pop took me stargazing all the time when I was [Music] little now that constellation right there that is Orion's B and that one is the Little Dipper and oh look over there that's the Big Dipper wa it looks like a great big spoon well that's a constellation a group of stars that form a pattern that look just like something you know I could lie here and look at them all night popup they're like good friends oh good good friends indeed Maddie when I was in the Navy they taught us how to use the Stars to navigate with a night sky full of stars you're never lost or [Music] alone just think how awesome Casey's comet is going to be oh I can't wait to see it let's get moving earthlies it'll be dark [Music] soon a buz delete put it here you got it boss okie dokie booss no over here is better whatever you say boys uh uh actually the breeze feels nicer over here ah this is perfect coming [Music] boys ah yes this is a perfect spot bring on the [Music] night the do deaun I see it all 12 sides oo and I'm getting more excited by the minute how soon will the comic come through in exactly 1 hour 53 minutes and 27 seconds you can't miss it well I don't think I've ever seen so many stars before yeah and so bright that's because the sky is pretty dark tonight it could be a one on the bortle scale H what's the bortle scale the bort scale is a way to measure how dark the night sky is the darkest possible sky is number one wow that's really really dark yep that's when you can see all the constellations and even a few planets so where does the night sky land on your bort scale let's see it's not a one or a two it looks like a three to me you're right d it's not a perfectly dark sky but it's dark enough for us to see Casey's Comet that's for sure anyone want to share a snack while we wait uhhuh yum Yik what just happened it looks like a giant ice cream cone in the sky we can hardly see the stars is that Casey's Comet no it's light pollution it's when unnatural light floods the sky and we can barely see the planets or the stars or Casey's Comet yep I think we got light pollution what do we do now find the source of that light and shut it off how long do we have to find it 1 hour 49 minutes and 51 seconds make that 50 seconds in counting come on if we don't find that light we won't be able to see Casey's Comet for another 50 years oh [Music] boy uhoh which way do we go the light is coming from the town I can see it but where in the town I can't tell but we're going to find [Music] out come on Matt wait yeah how do you know that's the path that leads to town well it could be we need a plan checking the map now huh a red light so the light doesn't bother the animals that travel at night like yellow or white lights can oh cool H the map says that the town of stallia is down the southern path from Mount stallia according to the compass this path is West and that that path leads South so that's the one we want good thing you checked let's [Music] go what's that sound and why is it getting louder and closer whoo so sorry about that did not see you there who who are you oh yeah the name is Bernice Bernice Beetle such a pleasure to meet you hi you were the one rolling this humongous bull ooh do not let my size fool you we Beatles are built to carry many times our body weight and I'm as strong as they come yeah wa so uh where am I you're about halfway up the path to the top of Mount stallia really yeah that's not good are you lost looks like it now this is my first night trip guess I took a wrong turn somewhere where are you trying to get to home to see Casey's Comet with my family where here to see Casey's Comet to I was told told to use the doca gon to navigate my way home and I was doing just fine till that big old light came on and I couldn't see the do deagon huh my popup was right with a night Full of Stars you're never lost or alone but without them I'm lost we have to help Bernice get home to her family but we've got to shut down that light before the comet gets here okay but we can't just leave Bernice here lost alone yeah I don't mean to be a pest but I could really use the help let's split up Matt and I will look for the light and you and dig can help Bernice get home good idea jck we'll meet back at the top of Mount stallia in 1 hour 17 minutes and 46 seconds there's still time thanks guys thank you thanks for my perfect rooftop seat and the ultra Giga Mega kilowatt bulb in my giant search light I'm going to have the very best view of Casey's comet in all of cyers space what what's so funny about [Music] [Laughter] that look a bunny look just like George enough less laugh more sorry boys so there I am I'm rolling this ball of food to my Colony when that huge bright light went on and boom I'm all confused okay let's see what we can do you started here at this grassy Hill heading to the woodlands where you live but because the light washed out the Stars you never reached your home and somehow ended up here on Mount dandia where we are now and he stopped along the way not till I ran into you okay I think we got this um over the YZ so in order to get you back home all we have to do is retrace your steps back to the point where you turned off the path then point you toward the woodlands and you're old but home woo that sounds like a plan to me let's go I still don't get how she does that hey keep up the light let's shut it down dig you sure you're okay back there I'm fine uh I can take it if it's too heavy how much further the good news is I don't know that's the good news the bad news is we've sort of hit a dead end Bernice is there anything you remember always seeing on your trip home like a landmark you know something you could recognize Landmark Landmark Landmark oh yes I always pass this orange rock on my trip but you know I couldn't see it in the dark how are we supposed to find an orange Rock in the [Music] dark I couldn't help but overhear your dilemma who are you the name's blunder and I think I might be of some assistance in your time of need how yeah how well Ribbit I can help you find that orange Rock oh really how can you possibly see an orange Rock in the dark of [Music] night because I can see colors in the dark you can indeed all frogs can this ball upon on which I sit is made up of mushrooms leaves and decayed fruit you can see all that am I not correct blunder you nailed it butter there pal wow you are one strong Beetle all right blunder you're in please lead the way it would be my pleasure next up the orange [Music] Rock [Music] looks like we're not the only ones that want to see Casey's Comet you were right the light is a giant ice cream G how are we supposed to see the comet with your sign lighting up the sky like this well I I just turned it on now Martha it's light pollution haven't you ever heard of light pollution I'm not polluting the sky just want folks to know I'm open for business excuse me we're here to see the comet but the light from your sign is going to make that difficult that's what I've been saying thank you maybe you could just turn off your sign till after the comet comes I could do that but what about afterwards the light from your sign is so bright it shines into everyone's Windows I'm pretty sure they make light bulbs that aren't so bright maybe you could change the bulbs I could do that too I'll go turn off my signs thank you we appreciate it thank you yeah thanks he's really a very nice man we did it math cool now everyone can enjoy seeing Casey's comment uh-oh not so fast look another light what's down there oh not much just some old warehouses let's go ja [Music] hurry here we are Ribbit the orange [Music] Rock oh I see it on the map that means we're officially back on the straight line towards Bern's colony in The Woodlands ah thank you kindly blunder wouldn't have made it back here without you my pleasure Bernice hope we cross paths again [Music] soon what was that Y no problem just a pair of cute little puffins puffins aren't they seabirds what are they doing here very good question you guys lost Maybe maybe the bright light confused them too made them fly Inland instead of toward the water just like the light threw me off course we can't just leave him here the ocean's not too far from where I live you want to come with us hey Jack hey ditch did you find the light yep track the light to this old warehouse It's Up on the Roof just be careful we've almost got Bernice home and hurry Casey's comment comes in 38 minutes we're on it bye I'm going up I'm right behind you you [Music] okay haer okay puffins this is your stop there should be an archway in the Rocks right about there according to the map if you go through this Archway it's a straight flight to the Sea a we'll miss you [Music] puffins bye friends see [Music] you next now to get you home Bernice there it is the woodlands home sweet home but the light's still shining we'll never be able to see Casey's comment don't worry about that Bice Matt and Jackie won't let us [Music] down uh boys where should the search light be pointed I told you already ready Casey's Comet will fly in and across the sky and when it does I'll have the best view of this glorious comment okay so I'm thinking one of us could shimmy across the roof and unplug the wires connecting the search light to buzz Del's bike and Jackie oh or we could put a wedge in the wheel of Buzz andit's bike which would keep them from being able to Jack didn't you hear what hacker said he's not trying to mess up everyone's chance of seeing Casey's comments he wants to see it too but he's ruining the comet for everyone so we have to stop him what we need is a plan I have a plan hey hacker what are you Earth kids doing here yeah what are we doing trust me Jack we couldn't help but hear that you're hoping to see Casey's Comet tonight it's a Once in a Lifetime event of course I want to see it we want to see the comet too but your giant search light is making it impossible you need some help Bo keep pedaling will you please turn off your light that's your plan asking him nicely he's hacker that's the hacker to you and you're just jealous that my light will give me the very best view of Casey's Comon not true not only is your light going to keep everyone else from seeing in case he's Comet but you won't be able to see it either and that's because look up do you see any stars in the sky at all nope not a single star if your light makes it too bright to see stars there's no way you'll see the comet with it on so will you turn it off please first delete stop pedling listen you sure your friends are going to be able to turn the big light out in time wait it's going out they did it of course they did they're the Cyber Squad half of it anyway with the other half M we can see the do deagon well that's my quue I cannot wait to see that comment with my family hey guys thanks so much for your help Bernice [Music] out bye Bernice bye Bernice you going to be okay all good I'm on a [Music] roll 29 minutes and 31 seconds till we see Casey's Comet back to the peak only 4 minutes and 10 seconds left oh I hope they make it hi guys no problem of course we'll make it Jackie congrats on getting that light off yeah I can't imagine how hard it was to get hacker to turn it off it wasn't as hard as you'd think thank Matt it was his plan what Matt had a plan what's wrong with having a plan good job getting nie home and the puffins did you say puffins uh it's a long story H does the sky look different to anyone else yeah it's like there are even more stars than before huh let me check the bort scale to see if anything's changed I don't believe it what is it remember how the sky was a three on the portal scale before yeah now with most of the lights out it's a two even better for stargazing and Comet gazing because Casey's Comet will be here in 5 4 3 2 [Music] 1 [Music] yes wow that was the most magnificent thing I've ever seen in my life thanks Matt thanks MADD thank you thanks popup stay right where you are it's Cyber Chase for real Starlight Star Bright first star I see tonight I wish I may I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight it's so funny last night I made a wish on a star that I could see you and then you called and asked me to meet you here amazing even if it is just coincidence yeah I know but I still like to make wishes don't you ever wish a pwn Stars I hardly ever never see stars in the city really that's strange I see millions and millions every night I can see the moon but not many stars I wonder why there's a planetarium here I bet someone can help us with the answer a planetarium a place where people learn about planets and stars may we ask you a question yeah of course we're trying to figure out why Alex can see millions of stars and I can't well that is a great question and I study the stars but I think you may already have many of the answers so where do you live I live in the country okay and where do you live I live in the city okay and how many street lights would you say are on your block we don't have any and how many street lights are around your block three on each side of the street 3 + 3 equal 6 and are there any other sources of light in the city neon signs headlights and tail lights and billboards and lights from apartment Windows there's so much more light in the city than the country yeah so this picture here is of the Earth at night and this is what it looks like on the East Coast where there are lots of cities ah and this is the view out west where there just aren't as many cities W so the lights in these cities create a glow as they bounce up into the sky and we call that glow light pollution and it's light pollution that keeps you from seeing those stars at night wow I get it so that's why I can't see that many stars they're there but blocked by light pollution exactly there are people who are working on reducing the the number of Lights in cities but for now if you really want to see the stars you'll need to find some place without very much light pollution or you can come to a planetarium follow me so here in the planetarium we can see what the sky looks like with light pollution from the city but also what it would look like without light pollution w w we can also travel to distant planets that's so cool that was awesome it really gave me a clearer understanding of the night sky let's ask her moms if we could have a sleepover at my house then I'll share all my stars with [Music] you [Music] Bo
Channel: Cyberchase
Views: 28,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cyberchase, science for kids, Cyber chase, Cyberchase Hacker, Cyberchase Digit, Christopher Lloyd Cartoon, Gilbert Gottfried cartoon, Cyberchase full episodes, math explainers for kids, Science experiments for kids, STEM for kids, astronomy for kids, bortle scale, kids cartoons, elementary math, pbs kids, light pollution, cyberchase season 13
Id: XfVJ1CAmlqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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