Culture Shocks from Living in BRAZIL? (Rio)

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[Music] and here in Brazil I mean people will try and kiss you before they know your name people are dating M so many people at the same time it's sometimes very confusing I don't date Brazilians only Portuguese why because I have my girlfriend [Music] there where are you from I'm from London I come from Morocco I'm from Finland I'm from New Jersey United States of America I'm from Helsinki Finland Colombia Portugal Portugal Portugal my mom's Brazilian my dad's American I was born in Hong Kong lived in Hong Kong California Tampa Miami Hawaii Puerto Alon and Rio wait a minute who are you how long have you been in Brazil 1 year and a half I've been here since 2019 oh my gosh I've been here 18 years I've been to Rio a few times for work for vacation but uh I recently moved here so this is my second week permanently living here so I used to live here for 4 years and then I moved back to Helsinki but these days cuz I work from home I come and go so now I'm here for 1 month almost two weeks it's been about 15 years now what's your favorite thing about living in Brazil I think it's lifestyle like I feel lighter living here the people are so much more open than Scandinavians beautiful people lots of culture lots of good things going on every day Beach Forest everything you need we have our similarities because of our history but they are really outgoing really welcoming that I think that's the main difference to personality on a general note there's a this sense of Brotherhood since I mean I have family here he has family here you know someone that has family here so brother we are somewhat related they have amazing music [Music] here the culture is very interesting there's big cities there's amazing beaches like there's some something for everyone it's very warm embracing people are incredibly welcoming to the point that they're actually quite nosy and in your face I'm half Italian so I'm kind of used to that chaos and the loudness but I don't think anything prepares you for Brazil are you finding that it's easy to make friends here yes and no they're always like ah come to my house ah it's nice to meet you let's be friends and and that doesn't always mean that so it's just like nice talk they can be friendly with anybody and this is a good thing about it but it get it gives like you know a false impression that oh okay I think we're going to become really close friends or the best friends in the world I think most of the time it's not the case I've got some Bren friends who became really uh close friends but it took a long time so what are some things that you like better about Brazil and what are some things you like better about Portugal weather weather better here safety portal Portugal I prefer the food here but they're going to prefer the Portuguese one people are so much more family oriented here like it's very common that Sundays are always B together as a family like having lunch together I'm very close with my family but I feel like there's a huge difference people are so much more individual independent back in Helsinki in Finland where I'm from what's your least favorite thing about living in Brazil the security some places the Brazilians are very late the Brazilian Standard Time essentially but I'm my family's Indian too so I I can pretty much compete with that correlate with that too because we're almost late to all things as well for example we we Tred to make an appointment I don't know on the beach or the nightclub and and I ask them okay they's made up somewhere they're like oh yeah of course let's do it or uh sometimes it does doesn't happen because they don't want to be direct sometimes they don't want to say okay I can't sorry uh I'm not going to make it is there anything that you really don't like about Brazil oh can I say as many people might know that Finland is very strict country like we we obey the rules we are very obeying people and and honest and uh we always on time so here is basically the opposite this like kind of chaotic and it's a kind of jungle rules so one thing that I don't like it's the swimsuit they use that is really small for me is kind of bizarre just use a short yeah in Colombia people dress a little more conservatively dayto day right are there any stereotypes that you find to be particularly true or untrue about Brazilians think that Brazilians are very happy I do find it true they are happy they do like part they do like dancing like really hard to the floor like in their own Brazilian way well my mom said when I was a kid that don't trust Latinos and I think that is sometimes true I think a lot of people think that uh you know especially Brazilian women they think that Brazilian women are really loose and and all that kind of stuff and I think they'll find that that's not really the case they're just they're just a lot more friendly they're just a lot more you know down to earth and they're not as you know they don't have their nose up in the air as much is there anything that you're finding that's not true classes are very high comparing to Finland we don't have like that Elite group and and high middle class and and poor as we have here I would say that the poor people they are extremely kind it's not saying that all of them are criminals it's just a few parts of it so what are your experiences dating in Brazil I've dated a lot here and it's so different from dating back in Europe it's very very different in London particularly people can be a bit more reserved they take a little longer to warm up and here in Brazil I mean people will try and kiss you before they know your name my friend Ryan always says in Brazil a kiss is like a handshake they are so much less shy here but I think kokas are even less shy than anyone else like Brazilians in general have you noticed that men approach differently here in Colombia or is it the same really different really really different I think that in Colombia guys thinks that they need to say a lot of things that are not true and trying to convince you convince you that is not just a flirt that you're special just for one kiss and here like I was saying is they're really straightforward it's like okay I think you're pretty and I want to kiss you so for us we are used to that the guy started like flirting then dancing then saying things and but I think I prefer straightforward that all the things that they say it's not true it's like okay I know it's not true I'm not dumb do you like that men are more likely to approach you here than for instance in Finland yeah like I prefer it so much more the way it happens here it's so much more natural the the United States has a different cultural situation with dating here everyone's a lot more friendly a lot more engaged in conversation and willing to meet new people and go on different adventures with those people you have to separate dating in Brazil to Brazil Rio and then canaval because those three concepts and those three contexts are completely different they're like very sexual like openly sexual very straightforward women and men they are both really open so in Colombia it's more like uh the guys are trying to make makeup with girls and here is like the guy can do some approach but also girls if they see someone that they like they're going to be like hey hello excuse me my favorite thing is that yeah people are so engaging from the get-go people don't hold back they wear their heart on their sleeve they'll tell you immediately how they feel so there's no guessing my least favorite thing about dating in Brazil I think is sometimes people can be a bit too casual when it comes to say commitment or for um following through with plans with being maybe more serious there's this idea of a we are just staying together we are together and it's kind of very fleeting and it's yeah in some ways it's it's beautiful but in other ways it's incredibly frustrating in the beginning I think I the open doors for you this doesn't happen in Helsinki that much but then again I don't know like people are dating M so many people at the same time it's sometimes very confusing and do you think it's more common to date multiple people here in Brazil or in Finland it's so much more common here to date multiple people at the same time like in Helsinki you usually focus on one person at a time but I think that's a very Scandinavian thing it's more like the Latino culture that that we had in Europe in the 50s that women are say home moms and we don't work and guys are the head of that family so um I think it's still more that culture here it's a very good sign when the guy pays here sometimes if they want to split it's because they assume I have a lot of money cuz I come from Europe and that's a really bad sign how are you finding the men to be in Brazil so far they like the chase they like the hunt the men can be kind of flaky in terms of their planning or like trying to meet again or getting more serious but yeah they definitely like the excitement and the newness what do you think the differences in dating are between Portugal and Brazil me coming from Portugal like I had five matches a day and that was it like you expired the whole Tinder game in one day I came here and that I told you I had family here and that was like swiping swiping and it never stops it never stops I think they are more direct yeah direct I think that's the word I don't want to offend anyone but it's a good thing maybe in Portugal we're a little bit more even even though like both countries have a lot of like a big religious background I think that people here like women are a little bit more empowered than in Portugal maybe I don't know and you what are you finding are the the differences I don't date Brazilians only Portuguese why because I have my girlfriend there okay good answer do you find that people are more jealous here in Brazil they are so much more jealous here in Brazil I had some Partners who were extremely jealous and positive with me because they thought that that I would cheat on them I was just trying to understand why they were thinking that way but it's also part of the culture so my partners tended to be very jealous and positive with me because of their uh past experiences do you think people are more likely to cheat here in Brazil 100% no doubt about it I mean my ex-boyfriend kissed somebody body else in front of my face on New Year's Eve so I mean that kind of tells you everything you need to know they wear like clothes really really tight and they don't care if you are skinny fat like it looks good on you and you like it it's okay and nobody's going to judge you maybe there's a little bit different in other Latin American countries what I think also is that you can dress really really sexy and it doesn't mean anything obviously people here obsessed with their bodies like there's Flesh on display everywhere constantly and I do feel in Europe like of of course less is more the kind of you're more mysterious in how you dress and you know it's still very sexual it can be but here it's very provocative right it's very like in your face shorts are like knickers for us you know they're so short a crop top is like showing my boobs so yeah that takes a lot of getting used to that beach culture and that kind of obsession with how you look constantly with Instagram you know people's Instagram will just be every tile will just be a picture of themselves posing and that honestly coming from a a place that's a bit colder in temperature but also in personality that also took a lot of getting used to I live opposite AC CrossFit gym and uh so it doesn't matter what time of day I leave my house whether it's 7:00 a.m. 700 p.m. I'm reminded really and an exaggerated way of that classic Jim bro stereotype of Brazil the sleeve tattoos the huge pecs all the Flesh on display and so yeah there's definitely that stereotype that kind of uh Rio karaka beat stereotype when you come from Europe you feel like such a prude how have you changed since coming to Brazil to live here since moving to Brazil I've become much calmer especially here in Rio you learn you know things service is not the greatest you know things take a while but you learn just to you know chill the out like you know it's it's going to happen it's going to happen eventually you know my patience here if you have a dentist at 4:00 it's not 4:00 it could be 5:30 and they always say it's the traffic but it's always the traffic you know every day is the traffic I've learned that nothing that they say actually it's true or happens at the time that they say it will so I think I'm more open and I think I've getting a lot of more perspective on life I always thought that I was open-minded even when I was still in my country in Morocco but I realized that I was not open-minded enough when they first came here I'm a lot more open than I would have been in America essentially here you're meeting new people doing new things and you're just going to have the time of your life experiencing new experiences essentially Finland is supposed to be one of the happiest countries in the world do you feel like it's more happy in Finland or in Brazil I would say in Finland if you look the overall you can trust the government you can trust the police you can trust the security you can trust um basically everything so um we have more nature I mean beautiful Ario is a beautiful place but the jungle is not safe the beach is always crowded it's polluted so we don't have the touch of nature as we might have in Finland I think have you traveled to other parts of Brazil yeah I've traveled to the Northeast SRA Jer guua I've been to the South to Florianopolis then I've been to Sal Pao multiple times I've been to Bay Salvador there and then a national park there and yeah I've traveled around are you noticing any differences between the regions yeah like there's so many differences between the regions and I think that's what makes it super interesting it's kind of like their own countries where you go south it's more German Italian like strip culture so everybody says that everybody looks like me and probably looks like you because there's a lot of German Italian Roots there and further you go up north generally it tends to be more relaxed you know everybody's just calm let's let's go to the beach let's do our thing whatever you know so Rio is the place that I'm stuck I have two kids so I I'm living here but my favorite city is s Paulo it's more organized and more kind of like European style Soo is such a concrete uh City it's just full of skyscrapers or or you know toall buildings people of very different to they tend to be very serious because you know they work too much and then after that either they go back home or they go just you know uh a bar and here you can do whatever you like uh after work you go directly to the beach and it's very easy to meet your friends you can like uh make an appointment with them at the last minute and that's what I like about uh kocas in general
Channel: Dating Beyond Borders
Views: 130,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living in brazil, moving to brazil, brazilians, foreigners in brazil, moving abroad, culture shock, living in rio de janeiro, foreigners living in brazil, living in brazil as a foreigner, living in brazil as an american, moving to brazil from usa, life in brazil, moving to brazil as an american, rio de janeiro, gringo no brasil, dating in brazil, life in brazil for foreigners, expat in brazil, dating beyond borders, finnish abroad, americans abroad, brits abroad
Id: 9zjdzWJao0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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