Custom iProperties using iLogic | Autodesk Virtual Academy

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so like nigel said i am my name is justin cowell i'm an application engineer here at kativ today we have a great ava for you guys we're going to talk about some custom eye properties using ilogic and then later on the ava i'm going to go into depth a little bit how that pertains to what i do here at kativ and at the same time how that might be able to apply to you where you work or how you might be able to implement this to make your workflow a little bit better so a little background on myself like i said application engineer here at kativ i do a lot of work on the delivery team so what i do is i do a lot of content creation within inventor so whenever you have an automation project or some type of drafting project with us usually goes through me we do a lot of work on that i've also done some work in visual studio so on the coding side for automation um here let me go ahead and stop video real quick so yeah i do a lot of that here at kativ so whenever you guys have automation projects or questions usually comes through my team right here and then we take care of and handle those things for you guys and also a little background i am a cal poly pomona alumni go broncos so a little overview about what we're going to be talking today it's going to be really quick and short so a little bit backgrounds on eye properties so what i properties are is they have a list of various fields that you can populate with important attributes and they always have this in any part or any assembly that you create you can always go into these fields so i have a little couple snippets here for you guys where you can look at some of the eye property fields so you can start do stuff in projects custom and physical those are going to be the main ones that we look about today so some of the different ways that we could start populating eye properties the most simple way to do it is just to do a manual input so this one doesn't take any eye logic there's no intelligence behind it but it's really it's a great way to do it if you're having a static part a part that's never going to change it's one going to be one of your assets it doesn't have many configuration if not any configurations at all so one way to do is just to hard code it so a manual input you can use i logic but we're going to go into depth a little bit later why or why not you shouldn't do that so the next one is very popular way to do it using ilogic and it's going to be a single parameter driven so what you do is in your parameters for your assembly or your part you go ahead and put a parameter in there with whatever type of property that you want then you go over into ilogic in your form you go ahead and push that parameter over to i properties very popular way to do that one the next one and um the most complex one you're gonna do is you're gonna use a list of maybe three or four different type of parameters and then you're going to go ahead and use that and push it over to eye properties using ilogic and the great thing about doing it this way is that for example if you want to have unique part numberings for your parts for whatever you're building it's a really easy way to get unique part numbering the more parameters that you put into your i property values the more unique it's going to be so you never have to worry about having duplicate description or duplicate part numbering etc so now we're going to jump into how is this useful for automation and the biggest thing that we see is we see it a lot in drawing automation here at catie when customers come to us with um doing wanted to do one of these big automation projects they usually say hey we have a big issue with whenever we go onto site we don't send enough materials out there so when we don't send enough materials out there we usually have to overnight parts which add cost and here i can see whenever we work on automation project we're trying to figure out the most effective way as well as the most it's the most effective way and then the most cost saving that we can um present to the customer so what we um what we could do here with i properties is that we could use those fields that you populate in the parts and your assembly the more descriptive that you make it there once we bring it over into drawings we could go ahead and create a parts list and we can make your bomb as descriptive as you need it and we can do stuff like for example if you populate the prices in your properties we can create a great way so you can quote customers so when you can quote customer more accurately you can make more money we can do stuff where we have weights of everything so when you're trying to figure out how much we have to ship out and how much shipping is going to be if it's the cost by weight you can go ahead and figure out what the rough weight of all the materials that you're going to have to send out so you know what your correct shipping cost going to be so the real advantage of this like i said um you don't have any delays in fabrication you know exactly what you need to build exactly what you need to send you don't have to worry about sending too much you don't have to worry about sending not enough so with all this um in mind at the end of the day you're going um you're going to be saving your company a lot of money you're going to be able um to make your life a little bit easier you don't have to worry about stressing about the last second that you have to send something out all right anytime if i'm going too fast feel free to let me know to slow down but we're going to go ahead and run through it all right so if you guys been on one of my avas before this is one of the closets that i made for configuration modeling um if you guys want to go ahead and check that out it's all on our ktv youtube page um so i'm going to go over a little bit about this model not too in-depth about the configurations but if you guys like i said want to know a little bit more about that go ahead and jump onto our youtube page so first off we're going to talk about hard-coding eye properties so this one i'm not going to use any eye logic but it's just to dip your toes into eye properties so at the very top right here in your model browser this is how i always get to my properties if i press on the closet i'm gonna right click on it down here we have eye properties i'm gonna go ahead and press on that so this is where the window is where i showed you guys those little snippets on one of those slides so if we go through it we can go the summary of our part some project information the status some custom eye properties in here save and then the physical properties of our part so like i said let's go ahead and do some hard coding so right here i already have one in here for the description if i just go ahead i'm just going to remove that so hard coding so right here we have a closet simple closet so just say we want something a little bit descriptive about it so what you do is you go ahead and type in the the equal sign and the equal sign makes it like a function so it'll automatically input it into the description if you don't have that equal sign at the beginning you're going to have a little bit of problems trying to get that to populate so right here i have a four drawer closet so that's what my description is going to be and then when you're done i go ahead and just press enter and then you're going to see on the very right that a little f of x here a little function pops up and if you want to go ahead and make edits to it you're going to have to press that function when you see that equal sign pop up you can go ahead and make some changes so some pros and cons of doing this like i said this is a model that's going to be configurable so it has a bunch of different type of closet orientations that you can choose from this if you're going to like i say hard code i put that in quote-unquote um use this a method of doing it there's no intelligence behind it so if just say we change into a different configuration where we have six drawers then this description no longer makes sense so once once you start doing stuff like that you would want to start using the ilogic functionality behind it so your description is going to be as intelligent as your part model so let's go ahead and jump into that so if i go ahead and jump through my model i have configuration one and you're going to see when i had configuration two right there you had some model changes when we go to configuration three you're gonna see some changes there as well so let's say for example we're worried about the shipping weight of what we have here so when i made this models i didn't include any screws i didn't include all the different materials that i'm using so whatever weight is invented right now it's not 100 accurate of what it's supposed to be so a great way to do that is if you go ahead and use i properties to overwrite it so we're going to go ahead and jump into our parameters and then i'm going to have a property we're just going to call it mass and that's going to take care of what our weight is for the different configurations so when i do that let's go ahead and change the unit so it knows what it's doing and i'm just going to do something just put one pound for now so i know that it's updating correctly so now that we have our unit of mass at one pound mass let's go ahead and close this so now i'm going to jump over into ilogic so right here i already have my form for configuration so if i go ahead and edit rule you're going to see that these are all the stuff i have that's driving my model so in here this is the best way to do it since i already have everything separated by configuration so i have configuration one here i have configuration two and i have configuration three so this is going to be the best way to separate that hey my configuration one two and three all have different weights so let's just say configuration one is made of a little bit cheaper material so the weight of that one's going to be not weight there's going to be mass that's the parameter that we have to say mass is going to be 125 pounds a configuration 2 is made of a little bit better material a little bit better wood better handles et cetera so we're going to say the mass on this one is 150 pounds forgot the equal sign here let me go ahead and add that and then for the last one it's the highest end has a lot of metal in there so it's very sturdy let's go ahead and say the mask for this one is equal to 200 pounds cool i'm going to go ahead and save it so now if i jump back into my parameters if i jump between configuration 1 you're going to see that the mass is 125 pounds configuration 2 we have 150 now configuration 3 we have 200 pound mass so if we go back to our eye properties look at the physical properties of it we're going to update it you're going to say it says 252 it doesn't say anything specific on the changes that we've made and that's because we haven't went ahead and pushed those um that parameter to i properties so what i do is instead of cluttering up this form right here for configuration i'm going to go ahead and create a new form so right click we're going to add a rule and i'm just going to call this the properties you can name it anything you want for your rule name you just want to make sure that's descriptive enough so that oh sorry about that yeah you just want to make sure that it's descriptive enough so when you're trying to debug when you have issues with your rules that you know what exactly what you're jumping into so for this we're just going to call it properties and this is going to take care of all the eye properties that we want to push to our part so when you're ready press ok and now we have a blank form so right here on the left hand side is under the snippets you have a list of all the functions that you could be using and the neat thing about inventor they already have one specifically for i properties so if you jump through there you can see they have stuff for part numbering description revision etc so right now we're trying to figure out what our mass is going to be so they have a handy dandy little mass right here if i go ahead and double click on that it has mass is equal to i properties dot mass so it comes up like that and i don't really like to read it this way i like to read it from left to right so i properties like mass and we're going to set that equal to our mass parameter when i'm done with that i'm going to go ahead and save and run now you have your little form here for your properties ilogic if i go ahead and jump back to my eye properties under closet the physical you're going to see we're at 200 pounds mask and we want to make sure we're in configuration three for that yep configuration three so here if i jump into configuration two we're supposed to see 150 pounds mass if i check the eye properties there 150 pounds mass like exactly what we want to see and we want to be extra sure on that let's go ahead and jump into configuration one let's make sure we see 125 pound mass there yep exactly what we wanted to see so great way to do it if you're trying to figure out on the for example shipping costs based on the weight of what you're building great way to do that cool any questions about that right now i see one here um about if you're using hard-coded text to do the description property yeah you get any benefit to using the equal sign um yes and no it's i just do it because it's good practice um if you don't usually do that because when we do equal signs like this we could do stuff with parameters in here as well um it just it's a little bit harder to understand but i just do it because it's just good practice whenever i want to put a description and always just use an equal sign so that um later on if you want to do stuff with parameters in there you don't have to worry about forgetting that so it's just like i said just good practice sounds good all right let's keep chugging along here justin all right cool so let's go back into our eye properties form let's just say if you look through in here through all the projects um your status and your physical eye properties just so you don't see a field that you want to populate just say you have something super custom that's unique to your company so for example in here um just say we're the catie furniture store and for this closet line we make five six different types of um lines of the same closet and just say they're all different in materials so under custom i already have this one right here so for series we want to make sure that hey we have a metal series we have a wood series we have different type of series just depending on material so what i'll go ahead and do is under my eye properties let's go ahead and add a text parameter for example and we're going to call it series and i'm just going to enter something for the text let's just say we're going to call it wood just double check that popped up yep so now if i jump back to my ilogic under configurations we're going to go ahead and make some changes there so let's say for configuration one since this the cheaper of the material we're just going to say it's series equals um we're going to call it like synthetic material or something and then under the second configuration we're going to say the series is going to be wood and then for our last one we're just going to call it metal because metal is going to be our most expensive one go ahead and save and run these so now go back into our parameters you're going to see series has synthetic for configuration one two should say would and then three should say metal so now let's go back into our properties let's go ahead and add that custom eye property now so right here on the left hand side under snippets let's go ahead and look for the one that says custom right here so the unique thing about this is right here when you dump double tap on custom so it has everything in these parentheses that you don't see under i properties dot mass right here because mass is already a given field so how you read this right here is iproperties.value custom is referring to the custom tab at the top of the i properties and then property name you want to put the name of the property you want to put in there so right now we want to put series and then we're going to set that equal to our parameter which is also series right so now that we've done that go ahead and save and run if you go over to our closet i properties or actually let's go and jump into our parameters to see what we're supposed to be right now configuration three we want to make sure that the series is metal so right now if we jump into i properties go over to custom you're going to see the name which is series the value which is metal and it even tells you what type of parameter it is it's a text parameter so again if we jump through configuration two under custom we're gonna see wood and then rest assure if you go into configuration one you should be able to see synthetic right there and everything is understood under that series parameter that we pushed and it's all going to be text values all right so um any questions about that um on that little one right there on customize properties and actually um for the custom ones you could put as many as you want in here you can just push values and it's always going to populate here and then later down the road i'm going to show you how you could put that into a bill of materials so if it's something super important that you want your customer to see or someone on your manufacturing side to see they can see it all in your drawing sheets all right so next we're going to have another part here that makes a little bit more sense to show you and we have a channel and this one is just ansi channel so you have all your different width size and then the weight of all these channels by pound feet so i already did this one for you guys so i'm going to run through some of the parameters so we have channel sizes here for our different types of configurations we have a calculation right here so the weight per foot depending on what channel you choose and at the bottom we also have something that calculates the weight so right here it's all doing the calculations in the parameters so we have weight per foot times the overall length and that's going to determine how much the weight is depending on how long of this channel that we're going to buy so now if i jump into our ilogic let me see not eye logic sorry under this eye logic one right here under weights if we edit the rule there we're going to see that we already have an i properties.mask.update and we only want to push that calculated weight because that's the one that matters if we push anything else we're going to get pound mass per feet so when we push that under eye properties you're going to see regardless of what length we put in there in the parameters now let's just say we want 12 inches when it updates it's going to calculate the correct weight for you if i update it let's go ahead and switch the size of it as well you're going to see it updated to 4.5 pounds so that's another neat way to do it right there so so far we talked about hard coding i property values we talked about pushing parameters to i properties and then right now i just showed you how to make calculations in the parameters and then push that calculations over to i properties and the last one we're going to talk about is going to be multiple parameters that you combine together and then we're going to push that one to i properties so like i said this is a great way to get unique part numberings so under our project if you have a stock number that's really unique or a part numbering that's really unique we can go ahead and make those so let's go ahead and let's do a part number so i'm just going to delete that for now so um let's just make a new rule add rule and we're going to call this properties so like i said we want to create a very unique part numbering using all the different types of user parameters that we have here so i'll go ahead and start in the snippet let's find the one that says part numbering which is the very first one double click on that so you see it's going to be under the project tab and then it's going to fill in the part number field so go ahead and put equal signs there so let's just say through our parameters right here we want to get the web depth and we never want the web depth to be a decimal so we're going to make sure that it's always a whole number so a function that we can use is floor so if it's even 5.9 inches it's gonna make it five inches in our part numbering so we're gonna floor the web depth so now we have one parameter in there to keep on adding more to your part numbering what we're going to do is we're going to add an ampersand and now let's just say we want to insert a text so 5 so it's a 5 inch depth channel so let's just say we're going to call it channel so now that we have this in there let's say we want to add another parameter add an ampersand and then we want to have let's say the weight per foot so we know exactly what type of channel we have so we're going to go ahead and put in the weight per foot unit list and then to say we want to say what material this is because it could be aluminum or steel so now we're going to do another ampersand and then in parentheses we're going to type in steel all right so let's go ahead and run this and see what we get in our eye properties so if we go ahead and save and run and i open up the i properties if i go under i believe it was project um right here our part number we have five channel 6.7 steel and you see how everything is clumped up right there we're going to fix that right now we're going to show you how to do that so the reason why it does that is when you add these ampersands right here it just assumes that it's a continuation of what you're doing it doesn't add any spaces or anything like that in there so what we'll do is we'll go ahead so we have floor depth so this is going to be our five value and our user parameter and then if we want a space there in channel right and right in front of the c we're going to go ahead and put a space there and that's going to add a space to our part number and let's say we want another space right where the steel is we do that right there and then after the weight per foot after channel we want to put another space there so now if i save and run if i jump over into i properties the inch sign if we wanted to show that it's in inches and we want to show like the single the double quotation marks what we do is in i logic if i go to properties again edit that rule under the web after the web death what we'll do is we'll put an ampersand there oh sorry after that ampersand there and then we're going to put some quotations just like that so it's i believe it should be for quotation mark and if we go ahead and save and run that and we jump over into our eye properties you're going to see that we have the interest sign there now so 5 inch channel 6.7 steel so this is a great way to get really really unique part numbering if you do that for stock numbers you can do that as well but the main purpose of that is that we use a bunch of different parameters that we already have in our part and we want to make it as descriptive as possible so when we put this into our build material we know exactly what we're looking at we know exactly what we need to order the exact quantity so now if i close it i'm going to go ahead and just open up a drawing that i already have here so here i just place drawing of our closet and i've already inserted a parts list right here so right now we have the item quantity and the part number so if i go ahead and double click on our billet material right here we want to go ahead and add a column so here they already have a bunch of default properties that they had so we could choose from anything here let's just say base unit we can go ahead and add it over here and this one we press ok and apply it's going to have a base unit value there so remember for our closet we had a column that we had series so we know exactly what series we're going to add and it's not going to appear under all properties because that's a custom i property that we created so right here when you have a new property i'm going to go ahead and add that and just type in exactly what you want so we want series press okay so it looks like we already have one that's properties let's see right here we already had it already added earlier so if i go ahead and add that over you're going to see that right here we have it as synthetic reapply it now you have it under your bill of materials so instead of having to do this manual like i said we do this all the time for our automation project customer tells us that hey we want to be able to create drawings from these models that we already created but we want to make sure that our billet material is super accurate so that when we send it out for our customer we send it out on site we can take into account exactly everything that we need so later down the road we don't have to worry about ordering too much not ordering enough if we're sending out too much materials to customers not sending out enough so that here at continue we take care of that all the time for all of our customers so if you guys are running into something similar to that where you work where um you're having issues when creating items we you create the wrong item and send out the wrong items we can take care of all that and at the end of the day it's going to make your company a lot more successful all right so that wraps up what i had to demo is there any questions yeah it looks like there are a number of them justin if you want to open the questions panel we guess we can start from the top move our way down all right um so this one we already answered so how do we automate the title block filling using eye properties so title block we do that a lot in our automations we always do that through an external api so we use visual studio if you want to automate that it's a it's a great way tool to do it it does take a lot of time to do it on your own and you can use i properties to fill in field so if i jump down here we can do the stuff like checked qa manufactured approved by or even the scale stuff like that we can go ahead and populate that in our api but i don't think that's this is the right ava to talk on to that but outgoing that route 2 you just have to create a custom title block and then within that custom title block you would just um import the properties but that's if you're doing it that way it's not necessarily an automating way to do exactly it's all handheld but if that's something that your company is looking to do um feel free to reach out to us or if that's something you want us to tackle in our next aba fill out the survey yep and then yeah if you do it that other way um it'll pull the information but i'm pretty sure it stays static which you don't want um because there's nothing to prompt the title block to update um instantly so like if like for example the reference changes and things like that so just a couple things to keep out as well yup exactly so we have another one without illogic you can set model i properties to push to drawing i properties yep that is correct but that only copies once when you create a drawing if you subsequently change the model i properties the drawing properties are static would you recommend using ilogic to keep the eye properties in stick between drawings and model um yes so whenever visual studio right you leverage the api to do that not ilogic for example yeah well what we do actually is that whenever we start making drawings um in one of my previous avas what we do is i talk about when you have multiple rules like this we always want to have a build rule so it automatically that build rule is going to run the configuration and the properties rule and then whenever you make updates to your model using our visual studio or external inventory api when we build that rule it's automatically going to update the drawings so that way you don't have to worry about hey i made an update to the part why is it not updating to my drawings and the same goes for the i properties yep all right third one is there a reason the text parameters cannot be exported with numerical parameters that is easier than defining a custom property than in eye logic [Music] yeah give me a second to figure that one out real quick let's see yeah okay so um that's just i understand what you're saying so in parameters um all these stuff here you can export them so anything with actual values so inches um these pound masks stuff like that you can go ahead and export them and then when you export them what you can do is you can use them in your eye properties so let's just say the overall length right i'm just going to export that one and then in the closet under i properties i'm just going to put it as a stock number for now if we go ahead and make it a function make sure that we have a case sensitive i think you had a underscore in between i think okay let me double check i'm just going to copy it so if you spelled it wrong in one place you spell around both places yeah so yeah it's case sensitive the way we do it i i see where i messed up right here i added l underscore so here under stock number we have it that way that's another way we could do it but the problem with doing it this way um is if you want to be able to use for example some text values so right here series under text it won't let you export this so um if i wanted to do it like i said for the series it won't link that way and it's just it's just some finicky thing with um inventor if you guys want that i know you guys could go into the inventor page that autodesk has and then you can say hey can we start exporting text parameters so we can add that to eye properties but the best goal way around that is ilogic and that also allows you to dabble your feet with eye logic so it's like it's not something that you should be afraid to use when you know how to use it it's super powerful and then like ultimately too is like a lot of these limitations per se an inventor are alleviated if you start leveraging the api as opposed to ilogic um it's just a lot more freedom allowing than uh utilizing i logically itself yep exactly he asks why did the weight i guess the mass in that case not change without changing the size on the previous example how did the weight not change without changing the size oh i think he's talking about the channel it's because i think let me see when i was changing it here i i was like 70 inches i think before and then i changed the channel size and they didn't change um it's just um i think i didn't run the rule when i had the i properties want to make sure we always run the rules if you don't run the rule the first time it doesn't understand what to do and then once you start changing it then it will start updating automatically so another thing you could do is if you want to always update automatically you could do an i logic dot ilogic i think it's ilogic vb dot run rule equals true and then if you do this way it's always going to run your rule so let me see is ilogic i think that's what it is i think it does it doesn't yeah we'll we can debug it later it's fine yeah we could debug it but yeah it's something like that and then what it does is it automatically runs the rule for you every single time so you don't have to worry about hey it's not updating um whenever i'm making this change right here et cetera exactly um can you use the parameter window arithmetic functions like floor quote-unquote directly in the eye properties input text box i think you can but i think the reason why we really don't like to use it is because once you start um getting with really really long um for example a part number um and this window doesn't yeah this thing doesn't really expand so let's say we had a customer and they're part numbering they have so many parts that they had 60 um digits in there 16 numbers 60 um letters and then when it gets that big i don't like to use it especially i don't i'm not really a big fan of using like the export either because it gets really crowded really fast and it gets really hard to figure out where you need to make your changes i like to do it all in eye logic it's a lot simpler you can't debug in here it's uh yep you can't debug and then the worst thing to see is that you spelled one thing wrong and then when you press um the enter on it and it comes back blank yeah and then you have to type it all up again yep i've uh that's been my life yeah so that's that's a lot of the customers that we have they have like oh we usually put it in manually but then we always get a bug somewhere especially when they do the export they just type one thing wrong yeah if you if you add a space bar or you forget a space yeah it'll just come up blank um if it yeah instead of giving you like an error and it like highlighting it all in red and stuff it just goes away yep so um just keep that in mind and that's kind of why it's like a lot easier to manage everything on the api side um or on the ilogix side it's just way easier especially like using the debug functions in like visual studio um big big big time saver yep so all right so let's just jump to that last question there what's the difference in eye logic if your closet was an assembly um there'll be a lot of differences right actually if you're if you're only looking for eye properties it works exactly the same way you can make parameters in your um assembly and you can push those parameters straight into eye properties um if you're trying to do some other stuff um configuration wise um it's it gets a little bit more complicated with that yep yeah the configuration stuff the actual 3d model the differences in the eye logic are going to be pretty drastic um but in terms of like the stuff that we showed you today with the eye properties it's all the same right because yeah everything from the part and assembly side pretty much identical when it comes to uh tie properties parameters and stuff so all right any last minute questions i'll give another everyone another 30 seconds or so to ask any more questions excuse me that you may have let me check the other stream too sounds good give me one second justin [Music] no uh looks good andy andy burnett great aba again oh definitely thank you andy appreciate it thanks for tuning in yeah i'm multitasking too i'm uh helping you guys in the background as well so andy i'm sure we'll talk this afternoon or tomorrow morning uh but again justin thank you so much for putting us together if any questions any suggestions for future abas go ahead and shoot them into emails and we're more than happy to go ahead and field those as well as they come in it is ultimately like i guess customer suggestions that help us square away what we do in the future right so i we had a lot of people asking for tube and pipe so uh we make jeff do two of them pipe so if there's something you want to see that you haven't seen before definitely check our youtube channel see if it's there if it's not go ahead and reach out to us and we'll go ahead and make it happen on the schedule or you know even talk to you on a one-on-one basis and they'll figure out how we can help you yep and also if you guys have questions on drawing automation or automations in general feel free to reach out to us we'll we'll be happy to give you guys walk you guys through how we can help your business grow exactly if you reach out to me i'll find someone else to reach out to because that's like uh there's there's better people so absolutely question guys they said where should they reach out email call yeah so so probably the most uh the most the easiest way to do it is to reach out by email uh so if you go ahead and email questions or just reply to any of the marketing emails that you get from us with your question it'll go to somebody who will find the right uh right personnel for you so just exactly there cool again thank you justin so much for putting it together thank you everybody for joining us today we'll see you again next week we're going to be going over some more uh assembly configuration and inventor specifically some more power transfer stuff so if that's something that you're doing in your inventor assemblies definitely stay tuned cool thanks justin and everybody we'll talk to y'all soon bye bye everyone you
Channel: KETIV Technologies
Views: 1,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk, autodesk inventor, inventor ilogic, ketiv technologies, ketiv ava, ketiv autodesk academy, ketiv academy, autodesk ilogic, autodesk virtual academy, design automation, help with ilogic, ketiv technologies inc., autodesk software, ava academy, autodesk academy, rules driven design, ava: introduction to ilogic, inventor api, help with inventor, autodesk presentation, autodesk inventor drawing, autodesk how to, inventor 2017, autodesk inventor assembly tutorial
Id: B9KBz-JesDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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