CWC SDA featuring Dr. Abraham J. Jules - "David, The Dysfunctional Dad"

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alright would you stand to your feet everybody for the reading of scripture for the word of God turning your Bibles to the book of second Samuel chapter 13 and then we'll go to chapter 18 and verse 33 2nd Samuel this is the year of the family now church so there are times that I will focus on the family through the preaching moment today is one of those times we had at last week this week all right beginning the first one in the book of second Samuel chapter 13 it reason it came to pass after this that Absalom the son of David had a fierce sister in other words she was pretty she was gorgeous the Bible very rarely describes anybody's physical features so when the Bible says she was fear she was indeed fear beautiful her name was Tama and Amnon the son of David loved her Amnon is a half-brother and he loved and not the way a brother should love a sister and Amnon was so vexed that he fell sick for his sister Tama he wanted to be with her so badly that he got himself sick over it for she was a virgin and and then thought it hard for him to do anything to her but Amnon had a friend whose name was jonadab the son of Shem er David's brother and jonadab was a very subtle man this is his cousin you gotta watch them cousins man amen and he said unto Him why art thou being the king's son lean from day to day why are you losing weight will thou not tell me tell me and Amnon said unto his cousin I love Thema my brother Absalom's sister that was Absalom's full sister and Jonah died his cousin said on time lady down and I bed and make thyself sick everybody who's sick in really sick even somebody and when thy father coming to see these say unto him I pray thee let my sister Tamar come and give me meat and dress the meat in my side that I may see it and eat it at her hand so Amnon laid down and made himself sick when the king was come to see him Emlyn said unto the king I pray thee let Thema my sister come and make me a couple of cakes in my sight that I may eat at her hand then David sent home to Tamar saying go now to thy brother Amnon house and dress him me so tame I went to her brother aminals house and he was laid down and she took flour and kneaded it and made cakes in his sight and did bake the cakes they baked cakes in his sight he wanted to see her because men are visual they like to see it's why you gonna cover up some things same ends about it and she took a pen and poured them out before him but he refused to eat an eminence said how about all the men from he put everybody out of the house and they went out every man from him and Amnon said under Thema bring the meat into the chamber that I may eat of thine hand I'm too weak she you gotta feed me you watched them tricky dicky guys and Taemin took the cakes which she had made and brought them into the chamber to Amnon her brother and when she had brought them unto him to eat he took hold of her all of a sudden a miracle took place he got strength and said unto her come live with me my sister and she answered him nay my brother do not force me she's calling him my brother she's trying to remind him whenever you about to go down that slippery slope God will remind you she's reminding him you my brother we shouldn't be doing this no such thing ought to be done in Israel dude not this folly and I wither shall I cause my shame to go and as for me thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel now therefore I pray thee speak unto the king for he will not withhold me from thee in other words if you really want me my father will not say no you could be married on to me howbeit he would not hearken unto a voice will being stronger than she forced her and laid with her listen to me for this is rape and it's incest then Abaddon hated her exceedingly so that a hatred wherewith he hated I was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her you could preach a whole sermon and at one verse of scripture after you get what you want when it's not right you normally hate what you got and you hate the person that gave it to you that's it that's it an ambulance said arise be gone all right you read the whole chapter on your own let me go over to chapter 18 and verse 33 and then we'll get into it amen let's go to chapter 18 and verse 33 and it says that the king was much moved and went up to the chamber over the gate and wept as david and as he went thus he said oh my son Absalom my son Absalom would god I had died for thee o Absalom my son my son I want to bring to you a message today about David a dysfunctional dad too little too late for the police bless His Word and help somebody sitting in this congregation who may not meet need preaching today but may just need a word that will guide their lives please speak please liberate please save please rescue please do something for somebody who is caught in the clutches of an emotional rollercoaster in the name of Jesus I pray amen be seated everybody I have with us today pastor Dorsey his daughter a good friend of mine Allison she's in town and decided to come and worship with us today Allison would you stand please we're glad to have you want to welcome you glad to have you ladies and gentlemen David captivates our attention early in life and we see David as a shepherd alone in the wilderness as he rescues lambs from the mouths of bears and lions and when angry beasts pounce on him David retaliates by killing them with his bare hands with just one stone in his sling David tells the mighty Philistine giant Goliath I'm gonna get you and give you a migraine headache he felt him he's dead David's life is a contrast and a paradox so much like ours David's most magnetic quality is his eagerness and tenacity with which he strives to connect himself to the Almighty God one finds so much of the euphoric elements of worship in David's Psalms no doubt about it David had a magnificent record however ladies and gentlemen there was a giant that David couldn't slay a giant David never defeated although he was experienced and experienced great triumph David failed ignominiously in one area of his life and that was in his relationships with his family it was James Baldwin who said you cannot fix what you will not face it seems from our study that David never learned how to deal with emotion in his family relationships because the intimacy the understanding and the openness of heart were lacking in his relationship with his children he had it with God but not his children in fact there was a great deal of pain yes dysfunction on David's fam in David's family and that lack of emotional intimacy and it's dire consequences are evident in David's relationship with his children Amnon Tamar and Absalom to understand the relational dynamics between David and his children we need to consider a series of events that occurred when Amnon Tamar and Absalom were teenagers second samuel 11 1 2 5 tells us that it was springtime in Israel and that's the time that the nation went to war but David stayed at home and in his restlessness he sees a woman her name is Bathsheba's she's bathing and he wanted her he sent for her he gotta he slept with her and she became pregnant suddenly David had an undeniable problem on his hand lacking the courage to face up to what he had done David devised a plan to cover up his sin plan a he said let's have Uriah her husband go home so he could sleep with that so that he'll think he impregnated her but Uriah impregnated her but Uriah refused the comfort of sleeping with his wife while the rest of his army was at war plan B David came up with get Uriah drunk he finally did get Uriah drunk but Uriah still refused to go home you know drunk men are very stubborn men Plan C he sent Uriah back to the frontlines with sealed orders that the loyal soldier was to die in battle and he did perhaps David thought the situation was behind him after your I died and life could go on as before but second samuel chapter 11 and verse 27 said that god was greatly displeased with david and in second samuel 12 1 2 13 god sends to prophet nathan and he rebuked the king David repented and we read of Dave as repentance at Psalm 51 against be the only have I sinned take not your Holy Spirit from me wash me with hyssop and I shall be clean he was repentant he was sorry for his sins and God forgave him for both murder and adultery and was David relationship with God was restored he his actions had grave consequences ladies and gentlemen whatever we do has consequences his baby son by Bathsheba dies and the second consequence of David's affair with Bathsheba was the emotional effect those events had on other family members particularly Amnon Tamar and Absalom imagine what it was like for them to learn that their father had an affair that he arranged the death of their stepmothers husband and that their baby brother had died because of it imagine the emotional of that household those teenagers had to bury many feelings in response to their father's actions because there was no way to talk about them within the family David dealt with his sin with God but David never dealt with it on an emotional level family dysfunction often begins with an inability to handle emotions and tends to become more extreme as time passes for some strange reason ladies and gentlemen we tend to equate emotional dysfunction with spiritual deficiencies they are not the same many people who are highly spiritual are emotionally dysfunctional because you pray doesn't mean you have dealt with issues in your family second samuel 1310 chapter 13 all the way to chapter 19 and verse 3 tells the story of the dysfunction that appeared in the next generation of David's family when you reach chapter 30 and I read part of it for you this is a classic case of abuse Kings David eldest son Amnon whose heir to the throne has an infatuation that is sick for his half-sister who is beautiful and is a virgin the Bible says she is beautiful now you read that about Esther that she was beautiful so the Bible says Tamar was beautiful Esther was beautiful it was also in the gene pool it also said that her full brother Absalom was so handsome he had no blemish from the sole of his feet to the top of his head he was sunlight somewhat like I am no blemish not even a pimple amen somebody I just wanted to give you an exhibit a on what Absalom look like don't smoke Tama on Absalom they were extraordinarily good-looking people let me tell you how fathers think when they have beautiful daughters they think with great suspicion they are overly protective because their men fathers often project on other men what they have done and what they feel men would do so David who is a rascal who has taken another man's wife is projecting on all men what they will potentially do to his daughter so what did David do he secluded her in a special area in the palace when no one can get to her now Amnon is her half-brother need Nosa he seen her developed he's the oldest so he remembers when she was just a child and how she spilled out and she has all of their cut sermons of a gorgeous drop-dead sister and he has become obsessed with her and he describes themselves as being in love with her but he was not in love with her he was in lust with her uh-huh there's a difference between love and lust and ladies you should always know when a man is loving on you or whether he's lusting on you and don't act like you don't know the difference when he's lusting in you his fingers do the talking his hands do the walking but when he's loving on you his mouth does the talking this was a sex drivel and what is the difference this was a sex driven guy all he wanted was to have sex and what is the difference between love and lust lust is sudden if you meet a man today and he's telling you he's in love with you today he doesn't know what he is talking about he's not in love he's in lust but love is something that is gradual lust is sudden love is gradual love takes time love lust is idealistic it has in its mind what it hopes for and what it hopes the other person would be like to be with but love is realistic you know the person's flaws you know they false and you still love them same in somebody when you see people who live to me to be married for 40 and 50 and 60 and 70 years they are realistic they love each other in spite of the fact that some mornings you get up and you either want to kiss them or kill them Amen somebody there's a bond but it's a realistic bond I love you not because everything about you is great I love you in spite of the fact that everything about you might not be great and you love me not because I'm all that Amen somebody lust is feelings and if you get married because of feelings you will not stay married because you will not always feel it Amen somebody lust receives happiness when it's lust it's always about how you can gratify me how you can make me feel that's lust but love says what can I do to help the other person achieve happiness if a man had loved her what could he have done for her he could have helped her to maintain her dignity virginity thus receives happiness love gives happiness lust is external if someone loves you only because of externals it wouldn't last time is gonna pass Miss America 2020 will not be Miss America 2013 - 2030 I don't care how fine you are you better take a lot of selfies now Amen somebody you see that coca-cola bottle will one day turn to a two-liter you start getting to middle age and you start seeing your age right around your middle your metabolism will slow down Amen somebody lusts looks externally and love looks internally Amen somebody as a matter of fact I'm not suggesting you should ever date or marry somebody you're not attracted to but please remember what the preacher is saying today you don't live with externals when you get married you live with internals you live with an attitude you live with a personality you live within what Beauty same as somebody that's what you live with when you're dating and you want to find woman in your arm that oh that's all good when you're looking for a wife that's not all your need you need much more than that same and somebody Amen somebody you want someone who's a patient want someone who's respectful you want someone who is kind someone who's considerate someone who will be caring someone who will love to take care children amen somebody someone who can keep a job Amen somebody someone who would pay bills that have a good credit score of seven forty plus a mint somebody you don't live in externals you live with a personality Amen somebody you live with an attitude that's why some people don't like to go home because the attitude home is not good not the body maybe sexy Amen somebody but you don't want to go home because the attitude is bad you don't live with a sexy body you live in an attitude why don't what you think I waited till I was 42 years old to get married because I had good sense I wasn't ready to make a good decision until I was 42 now the blessing comes if you got a sexy woman or man with an attitude good attitude Amen somebody and you can get boats now please don't marry Mac ugly and say pastor said only marry a personality please don't do that it's not what I'm saying don't misquote me you said like the way she looks like the way she walks should love her figure Amen somebody yeah love to face the physiognomies alright same as a man so Jonah dad has said cousin tells Annan i'ma tell you what to do just pretend to be sick and the reason why your daddy's gonna send her is because you need to tell your daddy you see those cabarrus the reason why I'm sick is because they tried to poison me so I need somebody I can trust and that you can trust and the person you can trust is my sister Tama send it to me and while she's kneading the flour and getting the cakes ready he's watching her and he's getting excited told everybody get out of the room he said come here and feed me and when he/she comes to him he the Bible says he grabs her and rapes her and after the rape he blames her and he puts out and she went into seclusion and she never talked about it again you got raped you got incest some things we don't like to talk about in the church or in the pulpit it's one of the elephants in the room you are only as healthy as your secrets not having anybody to talk to and people telling you to cover it up is not healthy if you don't talk it out you will take it out on others that's why there's some woman no matter who they marry they're gonna be in a bad marriage because they're carrying some baggage that they never dealt with and they see every man as the man that raped them or hurt them or Buse them and they every man has to try and get past that one man that destroyed that woman keep quiet for now Absalom says to Thema since he is your brother and since she had no advocates and no one to talk to she lived as a desolate woman in her brother Absalom's house and then was stronger the bible says and that is abuse and abuse and abuse is when people who are stronger take advantage of those who don't have anyone to protect them if you are boss and you're abusing your power to sleep with an employee it is simple it's immoral it's wrong if you're in a position of authority that people look up to you you should not use that position to sleep with people and this is the last time we hear of Tamar she steps off the scene of human history and when King David heard what had happened the Bible says he got angry and that's it he was furious and he did nothing abuse is when someone's stronger than us violates us and it comes out in our later years because whatever goes into the girl comes out in the woman and whatever goes into the boy will come out in the man and whatever goes into the child will come out in the adult because if you don't talk it out you will take it out abuse is a terrible thing when someone you trust and is stronger than you violates you and devalues you and I don't know about you but maybe I'm paranoid but i'ma say this to you I don't let my children go and sleep out anywhere no uncle's house no arms house no friends out there now going you're not going anywhere to sleep out I'll tell you my daughter once it goes sometimes a friend's house I go park up outside of that house two o'clock in the morning I'm waiting in her but I'm parked up right outside Amen somebody answer me in my house I said answer me and my house I'm keeping an eye on them because there are evil people in this world and the people who have your children and not people you don't trust as people you don't trust what is abuse abuse affects everybody's family everybody here knows some story everybody you may not be talking about it but you know about something it reaches all levels of society white black pink yellow rich poor everybody it undermines your values and diminishes you as a person of worth it makes you believe you're less than you are she went into the room with her value and she came out diminished she went into the room feeling good about life and came out of that room feeling like this is it it's over never tell you morons something all you men who believe that all woman want from you is sex that's the last thing on her mind take it from me she's not thinking you know what she's looking for love you know what she's looking for affection do you know what she's looking for somebody to talk to her someone to take care of her to be sweet and gentle to all you got on your mind is sex she's not thinking about that and I'm talking about your wife abusers seek to dominate they don't want you to feel good about yourself by withholding affirmation and support they use verbal abuse physical abuse sexual and emotional abuse to hold one in a state of fear and intimidation listen to me foe if a man is dating you and he's verbally you abusing you now it's gonna get worse you are not his child you're his equal same and somebody if you're a woman that's why as a woman you should make your own money buy your own stuff don't depend on any man to take care here Amen somebody all these young people here get a job get an education buy your own car Amen somebody nobody can treat you like a dog when you take care yourself Amen somebody Amen go to school Excel get your degree finish what you start go get your job become independent Amen somebody and by withholding affirmation and support these abusers use verbal abuse and physical abuse you should not let a man put his hand on you and if you allow him to he will and there are some men who grew up in that society where men beat upon woman because it made them feel big I'm always amazed at the same guys who always beat up on women they haven't beat up on a man yet when was the last time you saw them picking a fight with another man as big as they are or bigger than them there are bunch of cowards if a man beats a woman he's a coward but if a woman be some man he deserves every bit of it [Applause] physical abuse then sexual abuse even if you're married a mansion of the forces right to sleep with him it's rape y'all don't like the sermon you know what I'm about to tell you so Tama is on her way out the door she encounters her brother Absalom and he asked her has that Emlyn your brother been with you I'll tell you this I'm gonna tell you this most of the things that happen somebody has a clue that is happening before it comes out in the wash but they don't want to say it they don't want to talk about it we want to push it under the rug and act as though it's not happening perhaps for that one question came I felt a wisp of hope someone would write the wrong that had been done to her if so her hope was soon dashed for Absalom in his inadequacy quickly shamed her into silence with the words of second Samuel 13 2000 your peace in other words don't tell anybody he's your brother don't take this thing to heart Absalom's responds to Tomas pain is characteristic of dysfunctional families pain like many other emotions is avoided or denied but never faced when Tamar told the truth he had a perfect opportunity to embrace her and to comfort her instead what Absalom did was he followed the family's pattern of denial and clamped a tight lid on her pain expecting her to keep it to herself what about David the law required that Amnon should be stoned or exiled but all the Bible said David did was that he was furious but did nothing to punish Emden and he did nothing to comfort Thema from all appearances nothing happened second Samuel 13 28 and 29 tells us that for two years Absalom Tamar's full brother waited to avenge his sister's rape the truth of the matter is ladies and children time does not heal all wounds God heals wounds not time Absalom hated Hamlin and one day he organized a family reunion brought em ninh and had a man killed for the rape of his sister we got raped we got incest we got murder we got David perpetrating murder and adultery this is a jacta family sounds just like our families and now Absalom who killed his own brother is forced to run from his daddy and go into hiding setup but David's lack of response David's lack of response Absalom took matters into his own hands and with lamentable consistency David again avoided issue and there's a deepening rift between David and Absalom most of us remember Absalom as a rebellious son who tried to take away his daddy's kingdom and his rebellious acts clearly showed his inability to handle his anger yet as it is evident that they're at the root of Absalom's anger we can see it was inextricably linked to Tomas hurt and David's lack of appropriate response to it the sad truth of dysfunctional families is that family members are unwilling to admit their proper responsibilities for what happens in their family one person becomes the rebellious scapegoat and in this family it was absolute for three years now Absalom is hiding it's now five years from the time of Tamar's rape and the family still lived with the pain of that incident in fact Absalom named his only daughter Thema and then for two years Absalom returns to Jerusalem and tries desperately to meet with his daddy King David it's seven years now from the time of the rape of payment and Absalom's anger had again reached a boiling point so he precipitated another crisis he sets Joab fields on fire sounds like some of these boys trying to get attention getting locked up time and time again always in trouble second Sam they got father issues if you're a father you should be involved in your children's lives and all your single parents single mothers god bless you for the work you're doing but stop making it hard for men you're not living with you're not married to anymore to have a relationship with your children everybody needs their daddy he may not want you anymore you may not want him anymore but these children need their father's father issues sharp in everybody's life second samuel 14 32 33 he says I would rather died and stay out here without seeing my daddy David meets with him and kisses him Absalom wanted to know where he stood with his daddy and every child wants to know where he's ceased he or she stands with her daddy notice ladies and gentlemen it was Absalom who initiated this reconciliation not David David is emotionally passive David is on the sidelines when it comes to emotional concerns are you all with me although David and Absalom's meeting was a step in the right direction it did not bring about the healing needed David's heart appeared to have softened toward Salaam however Absalom's actions after the meeting suggest that David was still unwilling to deal with the real pain in his family second samuel 15 1 to 23 tells us that Absalom proceeded to inform Israel that David his daddy who was King would not hear their needs of complains which is a direct reflection of Absalom's assessment of his family life and soon Israel join Absalom in revolt against David it is only after Absalom's death do we see how much David loved Absalom from when he's told Absalom is dead in 2nd Samuel 1833 David cries out oh my son Absalom my son Absalom would to God I had died instead of thee David is inconsolable because his son Absalom has been killed in battle don't hurt Absalom he told his generals for my sake Absalom is trapped we're told he went and running away from David after he rebelled against their David he's trapped in the Ephraim forest as he's tried to escape on a mule he's here gets stuck on a tree David's soldiers tell Joanne Absalom is up a tree and Joab takes a spear and kills Absalom David had asked them for my snake don't hurt the young man so after Joab kills him he sends a runner an Ethiopian slave to David and he said today the Lord has given you victory David over all your enemies and David asks is the young man safe he says no Absalom is dead and the King cries oh my son Absalom Absalom dies in rebellion and behind the scene David failed as a daddy David raised money for the temple but he didn't raise his kids he build buildings but he didn't build great children David made three mistakes that most parents make number one David shifted the responsibility of the care of his sons to others in verse 5 when he found out Absalom was trapped he said to Joab don't hurt the young man Absalom you know he he's trapped and you sent the army you know your son is strapped and you send the army David should have been out there if David were out there the soldiers would have asked David what to do and he would have told them what to do he would have said spare the young man arrest him but don't kill him but when you give the responsibility of caring for your children to other people they will do as they please don't ship the responsibilities for your kids to anybody else don't ship the responsibility of your kids or even your parents to somebody else it's your responsibility if you put your parents in a nursing home because they can take better care for them you need to show up often because they tend to treat your family better when they see you showing up Amen somebody number two David was a bad example his son Absalom did just what David did David's harem sob Salam went in and slept with his father's wives because David was a terrible example number three David never corrected his kids and whom the Lord loves he disciplines and he rebukes here's a difference between punishment and discipline punishment is meant to inflict pain discipline is when you're trying to promote growth punishment focus on the past what you did discipline focuses on the future I'm doing this because I know you can improve punishment is driven by anger but discipline is driven by love whom the Lord loves he rebukes so in the depths of his grieving David must have reflected on the whole history of pain in his family his affair with Bathsheba the murder of Uriah the death of his infant son Amnon drape of Thema remnants death at his brother's hand and finally Absalom's death the reality today is that Christian families are dysfunctional too I don't think God made a mistake by revealing that David's spiritual giant that he was had family problems it demonstrates that God has a far greater understanding of and concern for our worst intimate family relationships than we realize David is spiritually minded but he's emotionally inept let me give you the characteristics of a dysfunctional family they will manipulate situations to cover up rather than face the problem like David number two members of dysfunctional families may develop psychosomatic illnesses just like Amnon did number three they handle a pain through avoidance and even denial David and Bathsheba number four they suffer from improper relational boundaries David Amnon rather violated Tomas physical emotional and spiritual boundaries and Absalom violated his father's boundaries when he assumed his father's responsibilities number five dysfunctional families break off communication Absalom would not speak to Amnon Tamar cut herself off from the world and lived in desolation if you're not speaking to somebody in your family now don't wait I might as well tell you right now one of the saddest things I was away and my son called me said daddy Coby just died and I'm a basketball fanatic so it bothered me Coby died over the days and the weeks I kept a read over the days since he died I kept reading and one of the things I read I was very sad and this is not to knock anybody was that Kobe and his parents were not on good speaking terms and I feel for that mother and father as a parent I feel for that mother and father the reason being is they never thought he would have died if they thought he would have died whatever kept them from having a relationship with him they would have forgotten all about it and put it behind them there's nothing that deep to keep you from talking to your sister your mother your father your children if something were to happen to them you will live in regret as a matter of fact some of us are so by the time a year passes you're no longer mad based upon what you are mad about you just mad because you have to stay mad the thing that you got mad about in the first place you can't even remember it but you're staying mad because you're gonna keep up that picture I am tough and you're wrong and amirite it doesn't matter who's wrong or who's right Mecca don't be dysfunctional don't break off communication don't stop talking to people just because you have the right to start talking to them God didn't put you here as a Christian sitting in his chance to have enemies in your family number six dysfunctional families need a scapegoat Absalom was blamed in David's household number seven family members members create increasingly serious crises to communicate their pain Absalom kill em Ninh he set jo aapse fields on fire he rebelled against his own daddy he's trying to get somebody's attention dysfunctional families hope number eight that time will heal all wounds Absalom waited for two years many a saying wish I had heard this sermon many years ago but Isaiah says in chapter 43 forget about what happened I'm a to do something new you got to release your regrets my son if only I had been there there's therefore now no condemnation to them that I in Christ Jesus it shouldn't be not shame on me but shame off me not only should you release your regrets but you should receive God's assurance Psalm 34:18 says the Lord is close to the brokenhearted he rescues those whose spirits are crushed you don't see him but he's right next to you you know that God is with you and then you're gonna recruit focus on recovery isaiah 43:19 says be alert be present now if you're thinking about yesterday you're not present if you're living in the past if you're letting people take you back to yesterday you're not present because God is about to do a new thing I'm gonna turn your bad lands into good lands Ecclesiastes 7:20 says there's no one on earth who does what is right all the time but what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of Jesus amen somebody I want you today to know my brothers and sisters we are not perfect no family is perfect even God who was the perfect parent his children went away in the Garden of Eden they strayed and they were from a perfect parent God understands we've done wrong all of us have done things I literally apologized to my daughter the other day for something I did apologize to her I'm not too big to do that you shouldn't be too big to apologize to your children you're teaching them a lesson of contrition and humility and if we're gonna be like Christ we need to be humble amen somebody and those of us who are parents we're not perfect sometimes our children are right and we are wrong be big enough to say you know what you're right and I think I I'm sorry for what I did or said dysfunctional people blame everybody else for the mess in their lives but people who are healed by the grace of God recognize themselves in the mirror they see what's wrong with them and they get on your knees they confess to God and they reach out to others and they bridge some healing can somebody say Amen there's somebody right now listening to me somebody listen to me you know that your life is in a tailspin because you have cut people off because of your dysfunctionality and you have hurt people and you have not been sensitive and God is speaking to you I'm not asking anybody to identify themselves see this preacher I identified myself in my own family where I've gone wrong where I've been dysfunctional way I've pushed things under the rug where I haven't dealt with certain things we're paying lingered and lingered and lingered I'm the first one to say I'm guilty but there are others of you today who need healing and if somebody wants to join this preacher and ask God to give us healing I want you to come to this altar and come and bring your pain bring the pain of your family probably two three four five generations we're gonna pray a prayer victory today that God will help us praise Him let's move quickly would you get out of your seat would you come close to this altar press close leave room for those who are coming behind you let's move quickly preysing come sing a song for me sing a nice song for me there's sing a song of healing would you come come to our elder elder come closer the orderly room for those coming behind you [Music] I will ever [Music] loved and trusted [Music] in his presence [Music] sigit everybody I surrender all oh I surrender all I surrender all [Music] all to be my blessed Savior [Music] I surrender shake that chorus one more time I surrender on everybody's second I surrender everybody [Applause] [Music] [Music] all to me my blessed server [Music] the rest of the congregation's stand with us as we pray today loving God and our Father you have taught us today from the raw pit of hell how the devil can take us and drag us down robbed us of joy and peace and contentment and happiness and our families you've shown us what we can become outside of your grace and mercy you've shown us how we can be so evil and do wrong when we are not held back by the Spirit of the Living God but you also showed us that I have to we've done wrong your arms are wide open to receive us to forgive us and to restore us you call David a man after your own heart after adultery and murder today we see your grace on display and in living color we see how you're able to forgive us and to restore us and to make us better in a families God we need to heal each other we need to help each other we need to listen to each other we need to comfort each other and the dysfunctionality that plagues us god I pray God that you may be able to break that out of our lives even right now beat back the powers of darkness release us from past mistakes empower us to live for you above sin bless our families our parents our siblings our children our cousins our aunts some of the long history of pain and no one seems to care but God we know you do I pray God that you may heal somebody today of the pain that has ravaged you lies pain that nobody talks about pain that nobody ever addresses God we know you are able even when others don't come to us we sense your big arms of love all around us forgiving us and restoring us so today god I pray for healing in our marriages healing with our siblings our sisters and our brothers healing with our in-laws and healing with our parents and healing with our children and healing with our cousins and other relatives I pray God for healing in this land healing from our pain grant us deliverance this day grandad somebody will be delivered from the pass that has sucked the life out of them may this be a day of victory God if it's only for one person in this congregation will praise you and thank you in the mighty name of Jesus I pray with joy abundant and Thanksgiving let the people of God say Amen and the people of God say man give somebody a hug before you leave the salt [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: CWC SDA
Views: 5,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CWC, SDA, Community, Worship, Center, community, worship, center, sda, Pastor, Abraham, J., Jules
Id: ynapqbqsfyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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