Cupid Heater Tent Heater - Overland Car Camping Gear

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[Music] what is up guys Casey here with a coyote works Channel hey I'm out here on a winter camping trip and I thought I'd take a couple of minutes and show you guys a new piece of gear that recently been testing evaluating and ultimately on this trip made the decision to incorporate into my system so this is the cupid compact butane peter now josh is carrying these up at lolo overland and what i use this for is i use it to heat up my rooftop tent so first of all it comes in this nice box it's a good carry container for it and its square so it packs easy open the box up and here is the heater so to use the heater there's a leg down here that you unfold now it's basically all set up for fuel it takes these butane cans so basically you just slide the can in now to start the heater it's really simple you got this knob on the side press it in at the igniter and there we go the ignition on this thing super reliable I've probably started it I don't know 20 or 30 times and every time I've started it it starts on the first click it's actually adjustable so right now it's turned all the way on high I can back it off and turn it on a lower setting to make my fuel last longer and if I don't need to put out quite as much heat I've actually timed this thing temperature was about 24 degrees and I turn this thing on its highest setting so my initial test I ran the Cupid heater for 4 hours 1 minute and 56 seconds on high off of a single canister so my guesses that would probably result in about somewhere between 6 and 8 hours of run time on the lowest setting that will go on so this right here one fuel canister and the heater and one extra fuel canister are probably going to be more fuel than you would need for a three-day two-night trip using it up in rooftop tent or in a ground tent or something like that so a couple of things I really like about this heater is probably the next most popular heater that everybody uses myself included is the mr. buddy heater in comparing the cavae a cupid heater to the mr. buddy heater the first thing that's obvious is the size difference the cupid heater is about a quarter of the size of the mr. buddy heater the same thing when it comes to looking at the weight differences the cupid heater about a quarter of the weight of a mr. buddy heater when we look at the fuel canisters for each we see a similar trend the butane fuel canister for the cupid heater is about a third to a half the size of the one-pound propane canister that mr. buddy uses when you compare the runtimes of each of the two heaters side-by-side in my experience they're about the same either way you go you get about six hours of burn time on the heaters lowest setting so what do you get for all that extra size of weight of the mr. buddy heater well you get a lot more heat output the downside is in my opinion you get way more heat output than you actually need inside the average rooftop tent or small size ground tent used in most Overland style car camping applications the cubit heater on the other hand in my experience puts out the perfect amount of heat to keep me comfortable inside my rooftop tent there's just no need for me to carry the additional weight and bulk associated with the mr. buddy heater and as fuel canisters in the world of Overland style car camping where there's a huge premium placed on saving weight and space inside your vehicle the Kuban heater has a clear advantage so that's it guys I hope I hope that was helpful and you enjoyed hit me up with any questions you might have about the cubed heater I got mine from lolo overland in portland oregon there's gonna be a link down in the description below all in all real happy with this so far as far as longevity time cool towel i'll keep using it and i'll let you guys know if i have any issues with it thanks for watching I look to your comments and always appreciate your support and I'll see you guys on the next adventure coyote works oh and now please stay tuned for a very important safety announcement so quick word about how I use this heater I'm not recommending they use a heater in a rooftop tent a ground tent or any kind of a confined space but I do use it inside my rooftop tent however I do not ever sleep with this heater on inside the tent I don't close my eyes I don't nod off not even for a minute I'm not saying you can't but that's my rule as I do not ever go to sleep this heater or any heater is not on in my tent unless I'm fully awake and conscious
Channel: Coyote Works
Views: 56,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tent heater, Mr Buddy Heater, camping, heater, tent, rooftop tent, #rooftoptent
Id: tjfktJuc354
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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