C/w Nana: Lao Sawdust Salad (ແໜມຂີ້ເລື່ອຍ == Nam Khii Leuay)

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IDE welcome back with cooking with Nana today I'm gonna teach you how to make that name key like it's called in English we might probably call sawdust rice salad but in Lao they would call it ma'am he like the main credence was the dry rice this is jasmine rice countdown so the jasmine rice you have its cook and then you just take it and leave it in the plate or something and then let it dry so it would be hard like this okay once it rose like you know how you roast them cow kuat like roast the rice you can put on low heat and with your pot you just roast it and it turned brown you don't want over brown your rice it won't taste that good just like a medium light color once it's done I I let it cool it down and i blend it i used the coffee grinder to Blinn it so it's like a dust very fine dust like that and then my other ingredients that I have would be my msg I put 1 tablespoon it's the option if you want to put 1 tablespoon of salt vinegar 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/2 cup of the pickled garlic juice and then I use 3 of this pickle I cut and slice the disc in so and then 1/3 cup of fish sauce so I have namsom like a dog on partying nom Monica Thurman and then numpy and then I would have you can use bell pepper the green the red you know my pit and soy dually in it I'm gonna see Nam green onion cilantro this is the last herb and they're my other the meat I would have more you just boil it and read when you boil it with salt let it cook rinse in cold water once it's cooled down slice it thin some people like to use pork skin you can some people you know don't want to use pork skin they can use the pork ear it tastes good so and then I have my water boiling that's what we need to we're gonna make the sauce now this is my hot water have to be boiling my water is full you can boil it in a pot and stuff since I already have this I'm gonna use 2 cup of hot water ok and then I'm gonna add 1/2 cup of my sugar my salt 1 tablespoon MSG 1 tablespoon is the options remember if you want to put msg you can and a fish sauce 1/3 cup of fish sauce this is gonna be the broth to mix the rice I tell you all this off and then we're gonna use 1/4 cup of vinegar once now we're gonna taste the broth the water dip in how how you like it did you want more out sweet you can add more sugar if you want more a little bit sour add vinegar you want a little bit salty you can add a little bit more fish sauce or salt I'm gonna add a little bit more sugar because I like my need a bit sugar so I use 1/2 cup of sugar you want another half because I like mine sweet so the color always gonna be for me one cup like I say you can use 1/2 cup what I use this opinion you taste your frog how you want it sweet sour and saltiness once it's all just soft you taste it hmm I like the way it is so I'm gonna set this aside and start gonna mix my rice and make the problem set aside let it cool so I'm gonna use the pork ear a lot of people do a different way and this is the way my mom have taught me so remember the garlic the pickled garlic my mom likes to use the juice of it she likes the smell of it the taste of it you know if you can't find this you don't have to use it but my mom just like the way it is so we're gonna mix the garlic into the pig ear okay now I'm gonna add the rice I use two cup of the rice can you stir the toes all into the pig ear now I'm gonna add the broth in here that I mix I'm going to use 1/2 cup first you don't have to fun you just like to mix it with your hands and you won't when it gets it gets all mixed and dry it will the rice little puffy it tough it up put another half okay okay we're gonna taste it now I'm going to add the pickle garlic in here like I said people like to cook solid people don't use the pen you know a lot of people do a different way it looks wet like this once it gets all dry up all the ingredients together it will become puffy like the rice will cook with the frost and I'm gonna add the pepper in here just use your hand to stir it you don't have to UM squeeze it like Mohana kadai you know yeah after Joe on Coleman just Coleman and then it will be puffy lemon hang like holy cow me Cassie and phone couldn't okay and I will add my last ingredients my vegetable my green onion and cilantro look Taylor just like a boy I'm the man pop bomb punk out then see who couldn't disappear until exciting home palm say him psyche a good night so know how seen boo mmm Sapna so I'm we need her me to Carla because the poon could I meant sit for a little bit let me because whom could so the house is mine start the game tonight Babs and you
Channel: Cooking with Nana
Views: 76,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ແໜມ, nam, nem, nam khao, sawdust, salad, Lao, pork ears, pork skin, ແໜມຜົງ
Id: L7nF6Stv4fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 08 2014
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