CSS Grid Crash Course - Tutorial for Complete Beginners

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this video is sponsored by tascade a real-time organization and collaboration platform make sure to check the description for a discount on your subscription hey everyone my name is vishwas and welcome to this crash course on css grid for complete beginners in this crash course we will understand the various concepts that css grid has to offer before we begin let me go over a few points first i would like to mention this course is for complete beginners if you're someone who is new to css grid or have an idea about css grid and want to understand better please continue if you are an expert this is your cue to probably hop into another video where your time can be better utilized second this video is a continuation of the css and flexbox crash courses make sure you're familiar with both html and css before proceeding flexbox is not a prerequisite but if you have understood flexbox learning css grid becomes relatively easier also make sure you could along with me as that is the best way to learn by the end of this video you will have a solid understanding of creating layouts with css grid all right with these points in mind let's get started what is css grid the css grid layout module or simply known as css grid or just grid is a two-dimensional grid-based layout system with rows and columns grid makes it easier to design webpage layouts align and distribute space among items in a grid flexbox is great when we are dealing with one-dimensional layouts but when dealing with two-dimensional layouts and you're concerned about laying down elements both horizontally and vertically css grid makes the task so much easier including the complex layouts that we typically tend to struggle with if you're comfortable with html css and flexbox css grid is the logical next step for you all right now that we understand the what and why of css grid let's dive into understanding the different concepts we first need to start off by understanding the terminology in css grid trust me when i say this the next few minutes you spend understanding what each term means will decide how easy it is to understand the different properties css grid offers understanding the terminology is essential to this course so please make sure you pay attention when we talk about css grid we mainly have two entities a parent container which we term as the grid container and the immediate children elements which we term as grid items if you look at the sample html the parent div is the grid container and all the children divs are the grid items very important to keep this in mind the next term to make note of is grid line which is the horizontal or vertical dividing line in a grid the orange line is an example of a column grid line as it is a vertical line if it is horizontal it is called a row grid line next we have a grid cell which is the smallest unit you can have on your css grid it is the space between four intersecting grid lines as you can see here denoted by the orange square next we have a grid track which is the space between two adjacent grid lines it is denoted by the green portion on the screen finally we have grid area which is the total space surrounded by four grid lines a grid area may be composed of any number of grid cells now these terms you don't have to memorize for the very first time however it does help when learning the different properties but what is very important from the beginning is to understand grid container and grid items understanding css grid is basically getting familiar with the properties associated with the grid container and the grid items knowing what properties exist and how they work you can always refer to the documentation if you're having trouble building a particular layout with the terminology now familiar let's begin by focusing first on the properties that are associated with just grid container there are 18 properties in total of which we're going to learn 16 in this crash course the other two i would say they might be a bit confusing from a beginner's point of view my recommendation is to understand the 16 properties and then have a look at the other two which i will mention later on in the course first we have the display property this is what defines a grid container and is mandatory to work with css grid next we have the grid template column and row properties to set the number of columns and rows in the grid we then have column and row gap properties to set the gap between columns and rows next we have justify align and place items properties which are concerned with alignment of the grid items similarly we have content alignment properties which deal with alignment of the entire grid finally we have properties to deal with auto generated grid tracks now this is just a list of the different properties so don't get overwhelmed as to how each of them work we will dive into each of them and understand how they work with a visual example in the browser to get us started with css grid i have set up some very simple html and css that i am now going to walk you through i have created a folder called grid crash course and within the folder i've created an index.html file and a styles.css file the html is pretty standard the head tag contains what you would normally find and a link to the css file within the body we have a parent div tag with a class called container this parent container has nine div tags as children and each div has a class grid item and also a class specific to the item number item 1 2 till 9. in the css file i've set margin to 0 on the body element and on the container class i've added a thick black border on the grid item class i've added a font color white a font size of 1.5 ram one ram padding and i've also centered aligned the text for items one through nine i've set a different background color so as to visually separate each item in the browser the html and css code can be found on my github page in the crash courses 2022 repo you can either clone copy or download the code if you open the html file in the browser you should be able to see this layout you can see that we have nine items enclosed within a container that has a solid black border now let's focus on our very first grid container property which is the display property to create a grid container we make use of the display property and set it to a value of grid in the css file on the container class add the property display and set it to grid if we save this file and refresh the browser you won't see any difference to how the content is displayed as display grid has created a single column grid for the items so when creating a grid container all of the contained grid items are placed in rows by default and span the full width of the grid container so it does behave similar to a block level element if you do not want a block level grid container you can set the display property to inline grid and create an inline grid container in the css file display is going to be inline grid save the file refresh you can see the border now wraps around the grid items the container only takes up width to accommodate its children which is in this case the text in each of the items so the display property is used to create either a block level or inline level grid container the possible values are grid and inline grid now if you want to explicitly set a grid by creating columns and rows you need to make use of grid template columns and grid template rows property let's understand each of them first let's take a look at defining columns i'm going to revert display to grid and then set a new property called grid template columns and this property specifies the number of columns in a grid layout the values are a space separated list where each value specifies the size of the respective column for example we can set the value as 100 pixels 200 pixels and 300 pixels this will create three columns in the grid the first column width is 100 pixels second column width is 200 pixels and third column width is 300 pixels if we head to the browser and refresh you can see we now have three columns of varying size item 1 is 100 pixels item 2 is 200 pixels and item 3 is 300 pixels but since we have specified the grid should have only three columns the fourth item is now pushed to the second row so items four five six now have the same size as 1 2 and 3. similar is the case with items 7 8 and 9. the grid container is still the entire width of the browser however the items only take up 600 pixels in width now if you want equal width columns simply set 200 pixels three times so 200 200 and 200 refresh and all are equal with columns now sometimes you might want to specify equal width columns but for a greater number of columns in such a scenario you can use the repeat function so instead of 200 pixels three times you can specify the value as repeat three times 200 pixels refresh and the result is the same but now we can change three to six and we can easily have six equal width columns refresh you can see we have the first six items in row one seven eight nine in row two this is because we have specified six columns of equal width now it is also possible to set the width of the column as a fraction of the available free space in the container for example we can set grid template columns value to 1 fr 2 fr and 1 fr again so if you were to have 100 width columns 1 and 3 are given 25 of the space while column 2 is given 50 percent of the space refresh and you can see just that we have specified the width as a fraction of the available space another function that is useful with grid is the min max function we can specify three columns so repeat three columns whose width should be min max 200 pixels comma one fraction so the column should be at least 200 pixels but can grow to take up the free space if available when i refresh you can see we have three columns we can reduce the browser width and the columns start to shrink but at 200 pixels they stop shrinking and simply overflow these are some of the values we can specify so the grid template columns property is used to specify the number of columns in the grid the width can be any non-negative length value like pixels percentage etc or as a fraction of the free space available you can also make use of functions like repeat and min max to achieve the perfect grid layout on a side note this property also accepts a line name as part of the value but i feel it to be confusing for a beginner so i've decided to leave that out all right the next property are going to understand is grid template rows which specifies the number of rows in the grid the value you can specify is pretty much what you can specify for grid template columns you're now setting the height of the row instead of the width so we can set grid template rows 100 pixels and this sets the height of the first row to 100 pixels you can see item 1 2 and 3 have 100 pixels as height i can set the value as 100 pixels 150 pixels 200 pixels refresh and we see three rows of different heights 100 150 and 200 specify repeat three times 100 pixels and we have three rows of equal height now if you specify a fourth row so repeat three times and then 200 pixels as the fourth value refresh you can see a blank row at the end it doesn't contain any items but the space is occupied by the grid container now you can also use the fraction unit if the container has a defined height let's add height of 400 pixels and grid template rows as repeat one fraction three times refresh and you can see the three euros grow to take up the available free space in the container pretty straightforward as you can see so the grid template rows property is used to specify the number of rows in the grid the height can be any non-negative length value like pixels percentage etc or as a fraction of the free space available you can also make use of functions like repeat and min max this property also accepts a line name as part of the value which i'm going to leave out as it is not significant from a beginner's perspective the third property is grid template which is a shorthand for defining rows and columns so instead of grid template rows and grid template columns i'm going to add grid template and the value is going to be the value of the rows so repeat three times one fraction followed by a forward slash followed by the value of columns so repeat three times min max of 200 pixels or one fraction when i refresh you can see there is no change in the layout so the grid template property is used to specify both rows and columns in the grid its value is the value of grid template rows followed by a forward slash and then grid template columns all right let's now move on to the next set of properties which deal with spacing between rows and columns first we have the column gap property which sets the gap between the columns in the grid for example if we set column gap to 20 pixels and refresh we can see a gap of 20 pixels between the columns similarly we can also set the gap between rows the property is row gap and we can set this to 30 pixels refresh and we now see spacing between the rows as well now you can specify both column and row gap using just the shorthand gap property so let's comment column gap row gap and instead specify gap 40 pixels and 20 pixels here the first value is row gap and the second value is column gap when i refresh you can see 40 pixels between the rows and 20 pixels between the columns so to specify gap between columns you can use the column gap property to specify gap between rows you can use the row gap property and you can also use the shorthand gap property to specify both row gap and column gap values can be any non-negative value or a percentage let's now move on to the next set of properties which are concerned with alignment and there are two types of alignment properties within the grid cell and within the grid container let's first take a look at alignment within the cell to align the grid items along the row axis we can make use of the justify items property on the grid container class i'm going to comment out the grid gap as we don't need that anymore now i'm going to add a new property called justify items and by default the value of this property is stretch if i set stretch as a value and refresh you can see there is no change apart from the gap being removed however if i set a value of start refresh you can see that all the items are aligned to the start edge of their cell this will be more clear when we inspect the element and hover on the grid container you can see that the items are pushed to the start of the individual cells and we can also set a value of end in which case the items are pushed to the end of the cell finally we can also set center in which case the item is horizontally center aligned within the cell so justify items for alignment along the row axis if you want to adjust alignment along the column axis there is the align items property similar to justify items align items has a default value of stretch if i refresh there is no change in the grid layout however if i set the value to start refresh you can see all the items are pushed to the top of the cell set it to end and all the items are pushed to the bottom of the cell set it to center and all the items are vertically centered aligned within the cell so align items for alignment along the column axis now it is also possible to specify both the properties in a single declaration using the place items property so i can comment out justify items align items and instead specify place items and let the value be start and end the first value here which is start is for align items and the second value is for justify items so if you've got this right the items should be pushed to the top of the cell and then to the right of the cell refresh and we see just that place items can also accept a single value in which case the same value is assigned to both align items and justify items let's set one value of center now when i refresh you can see the item is center aligned both horizontally and vertically within the cell so for alignment and spacing within the cell you have justify items for variation along the row axis align items for variation along the column axis and place items which is a shorthand for both the possible values are start end center and stretch which is the default value all right let's now take a look at the second set of alignment properties which deal with alignment within the container now to understand the different properties we have to make a small change in the grid template value we're going to create a grid with three rows 200 pixels tall and three columns 200 pixels wide so repeat 3 comma 200 pixels and repeat 3 comma 200 pixels i'm going to set height to 800 pixels and comment out the place items property if we take a look at the browser refresh you can see the grid container with the black border but the 3x3 grid itself is smaller this extra space gives you an opportunity to align the entire 3x3 grid block within the container now to align the content along the row axis we have the justify content property by default the value is set to start so if i specify justify content start refresh you can see there is no change in the layout if i set it to end and the content is now moved to the end of the row access set it to center and the content is now center aligned with respect to the container horizontally of course now grid also provides additional values that can control how the extra space has to be distributed within the container first we have a value of space between when i refresh the browser you can see the extra space that was left out is evenly split and added in between the grid columns sometimes you might also want the space before the first column and after the last column for such a scenario the value is space around let me change the value and refresh the browser you can see there is now space at the beginning and at the end and the space is equal to half of the space between the grid columns for example if the space in between the columns is 200 pixels space at the start and the end would be 100 pixels however if you want the same space at the start and the end of the items as well the value you're looking for is space evenly so justify content space evenly if i refresh you can see the extra space equally distributed within the container of course we can expect the same behavior along the column axis as well grid provides another property called align content the values are the same as justify content so i'm going to go over this fairly quicker first we have start which is also the default value this pushes the content to the top of the container refresh and you can see there is no change as it is the default value specify end and it pushes the content to the bottom of the container center refresh and the content is now center aligned vertically [Music] to control spacing we have space between in which case the space is evenly distributed between the rows you can also specify space around which adds space at the top and at the bottom [Music] the space is equal to half of the space between the rows if you want the same space at the top and bottom of the rows as well the value is space evenly refresh and you can see the extra space is equally distributed within the container now the next property is place content which is a shorthand for aligned content and justify content so place content start end and comment out the other two properties here the first value of start is for align content and the second value of end is for justify content if you have understood this right the content should be pushed to the top of the container and then to the right of the container refresh and we see just that now place content can also accept a single value in which case the same value is assigned to both align content and justify content let's set one value of center now when i refresh you can see the content is center aligned both horizontally and vertically within the container so for alignment and spacing within the container you have justify content for alignment along the row axis align content for alignment along the column axis and place content which is a shorthand for both the possible values are start end center and stretch with start being the default value you also have space between space around and space evenly for adding spacing between the rows and columns all right let's now move on to the last few properties that apply to a grid container the next property to know about is grid order flow which controls how auto placed items get inserted into the grid for this property i'm going to comment out all the properties except display grid and of course the border if we take a look at the browser can see that the items are placed by filling each row nine rows for nine items this is because the default value of grid order flow is row so if i specify grid order flow and set a value of row refresh we see no change in the browser however set it to column refresh and you can see the items being placed by filling each column nine columns for nine items the next property is grid auto columns which is used to specify the default width of a column currently we have not specified a column width so if we were to set grid order columns 100 pixels refresh you can see every column is now 100 pixels this value of course will be overridden if you have specified a column width using the grid template columns property similar to grid order columns we also have grid auto rows which sets the default height for rows within the grid if we set it to 200 pixels refresh you can see the only row we have is now 200 pixels tall so some of the auto properties as i call them include grid order flow which controls how auto placed items get inserted into the grid by default it is set to row but you can also set it to column three other values are dense row dense and column dense which are applicable for more complex layouts that you can look at once you've mastered the fundamentals then have grid auto columns for setting the default column width and grid auto rows for setting the default row height the value can be in pixels percentage min max etc with auto being the default value with that we've had a look at all the grid container properties that i wanted to cover in this crash course two more properties which i would like you to read about once you are comfortable with the properties discussed so far are grid template areas and grid grid template areas is used to specify areas within the grid layout and the grid property is a shorthand for grid template rows grid template columns with template areas grid auto rows grid auto columns and finally grid autoflow all right next let's take a look at the list of properties applicable on a grid item first we have grid column start and grid column end these two properties control on which column line the item starts and ends similarly we have grid row start and grid row end which control on which row line the item starts and ends then have grid column and grid row which is a shorthand for the previously mentioned properties finally we have justify self align self and place self which deal with alignment of the item all right now that we know the different properties that can be applied to a grid item let's take a closer look at each of the properties starting with grid column start and grid column end i'm going to comment out all the grid container properties except display and grid template now if we take a look at the browser refresh it is quite evident that grid items by default take up one column in the container that can be changed using grid column start and grid column end on item 1 i'm going to set grid column start 1 and grid column end 3. if you now take a look at the browser refresh you can see item one starts at the first line in the grid and ends at the third line in the grid so it now takes up two columns worth of space if i set it to end at four refresh it takes up three columns set it to five and it will add a new column and the width will be the rest of the available space which is why you see item 5 and 9 also take up more space than 200 pixels now if you're unsure about the end column line you can also mention how many columns it should span using the span keyword so grid column end let's say it has to span for two columns refresh and you can see item one now spans across two columns similarly let's take a look at the next two properties which deal with row lines on item one again we can set grid row start one and grid row end three if i now refresh the browser you can see item one starts at the first row line and ends at the third row line effectively taking up two rows of space you can also use the span keyword so span for two rows refresh and the layout remains the same it is also possible to specify these values using the grid column and grid row shorthand so let me comment out the four properties and instead specify grid column is going to be one slash span two so grid column start and grid column end and similarly grid row is going to be one slash span two so again the first value is the start value and then a forward slash and then the end value refresh and we still see the same layout so the grid column start grid column end grid row start and grid row end properties control the position of the item in the grid you can also make use of the grid column and grid row shorthand for the same purpose values can be a grid line number or the number of columns or rows the item has to span all right for the final set of properties let's take a look at aligning items within a cell earlier in the video we had a look at justify items align items and place items which apply to every item in the container however if you want alignment for one single item you make use of justify self align self and place self let's look at an example on item two i'm going to set justify self stretch now this is the default value so when i refresh the browser you're not going to see any change however if i set it to start refresh you can see the item is pushed to the start of the row access set it to end refresh and the item is at the end of the row access so it is center and the item is center aligned along the row axis similarly we have align self for alignment along the column axis the default value is stretch when i refresh you can see the item stretches from top to bottom there is no change if i set it to start refresh it is pushed to the top of the column axis set it to end it is pushed to the bottom set it to center and it is center aligned along the column axis now you can combine both justify self and align self into one place self shorthand property so comment out the two properties and specify place self first we specify align self property value so let's push it to the top using start and then the justify self property value let's push it to the right using end refresh and you can see the item is placed at the top right you can also set one value in which case it will be applied to both the properties if i set it to center refresh you can see the item is center aligned both horizontally and vertically so for alignment of an item within the cell you have justify self for variation along the row axis align self for variation along the column axis and place self which is a shorthand for both the possible values are start end center and stretch which is the default value all right with that we wind up with the different properties that are part of the grid module and in doing so we have come to the end of this crash course on css grid i hope the video has given you an idea of how to layout elements with css using the grid module if you have enjoyed the video please do leave a like and subscribe to the channel for more content on web development i'll see you in the next video which is a crash course on the fundamentals of javascript
Channel: Codevolution
Views: 40,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Codevolution, Course, Tutorial for Complete Beginners, Grid, CSS Grid, CSS Grid Crash Course, CSS Grid Crash Course 2022, CSS Grid Tutorial, Grid Crash Course, Grid Crash Course 2022, CSS Grid Crash Course 2023, Grid Crash Course 2023, CSS Grid 2023, CSS Grid Tutorial 2023
Id: p4Ith5qRM1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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