Cuando tengas espagueti y atun. Prepara esta deliciosa receta de pasta en tan solo unos minutos

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Preparing a delicious pasta recipe is very easy Let's start with the sauce To start, put a drizzle of oil in a wide frying pan and heat it over medium heat. When it's hot, add a few minced garlic cloves, minced In not very small pieces, In the end, finding this garlic is part of the grace of this recipe. We always let it cook over medium heat for about two or three minutes. It does not take more for this time to pass and just when the garlic begins to take on some color Add a handful of chopped parsley Parsley if it is fresh much better. We are going to integrate this parsley with the garlic and the oil and we are going to let it cook for another two minutes, stirring constantly, done this and with all the ingredients already integrated and slightly toasted, we add half a glass of white wine, the wine is completely optional but this garlic sauce recipe is nickel-plated, we always wait a few minutes over medium heat for the alcohol to finish evaporating and while we cook the sauce at the same time we can cook the pasta because this recipe is made as it is cooked the pasta just 10 or 12 minutes To do this, in abundant boiling water we are going to put a good handful of salt done this we add the pasta for this sauce that we are preparing the spaghetti today, a fine pasta is going to require a lot of salt We add them, and without touching them, We wait for them to soften a bit due to the heat and for them to enter the water on their own and once inside, we can stir from time to time more than anything else I ask this to make sure that they do not stick to the bottom and the cooking time depends on the taste of each one in its texture if you want them al dente with 7 minutes enough if you want them a little softer, give it 2 or 3 minutes more, until 10 minutes of cooking, once the pasta is already cooked, in my case al dente, first we are going to reserve a little of the water that is full of flavor and surely we will use something later to bind the sauce but we will go in parts. For now, we drain the rest and now with the sauce that we had half-cooked from before, we are going to add this pasta, already drained from its water, in this sauce of garlic, parsley and white wine. We also add a couple of tins of canned tuna . it will give a touch of delicious flavor to the sauce in addition to giving the protein contribution that the dish would otherwise lack. We also add the cooking broth that we had reserved before and if you have noticed the sauce we have not added it not a pinch of salt, why? Well, because this broth already has salt and it will give it its touch. In addition to the salt, it will also add flavor , since this broth takes a lot of flavor from the spaghetti while it is cooking, and since it also absorbs the starch that the spaghetti releases while it cooks, it will help. until it binds and it is extra-creamy afterward, all advantages. We return to integrate all the ingredients together, without turning off the heat at any time and let the spaghetti finish cooking here, while they absorb the cooking water that we have added and while they also absorb the flavor of the garlic sauce that we have prepared, there is nothing left but to serve some very creamy garlic spaghetti, now you know how to make them that I am going to decorate with more fresh parsley A pasta that is... Pure Ambrosia!
Channel: ¡Que Viva La Cocina!
Views: 4,061,568
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Keywords: comida, recetas de cocina, recetas faciles, recetas, cocina, comidas, que viva la cocina, gorka barredo, espagueti, ajillo, espagueti al ajillo, espaguetis al ajillo con atún, receta fácil, cena saludable, consejos, nutrición, ingredientes frescos, pasta, receta, como hacer espaguetis, gastronomia, espaguetis al ajillo, atún enlatado, espaguetis, pasta al ajillo, pasta con atún, receta facil, fideos con atun, espagueti con atun, pasta con atun, spaghetti, spaguetti con atun
Id: 3uU3garE82Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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