CUT DOWN your hand sanding time!?!?!?!

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what is going on guys thanks for coming back to another video um if you're anything like me you'll do anything to cut down on your hand sanding time um it's amazing amazing how much time it takes to hand sand some of these blades and today i'm going to talk about a way to really cut down on your hand sanding time using the disc grinder especially the disc grinder from beaumont metalwork so come along with me i'm working on a nine inch damasteel santoku style chef knife and i'm gonna show you how we're gonna cut down our hand sanding time with a blade like this all right guys so we're over here at kind of the hand sanding spot you can see i've got the blade i clamped to a really solid piece of wood the edge is right along it so i can get up to it really close and i'm going to show you kind of my first step of hand sanding and then how we're going to use that disc grinder to really really help speed this process up so this blade is finished to 220 grit on the grinder um and but i'm gonna go back to 120 grit with the hand sanding uh to just show you guys something really quick so i've just used this little block of g10 to get a really good flat surface and uh we're gonna make some passes here basically just to be able to show you guys what this looks like after it comes off the grinder and how much hand sanding this thing will actually require to get the finish that you want so i'm just going to be doing it really rough and really fast and then i'm going to bring the camera over here and show you guys all these spots that are so time consuming to get out but when you take it to the disc grinder they come out really fast so you can already kind of see [Music] our high and low spots on this side and i'll bring the camera over right now to show you what i'm talking about okay so you saw was only a couple passes with the 120 grit and all these lines these vertical lines there's the big spot and there's that big dip that i always get i think it's common about two inches from where the your grind starts you get a big dip right here and you can almost feel it with your hand um but that's something that you know i've hand sanded those out a lot of times but what we're going to do is pull it off the board and bring it over to the disc grinder and see if we can't make our life a little easier okay so we're over here at the disc grinder now i'm in no way saying that i'm like a pro at doing this okay but the number one reason i wanted this disc grinder is for this reason right here okay um you'd think that you'd be able to pull these knives off the grinder um and they'd be really flat and smooth but for whatever reason maybe that platen just has a little wear in it or whatever you always get those high spots like i just showed so that's the sole purpose of this disc grinder is to get those high spots out and as far as this one this is made by beaumont metalworks it comes with a vfd um this is the flat like zero degree bevel disc they also make a one degree bevel um disc that goes on here that's suited for doing this a little better with these longer knives i went with the flat one just to kind of try it out and see how i liked it and then you can always change it out and put that bevel disc on if you want to um i think this is a three-phase motor um i've got it wired to just a normal 120. um the vfb is incredible on this thing it's got forward reverse um it's really quiet everything about this thing is super cool um and then i've got i picked up some of this stuff maybe hold it the right way feathering disc adhesive made by 3m i'll put it in the link below probably if i can find it and that's how i have this sandpaper attached to here it seems to work really really good i've got 120 grit paper on here right now to try to get rid of those spots and it's pretty fresh i've only used it like one other time this piece so we're going to see how that holds up that's that rhino wet sandpaper as well which i always use and so what we're going to do is run this really slow to start like i said i'm not a pro at this and i'm learning and kind of making this video as i learn this process i'm going to run it really slow and just watch you can really those high spots are just they stick out a lot you can see them really good right there that are the darker spots um so we're gonna see if we can't get rid of all those uh high and low spots and then it'll make it to where we can go and start our hand sanding process with a really clean flat slate and uh it's really gonna save us a lot of time overall okay so we're gonna start with this really slow kind of see how aggressive it is and how fast it removes material we'll probably crank it up a little bit once we get comfortable with it so right there i'm at 30 power and i'm just keeping it really flat you can see our first pass took a little off the thai side [Music] oh yeah how cool so you can see we've got a little bit high in the middle here and our high spots are slowly getting out of here [Music] [Music] okay so i put it back over here in the hand sanding spot um i did like i don't know five or six passes off camera and kind of put a little more pressure up towards the spine where those those spots were at okay and now i'm gonna hand sand this out um one more time kind of just to show you the progress that was made doing those super fast quick passes um and i'll probably go back to the disc grinder but i wanted to show this really quick because um almost all of those spots are out in a matter of like one minute on the disc grinder so that's that's awesome i'm gonna show you guys here real quick once i get these lines this way i'll show kind of what i'm talking about because they won't show up if i don't do this really quick so okay hang on let me bring you over here and show you okay so you can see that that man it's not showing up really good so that spot that was right here you can just barely see it now okay and obviously this all looks bad still but this is just for the video purposes so you can see i'd like to spend a little time on the tip here but all those high spots are gone oh there okay now you can see it right here it's just barely there that's awesome so hopefully that kind of shows you guys a little taste of what this disc grinder is for um i'm going to go back over to it and probably spend another probably do the same amount of passes i just did like four or five more passes on there keeping the pressure really even and like i said i kind of put it up towards the spine because that's where those dips were at i've got a couple low spots down towards the blade but you can see getting that disc grinder um literally will save me over an hour of time hand sanding this big blade so um i'm already super impressed with it uh the quality of this one is insane there's a bunch of different companies that make these things but i'd highly highly recommend checking this one out i'll put a link down below for it um just really really good quality product so that being said i'm going to go back to the disc grinder finish this side hit the other side and then i've got got a little bit of hand sanding left here and uh we'll be good to go so like always guys hope you learned a little something from this i plan on putting some more content out using this disc grinder once i figured out a little bit more but i can already tell it's a game changer thanks for checking out the video guys
Channel: GentryCustomKnives
Views: 11,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZzU_ln-YJfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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