Cyberchase | Full Episode | Hackerized!

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okay there's this really bad dude named hacker the hacker to you whatever he wants to take over the cyber world from motherboard the three kids are sucking to cyberspace and they use brain power to help save everybody okay here's the plan so they travel all over and run into all these weird creatures and have all these awesome adventures it's totally up to them to save cyberspace can three cool kids and a wacky bird outsmart the hacker there's only one way to find out tune in to cyber chain [Music] me every timey we we got the power 2 3un in of CH face to face we'll STI together all the [Music] time CH y e r just look at him Buzzy he's a disaster you're right Diddy I've never seen the boss so depressed ah I can't think of any new ideas to defeat motherboard even I could Earth brats would just rule them maybe I should just give [Music] up special delivery for the hack to the hacker from your biggest fan I know how to make chaos turn on your TV for proof I'm Erica Ram with late breaking news from sensible Flats everyone there has been hackerized oh they all look like me they all act like me you dun bucket get out of my [Music] way they even talk like me someone has strategically placed a mysterious mechanism on the top of climber's rock and it's causing everyone to turn into hacker all attempts to shut it off have failed what a plan what a genius I must find my fantastic fan motherboard was right sensible Flats has become the land of mean and green this Sheriff Judy and Judge Trudy I'll find out what's going on a hacker version of me what could be [Laughter] better a hacker of me that's what careful d they've been hackerized not everyone's been hackerized it must be safe in there come on man I'm glad you guys made it you must be those Earth kids I've heard about I'm ledge how come you're not hackerized like everyone else I was in here when it all started the green Haze can't get inside outside you only have 3 minutes till you turn into hacker I timed it 3 minutes oh my gosh dit in here come inside dig hurry dig before you turn into oh no he's been hackerized who's a mean green machine no this is not good this is not good at all okay which one of you came up with that genius plan that hack sensible flat which one of you is shoter more clever I ever thought possible trash is it [Music] you impossible has full garbage not [Music] ideas is you no not in a billion cyber years that leaves you basille basille as always my le I'm at your service so it is you I should have known my own genius welcome to my world and what a wonderful world it will be when we hackerized all of cyberspace would you like something to eat poor dig what are we going to do we have to unplug that hacker Rising machine and it has to be done by Nightfall or the hackerz is permanent but the machine is all the way up there how are we supposed to get to it climb it's the only way but we have to do it in 3 minutes or get turned into hacker I can do it I've Rock climbed before it's been a while though you could do a practice run on this see how fast you go it looks like the real climbers Rock close except it's only 1/3 the height that means I need to climb it in onethird the time it takes to climb the real one 1/3 of 3 minutes is 1 minute that's 60 seconds Matt I think it's doable ask me in 60 seconds I'll time you ready go go Matt [Music] go how fast 67 seconds 7 Seconds too slow Matt I know I can do this guys I'll be faster on the real Rock you'll see maybe but why don't you make another practice run see if you can do better there's no time in E I know I can do it don't worry Matt wait you think he can make up 7 Seconds sure 7 seconds is nothing oh my gosh we forgot the real rock is three times higher than the practice wall so if Matt's 7 Seconds off in here he'll be three times 7 or 21 seconds off out there Matt 58 seconds so far are he'll never make it in time I'm going to make it I'm going to make it I I didn't make [Applause] it I think I'll take over cyberspace in dead this is terrible mat's been hackerized one of us has got to pull the plug on that machine Before Sunset but I've never Rock climbed before me neither I have but I'm not very good that's why I come here to practice maybe we should each take a run up the wall see who can do it the fastest good idea ledge I'll go first I'll time you I'll write down the times on this old shopping list hit the timer faster Jack what was my time 73 seconds I'll go next then inz I'm the slowest with 74 seconds uh Jackie you did it in 73 and ledge you're the fastest at 70 seconds I I guess that means I'm the one who should scale climber's rock but you're still 10 seconds too slow that's 30 seconds up the real Rock oh you'll never make it to the top in time maybe if I keep practicing I'll get faster yeah more practice should work I'll be your coach and track your progress cool andz will you be my training partner it sure would help me me I I'm not good enough sure you are and besides we're talking about the future of sensible Flats you're right I'm in partner here's your room Baskerville you sure are getting a royal treatment why thank you dunce buckets hey we're not your dunce buckets yeah we're the hacker dun buckets indeed so baville how is my genius my genius is at your command sire good now tell me what supplies you need supplies s what supplies supplies to build hackerized Machines of course supplies I uh um I need um lots of green things you heard the genius go get green things now how'd I do that time better here are your last three climes h the numbers are so jumbled it's hard to tell which number shows LED just's last practice time or if we're getting closer to our goal yeah some organization would help H organize the numbers so we can track if we're getting closer to our goal oh I know what if we graph the times cool that'll give us a picture of LED's progress okay let's measure Climb Time in seconds going up this way a practice number across this way how many practices do you think it'll take um let's try a dozen 12 we can add more if we need to what about the climb time scale right uh oh 0 seconds would be here since 60 seconds is our goal let's start the times with 60 let's go up by fives to um 75 seconds now enter Ledges Climb Time so far ha each of these points represents the climb time for each practice the dash line between the points shows your progress and as the line drops I get closer to my goal right 6 seconds to go let's keep practicing observe M brat trash everywhere chaos at work what a magn differ in sight ah yes everyone is so busy thinking about themselves no one cares about keeping sensible Flats clean this is just the beginning ledge you okay [Music] bad news ledge your time went up look at the line 67 seconds I was afraid this might happen why what's the matter I'm wiped out I forgot to drink my prickly pear juice today prickly pear juice yeah it gives me energy I'll run across to the general store and get some no what if you don't make it back before you you get hackerized it's too risky we need you to unplug that machine but I really need it okay I'll go I'm the coach it's my job but Jack believe me I'll run fast the last thing I want is to turn green and [Music] mean oh ditchit and where are you headed you impudent imp Matt it's me Jackie of course Jackie the clutchy Earth brat now listen to me digit I am not clutzy stop trying to act like hacker act we are hacker that's it I'm going back inside not so fast little lady [Applause] [Music] hurry Jack it's almost been 3 minutes I'll unlock the door open up Let Me In what's wrong theck Jam Jackie no no no I love my new hair style oh I should have never let her go don't sweat it inz if this hadn't worked I would have found another way huh what are you talking about you're our only hope don't give up oh I'm not giving up in fact I've already accomplished my goal to help the hacker and stop you what that machine up there I invented it you invented it you bet I did I wanted to show the hacker that I could get rid of the Cyber Squad I created chaos so you Earth brats would swoop in to save the day and you did just as I planned now everyone but little old you has been hackerized you haven't won yet ledge I can still climb that rock and shut down your machine oh really you think you can reach the top in 3 minutes I watched you climb you don't stand a chance now with this to protect me from my own invention I'm going to claim my place next to the hacker see you Nei don't call me nezzi I can't believe I trusted that rat now I'm the only one left to pull the plug on climber's Rock oh but ledge is right I'll never make it in time oh what am I going to do I can't let my friend stay hackerized but if I go outside and try climbing hello is someone [Music] here ANZ I remember you what are you doing here it's a long story but I have to climb up climber's Rock in less than 3 minutes to keep everyone insensible flats from becoming hackerized forever who hang on to your hacking boo little lady that's a real mouthful tumbling tumbling weeds I see what you mean we sure don't want all those hackers running around here to climb that rocking time I need to get to the top of this wall in 60 seconds but my fastest time so so far is 74 seconds back in the day I did my fair share of climbing Scurry on up there and show me what you got I just might have a tip or two to help you go faster oh thank you deck okay I'm [Music] ready give me a c c give me an H H give me an a o s a [Music] what's it spell [Music] [Music] chos how come your machine looks nothing like the one on TV yeah and it's way smaller too because I'm not finished that's why I'm still creating now go away or I'll tell master H tell Master we should tell Master you're right I say baskerville's a fake you've gotten better oness but you're stuck on 70 seconds what am I going to do deck I can't seem to go any faster watch instead of hugging the rock like this stay upright let your legs do the work use your hand hands for balance I'll try 66 seconds Yahoo iess you made the line on this air graph take a nose dive wow I improved by four whole seconds got any more tips I reckon I do let's get to working move like a spider one limb at a [Music] time climb ahead climb with your eyes uh-oh this can't be right stay upright feet below your hands take small steps keep them small [Music] 59 seconds I beat the goal I did it yep and the story of how is right here on the graph see it shows your change over time here you started to move like a spider and here's planning ahead this is where I learned to keep my feet below my hands and here to take small steps yep you're ready for the big climb sweetheart thanks de I think I can do it what is this thing where are my hacker Rising machines boss excuse me but we don't think Baskerville don't bother me now but boss Baskerville is is a fraud who are you I'm ledge the one who sent you the letter and hackerized sensible Flats I thought that was basille um that's what we were trying to tell you yeah basille's are phony I must take my leave my leave I'm the real deal hacker I did this brilliant I like your style ledge with a cyber Squad hackerized I breaking news folks inz is attempting to scale climber's rock can she do it in 3 minutes the countdown has begun what I thought they were all hackerized don't worry she won't make it can the smallest member of the Cyber Squad reached the machine in 3 minutes the fade of sensible Flats is in her her hands that's it I miss feet below hands small steps small steps why didn't you aariz her too because because it was part of my plan which part yeah um the the last part less than half a minute left 10 seconds 9 8 7 she better not 3 2 [Music] [Applause] 1 let me understand something ledge that's the ledge to you after your missed opportunity you are going to help me me coner motherboard I I I I can't explain I I did this I did this to show how good the Cyber Squad really is so you won't underestimate them anymore that's why you always fail fail me fail buz delete show ledge what happens when you fail you'll be sorry hacker you need me you're making a stake you'll never defeat those kids without me and as you were awesome thanks to De ah shook sweetheart you did all the climbing rats filed by the Cyber Squad again dig AR you still hackerized no way Jack the Dig is the Dig [Music] stay right where you are it's Cyber Chase for real sorry can't share hardly any left that's okay no more junk food for me where you going the gym I want to get in better shape me [Music] too what are you doing stretching it's part of my plan to reach my goal your goal by the end of next week I want to run a mile in 10 minutes I did that in high school I can do that right now show me and your mark get set [Music] go he'll never run a mile in 10 minutes that [Music] way you'll never run a mile in 10 minutes that [Music] way I'll practice some more after I take a breather it took me 15 minutes to go a mile when I started running 2 weeks ago I did the same thing as Harley trying to run as fast as possible but I couldn't keep up the pace it took me 30 minutes to go a mile oh man oh man the next day I was really sore and did worse it took me 35 minutes to go a mile but a trainer gave me great advice to keep from getting sore I should stretch and go on the treadmill every other day he said I should start out walking and increased my Pace slightly each time I got on the treadmill then he suggested to keep track of my progress I should use a graph which can help me predict when I'll reach my goal along the x axis is each session that I practiced the Y AIS shows how long it took to run one mile when I connect the points the graph shows the trend of my progress I began the the graph when I started following the trainer's advice in six sessions I reduced my time from 25 minutes to 15 minutes even already you call that working out like I said I have a plan go ahead run I mean walk along I'm getting back on the treadmill for a real workout hey it's not a good idea to do too much too fast you're giving me advice ha I got help from a trainer dog trainer Harry give me Paw Harry roll over I bet I'll run a 10-minute mile sooner than you will what does the winner win you have to do my laundry for a month you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Harley here's my first load of laundry oh come on Harley don't be such a sore loser [Music]
Channel: Cyberchase
Views: 66,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cyberchase, science for kids, Cyberchase Hacker, Cyberchase Full Episodes, cyberchase halloween, cyberchase bird, gilbert gottfried, christopher lloyd, hacker cartoon, cyberchase for real, hacker, cyberchase full episodes, pbs kids
Id: oqxgoDThL2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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