Custom Clothes for Metahuman in Unreal Engine — BEGINNER TUTORIAL

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what is up guys today I will show you how to add custom closes to a meta human easily and you can animate it it's fully readable you can use it in your cinematics or in game so let's get started so first of all you need your desired closes you can get them whenever we want it can be from assets or paid models for this case I will use three models from sketchfab so let's go to search I will choose these boxes filter them uh it means it will only show three models now let's choose fashion and style and for example I want some armor and let's take this one click download usually there will be an fbx file or blender file in this case I will just use gltf file click download now let's head to Unreal we need to import our meta human go to add add quick Excel content it will open Google bridge I will go to metahumans and actually local I have already downloaded some bad humans and I will choose this one so I will just click add and now we can just drag it we'll see he's naked we need to go to that blueprint and select our body and now click here to find our skeletal mesh and here click asset actions export I will save it here click save and we don't need level of details to Collision uh so I will keep it like this we can also export our head so choose our face [Music] find it and just click export okay now we need to open blender and if you never use blender it's okay it's free and it's easy to use just follow my steps okay delete this stuff to navigate in blender use your middle Mouse just hold it to rotate and press shift hold shift and middle Mouse to navigate like this now let's import our clauses in my case e gltf you can have fbx file or whatever you have let's open gltaf okay now you see giant model and personally I would like to export this as fbx I will do this right now expert fbx and check mesh right here and keep in mind it's just optional and it's for my model because it gltf and I want it to be an fbx file now let's import our skeleton select this import and also import our face like this and we have this scary face from the start don't be scared just select this face mesh just select this one this is pure mesh without rigging and click alt B clear and keep transformation now we can delete the same now let's import our fbx model or for clauses import and it's a giant armor first I will select everything and click Ctrl J so it will group our mesh now I will make it smaller I will click s and make it like this I think that's almost ideal now what you need to do is to select your clauses go to modifier add data transfer click vertex data vertex groups and select source your body your many human skeleton body click generate data layers now select your body go to root pose go to pose mode your skeleton is selected go to pose apply apply select asterisk pose now go to your default material again to the modifier make sure object mode is selected add Armature and reference it to the root now click shift and drag your closes to the root of your metal human body now as you see our body moves with our closest now let's delete our face mesh we don't need this and go to expert epics export wherever you want click Armature and mesh export fbx now let's go to unreal and import what we just made in skeleton let's select meta human base skill in Portal now let's open our skeletal mesh and as you can see our body is overriding our clothes and to prevent this you can just go to your material uh delete this click make it translucent hold one and click connect it with opacity okay just save and let's rename this as a transparent [Music] now there is no body of right now Clauses you can also go to this material and make it to sided now it's way better now let's go to our meta human blueprint go to torso and select our skeletal mesh and click here as you can see we have our closest but our body is overlapping our clothes what you can do here is first you can adjust it in the blender so it doesn't overlap it's the hard way but if we have Clauses like this when our body is fully covered look at this model it covers our fingers or torso everything you actually don't need your body you only need your face so you can go to your body and make it transparent material this one we just made just Ctrl B look at this material click here and we don't see our body and we don't actually need this you can see matches perfectly now let's save it let's check if the rigging is uh okay and your man a human and for example use control rig now let's try our hand matches perfectly that's pretty much it keep in mind that I didn't dive into some deep details it's just a Basics beginner tutorial and if you want I can make another video for customary human closes where I will explain more deeply with details and some Advanced methods also I found I discovered some tips that I didn't find on YouTube and I will I can share it with you I don't know if anyone will see this video I hope it helps at least someone if it did leave a like and comment comment if you want more tutorials and I hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Ortyow Academy
Views: 85,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5 tutorial, game development, unreal engine 5, unreal engine, ue, metahumans, ue5, ue5 tutorial, ue tutorial, unreal engine metahuman, ue5 guide, ue guide, metahuman clothes, metahuman, metahuman clothings, how to add clothes to metahuman, custom clothes unreal engine, metahuman custom clothes, unreal engine metahuman course, ue5 metahuman, custom clothes metahuman
Id: gBEUvLq3Rak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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