Cutting Board Finish

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all right if you're making cutting boards you're cutting more needs a food-safe finish let me show you my preferred foods they finish this is a fifth thing you need to know about making cutting boards if you didn't see the other four there's a link in the description below for those of you will follow along from before thanks a lot now I have here a cutting board that is ready for finishes all sanded and I'm gonna start by imbibing that cutting board with mineral oil this we're going to apply the mineral so it soaks in if you're doing a lot of cutting boards you can make yourself a little bathroom in our oil dip it in and then let it drip-dry for demonstration purposes I'm going to apply my mineral oil with a rag this is a brand name oil but any food-safe grade mineral oil will do sometimes it's labored butcher block oil read the back if it says this mineral oil that stuff's fine to use we want it penetrate the pores of the wood let it soak in it takes at least three coats you're going to keep applying it until it looks like it has a general sort of Sheen to it if there any areas that look especially dull that means you need to apply another coat I like to start off on the I like to start off on the end grain I'll buy two the rag here you can see how that just soaks right in go ahead and be generous especially on the end green it can drink in quite a bit of it get my sides so I got my ends and my sides in the flat I can actually pour a little long we really want to put quite a bit of this in let it soak in and then wipe off the excess the middle of oil is clear it does a nice job it doesn't really yellow the wood up much go ahead and do both sides really sort of force it into the fibers now wipe off my excess on both sides and I'll allow this to dry now now since I've done both sides what I often do is I'll lean it up sort of in a corner and maybe have a little bit of wax paper behind it to protect the wall but by leaning it here so it's just touching on the edges I won't get any any marks from any areas making contact with surface I'll go ahead and do this at least three times and then I'm going to treat it with a combination of mineral oil and wax and what's great about that combination is it it lets it's your final coat on this brand-new cutting board but it will also allow you to revive a used cutting board every time you use it so you don't have to worry about ruining your cutting board you'll always have a nice shine I've had this cutting board for quite a while now I've used it quite a bit and it still has a nice shine because of the wax mixture let me show you how to make that at home and how to apply it all right you've got enough mineral oil on it now you're ready to apply your wax let me show you my favorite wax mixture I'm gonna start off with mineral oil and I'm gonna use a double boiler basically if we just put this in a pot and put it on the stove to melt the wax into the oil the oil could burn and that could nevermind safety issues is just not gonna be all actually going to want to use so to keep that from happening I'm gonna take one pot and put it put water in it and bring that water to a slightly rolling boil and then I'll take another pot and have a float in there or you can buy a commercial double boiler but the whole concept is is that this oil and never get hotter than 212 degrees because at that point the water turns to steam so this will make it so our oil never burns and 212 is is a good temperature for this so first I'm gonna measure out 6 ounces of my mineral oil ok and they're gonna pour that in well that starts to heat up I'm actually gonna make two mixtures today I'm gonna make one that's just mineral oil and beeswax a lot of people like this it's very fragrant I like to use the white peace wax so that it doesn't discolor the wood but the yellow is wax as long as it's food safe it's fine and I'm going to measure in 10 rounded teaspoons oh sorry wrong wax this is the beeswax and I'm just going to drop this in try to make sure it all goes in the oil and not in the water I've you can buy this in bars but I've bought this as little pellets it's just a lot easier to measure there we go let me turn this so you can see you see the pellets are in there and they're just starting them out if you want to speed it up you can stir it but just keep it in that hot water you know you're done when the whole mixture turns clear okay and we're there if you look here you can see the whole mixture is clear now that means that all of that wax is melted evenly into the mineral oil making an emulsion so once I had my wax melted I'm gonna put it in a mason jar and that the half pint sized jelly style mason jars fit this recipe perfectly and just pour it right in perfect that comes about a quarter of an inch away from the top and then I'm going to seal it and then this mixture needs to sit and cool when it cools it will look like this and it'll give you a nice they'll give you a nice paste style wax so that when we rub it in it fills in all the marks from your knives let me show you another mixture that I like this mixture is a very low sort of satin Sheen but we can increase the shine if you'd like by adding some canoe backs if you get T one canoe backs its food-safe make sure it says food safe on it by by mixing half canoe backs half beeswax will get another mixture that adds more of a shine to your product and fills the knife marks even better so the exact same process except when you're measuring out put five rounded teaspoons of beeswax and then five rounded teaspoons of canoe borax you could use canoe borax alone if you'd like but it the beeswax makes it more pliable and use either easier to spread so you always want at least a little bit of beeswax in there otherwise you're going to have a tough time polishing your cutting board so let's go ahead and compare the two axes I have another mason jar here of the half canoe behalf beeswax recipe and we'll try one on each side of the board you can see the differences between the two mixtures so this is the beeswax mixture on a nice soft cotton cloth and again this is the last coat on your cutting board or it's something used to revive your finish after you've washed it having this paste style mixture fills in all the knife marks I'm just rub it in circles or we're pushing it into the grain of the wood once you have it pushed in nice transfer and go with the grain and then find a clean spot on your rag just wipe with the grand wipe off the excess once you have your excess removed find another clean spot on the rag buffing now and give you a nice even Sheen beeswax mixture is very aromatic this smells very floral it's really nice revives to finish nicely and it's a low luster satin to sort of Sheen on the opposite side let's try the beeswax and cannula mixture I'm not sure how much the cameras will pick this up but if you try this out at home you'll see that there is a difference to canoe access shinier now I can tell just pulling this out it's a little bit tougher to pull out having that beeswax makes a pliable but that canoe backs does sort of stiffen it up and tighten up the mixture a bit you can play with that ratio if you want a little more Glatt canoe backs versus beeswax to get more of a shine but always have a little bit in there you don't want it difficult to see this isn't spreading as far as the beeswax did I keep having to reload my rag and I'm pushing it right into the fibers once I feel that I've filled the pores and any new knife marks with the wax then I'll go to a clean spot wipe off the excess another clean spot on the rag and we'll give it a buff now again I'm not sure how much the cameras picked us up but this has a bit more of a sheen and in theory should protect it better see how there's a bit of a shine there and with the beeswax a little bit less so it's more of a satin Sheen so that's the last thing I need you to know about cutting boards a good food safe finish that can be revived every time use it thanks for watching this video if you found it helpful click like if you want to see more subscribe [Music] you
Channel: An American Artisan
Views: 479,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: an american artisan, andrew teixeira, Fraser MacMannis, wood working, cutting board, cutting boards, cutting board designs, 5 things you didn't know, food safe, general finishes butcher block oil, mineral oil, beeswax, carnauba wax
Id: TZ3UQF1k0Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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