Ohio State University Marching Band Ramp Entry, Script Ohio & Pre-game OSU vs IU. 11 5 2011
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Channel: mbandfan2
Views: 11,291,228
Rating: 4.591938 out of 5
Keywords: OSUMB, Ramp, Entry, and, Pregame, 11, 2011, vs, IU, Ohio, State, University, Marching, Band., OSU, IU., Football., Indiana, TBDBITL., The, Best, damn, Band, In, Land., Shoe., Stadium., Buckeye, Ramp., Skull, Session., 2011., Script, Ohio., Le, Regiment, de, Sambre, et, Meuse., Hang, on, Sloopy., Carmen, Sound, of, Campus, Chimes., Across, the, Field., Battle, Cry.
Id: WdWolVsKlAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2011
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