Curry Blake - One with Christ

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here's what you got to get wouldn't you get this everything changes in the church we make everything about us as individuals my anointing my ministry my gifting all that me me me me me Paul made it real clear it's no longer odd to live my life is hid in Christ I no longer live the life that I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God in other words it's not about me I'm hitting Christ it's about him so when I speak it's not me speaking it's him speaking that's why Jesus said if they receive you they received me see we always use that scripture about marriage well God hath joined together let no man put asunder yeah works for marriage but honestly it works more so about the new creation you are so closely united to Christ that there is God makes no distinction between you and him and the here's the problem we keep trying to divide what God has joined together we keep trying see if you were just getting Christ and stay there our problem is we keep sticking our head out you know Here I am see me here's Who I am I'm somebody I'm anointed I'm gifted I have this ministry I'm this and every time you stick your head out the devil goes oh there you are pop and hit you if you just stay hidden Christ then it's just him walking this earth he walks in you talks in you and you just walked through this earth being on Jesus acting like Jesus talking his words and guess what the devil can't tell that it's not God talking why because your life is hidden Christ your spirit Devils spirit God's Spirit right when you talk I hear you whenever you talk and you're talking God's Word when you speak you're a spirit speaking when the devil say you hear the devil and you think it's you when the devil hears you he thinks it's God until you start saying me mine I do understand you got to get this once you realize your life is hitting Christ and you don't come outside of him and you just start talking like him the devil hears his words and guess what he obeys he has to so your life is no longer you that live but Christ who lives in you once your fountain is the greatest freedom you will ever get is freedom from yourself it's the greatest for you all right it's not freedom from the devil it's freedom from yourself you know you're a bigger problem to you than the devil the devil is defeated right you know some the devil is defeated now it's you they'd have to keep your body under it you that have to keep you under right because God will not do anything with your will you must submit your will and you in the Baptist Paul talked about dying daily living the crucified life Jesus talked about carrying your cross daily that's what that's talking about you have to die daily and I say every day you have to remember I am dead I no longer live it's not me me me it's not I right it is Christ I to live we live in him and moving him and in him have our being get it right to live is Christ Christ lives in you you're made one with him he that is joined to the lord is one spirit you hear that he that is joined to the lord is one spirit with the Lord one your joining together amen now first John 2:27 the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you say that say the anointing I've received abides in me it doesn't come and go it stays it lives in me and it is he the Spirit of God he never leaves me nor forsakes me I am always anointed in Jesus name hey man now you just made a major leap all right from having to wait for something to happen wait to be anointed to recognize him that you were always anointing because the anointed one lives in you I said this Saturday I said you know what here's a question when is Jesus not the Christ never right unless it is when he moves into a Christian because when he moves into a Christian most Christians don't think they're anointed and if Jesus is the anointed one when he moves in he has to lead the anointing out because they think the anointing comes and goes so really what you're saying is when you're saying your Christian has pretty God and you're saying you're not anointed you're saying Jesus is not the Christ because it's not anointed when he comes to live in you and then don't say Amen that means so good no no okay yeah but it's true right so you have to stop and think Jesus is always the Christ if he's in me still the Christ if the crisis in me guess what I'm anointed what you can't have the northern one in you and not be anointed amen all right
Channel: whizzpopping
Views: 30,713
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: curry, blake, john, lake, anointed, in, christ, anointing, hidden, alive, new, covenant, creation, spirit, abide
Id: zvk8SH7N1Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2010
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