Custom Scrap in Lethal Company In Under 15 Minutes! (TUTORIAL)

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all right uh hello everybody and today we're going to be making a quick lethal company scrap model for your game uh I've been working on mine uh monkey type thing kind of like the needy cats mod uh so for this tutorial you're going to need a few things you're going to need to have Unity for this as this is where we're going to be altering the model posing and just kind of handling everything as this is where lethal company was made which was Unity you're going to need the lethal SDK so do go to the link in the description do manual download and then uh open up your folder that it gives you that's not it but uh it should give you a assets folder and then you just add it from uh add you just click add and then you add that I'm going to be cutting all the padding out of this this video because I want this to be really quick so uh once you have it set up go ahead and open up your project all right so once you've got your Unity project open mine looks a little bit different because of the way I have that thing set up but there should be like a mods folder and then like template mods and all that uh inside of that mods folder should be a template mod folder you're going to copy this template mod folder and you're going to paste it into your mods folder okay so once you have your folder in here I'm going to remove the uh crawling chimps so here's our template mod folder we are not going to be making any moons so we're going to delete the moons folder and uh if you want me to make a video on that I can uh go to your template mod asset bank and your mod manifest uh replace well you can leave that the same but replace the word template with the name of your mod so I'm doing Doritos as an example uh now what you're going to do is we're just going to remove four of these and your should be left with the battery and then remove the two moons because again we're not doing that go to your items scraps and delete all four of these and you're left with just battery so uh we're going to delete the battery material and then all of these materials as well because we do not need them and then go ahead and drop the 3D model of your asset in here here and then go to your textures and drop in the I believe 3D just drop in everything you need here okay so go to lethal expansion scenes and then item placement test and uh go to your platform you can see I have already been doing some testing and then I have my monkey so I'm going to go ahead and uh hide that so uh you can now drop in your your model in here and uh give it the textures that it needs that'll work and then uh pick which one you think will work best um do one-handed so we're going to move our Doritos bag scale it or whatever you have and then move it down into the one-handed hold axis I'm going to go ahead and uh unpack it and then just uh reset the position and that'll set it directly in the middle of it so uh and there we go we have our Doritos bag placed in the hand how we would like it so now what we're going to go ahead and do is go to the battery thing right here and we're going to rename this Doritos lowercase um and then we're going to go drag our battery in here and you can see it has a no wait not that drag the prefab in so what you'll see is that I have corrected the Doritos bags collider given it the network object script given it the Box collider with no trigger tagged as physics prop layer as props I've created the scan node and I have sized it up to the to the bag given it a box collider that's the size of the bag tagged it as untagged and layered it as scan node and then with that we can start actually messing with the settings which is in my part the most fun part of this uh dor I'm going to call this Doritos cheesy it's a minimum value can be like 15 and then its max volume can be like 35 it does not need to be two-handed it is a one-handed animation it does not require battery is not conductive it can be like one pound and it's prefab we need to actually create that which we can do by just dragging the Doritos bag into here so now we can go into Doritos drag that in there grab a sound effect um you can create your own I'm not I haven't figured that whole thing out yet but we can do shovel reel up reel up and then uh shovel drop I think is what it is shovel swing okay so here's one of the Annoying Parts which is setting this whole thing up so skip resting rotation go into your Doritos bag and grab the X position and go back to your thing and replace offset position here do not set this do not set this do not set anything else just set set these six values and replace them with with these six values once you're done it should look something like this now move on to variant you can set this up if you want to although I'm just doing one degre with bag so I don't not need to uh use Global spawn weight I like to leave that off uh unless you want to uh I'm just going to set this as Global and then Max it out and just max it out on every single level just because uh we're just testing this out out but whenever you're actually going in you can just go ahead and set that up here as you want actually I'm going to go ahead and just delete these and have it just want experimentation uh set spawn per planet in like 30 so it'll most likely completely take every single slot and then uh yeah you can make it a a shovel if you want to so people you can hit people with it but I don't really see the purpose of doing that with like a bag of Cheetos or Doritos and with that we have our Doritos bag so what we need to do now is go back to template mod and rename this folder to be Dorito cheddar and then go to the mod manifest Dorito cheddar Dorito cheddar replace the asset bank with the Doritos mod asset bank and delete and replace the battery with the Doritos now let's let's try this so go to your lethal SDK at the top and go to asset bundle builder then type in assets slash uh asset bundle build bundles build asset bundles and that'll go ahead and create your Doritos bag and all the information you're going to need okay now go back to your assets folder asset bundle and you know now have these five files so let's go ahead and um show these in Explorer by explore by right clicking the background show and explore and let's get that folder up here and now we need to grab our second folder now this part of the tutorial is going to be a little bit more confusing so go ahead and download R2 mod man you're going to need this so do the manual download and follow whatever tutorial you need to get to it and then go ahead and pull up your R2 R2 mod man here and create a new profile or grab a existing profile go to the settings profile folder and now what you're going to go ahead and do here is you're going to download a mod you can download mine as an example just do uh crawl type in crawl download Crawling chimps and then uh go to your profile folder and so now whenever you go into your profile folder do beex plugins and then you have two things uh pugger dgroup crawling camps whatever delete uh the both of these white files and uh you can create your own icon for this although it's not really important as it's not going to show up anywhere and go into here and go to your asset bundle folder and look for D the name of your mod dolm as well as the name of your mod. lm. manifest and then go ahead and drag both of these into here which will replace the two things that were originally here then go in here to manifest and you can change this if you want to although it's not really important I'm just going to go ahead and rename this to Doritos and then I'm going to name the folder Doritos then go back to the uh folder go to mods and then look for this is going to get confusing again but just hold on look for the icon here and replace it with replace the name of my folder with Doritos or whatever your name was and then go up and find uh yeah I think that's actually it actually uh we change the name to Doritos and I think that will leave it all good uh that should Now set it up to where whenever we join the game it should load us in with the Doritos mod you can see it also is only weighing a singular pound which is a good thing that means our everything was working right but again I don't really want to do the cheap way out of just having one in the ship just in case they're not spawning properly we're going to go in and check it out and there we have it there is our Doritos um as you saw completely in the wild uh with its appropriate value and name as well as the fact that we're capable of picking it up dropping it picking it up dropping it no problem had we turned it into a shovel we would be able to hit with it and had we made it two-handed it would take up both of our hands the same way that an engine does it also gives us the appropriate weight which is one pound per bag hope you guys enjoyed this video and hope it was informative good luck with modding
Channel: Puggers
Views: 7,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JLogNjv_VCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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