Cuero ISD - Cuero Gobblers vs Smithville Tigers

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hello folks welcome to the gobbler coaches show my partner ray and i are here with gobbler head coach jack alvarez coach great victory last week against the navasota rattlers uh a game that was kind of a tale of two halves talk a little bit about uh about the first half and the second half i mean i thought first half they came out they had a good plan for us on their offensively they they kind of ran through us pretty quick i was uh i was i kind of threw everybody in a shot like holy cow i didn't expect them just to run through we knew they had some good athletes over there but they uh they ran some read ops and stuff and i thought we did a good job adjusting some of that at halftime pretty much shut them out the second half they didn't they didn't have a whole lot going second half offensively for them so i thought we did a good job with our coaches and kids uh overcoming some adversity on defense and and shutting those guys down second half offensively uh got we got four holding penalties in the first half to them caught back touchdowns and like i said it was i mean i felt like it was almost like the gettings game over again but this time i mean i thought against gideon's we fought we you know we overcame some adversity but uh you know and i told the kids hey we're gonna be in another game like that again at some point we're gonna have to fight all the way through and finish and i was really proud of how they uh handled everything that went bad to them and and overcame big win for the gobblers coach you know uh the week before you made the comment in the coaching show uh after the uh the gettings game you said you know i don't want this game to to define this team talking about the gettings game what do you think the the navasota game may have defined this team in the aspect that that they came back and and and exploded for 29 unanswered points uh i hope so i hope they i hope they understand that's who we can be and uh you know i definitely uh if we would uh if we'd had the same mindset in the second half or definitely late in the fourth quarter i think we would come out against getting yes yes i think we came out with beat gettings but uh yes sir that's more of the definition that i'm looking for exactly of uh quarrel gobblers that's what i was thinking talk a little bit a little bit about uh and i know without giving away anything if anybody out there is listening but it looked like you went to a different method of signing plays in because it seemed to be much quicker you even went up temple a little bit which would have been harder in my opinion you thought i'm saying to do did y'all go to a card system or what did you do we've actually been using the same system okay and just look down we pulled some cards out but we're still using some of the same system in term i mean we're using the exact same system what we did like uh we tried to put the kids under some more pressure through the week and we actually did it again this week yeah we used the 42nd clock the 25 second clock all week during practice and we we timed every snap and break and huddle just trying to make more of a sense of urgency and uh you know the system is a system it is what it is on that part of it but we did bring some cards out just uh where they didn't get confused on like when we do start trying to do up tempo stuff and we tried several times to go up tempo and and uh i think after after the getting the kids saw the need for being able to go a little faster and you know sometimes you have to have bad things happen to you before you say hey we have a problem here and and you know kids are just like adults they said they we could show them the need and and uh they came through for us again kind of along with ray said without giving anything away i mean the game's already over with but uh what what kind of adjustments did you make at halftime uh i guess defensively because i think number five had yeah no they they averaged almost nine yards of carry in the first half and they averaged 2.7 per carry in the second half what we did we went to more of an odd front uh where we were we were in a even front early and they were just they they were they were able to we we gave them a different breed than they'd been having in the first half so uh you know put it put an extra guy in the middle put two more guys outside so when they pulled it we had somebody for the quarterback to fall into and then in the middle made a different read for on the gift so i thought you know kids handled it and and maybe that you know as you talk about defining us we may be more of an odd front defense than we are an even front you know everybody likes the four hands down they think it stops to run better but sure did another night so uh you know just looking at our personnel and you know we don't have a lot of big big guys you know a nose and a nose and two four five techniques may be more what we're geared for instead of trying to find four big guys and we're gonna we're still experimenting with some of that and you know it does work good against spready type you know defense i mean offenses did in your mind did matter make a big difference having another big body so to speak well he's helped us so far just having another guy on the rotation he's a big strong kid and uh you know that was a that was the easiest place for us to give him a a chance to to contribute just because you i don't know if i'll play an offensive line in here but sometimes it's hard to come in late in the year and really contribute in the offensive line unless you've been practicing the whole time and uh you know he's had that back he had a back surgery and he's still very very strong good kid tries hard and uh you know i think he'll continue to help us over there well coach great win the other night to get your second district uh win of the year tonight you uh tonight you travel to smithville and face the smithville tigers talk a little bit about what uh what you're gonna face from those guys well defensively they're gonna they're they're very very aggressive on defense they're gonna play they're going to play an even front it's going to look like a lot of times it's going to look like those split six i'm probably talking to some old old folks right now they like to have you know six guys kind of in the front four downs two outside linebackers and a free safety they play really really hard they got some big kids over there uh we go you're gonna look at number 18 24 99 over there and they they have a lot of side i'll just call out there so yeah oh jesus the linebacker 6125 225 one of the ends two six two two forty five and the other end is uh six four two forty five and they got quite a bit of speed behind in the secondary so they are a form to an opponent and i will say this they are they play hard as long as they got a chance they play really really hard uh and not to cut you off here but but they're they're a couple of their district losses were close i mean they've they've played everybody close right they they've played everybody close like i said this is their year like well i remember after i got to go to the i got to have a zoom meeting and just kind of amongst the coaches they felt like that uh this was kind of smithfield's year uh they had a bunch of kids in the program if you look at their they got a lot of juniors and seniors on this team so uh you know they have some maturity about them and they have some confidence so i don't know what how things went for them last year but i know i know when i watch film what what good kids look like and i got a bunch of good kids on the field um giddings it was 1815 gettings won 18 to 15 again like i said it's time we're we're expecting we're expecting a a tough ball game so uh you know offensively you turn around you look at them uh their quarterback he's a pretty good operator uh he's six one one eighty and then 18 and 24 those two guys play on offense as well one of them play they both play running back and i think i think number 18 plays some tight end also but then they got some other guys with some speed i think their best receiver is uh number five and their other good running back is is number three so they they will they will pose us some problems which you know this point of the year playing good people is only going to help you down the line and uh man we go over there tonight is what i've been talking to the kids about you know we go in there tonight we still got a chance for a part of the district title we go in there we get a win we punch our tickets into the playoffs you know everybody say you're in you're in i mean we go over there and lose and some other people went out we see sitting here and holding the bag so we need to control our own fate we need to go over and take care of our business and come away with a win well coach talk a little bit about what happened last night well before we go into that ray do you have any stats regarding smithville uh we've played them five times and we've won all five times i didn't realize we played them uh in the state championship here in the bi-district round i picked that up by the coral record 87 okay we played them in 87 but uh they we played them four years in a row we played them one time in the playoffs in 87 and then 12 13 14 and 15. uh for some reason they were just in our schedule okay i know they were in the district when my son was a senior which was the football year of 13. so i guess they were in our district for four years back then because it was we played lagrange and gettings my son was a senior that was the district gonzalez lagrange almost the same as this year except navisota wasn't in and i can't remember who else was in it but now i do think they're going to pose some people some problems as things go in these last two weeks i think there'll be a player in that uh and i still think lagrange no it's i think everything's still really really wide open right districts well about let me ask one question though what do you think the difference is is i guess now we've won i think i'm right in this we haven't won on the road yet no we have nothing i don't i don't want to jinx you but i think i'm correct in that assessment that is that is the other thing i'm telling the kids we've not won a road game and uh yeah we got to learn how to travel i said you plan on being in the playoffs you better learn how of travel and went on the road and and uh you know i don't know if i've ever had a season i've been this late in the year without a road win and uh yeah i know we had we played at home more than we've been on the road but still we've lost three on the road that's right four and one at home yeah four and one at home so we uh we definitely need to learn how to travel a little better we're doing a couple things this week see if it helps with i mean we've been going with whataburger we're gonna go dairy queen this week see if that makes a little bit of a difference on the road i don't know well coach we're going to wear green pants and white tops so i don't know they think the you know at home we've been wearing what is it green tops white bottoms and they they didn't we wanted that so they want to get away from it so on the road we've been white on white every time so i think they said hey go just try the green pants what i am for whatever i will i will roll the dice when it comes to what what color oh sure what color is on top and bottom we'll talk a little bit about uh sub varsity games and i think junior high play talk about all that that happened last night last night seventh grade one 42-6 they will have a chance to be the district champion 8th grade i know they didn't have a very good year last year they won but they did win again 38-6 and if they win next week uh both them win that uh the way i gotta calculate they'll both be district champions so uh b bill's only one we've lost two with the eighth grade and then and they didn't play they said they were going to play our whole district schedule but i found out last night they didn't play gonzalez so we're throwing we're throwing them out they don't play everybody we're throwing you out so anyway and then uh smithville did not have a j a true freshman or jv last night they had to come a combined team so we combined our two teams and we beat those guys 34-0 so we had a good night with the lower levels uh so future's bright yes sir future's real bright well go ahead ray just because i was out of the loop last week's first week we've all been back together it's kind of like a long time but uh is the seventh grade did they play bill last week they won so they're still undefeated or they're still undefeated okay i'm just keeping track over here that was i tell you what we talked i don't remember if we mentioned it but uh but it was belt belleville or beeville belleville belleville it was better hey you gotta realize you're not you're from east texas we understand right it was belleville i drove i saw the school buses when there but anyway the uh that i tell you what i that was the most impressive eighth-grade group i've seen we played we played them pretty tight they had some really big linemen had a running back and couple linebackers that for eighth graders i was very very impressed with more so than anybody i've seen so far at that age group down this way so anyway they had a good team and i thought our kids fought them hard anything else you want to ask on that on that subvarsity right no i i mean it's just doing doing well i mean you know we'll talk talk about what else is going on in gobbler athletics may mention uh brooke wendell very proud of hershey district champion across country she went over to star starkey park and dominated her her run so she'll be moving on uh girls volleyball i know we got a big win last week against navarro and then kind of punched our ticket into a stronger playoff position uh got to go watch play last night in the uh by district round got beat by i thought a very solid bernie team we uh you know we i i really i really hurt for the kids because you could tell they they felt like to me just watched them all year they just got better and better as they went and uh i think that program's gonna turn we gotta somehow figure out how to get them out of the first round and yeah hopefully coach lindley will get that thing uh where she's a perennial power also and then uh basketball and started practicing correct oh yes sir basketball girls basketball started last week wednesday and boys basketball started they're going in the mornings right now coach blanc's got uh got those kids coming up here early in the morning kind of a little it's not a true two of days right now but he's trying to find out who's in and who's ain't so yeah as far as getting them up early getting the morning basketball practice in so anyway that's that's that's almost everything will be started here pretty quick but by february we'll have some baseball and softball involved too and track right behind it so yeah things are picking up in the school business ray anything else no i'm just kind of glad to be back in the loop after having to stay home the last two weeks i know you've been on volleyball assignment a little bit i want to thank john frails for filling in and micah for filling in everybody being flexible throw this out i mean uh i understand claire i'll ask you a question sign a scholarship with uh texas women's up in denton that's correct so that's that's a good uh i know just a little bit because i was up in northeast texas a while too that's that's a that's a good spot for a kid to get to go play volleyball good congratulations to you and your family and claire very proud of her i know she's going to do a signing next week yeah she verbally committed earlier in the week and then there will be a signing on november the 11th so well congratulations to you and your family i think that's huge for them thank you thank you thank you coach i greatly appreciate that all those days of driving to summer volleyball and everything we still got one we're still doing yourself doing it for somebody else good good well congratulations thank you well coach good luck tonight against the smithville tigers bring home victory number three and punch that ticket thanks for listening bye hello folks welcome to smithville texas smithville isd tiger stadium against tonight's district match up between the smithville tigers and the quarrel gobblers quarrel gobblers have just come onto the field fixing run out through the trotter line ray uh you know talking to coach alvarez this morning i think he wants tonight's team to come to the field bringing the same intensity that they showed in that second half last week yeah they really did it was a tale of two halves and you know we talked about it in the coaches show if you didn't listen to it that uh and we are broadcasting from the stands again tonight folks if you hear a lot of background noise but uh you know carl hadn't won on the road yet this year so they're wearing a little different uniform tonight tried a different pregame meal clay did a few things different but you know four and one at home and owen three on the road but uh if coral wants to be in contention for the district championship uh they have to win tonight and win next week at home big big district game tonight you know a lot of folks out there probably think quarrels two and one they got it wrapped up well the they're trying to get a better seed into the playoff folks and and and there's still a possibility out there that the quarrel gobblers can uh can uh have a three-way tie for the district championship and uh hopefully advance as the district uh winner based on positive points right right yeah right i you know we have to win tonight we have to win next week and navasota has to win tonight uh i mean it would help us if giddings would lose but giddings goes to navasota next week and if navasota beats gettings by any any margin and we win tonight and win next week then i think the way i understand the plus and minus points coral will be the district champion well folks we got about a little under six minutes left to go before kickoff like ray said as you can see on the screen the guy the gobblers are coming out in a little different uniforms tonight green pants white jerseys with green numbers and of course the traditional white helmets yeah for those of y'all who may have been up here we played they were in our district this is the sixth time we've played smithville and we've won uh all four uh all five times that we've played them first time was in 87 the state championship year we beat them in by district then they were in our district in 12 13 14 and 15. and this is a new facility the last year was the first year smithfield was in this facility so it is a is a nice a nice new place to play it is a nice new place to to play it looks very nice uh the only drawback is their their press box isn't big enough so we uh are calling it from the mosh pit ray that's right that's right uh if the crowd gets rowdy around us say we're right in the middle of it folks so uh tigers have walked through their blow up sign in all black orange letters and shiny orange helmets we're also down much much lower you know we're they gave us a table on like the third row of the stands on the visitor's side so the angle of the camera is going to be a little bit lower today we're going to be right above the players helmets folks hey coaches mike cantu with gobbler radio uh tell me about tonight's game what are your thoughts i think it will be a fast physical game we gotta you know offensively we need to control the ball uh minimize just mistakes over all mistakes and act like a playoff team we can be sounds good sir kickoff is sponsored by rnc insurance thanks guys all right thanks mike there we go so uh minimize the mistakes that's the key for the gobblers tonight um you know typically in the past couple of games they've they've exhibited those those mistakes those errors which have gotten them in a hole yeah no that was that was the game last week in the first half we had three holding calls that killed called back a couple touchdowns and killed the three drives we didn't score in the first half and then giddings was uh wasn't holding calls but we'll give defensive getting's defense a little credit for being creative and calling offensive signals but but we have way too many procedure penalties but yeah if we don't if we don't beat ourselves i like our chances tonight clay folks fixing to get ready to uh do the national anthem at that time we'll stop speaking and let you listen then we'll come back on and talk some more ray i'll let you call this flip okay yes yeah i'm not sure i understand you aisles uil's deal on doing this i know i say it every week but they've already flipped so why don't they just walk out and tell us or why don't they just have a traditional coin toss like yeah [Applause] they're doing lots of explaining as you can see folks it's a clear cool night with a full moon over our back uh this is football weather right here yeah it's interesting they they ran through the kind of the fire extinguisher fog and it's just hanging in the air over there looks like smithville won the toss he's talking to them yeah they're going to defer to the second half so coral's going to get the ball i assume we're going to get the ball i can't believe we'd give it to him [Applause] twice coral will receive from what i'm gonna say would be the north end zone because the sun set behind the home stand so i think we're looking west clay as soon as this thing gets kicked off uh we'll i'll give you the offensive starters but right now i think we're going to do the national anthem stand and remove your caps and helmets playing the national anthem close to another colors will be done by cubs count pact 183 boys cashier 183. what's up [Music] oh [Music] oh foreign [Music] all right folks fixing to get this thing kicked off you're gonna hear uh you're gonna hear from the offense first starting that starting lineup for the offense uh left tackle kyle weghorst left guard jaden nichols center caleb smith right guard jake plunkett right tackle jonas de leon the y back or the tight end is aj royal wide receivers are going to be dedrick mathis and xavier durham running backs are going to be tyson williams jackson hardwick breck yellaby you're also going to hear uh brexit at a wide receiver and the quarterback is going to be jerry rosette doug's plumbing located right crowd beautiful smithville texas we love our customers and proud to stand behind the work we do for honest friendly reliable service [Applause] clay i think we may have more fans here tonight than the home team right right i was just thinking the same thing [Applause] all right deep for the gobblers is going to be tyson williams clay i watch them kick in field goals and warm-ups and uh didn't look like uh jesse mays the kicker m-a-y-e-s uh doesn't appear to have a tremendously strong leg because we're all standing at about the 15-yard line i would anticipate a pooch kick tyson williams lebron johnson and jason varela deep for the gobblers here we go folks squib kick down the middle of the field taken by varela at about the 25 yard line he slips down and falls gets out to the uh [Applause] about 28 yard line [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ball's going to be spotted at the 29-yard line first and 10 for the gobbler offense [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they break the huddle with two one receiver split to either side tyson williams lined up behind rosette rosette looks to the sidelines to maybe change the play you better hurry play clock has gone to zero folks and the flags fly [Applause] so not a good start for the gobbler offense had the full amount of time no no uh no rushing uh there they weren't being rushed and let that thing bleed all the way down to zero yeah look like he tried to draw him offsides i mean we were given a bunch of barking you know until the clock got to about 15 then he looked to the sideline for the signal all right first and 15 from the 24. [Music] rosette drops back throws out to his right caught looks like lebron johnson [Applause] good game johnson see out to the 36 clay gonna bring up second and four [Music] williams and hardwick lined up behind rosette crosses over to williams he gets the first down or close to it i think they're going to give it to him good run there by tyson williams yeah picked up five yards first and ten from the aquaro 41 yard line [Applause] hardwick lined up behind rosette throws out to the left flat tyson williams caught down the gobbler sideline pushed out of bounds right at the just short of the 50. [Music] [Applause] good sign ray on the sidelines uh caitlin malendrakis is just suited out oh good yeah i hadn't even yeah i hadn't even looked at him he was on crutches last week yeah i think he had something with his ankles yes good deal hardwick and williams lined up behind rosette no don't snap it we're all in motion yeah they touched us yeah it was dead ball yeah all right so penalty is going to push it forward five and give us give the gobblers a first down move it into smithfield territory to the smithfield 47. [Applause] [Music] hardwick and rosette handoff to hardwick up the middle gets about three bring up second and seven jackson park you heard coach alvarez and coach show talk about this smithville defense they are they are pretty big big number 99 over here on this right in cole johnson 6-4 245 rosette pitches it to tyson williams around the right-hand side he cuts it up brought down by big cole johnson but not after a gobbler first down it takes it all the way to the 34-yard line clay up ten on second and seven well we've strung three consecutive first downs together see if we can keep this going rosette fakes the handoff rolls to his left throws down throws in the left flat caught jackson hardwick short of the first down but uh nice play does that play doesn't make the cross buck and throw it to the back flag on the play though uh they got a mic here for the riff i don't know what happened to ours in cuero we used to have one oh that's a towel all right oh it's a towel okay i thought it's a fly the ref ought to pick it up you know what i mean ray yeah all right here we go second and one rosette pitches to williams around the left-hand side first down and more [Music] [Applause] picked up eight clay ball is spotted at the 17 yard line first and ten that's a statistician's worst nightmare cut up that a boy good job by tyson picking out the hole planting the foot and going north and south down to the twelve [Applause] yeah second and five from the 12. [Applause] yeah i may do that short [Applause] looks like he's gonna be just short but it is gonna be a gobbler first down first and goal from about the two yard line tyson williams lined up behind rosette to give is to williams he's going to cut it up and get in easily folks oh they got [Applause] sadie wow from this angle i thought he was in that one ref's got his hands up in there oh he's putting his hands up to get the ball all right it's going to be right on the inside the one yard line i go back to the tom brady rule here when he was with new england i forget i saw the stat one time but like in the hundreds of times that he like 300 times that he ran a quarterback sneak they only stopped him like three times there you go rosette under center no signal yet that touchdown yeah touchdown quarrel gobblers that touchdown brought to you by brian gomez state farm insurance [Music] beau fournette out to kick the extra point lucas to board the holder [Applause] the holder just case in gender i'm sorry the snapper is chasing gender so with 807 11 plays 71 yards three minutes and 53 seconds three pass completions and eight rushes and we're in the end zone clay kickoff sponsor we forgot to mention that appreciate uh we appreciate rnc insurance located at 212 north esplanade phone number is 361-275-9800 stop by and see rich carbonara and his staff for your insurance needs [Music] deep for the tigers is number three christian atkins and number four charles hodge [Music] all right [Music] pooch kick where nobody is at bobble but picked up by oh and hit right in the head good hit good hit by davon williams yeah he put his shoulder into him and obliterated him all right let me give you the starters from defense for the gobblers at end steven magura nose tackle thomas meador uh regular tackle charles de ruin rush in both fournette sam linebacker zyler jones mike linebacker kalyn as will linebacker lucas the board your corners are dedrick mathis and j.j belvin free safety's donovan jones and your regular your strong safety is jd notaro shotgun formation for the smithville tigers quarterback hands off to number 10 are on the left-hand side he's giving up ground and dropped for a loss [Applause] brought down by both fournette at about the 12-yard line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good uh good defensive uh play there by the gobbler defense led by beau fournette loss of seven brings up second and [Music] seventeen hands off to number five around the end got some room drugged down by a uh touchdown save and tackle box gotcha yeah we got it we got a flag uh blindside block cut clay okay i didn't see the red thor but it clearly was you can't peel back anymore like on a punt return and pick somebody off it was blindsided yeah he's telling he at least the reps telling him what he did number 18 was past our guy who was running toward and you can't you can't peel back and hit somebody that can't see you good run there by our monte chase but uh that will be brought back so he'll get credit for the run from the 13 out to the 23 so he gets 10 yards on the run but then they're going to mark off half the distance to the goal when the ball is going to go back to the 11 and a half yard line [Applause] yeah you got to come on red if you got to go four more yards should be at you go put that's 12 11 and a half 12 it's between 11 and 12. [Applause] who carried that clay i'm sorry help me out again man armante chase amante chase so number five thank you i didn't have my their roster out yet quarterback hands off underneath dropped for another loss [Applause] aj arroyo on the tackle the ball carrier number 18 chris sanders is bottled up by arroyo another loss brings up third and forever [Music] want to thank our spotters in the booth here roland villafranca and oscar ray [Music] you notice i said booth yeah outdoor booth quarterbacks pitches to the oh man caught in the end zone no they don't put it at the one all [Applause] arroyo right that charge uh also fournette i think that's number 18 again [Applause] so drops him for another short loss the the the punter will have the his heels at the back of the end zone yeah this is uh fourth down and 29 deep for the one yard line deep for the gobblers is brett yellerbee low spiraling kick hillaby stays away from it that's a good job in high school today very good you know he netted 40 gets it out to the 47-yard line 40 from the backyard yeah 46-yard net pun that's pretty good defensive series clay very good defensive series led by fournette and arroyo yeah we go 11 plays and score they had a penalty in there so they go five plays and punt all right gobblers come to the line starting out with good field position rosette fakes hit almost hit from behind and but he gets it off intended receiver was xavier durham but he overthrew [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right second and 10. [Music] rosette hardwick hands off to hardwick over the right-hand side gain of about four [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rosette drops back throws out in the right flat caught great catch but uh the smithfield tigers were all around him again no gain all right or is it a loss i think it's a loss yeah we were down at the 40 about 43 and a half and they're gonna spot it back to the original line of scrimmage so all right who caught it [Applause] i guess eight i think it was ella b we're so low when they get on the far side of the field folks pardon us if we uh don't know the who the player is because we're right at helmet high with these with this angle as you probably are too looking at it from the camera [Applause] [Music] jackson hardwick is your punter low punt gets it off though it does a great job out bounce bounce bounce takes a quarrel roll inside the 10. [Applause] right at the five good job by jackson hardwick so if you just joined us 4 23 left to go in the first quarter quarrels up seven to nothing have they have pinned the tigers deep in their first on their first drive and now they've pinned them deep again on their second drive engine service truck and trailer repair their 24 hour road service they're located on highway 87 985 us highway 87 their number is 275-9195 need your big truck or trailer repair stop by engine service and let edward and his staff take care of you they are also our halftime sponsor and we appreciate their donation first and ten from the five for the smithville tigers [Music] left receiver move jumped yep sure did two and a half yard penalty to the two and a half [Music] thank you [Music] so they've had an 11-yard penalty and a three-yard penalty clay all right here we go same formation two receivers split to either side quarterback drops straight back looks to his left knight breaks the pocket pressured gets gets it away but oh almost deflected and caught in the end zone yeah he deflected it out about the five six seven yard line and the ball went all the way back in the end zone [Music] good coverage here i think it was uh deverick denver mathis yep first attempted pass for smithfield tonight ends up incomplete brings up second and 13. hands off to the runner back up the middle big hole brought down [Applause] [Music] by justice belvin but not before a huge gain [Music] but that running back that ran that ball was christian atkins number three yeah picked up 21 yards clay uh 22 yards [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm sorry we're so low 30 32 yards clay [Music] i knew you'd get it right here in the middle they're at the 34 not the 24 first and 10. [Music] two three receivers split to the right one to the left quarterback keeps it himself over the right hand side goes around right in driven out of bounds by justice belvin and j.d nataro [Applause] [Music] gain of seven on first down yeah make second down and third down pretty easy quarterback number eight blake siegel 6-1 180 only a junior [Music] [Applause] siegel drops back for a loss charles de reux siegel was flushed from the pocket but uh didn't last very long charles de roon uh dropped him [Applause] loss of five [Applause] brings up third and a long eight two receivers split to either side quarterback drops back is pressured again throws oh geez he's wide open by number three atkins down the tiger sidelines makes one man miss and then driven out of bounds in the gobbler territory either that was a well-designed offensive play or a blown coverage on defense because there was nobody with the back out of the backfield good pressure by the front four first down 10. [Applause] 25 yards [Applause] first and 10 from the quarrel 38-yard line [Music] keeps it himself fakes to the right goes up the middle a couple of yards brought down by fournette and charles ruin second and six yeah number three uh for them clay uh christian atkins he's had a 32-yard run in a 25-yard reception so he's they've been negative on almost every other play except that but those two plays in this drive add up to 57 yards he goes out number five armante chase comes in [Music] the wide receiver was only five yards off sides the handoff is to chase over the right hand side cut down by charles de roon jackson hardwick cleans cleans them up [Music] [Applause] brings up third and five [Music] oh there you go hands off to big number 18 chris sanders jackson hardwick but him in the background [Music] chris sanders 6-1 225 that's a load right there ray yeah loss of three can you get off the field here on fourth and eight can your defense make another play [Applause] three receivers to the right one to the left quarterback drops back looks downfield heaves it down there caught it caught for a touchdown who caught it defended defended well by number four you gotta good it's hard it's hard to do but if you're the defensive back you have to look for the ball you can't charles you know that's the key i mean he was in good position clay he was in great position just the receiver saw the ball and the defensive back did not [Applause] good snap and he gets it through barely so with 40 seconds left to go in the first quarter that brings the score to smithville seven quarrel seven brian gomez state farm insurance holler brian gomez for your insurance needs his number is three six one 361-275-9193 brian is our is our touchdown sponsor and we always appreciate his donation to the gobbler bruce club plays 95 yards three minutes and 43 seconds off the clock jason varela tyson williams brett element deep for the gobblers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] oh short pooch kick straight out of bounds didn't even go about but about 15 yards draws a flag [Music] we have an early scorer in our in our district gonzalez eight navisoda seven that's interesting you have went for two early getting seven lagrange zero [Music] all right so with the penalty quarrels going to get the ball at their 42 yard line rosette quickly hands off to tyson williams he cuts it up after going still on his feet [Music] it's gonna be a gain of about what two ray yeah looks like they're gonna give him maybe just one clay okay let's see where they put it yeah 43 so i picked up one [Music] three receivers put out to the right hand side williams lined up next to rosette rosette will not get the play off so at the end of one folks the score is tied seven to seven [Music] stop by lance tyre for all your vehicle maintenance repair or tire needs they offer credit programs for a wide array of services they're located at 1003 west heaton in coral texas their phone number is 361-275-2387 [Music] [Applause] [Music] ray what you think well i mean scores seven to seven stats are probably pretty even uh you know they put together a 95-yard drive after going negative you thought i'm saying on the first drive we had 71 on the touchdown drive that we scored on and went you know three and punt with no gain no yards on the second one so scoreboard kind of matches the stats [Music] [Applause] all right quarrel comes out in the second quarter facing the second and nine from their 43-yard line they stick with the same formation three receivers out to the right all lined up in a row rosette throws downfield good good catch by lebron johnson right at the first down marker and we have a late flag they're going to say they're going say lebron stepped out of bounds because the ref through his hat whenever the ref throws his hat the the receiver can't can't go out of bounds and be the first guy to touch the ball when he comes back in at least that's what you'll see on saturday and sunday if you watch on tv i don't know if that's what they're going to call but he threw his hat huh smithfield's moving back i wonder why he threw his hat off i saw him throw his hat well it's good it's going to be on him okay so the ball went to the 48 so we went from the this is a 15 yarder we went from the coral 43 to their 48 so picked up nine on the pass completion ray that that throne of the hat may have just signified that somebody went out of bounds okay could be because i agree with you they throw their hat they do their hat that means when somebody goes out of bounds three receivers to the right rosette quick pass caught brett yelabi [Applause] but not after a gain of about four [Applause] looks like a gain of five so second and five [Music] eleven lined up in the backfield next to rosette [Applause] durham goes in motion pitch to durham tries to get the corner doesn't get it good good penetration there by that that right in for smithville to uh blow that thing up they're gonna give him one yard it's gonna bring up third and fourth yeah we're definitely in two down territory here clay hardwick lined up behind rosette hand off the hardwood right up the middle you're gonna be a yard shard [Music] bring up fourth and one [Applause] [Music] all right gobblers go quickly to the line [Applause] actually fourth and two and smithville calls a timeout fourth and two they put it on the 25. i thought he has to cross the 25. quarrel education foundation is also a proud sponsor of the quarrel athletic booster club i want to make a difference in a child's life donate today to the coral isd education foundation learn more at clay it wouldn't surprise me to see him fake that cross buck and throw the little pass to the flat to the back and the flat generally it's wide open i don't know that they'll want to throw it but [Music] [Applause] all right your backfield's going to be rosette and ellerbee [Applause] lebron johnson split out to the left xavier durham to the right throws it up no one there they we must they must have been offside [Music] we do have a flag on the play and that official doesn't have a hat either right right we did that we did that against they called it like that we thought they were offside against navasota and we threw an interception it looks like it looked like lebron johnson just stopped running offside offside on the defense yeah he pushed him out of bounds defense is offside so this will automatic first down yep so the ball is at the 20-yard line now first and ten from the 20. [Applause] that's a nice way to pick up a first down on fourth and two yep hardwick and rosette in the backfield throws across the middle of the field touchdown caught tyson williams that's a good job by the running back to go up with his hands and get it clay that touchdown brought to you by brian gomez state farm insurance great play all around there good pass by eleby good catch by i'm sorry by rosette uh good catch by tyson williams got to give his credit credit yeah he put it right where it needed to be [Music] high snap but fournette kicks it through all right folks 9 56 left to go in the half squirrel leads now 14 to 7. [Music] the quarrel record is a long time sponsor of the choir athletic booster club pick up your paper pick up their weekly paper at local businesses in town six six plays 58 yards clay two minutes and 44 seconds [Applause] yeah that was a nice drive there [Applause] yeah that's one thing that we've done really well this year is throw the bags i think in high school football it's really hard for linebackers to cover running backs 20 30 yards you thought i'm saying down the field yeah put a lot of pressure on the defense that away [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right atkins atkinson hodge looks like her d for the uh i would think we would not kick it deep nope you're exactly right pooch kick fair caught at the 31 yard line good call ray yeah they i think three three and i wouldn't want three and 18 to have a 10 or 15 yard head start it was me is hodge number four uh atkins and hodge back there they're speedsters all right ball at the 35 yard line that's kind of odd he caught it at the 31. [Music] yeah i thought i thought i agree with you all right three receivers split to the left one to the right empty backfield now atkins drops back surveys the field pressured gonna be taken [Applause] [Music] broke down by raiden rivera every time i know he threw the touchdown pass but every time they've tried to throw the ball there's been really good pressure he hadn't had a lot of time to stand there and look around yeah i think i think our defensive line is is doing a great job of getting in there disrupting things [Music] second and eight [Applause] three receivers to the left one to the right snap snap to atkins that's just the inside zone read and he just goes right up you thought i'm saying but not after a first down [Applause] siegel fakes the hand off again himself oh fumble we got him on the ground [Applause] he picked it up at the 48. uh nataro and jd he thought then he fumbled it back oh don't tell me that yeah he did that's what smithfield's saying i don't know that'll be the second time in a couple weeks that's happened so small recovered eight gets seven yards on the carry he fumbles quarrel recovers then nataro picks it up at the 48 and he returned it 12 yards and he fumbles and smithfield gets it back and it's first down in 10. at the smithville 40. so they lost five yards five yards of field position out of that but they get the first down back right but they get the first down back quarterback throws out in the left flat hits the ground incomplete that was fortunate that that was incomplete because i think he had some green to run i agree [Applause] [Music] three receivers split to the left one to the right siegel drops back throws quickly oh overthrows that wasn't even close man denver mathis was out there on him brings up third and 10. a little bit high it could have been lou al cinder and he couldn't have caught that [Applause] i guess i should say kareem abdul-jabbar yeah i don't know that's karim jabar yeah i'm old school back to his ucla days in milwaukee buck days [Applause] all right same formation three to the left one to the right get there there you go [Applause] [Music] the rowan's been in the backfield all night tonight ray [Applause] he's working on that defensive player of the game again he wants it all to himself this time [Music] they've rushed the ball that counts as a running play but they've had 12 rushes six for negative yards and six for positive yards break yellow be deep for the gobblers high snap low kick get away get away hit us it hit us hit lucas the board and smithville will take over from there bad turn of events there for the gobbler special teams the boards running down field with his back to the ball and it's just slow line drive line driving you can't blame that on the board no i don't know technically does that count as a fumble clay i don't think so i guess it's a i don't know you're the stud guy you can count whatever you want so now the ball is at the coil 38 quick hitter over the right hand side to number three christian atkins brought down by charles thomas meadors [Applause] brings up second and and eight for the tigers in gobbler territory [Applause] [Music] siegel hands up again brought in the men in the backfield by charles de roon siegel handed off to atkins again and derun was there at the mesh point drove him back i'll give charles a lot of credit but somebody for them probably either he's just so much quicker or somebody's not blocking somebody they're supposed to block you shouldn't hit the back four yards in the backfield before the quarterback hands it to him [Applause] brings up a third and ten situation siegel drops back looks breaks the pocket throws it across the middle caught by number 10 making people miss gonna get the first down and more had him wrapped up broke the tackle gets the first down finally brought down by jason varela clay they may have more quickness than anybody i think we've seen this year they got three five ten four yeah they got they got a lot of speed and the quarterback's quick too [Music] picked up 21 on third and 10. [Applause] two receivers to the left one to the right [Music] quarterback rides the running back keeps it himself up the middle touchdown smithville good uh fake there rachel yeah you see him ride number five he wrote him for a long way [Applause] [Applause] they have joachim's fight song [Applause] box snap the holder takes it around the left-hand side he didn't and gets in for the two-point conversion hey ray even the holder has some speed yeah tyson hancock there on that uh two-point conversion [Applause] that brings the score to smithville 15 quarrel 14 with 5 52 left to go in the half ray you know we talked about in the coaches show smithville has been in every game this year district wise yeah they are not a pushover varela williams ella be deep [Applause] yeah that was a 10 play 65 yard drive that we should have had possession of the ball twice you thought i'm saying and been off been off the field [Music] [Applause] pooch kick fair caught by lucas the board 551 left to go in the half you need to go score because they get the ball to start the second half [Applause] yard line first down tyson williams rosette in the backfield three receivers to the right rosette hands off to tyson over the left-hand side makes one man miss gets around the corner [Applause] tyson williams on the carry attacker made by connor schrosski chris sanders a gain of about two brings up second and eight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh they didn't cut big hit there by number one rj cardwell on jerry rosette to drop him for a huge loss he came in untouched looked like ray yeah has a blitz out of the secondary for number one you thought i'm saying he came off the edge on the back side jerry's left-handed so his back was to that side of the field he was looking to this side of the field thought we were going to get called for illegal procedure out here the receiver wasn't set when we snapped the ball but doesn't matter it's third and 15. 15 now [Applause] rosette throws out in the left picked off [Applause] in for the touchdown that that interception was made by tyson hancock pick six folks yeah that was thrown he threw it before the receiver looked and then the receiver turned and never saw the ball and it went right by tyson tigers this is [Music] [Applause] and the kick is good so with 411 left to go in the half that brings the score to smithville 22 coral 14 standard printing is is a trusted sponsor for your office or teaching supply needs go see jerry gonzalez at standard printing they offer a wide variety of services such as signs engraving custom digital work business cards and much more [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a lot to write clay that's why i'm quiet i'm sorry a lot happened in the last minute and a half it's all right varela williams and now [Applause] [Music] davion williams another short pooch kick great catch there by 20 shawn burks to uh preserve that possession nobody was expecting that you know i know i don't i'm not sure i'm 100 right on this but you can't hit the offensive player if the ball hadn't gone 10 yards you know they took out that rule so you couldn't hit somebody to try to recover you thought i'm saying knock them down before the ball goes 10 yards and go 14. i guess you're right i'm sorry it's all right you thank you thank you that makes sense it was 14. you're right i'm sorry that's all right we're so low yeah i know rosette fakes rolls to his right looks downfield throws across his body out of bounds tough tough throw there for a left-hander [Applause] but i like them rolling them out ray [Music] [Applause] yeah brings up second and ten four minutes left to go in the half coral trailing 22-14 rosette pitches to ella be around the right-hand side he passes it to lab more like it [Applause] shovel pass shuffle pass forward yes sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gonna bring up third and seven third and [Applause] [Music] seven [Applause] two receivers split to the left [Applause] rosette oh geez hands off uh on a misdirection to uh that's that little wrap around draw and he just got his foot tangled on the guard [Applause] no gain fourth and one back up one yard gain fourth and sixth so the gobblers will punt it away i don't think he'd do it here clay i drove by just one day i drove by this week and it was at lunch time and they actually were working on a fake punt so [Applause] deep for the tigers is number four charles hodge nope good snap [Applause] kicks it straight left goes out of bounds doesn't go out of bounds my bad and from this angle it looked like it was going to all right so smithville will take over with 229 left to go in the half looking to put more points on the board [Music] um [Music] [Applause] three receivers split to the left one to the right siegel drops back throws across the middle of the field incomplete could have been picked off but rayden rivera was thinking he almost had it second down [Music] [Applause] [Music] quarterback throws down the [Music] he's out of back tiger sidelines but uh the receiver was out of bounds yep intended receiver was number four charles hodge brings up third and ten i'm a little surprised clay and not trying to second-guess anybody's coaching staff but if i was them you run the ball on first down and see if you get five or six yards and eat some time if he throws an incomplete pass here they just turn right around and punt it back you know i'm saying it right it gives us plenty of time to try and they they get the ball to start the second half [Applause] we got two one two three four five six seven eight nine eleven yep we got eleven now [Music] three receivers to the left one to the right draw hands off two got him the running back up the middle number three there's a good defense call timeout girl thank you good job [Applause] [Music] grace memorial chapel is a quarrel gobblers booster club gold sponsor for your funeral needs contact former quarrel gobbler marcellus wesley at grace memorial chapel they will provide a personal touch in celebrating the life of a loved one they maintain the highest level level of professional standards and quality care grace memorial chapel is the offensive player of the game sponsor all right so 207 left to go in half smithville is facing a fourth and four and uh looks like if i'm barring any unforeseen tragedy here uh gobblers gonna get the ball back you wouldn't think smithfield would have anything up their sleeve here clay would you well no i just don't want him yeah no i don't know i agree with you i mean you're up hey you're up eight and you get the ball you would certainly think punt is in order but he's not the punter's not out there you're exactly right we had too many men we called timeout man man timeout too many men on the field for quarrel coach alvarez has to burn another timeout that's one of those you know if you're standing out there around the huddle there's had to been some miscommunication whether you're going to play defense or whether you're going to put your punt return if somebody that was on punt return was on the field that probably shouldn't have been [Music] yeah i think as low as that guy punts i just i'd play my defense and if he punts it i'd get out of the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right here we go fourth and fourth [Applause] and that's that's what that's it good good discipline by your defense corbeau custom pools will help their clients reimagine their backyards and collaborate to create a space that they will enjoy for joy for years to come they use exclusive designs state-of-the-art materials and hands-on craftsmanship for your in-ground pool and outdoor living environment give them a call at 361-648-7640 corvo custom pools is a gold sponsor of the coral gobblers all sports booster club they are also our defensive player of the game sponsor all right so now the punting team is on break yellow be deep for the gobblers who punts for them can you tell clay i haven't figured it out yet number eight punter not that not number eight i'm sorry we we're we're getting it ready okay the quarterback's number eight oh good punt fielded by ella b brought down right where he fielded it [Applause] thank you number nine is the punter i've missed that every time [Applause] [Applause] all right quarrel's gonna start out on the 35 their 35 yard line with the minute 59 left to go in the half they only used up 30 seconds and gave us a ball right back with three passes yeah [Music] three receivers split to the right [Applause] rosette hands off to tyson williams he cuts it up field brought down for after a short game gobblers go quick they were offside they jump flags are thrown players stopped [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right gonna bring up second and two two all right against the tigers down three yard line second down two it'd be nice to get a field goal and get you back within one score you can get it to about the 20-yard line you got a chance [Applause] handoff to williams over the left-hand side he's bottled up goes nowhere gonna give him the original line of scrimmage are they gonna drop him one yep loss of one on the player [Music] [Applause] [Music] pitch the elevator on the left-hand side he they are on him before he can do anything another loss on the play and smithville calls a timeout cole johnson leading the way on the tackle [Applause] smithfield calls a timeout looking to get this ball back with 56 seconds left to go [Applause] smithville [Music] so [Music] okay it'll be interesting we'll have to do what we did you know need a second half performance like we had last week against navaso to make some adjustments at halftime and figure out yeah we have uh just quickly let's see 10 20 28 30 35 45 50 55 56 we only have uh 47 yards rushing in the first half [Applause] [Music] [Applause] looks like we're trying to draw them off sides too [Music] [Applause] nobody bites yeah this last two minutes has taken 30 minutes to play all right neither team has any timeouts left yep that's you know kind of crazy you know i guess if you want to count the punt which i guess you have to we've had three turnovers in the first half one of which was a pick six but you know the drive that they we were up 14 to seven and created a turnover uh with their fumble and then gave it right back to him all right charles hodge deep for the tigers your punter is jackson hardwick [Applause] good snap good snap good kick get on the ground and eat up some time takes a gobbler roll and goes out of bounds [Applause] tigers will take over at their 22-yard line [Applause] [Music] at the entire 23-yard line take over first down all right gobbler secretary secondaries playing deep they're looking to play deep they're going to go that's probably smart for them they get the ball to start the second half why are we stopping the clock i get had he not blown the play in flag on the play yeah there's a flag over there all right so against smithville five yard penalty takes it back to the 18. [Music] legal procedure against the tigers [Music] [Applause] [Music] now he'll take another knee and that's gonna that's gonna be the last play of the first half folks with the quarrel gobblers trailing the smithfield tigers 22 to 14. we'll we'll be back toward the end of the halftime to give you some numbers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right folks that that is the half we'll be back in a little bit to talk about it uh welcome back uh we're here at halftime smithfield's band is on the field we're gonna run through some stats and some scores from the week and what's been going on in gobbles gobbler sports uh actually uh kind of an interesting game statistically uh corro had nine first downs six of which came on the opening opening drive uh smithville had six uh neither team could run the ball quarrel 17 rushes for 47 yards smithfield 19 for 59. coral 62 yards passing smithville 82 yards passing cuero was nine of 12. one interception smithfield and the interception was the pick six uh smithfield three of eight with no interceptions um coral punted three times for about a 34 yard average smithville about a three times for a 34 yard average and we had two lost fumbles uh and one after they fumbled on their loss fumble we returned it uh 12 yards and fumbled it right back to him and then we had the unfortunate being hit by the punt which counts as a turnover because they get the ball back so on that one drive that they scored to make it 15-14 they got the ball back twice after we had taken the ball taking the ball away or held him uh so uh penalties uh cuero just won four five smithville eight for 54. uh third down squirrel was over five smithfield two for six fourth down squirrel was one for one and smithfield was one for one time of possession 12 minutes and 50 seconds for cuero and 11 minutes and 10 seconds for smithfield individually for for cuero uh again not not a lot either way but uh tyson williams nine carries for 35 yards jackson hardwick five carries for 20 yards justin rossette two carries for minus six but he did have the one yard touchdown run brett kellerby won carry for minus two receiving lebron johnson two for 21 tyson williams two for 27 with the 20 yard touchdown uh jackson hardwick won for nine breck ella be three for four and uh xavier durham one for one one and again rosette was nine of 12 with one interception for 62 yards and and one touchdown some scores from around the district at half navisota 28 gonzalez 15. and did you hear the lagrange score what do you say he said getting second so something and then getting's 14 i didn't hear what uh lagrange chad that's who giddings plays tonight uh so earlier this week in uh gobbler athletics yesterday in the sub varsity results uh the seventh grade uh played smithfield and won 42-6 the 8th grade won 32-6 and the jv and freshman played a combined team from smithville and won 34 to nothing and so those teams will all finish their seasons next week the junior high will be at home against gonzales next thursday beginning at 4 30 probably would have four games in that i would think uh green and white seventh and a green and white eighth and then the freshman will be in gonzales thursday at 5 30 and the jv will be in gonzales uh at five at 5 30. so at halftime again gonzales 28 navisoda 15 and uh giddings is up 14 to seven on lagrange at the half and if you're just joining us it's 22 for smithville and 14 for uh for cuero the two-point conversion was a botched snap on the extra point after the second touchdown for smithville that the holder ended up picking it up took off running and was barely able to dive and hit the pylon and convert the two-point conversion on the volleyball front the lady gobblers had a he had a good week in the sense that they did beat navarro and finished the district in third place undisputed did make the playoffs but they did fall in three last night in foursville to bernie so the volleyball season is over for the lady gobblers and they will move on to basketball and hard to believe but volleyball finishes yesterday in the first basketball game according to the schedule we'll be uh in goalie ad november the 10th the first home game will be against joachim on november the 14th amy crane again the head girls basketball coach and the boys basketball team is also eligible to start having workouts and they have started uh that as well on the cross-country front i want to give congratulations uh for a job well done to brooke wendell who is your district uh 13 4a uh champion it may not be 13 4a for that's for football i'm not sure what the district number is let me pull out my little card here and i'll tell you for 27 27 okay so she is the district 27 for a uh cross country girls champion and so she'll be advancing uh to the regional meet and uh the regional meet will be tuesday uh november november the 10th and so congratulations to brooke and her i know she got made it all the way to the state meet as a sophomore and that's obviously her goal as a senior this year so uh looking forward to seeing how she competes on tuesday november the 10th trying to earn a spot in the state meet tuesday november the 24th in round rock so uh that's what's going on in uh gobbler sports uh this uh this week and what will be happening next week and next friday night cuero will be at home uh against uh the gonzalez apaches so it'd be interesting to see corel has to kick off clay to smithville be interesting to see if we can get a stop get the ball back and get something get something going yep two speedsters for the tigers atkins and hodge are going to be deep i assume they'll do what they did in the first half ray pooch kicked this thing keep it away from those two guys see if the uh the gobblers made the adjustments at halftime to uh to slow this tiger offense down they've done a pretty good job of it uh just some yeah a couple of middle mistakes and and so forth i mean both teams total yardage was basically a little bit over a hundred for each team fielded by another speedster number 10. he's running darryl henderson running backwards he caught the ball at about the 35-yard line boy that's a generous spot he was tackled inside the 30 and they're going to put the ball at the 32. austin frye did a good job of running him down but uh they're gonna they're gonna give him his yards back first down 10. [Applause] all right so gobbler defense back out on the field [Applause] quarterback hands off to run back right off the middle he's gone folks that's number three christian atkins out the gate first play of the second half trap play ray yeah no flags touchdown in the amount of uh 68 yards thank you ray brings the score to 28 to 14 with the point after still to go clay it's so damp out here all the all my papers are getting wet they feel wet when you pick them up we're sitting outside if y'all didn't know that they don't have a press box sufficient to host team personnel from the visting team all right the kick is good brings the score to 29 to 14 in favor of the smithfield tigers [Applause] wake up all right d for the gobblers is uh jason varela tyson williams and brett ellerby [Applause] still plenty of time but you don't want to keep digging the hole bigger [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one play 16 seconds off the clock clay [Music] oh my gosh straight up in the air flag on the play that's uh ray that's that that's that penalty you tried to call the game well he called a fair catch that time and if he calls fair catch even if the ball hits the ground you can call fair catch it's not squirrel's ball yeah they're going to get a 15-yard penalty for it and we're going to have the ball at about their 37-yard line [Applause] [Applause] smithfield saying they have the ball but referees are talking it over we think it's going to stay with cuero [Applause] yeah send your offense out there there you go put a little pressure on them they're gonna re-kick it and ray how can you re-kick it he called fair catch [Music] that didn't make any sense i mean it's better than smithfield having the ball i've never seen anything like this [Applause] [Music] it should be a 15-yard penalty [Applause] it's a five yard or whatever that is yeah that makes sense to me clay we've had three or four calls this year that have been inexplicable [Applause] oh he kicks that one we've got we better go out of bounds man man man he was wanting it to go out of bounds and jason varela [Applause] got tempers flaring down here yeah they're they're the smithfield player just took a quarrel player to the track 78 yards out of bounds to the track and then slung him on the track good good for austin frye to walk away from that one because that could have turned ugly austin fry the player that was driven onto the track let's go get fired up now let's go the second ref through the flag late because the quarrel kid who got thrown out on the track jumped up and came back you know he didn't throw a punch but he came back you know at the other guy surely they're not going to call off setting here wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's that's pretty lame yeah that is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he does he never signals anything here he goes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] called it on both teams ray not understanding that one yeah [Applause] all right so both teams are all on the kickoff uh number 34 jason varela was thinking that thing was going to go out of bounds and never did and when he finally picked it up they nailed him ball's going to be spotted at the 16 yard line first and 10 quarrel trailing by 15 points [Applause] handoff to tyson williams over the left-hand side he cuts it up the middle good gain flag on the flag and call holden classic winter should be half the distance to the go [Music] or is he going to give him the yardage on the play which would put the ball out to the he called personal foul ray chop block all right so first how does that work the ball was hit this the ball was at the 16. and so it ends up being a one-yard penalty on a personal foul they heard you they heard you it ought to go that this still doesn't make any sense because it's not a spot foul it should be half the distance to the goal from the 16. the ball should be at the eighth they're putting it at the two i mean the 12 so it's a four yard penalty [Applause] two receivers split to the right hand side ella be lined up behind rosette pitched ella b around the right hand side tries to get down field and is driven back another flag and they're calling smithfield saying they're calling it on quarrel [Music] [Applause] this is turning into a fiasco ray yeah i guess on that first one they're gonna i guess statistically on the first down play you give him tyson a carry out to the 22 so he gets six on the carry and they move it back 10 to the 12 like a holding call evidently uh elebee must have jumped up and said something or pushed him ray on this play [Music] all right so that's gonna take this where ray i don't think the refs know well he he signaled personal foul then he signaled unsportsmanlike all right so that's going to keep it right where it's at if i'm if i'm not mistaken so the balls back to the 11 second and 14. [Applause] williams and rosette two receivers to the left one to the right [Applause] how could he that makes no sense pass through out to the left flat [Applause] caught by lebron johnson short gain brings up third and long [Applause] third and eighth hey [Applause] 17-yard line [Applause] two receivers put to the left one to the right mozad and williams in the backfield rosette drops back throws out of bounds no receiver in the area fourth and [Applause] [Music] eighth [Applause] so the speedster charles hodge number four deep for the tigers [Applause] tigers look to get pretty good field position out of this punt kick by hardwick takes a quarrel bounce fielded by hodge brought down by number 88 davion williams flags on the play you would think while they threw it it's got to be holding on a return team we may get 10 more yards out of it [Music] three all right so that's what it's going to be holding on the tigers pushes them back to their 30 should be that 33 33 yard line [Applause] [Applause] two receivers put to the right one to the left hands off to running back around the left-hand side he gets close to a first down christian adkins takes the ball for about 11 for a first down [Music] fournette and arroyo in on the tackle [Applause] [Music] tiger defense tiger offense bleeding that clock early in the third quarter hands off again to atkins both four nets there to stop him along with the rowan and the rest of the gobbler defensive line [Applause] no gain second and ten [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hands off the hodge over the right hand side brought down by the board rivera along with aj arroyo third and nine [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] the quarterback drops back flags on the play gotta be procedure yep false start [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he's gone pitches it out to atkins over the right-hand side big gain brought down by durham but not after a tiger first down a gain of from the 41 let's see 19 yards 19 yards thank you ray [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] balls on the ground coral got it [Applause] yep yep quarterback puts it on the ground gobblers recover [Music] number six caitlyn malendrakis with the fumble recovery okay yeah updates on some district scores uh clay uh giddings is up 28 to seven on lagrange and navasota is uh 35-15 on gonzalez [Applause] all right here we go first and ten squirrel hands off to hardwick up the middle trap play short gain flag on the play you would think that if the referees are flagging you now aren't they you would think that'd be face masks [Applause] yeah yep [Applause] all right that puts the ball into into uh tiger territory first and ten quarrel at the smithville 45 yard line [Applause] rosette rolls to his right goes down field incomplete it's it was intercepted but they called him out of bounds so uh gobbler's fortunate there to dodge that clay on not and they're not on us but on quarrels last one two three four five six seven out of our last seven offensive snaps we've had one two three four five fifteen yard uh one ten yard penalty and four fifteen yard penalties now they hadn't been 15 yards because they were half the distance to the goal but it's like every other place a personal foul or a face mask or a chop block or rosette and hardwick in the backfield [Applause] rosette drops back he's taken down for a [Applause] loss [Applause] brings up a third third and fourteen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rosette drops straight back throws out into the right flat caught by lebron johnson makes one man miss thought he was going down the sidelines but he stepped out of bounds lebron johnson [Applause] oh that's what i was saying he went out of bounds because the play got blown dead but they ran the clock yeah that doesn't make any sense does it no the clock right yeah i'm sorry i'm yelling on air yeah the clock should have stopped on that yeah [Applause] all right here we go fourth and fourth and seven two receivers to the left one to the right rosette hands off the hard work on the little uh wrap around and he's short [Applause] drop short of the first down ball will go over on down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right here we go first and ten smithville [Applause] hand off to number three over the right hand side good defensive play there bye to ruin [Applause] it second down [Applause] two receivers split to the right two to the left [Music] [Applause] quarterback keeps it himself up the middle short gain bring up third down brought down by aj arroyo ray looks like the tigers are uh they're just trying to melt yeah yeah just they haven't thrown a pass this second half have they no they have not i don't blame them i mean right until we do something offensively there's not much pressure on them to have to convert yeah you're right [Applause] all right third and five big defensive stand for the quarrel gobblers here looks to throw it flushed out of the pocket short incomplete so nice defensive stand there by the gobbler defense [Applause] stops the clock as well [Music] [Applause] well we had four come off and three go on one two three four five see we oh we have ten guys on the field there we go eleven's going [Applause] deep for the gobblers is xavier durham almost who was that uh fournette no it could have been yeah i guess it was partially blocked yeah i think fournette got a piece of it from the 43 to the aquaro 31 it's a 26 yard punt with no return [Applause] two receivers to the left one to the right rosette and hardwick in the [Applause] backfield rosette throws out to the left right flat caught by elby driven out of bounds at the marker they're running the clock i thought he was driven out of yeah he got he got driven out of bounds about five yards and uh the clock continues to run [Applause] yeah they got a by he doesn't have time to throw the ball more than five yards down the field two to the left one to the right that'll be i mean uh rosette and hardwick in the backfield they jumped we throw it downfield high pointed incomplete [Music] but they were offsides [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah you wonder sometimes like you know the first drive everything we did offensively worked and i don't know whether dave just made such good adjustments and taken all of that you thought i'm saying away yeah or whether you go back to but it's been a struggle since you're exactly right [Applause] rosette rolls to his right throws out in the left right flat incomplete lebron johnson was the intended receiver third nate lebron johnson you know ray uh you just mentioned that he doesn't have much time to throw but we're gonna start looking down field some yeah i know you got to i mean problem is he catches it clean but there's three guys that are five yards from him you thought i'm saying when he catches it you got a single receiver split to either side they joke throws it up again incomplete [Music] that's become it's unbelievable how many penalties they've had well we've had the ball in the second half we have one first down and smithfield's now had one two three four five penalties for 45 yards while we've had the ball in the second half in the third quarter third and three for the gobblers they jump again we throw it up again incomplete it's it's like deja vu all over again outside tigers number 44 outside first down [Applause] all right so [Music] another offsides yeah they were they were offside so that's a first down [Applause] we're getting it five yards at a time right yeah the problem is we're going to run out of clock because in high school they started after the penalty see the clock starts moving again which i'm sure i figured that out but [Applause] rosettes pressured throws out to the right incomplete [Applause] doesn't have much time to get it off right he's running for his life i think you've got to roll him out you got to get him out of the pocket i mean he's tall as they are up front that kid 6'4 24 is a big kid too clay i don't know how let's see what they say for number 24 yeah six two so their two defensive ends are six two and six four and jerry's what maybe five six five seven maybe maybe second and ten rosette throws them down the middle of the field in and out of the hands of aj arroyo almost made a good catch there good defensive play there by the smithfield tiger [Music] [Applause] okay snap it we got him offside again another one throws another one up in and out of the hands of xavier durham offsides tigers cost us five [Music] all right it's going to bring you up third and five for the goblin we've all spotted at the we've got a 48 yard line we've moved it from the 31 out to the 48 with minus minus yards offensively and four four five yard penalties [Applause] tyson williams lined up behind rosette [Applause] pitch pitch to tyson williams over the left-hand side and he gets big yardage for a gobbler first down you know claudia that's almost a pass i know he he spins out but the pitch was forward don't you think that's what that's what the smithfield coaches are hollering at i mean it's fine you're behind the line of scrimmage yeah they thought it was a forward lateral yeah i think it was a forward pass that's got to be on us because they stopped the deal [Applause] so so from the 48 to the 42 yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right so we go backwards on that play [Music] fourth and fifteen first first and fifth first and fifteen my bad yeah there's a big difference at first hit 15 and fourth at 15. i'd rather not have the five yard penalty even two receivers out to the right rosette and williams pitches it to williams around the right hand side makes one man miss makes two men miss and uh he finally gets dragged down that was a lateral so that is a run [Applause] picked up six two receivers out to the left game clock is at 20 22 and counting another pitch to williams around the left-hand side get following some his blockers [Applause] and that is probably going to be the last play of the third quarter [Applause] bobcat of victoria is your one-stop shop for bobcat equipment sales rentals parts and service conveniently located on u.s highway 59 in victoria their experienced team can help find the right machine for your needs they have a wide selection of compact track loaders skid steer loaders compact excavators and attachments they offer daily and monthly rentals on bobcat equipment contact them at 361-579-0922 [Applause] i'm ready all right ray what you think well you got two downs to make a long for this guy that's got the down markers always about a half a yard behind the ball i kind of thought that too yeah he's closer to the 37 and the balls at the 36. all right third and five two receivers split out to the right beginning of the fourth quarter gobblers in tiger territory [Applause] rosette's trying to draw sides and the play clock goes to zero that's plagued the gobblers all year long ray yeah well it's like again same thing in the first half it's like he's trying to draw him off sides and then he's looking you fought him saying to see what they want to call but but rosette's not looking to the sideline there was like four seconds left when he looked when he looked that time [Applause] go round up all right so gobblers had to burn a timeout right there no flag on the play here we go third third and five [Applause] hand off to jackson hardwick up the middle short gain short of the first down gonna bring up fourth down [Music] gobblers go quick trying to catch smithville off guard gives it to tyson williams around the right end did he get it ray he got it yeah smithfield's saying no no he got it yep he got it he only needed about a yard and a half and he went from the 33 to almost the 30. give him the 31 so he picked up two on it when he needed a yard and a half [Applause] williams and hardwick in the backfield next to rosette rosette drops straight back throws out in the left right flat incomplete shape savers receiver wouldn't even look tyson williams never looked for the ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] exactly [Applause] [Music] rosette hands off to tyson williams on a cross buck he's wrestled down after a short game [Music] third and seven gobblers are going quick now down 15 points with 11 minutes left to go in the game [Applause] fakes the handoff rolls to his right throws down field caught flag on the play [Applause] good catch there by brett yellerbee down they got about one sense it passed interference now yeah they pass interference defense decline ball's spotted at the one yard line great pass a great catch there by yeah 27. [Music] [Applause] hardwick and williams thunder and [Applause] [Music] lightning [Applause] give it to tyson williams over the right hand side touchdown that touchdown brought to you by brian gomez state farm insurance [Music] offense stays out on the field gonna go for two it's unusual usually you kick the extra point you save the two point for the last you thought i'm saying to stay one possession because if you don't make the two here you're down two scores [Applause] [Music] all right ella be split out to the left [Music] ah we moved aj moved [Music] kick the extra point [Music] [Applause] extra point that's a good call [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay he doesn't use a t they left the t on the sideline [Applause] [Music] the kick is blocked folks the extra point is blocked that makes it that leaves it a nine point game [Applause] man they came through untouched bunch of them did ray yeah a big extra point has been blocked [Music] two possession game now 29 to 20 with 10 and a half minutes left to go in the [Music] game [Applause] that drive was five minutes and 30 seconds one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12. 13 plays and five penalties so 18 potential snaps but it goes as a 13 play drive [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right smithville has their hands team out there [Music] [Applause] we have a potential onside kick de ruin and fournette is nataro gonna kick it or nataro you're exactly right high pooch kick fielded at about the 20 yard line flag on the play brought down by lucas the board [Music] yep blocking the back against smithville so this will push them back need a turnover clay big time you gotta think that smithfield's gonna milk the clock heavy dose of the run [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hands off to the big running back uh oh there's around the left-hand side he's going down the tiger sidelines that's that big running back we were talking about number 18. [Applause] chris sanders 6-1 225 they were locked on our cornerback for 15 yards running sideways [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] quarterback hands off to the runner back around the right hand side [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gain of a couple [Music] clock hits nine minutes left to go gobblers trail 29-20. quarterback keeps it himself up the middle he's fumbled it twice tonight i hope they keep running him brings up third and four balls going to be spotted on the quarrel 45 yard line [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] hands off to the big runner back over the left-hand side they got him tough running he's going to be short [Applause] they're going to give him one yard late flag on the play smithville is clapping [Applause] man oh man [Music] could this be face mass ray i don't know because they were scrapping with him to get him down you know [Music] penalties have killed the gobblers tonight [Music] 15 yarder folks that puts the ball on the 29-yard line [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh quarterback keeps it himself running loosely with that ball yeah i know brought down by the ruin you can see why he's fumbled it twice [Applause] tonight [Applause] gain a one bring up second and nine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good defensive play there led by deruan [Applause] along with sean burks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] quarterback keeps it himself brought down by [Applause] aj arroyo great great defensive play there by arroyo to sniff that thing out and take the quarterback down for a big loss huge loss yeah from the 28 all the way back out to the 36. timeout quarrel [Applause] partners is a long time sponsor of the quarrel gobblers athletic booster club they have recently become partner partnered with the benny boyd group stop by partners for your car or truck shopping needs an excellent parts and service department energy waste is also a long time gold sponsor of the coral gobblers athletic booster club they are a full service rental company with modern equipment and exceptional employees that believe in providing customer service to their clientele in business since 1986 they're committed to excellent customer service contact energy waste at two two two 361-275-2220 clay i don't think they're gonna punt i think well i throw it up in the end zone but they are gonna punt yeah i i i'm confusing nine and eight they look alike with the orange numbers on the black jerseys but they are gonna punt [Music] i mean i know it's fourth and seventeen but if he kicks it in the end zone you gain 16 yards here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gets it off end over end gonna be down inside the 20 yard line so the gobblers have a long way to go with five and a half and we have a late flag folks this referee the head referee dug deep and threw this thing about a mile in the air calling coach alvarez over there to tell him what uh what the flag is [Music] they can't it they can't it's a dead ball foul [Music] not sure what happened but this he slung that flag [Applause] [Music] as high as i mean it'd be half it'd be half the distance to the goal i think he threw his arm out of socket when he threw it so the ball was he hasn't he doesn't signal anything all night he just goes and talks to the coaches i have no i have no idea nope so the ball something we said something we said or did as we're running off the field exchanging you know in the exchange of uh well personal foul i mean it's unsportsmanlike we don't know what we did though yeah [Applause] rosette throws it away [Music] is [Music] two receivers to the right one to the left [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] those out in the left flat to uh lebron johnson makes one man miss drug down from behind got a first i think he got it first down should be or it's very close [Applause] [Music] huh no nine picked up nine [Music] [Applause] [Music] no it is a first down okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] better bellaby in the wildcat keeps it himself from the left-hand side cut down [Music] gobblers with one timeout remaining [Applause] [Applause] pitch to tyson williams over the left-hand side tough running close to the first down marker yeah he got a first down but yeah the clock runs yeah we got to have some place in 20 and 30 yard chunks here [Applause] 355 and counting [Music] rose to his left rosette does throws down field there you go caught that's right get out of bounds [Applause] in this game they let it keep running ray yeah i know they did earlier every time ever since they've done that i'm trying to watch every time but but i mean if they'll give you six yards every time and you only take five or ten seconds you thought i'm saying to do it that's that's the best way to move the ball down the field [Music] pitch to hard work over the right-hand side tough running gets the first down a little more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] picked up nine in the first down first and ten quarter from their 44 yard line [Music] [Applause] three receivers split to the left low snap rosette takes it throws down field across the middle almost caught by davion williams i don't think davion knew it was coming to him ray [Music] [Music] [Music] yes two receivers to the right [Music] throws out to the right xavier durham just short of the first down [Music] but in tiger territory [Applause] empty backfield rosette [Music] reverse to davion williams he cuts it up gets the first down [Music] that play took too long no right yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rosette hands off to brett kelley over the right hand side [Applause] good first down run [Applause] [Music] aj arroyo comes off holding his shoulder two receivers to the right one to the left [Music] rosette drops throws batted in the air incomplete almost picked off [Applause] okay you got to throw you got to start throwing the ball to the end zone you got i mean you got to get you got to score and get it back on the onside kick it has some time left yeah you know in pro football you might see him bring out the kicker now and kick the field goal and then try the onside you know because you got to get on sidekick [Applause] anyway but i mean you got to throw it on ever down here and you got to throw it more than 10 you know i guess you can run it here and get a first down on third and one that's what they're going to do they're going to give it to breck over the up the middle and he gets the first down let's go hurry up [Applause] [Music] two receivers put to the left [Applause] rosette drops back throws down the middle of the field caught great catch there great pass great catch by david avion williams [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the ball's on the 10. clocks clock has started [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rosette throws corner of the end zone over the head of xavier durham [Applause] [Music] incomplete [Applause] 36 seconds left to go we jump yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] back [Applause] here we go [Applause] [Music] rosette takes the snap hits xavier durham in the hip [Applause] they're gonna call pass interference spot foul put the ball at about the six yard line seven yard line [Music] it'll be automatic first down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's first and goal for the gobblers at the seven yard line single receivers clipped either side [Applause] rosette throws in the right corner of the end zone high pointed by davion williams touchdown 25 seconds left to go in now 24 seconds excuse me they let a second run off as i look up there [Applause] we're going for two here [Music] and smithfield calls timeout quarrel calls timeout clay i don't i'm not trying to second guess but if you go for two and you don't make it you're still within a field goal but if you kick the extra point the field goal to win it you got to get the onside kick to win anyway yeah the field goal field goal will win it yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] they're going they're going to kick the extra point right yeah i think that's the smarter smarter call thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right big extra point here [Music] [Applause] smithville doesn't rush and we miss it and we have flags on the play [Applause] okay it's gonna go against smithville so big uh penalty there i think one of the smithfield players must've may have jumped on another one's back and you can't do that [Applause] that one's drilled through all right that's that's that's huge folks that's a scheme of things 15 play 93 yard drive only uh only bad news was it took five minutes and four seconds 24 seconds left to go [Applause] almost certainly an onside kick attempt will be tried here [Music] coro has one timeout left [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] all right we got three potential kickers up there stay in bounds flag flies ball goes out of bounds that'll do it take a knee that will do it i'm afraid ray you got the stats up there on offense i'm going to go ahead and pick the defensive player of the game charles deruan he he uh played a heck of a game tonight uh got in the backfield a lot especially in the first half so i'm gonna pick charles de roon as the defensive player of the game who do you have uh on offense you want to pick uh he's got to be a quarrel player oh yeah i know i guess statistically tyson's going to end up being the leading rusher and he caught three passes for 37 yards so i guess ty tyson davion made two great plays in the final drive but that's the only two receptions he had davion williams had two good catches uh at the end but yeah i think you'd have to go tyson williams okay good pick that's who i was thinking in my mind all right folks smithville kneels on the ball for the last play of the game i believe nope they're stopping the clock [Music] we had a timeout i guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] all right so this could potentially be the last play of the game [Music] folks that is the last play of the game smithville on top 29 27. that's your ball game all right so the defensive player of the game is charles de roon offensive player of the game is going to be tyson williams folks we appreciate you watching we appreciate you listening i want to thank roland villafranca and oscar ray for spotting for ray and i up here tune in next next friday coral gobblers play the last regular season game of the year at home against the gonzales apaches ray i'm cold clay i'm told too folks we enjoyed it we'll see y'all next week in the warmth of gobbler stadium
Channel: Cuero ISD
Views: 3,599
Rating: 4.625 out of 5
Id: 3VXciN6g7Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 28sec (11788 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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