Curtis Stone's Aussie meat pies

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good morning well have we got a show for you it is such a treat whenever Curtis Stone is in town I love the fact that you are in town you always stop by City Line when you're we're here and it's a treat for us because I love the fact that your meals are easy all right a lot of chefs get all sheffy and things get really complicated and it's like there's no way I can emulate that your meals are easy they're natural natural ingredients in season ingredients and today we're making a traditional Aussie dish ozzie meat pie you know I used to cook like that at home until I had kids and now of course it's like all bets are off you got to try and get it all done in such a short amount of time and is super simple so that's exactly how I cook at home now now do you get how old your kids I've got a three year old who's turning four in November and a seven month old okay so that is the seven month old on solids yet he's just started just starting do you find that um he's pretty open to new flavors um you know what it's sort of he's literally had five so far banana avocado carrot apple so it's but anything that he can get in his mouth he gets Elina is so good there's something really uncomfortable having a baby that'll eat though it's that right some of them don't want to eat right all right so yes chef you would that would drive you insane yeah like why aren't you eating my food and is is my banana not good enough for me like what am I doing wrong I'm celebrity chef do you know what I think is really important though I just had a conversation with a buddy and he's like how do you stop your kid from eating hot dogs I was like my kids never seen a hot dog you know what stearic don't don't introduce them to stuff you don't want them to eat long term you know really think about it you know those first steps like drives me crazy when you go to a restaurant you see the kids beyond you're like I would need any of that so why would I think my kids should you know no no no no very good point okay so let's talk about the meat pie what have you got in there it's the simplest recipe it's a little bit like making a bolognese sauce so you start with some onions and some carrots and some celery then you throw in some chuck steak I've actually added a couple of other things for flavor so a little prosciutto oh no and a little a little of chicken liver actually so it's a it's an option but I love the flavor that it gives and of course full of four great minerals that you are that we all need so a little salt and then you add a little tomato concentrate yeah like that and then just sort of roast that out for just a moment before you add the rest of your ingredients because you want to sort of cook out that a little bit of bitterness that the tomato paste can have okay um a little flour you throw over the top thicken it up a little bit picking it up so again just give that a good mix and then you're going to add some beef beef broth or a little wine as well okay that's for the wine little y-yes so that working just a little uh-huh just a little bit and just a little bit of brief broth as well and you're going to cook that down let it reduce and once it gets nice and thick and then ready to assemble your pies so you can do double duty with this you can make this sauce server with some spaghetti tonight yeah but then let half of it cool which it looks like this once it's cool and then you can fill your pie bases so I've made the the dough that the the pie pie dough you want to cut just a small little hole in the top of that so it has a vent to let some of the steam out while it's cooking okay and then you put your card mix into the base your pie co-teachers ward it's got to be cold yet otherwise your pie the dough will sort of get a little mushy yeah uh-huh and then here you get one I'm gonna I'm gonna put you to work I'm gonna give it a little hat give it a little pop exactly and then you can kind of if you want to crimp it you can crimp it or you can just sort of push it down in there you it doesn't doesn't matter too much right about so that's what your granny did yeah I know you got a lot of inspiration from her like I read about fudge right these tell me about the fudge my god I was so good as I was not a nice five five-year-old anything with lots of sugar and Bosh she'd make this fudge and I'd go to a house and I'd run right by her open the fridge door if it wasn't that be like great it is not like it's all right we can make some say it was one of our one of my early food memories you give it a brush with a little cream and egg mm-hmm and you can make these well in advance so I know there's lots of sports going on right right now yeah some we don't want to talk about but yeah yeah hahaha girly last night I watched sounds like yeah things are not going some well for certain teams in this country but you know I think you anyway let me anyways whatever we got other teams we can worry about around right so I think the good thing about pies as well is um kids like stuff like that that love that's low yeah you know little pies little individual servings it's fun for them and you know what if you weren't doing this how else do you get carrots celery fennel onions garlic into you know something that they absolutely love it's a it's a great way to do it yeah you throw them in the oven and they come out looking just like this when they're baked oh that's gorgeous so and you know I've let these cool obviously but you can literally just pop them out so you can bake them ahead of time we in Australia this is this is our hot dog so we have this on the golf course we eat it while we watch a footy game that's also a bit of a family staple so you can serve a bit of mashed potato or some peas or something which are great in spring right something like that with it so it's a really simple healthy yeah delicious meal very nice and obviously you can alternate what you're feeling it with if you want that's the traditional Aussie way to do it if you want to do it with chicken you want to do is argue okay you can mix it up is that as easy as eating a hot dog can you eat that on a baseball are you kidding me you pee on up a little ketchup which we call tomato sauce on the top and you're straight in it so really okay I could go for that I love that now you've got a gorgeous book out right now Curtis and I just want to show you this it's not a good looking book beautiful photography as well yeah Good Wife is Curtis is near cookbook and thanks to Random House everyone in the audience is getting thank you right after these recipes on our websites if you learn dot CA and will cook a little bit more a little bit later okay so yes
Channel: Citytv
Views: 53,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4186890663001, category=foodandentertaining, src=cityline, section=food, youtube, airdate=20150422, show=cityline, section=foodandentertaining, cliptype=Food & Entertaining
Id: t8UvjTmMh-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2015
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