CSS Flexbox Crash Course

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Understanding CSS Flexbox is important  if you want to make responsive websites,   James Maxwell created this course, along with  some amazing PDF cheat sheets to go along with it.   Flexbox is going to change your perspective about  web designing. And again, for the power of course,   I have created two beautiful PDF cheat sheets,  which you can download. These cheat sheets have   got every single property that we're about  to learn now. One is exclusive for the parent   container properties, and the others exclusive for  the child properties. You can use this cheat sheet   for your future reference, I highly encourage  everyone to follow the video now, and then later   use the cheat sheets. So let's dive into the  concept of Flexbox. Without any further delay,   we are going to create a separate file for this  learning purpose so that you can refer the file   along with the cheat sheets in the future.  Let's quickly set up a head Sumo file using   the Emmet function. Now, I'm going to teach  you guys another embed function to create   a container and the children inside it. So  we need a div tag with a class container.   And then inside a greater than symbol to create  a few children inside the container. Let's give   the Child Element a class called items. So again,  we'll have to enter a dart and just type items.   And we also want every child element  to have a unique number to it.   So insert a hyphen, then insert $1 symbol times  five. This Emmet function will create a container   with five items numbered within it. We also want  the items to have one unified Alias Name to them.   And we're going to call it as item. So  again, insert a dart and just type item.   Now hit enter. How simple was that? This might  look a little intimidating at the beginning.   But once you get used to it out of practice,  you won't be able to create head Sumo containers   without these beautiful image functions.  To learn more about these mn functions,   you can visit Doc's dot me.io. Now before moving  to our CSS file, we'll have to fill in the numbers   inside a div tag. Let's quickly create  a CSS file and link to the HTML file.   Let's begin with the basic reset  using the universal selector.   So we're going to set the margin to zero  padding to zero and box sizing border box.   Next, we're going to style the container  and the child elements to implement the   Flexbox properties. So we're going to target the  container now. And give it a background color   of hash Ca Ca NCAA, which is a light gray  color. And then give it a padding of 10 pixels.   Then a margin of 50 pixels. Next, we're  going to talk at the item selector.   And we're gonna give them a background color  of hash, ff 0037, which is a nice red color.   And then for the font and so the item,  they're gonna give them a white color.   Font Size of 35 pixels, padding of  20 pixels and a margin of 10 pixels.   If you see here, we haven't implemented any  Flexbox yet, but we have a gray color container   and red color items inside the container. The  items could be anything in a real website. It   could be the navbar of the website, or few majors  paragraphs or whatever. This video is all about   the Flexbox container properties. To enable  Flexbox we'll have to set the display property   to flex inside the container. So let's set the  display property to flex inside a container.   You can already see the magic Flexbox has produced  a work a lot as you can see, to create this kind   of layout using the float property position  property and the margin properties, it would   have been a tedious process, I would never take  that risk personally, just by setting the display   property to flex in the parent container, the  child elements have become the flex items.   Now, let's talk about the flex direction property.  The flex direction property is used to find the   direction of the flex items within the container.  By default, the flex direction is set a row.   When the flex direction is set a row, you see  nothing happens. Apart from row, there are a few   other direction values that will change the  direction of the children inside the container.   Let's see them one by one. When we  change the flex direction column,   you can see the children items are  arranged vertically in a column.   That's the superpower Flexbox. By  setting the direction to column,   we have changed the axis itself. There are two  different axes according to Flexbox, the main axis   and the cross axis, the axis differs for different  directions. For the flex direction set row,   the main axis would be the x axis. For the flex  direction set of column, the main axis would be   the y axis. This concept is nothing related to  the Flexbox, our web development, this basic math,   to invert the direction of the flex items in  either column or row, we can use the column   reverse or the row voice values. When  the direction is set a column reverse.   You can see the direction of the  items are inverted in the y axis.   So the main axis here goes from the bottom to top  there before it was going from the top to bottom.   And of course, the numbers are in the reverse  order fires in the top and one isn't the bottom.   The same rule applies for reverse, you  can pick the right word that one would do.   So when I said the flex reaction to reverse?   Exactly, it stacks the items in the reverse order.  Here, the main axes most from right to left.   And the numbers are also in the reverse order, you  should always be aware of the main axis. That's   really important. Since we've experimented all  the possible values for flex reaction property,   let's set it back to row which is the default  value. We haven't explored much about Flexbox yet,   but I'm sure you could understand how much Flexbox  is going to help us in the making of a responsive   design. Probably when designing for a smaller  screen, we can simply set the flex direction to   column, which will stack the items one on top of  the other. So that's all about the flex direction.   Next up, I want to discuss about  the justify content property.   So remember that the justify content  properly defines how the flex items   should be stacked along the main axis.  Let's start with the center value here.   Now automatically, all the flex items are stacked  in the center here. Let me zoom in a little bit   so you can see things clearly. Right, you can  always use the dev tools to inspect the elements.   The browser has understood that this div tag is  using Flexbox. When you hover over the justify   content property, you can see how beautifully  Flexbox had calculated the distances and align   the items in the center. Just imagine if we didn't  have Flexbox. To create this very simple layout.   Well, we should have used a float property  that would have been a real nightmare for us.   So the center value aligns the flex items  right in the center of the container. But   it does not do anything with the space in  between the items. The space between the   items is because of the margin value we give  for item selector. So if the comment is value,   you can see a flex items are tightly packed. Let's  quickly uncomment this margin and experiment the   next value which is space between so let's  change the justify content space between   then we said the justify content space between   you can see that the space between our flex items  are evenly distributed. We didn't have to specify   any number here, but Flexbox automatically  calculates the distance and distribute the   items according to the space available. The best  part here is the other side. Have a browser,   the space between items also adjust. That makes  it really handy to create a responsive layout.   Let's now come on the margin property  inside the item selector again,   because we're going to explore another value  which is similar to the space between called   the space around changing the justify content  space around you can see the space around value   had created equal amount of space on both the  left and the right side of the flex items.   The space between these two items is twice the  amount of space on the left side of this item.   Next up, we're going to see the space evenly  value. So changing the ship icon or space evenly.   When I started using the flex box,  I initially didn't understand the   difference between these values, that's totally  normal. You'll start understanding these values   once you start using them in your projects.  So setting the value to space evenly,   you can see that the space between the flex  items is evenly distributed on both sides.   The space between flex item one and flex  item two is the same as the rest. So   while space II will ensure that the space between  the items is always the same on both the sides,   the space around nature that the space around each  item is the same on the left and the right side.   Definitely not a big difference,  but the usages differ completely.   There are two more values for  the justify content property,   the flex start and the flex end values and  the justify content they serve flex start.   Well, it is the default value. Let's  uncomment the margin value to ensure that   yes, it is the default value. Now, if  he said the justify content, a flex end.   Here a very complete attention. People  often confused between raw reverse and   the flex in values. Reverse will invert the  order of the flex items. But the flex in   value when you move the flex items to the end of  the container, maintaining the margin if provided.   Alright, the last property we're going to  discuss in this video is the Align items.   To justify content property aligns  the flex items along the main axis,   but the Align items property aligns  the flex items along the cross axis.   In order to make the Align items property  work, we're now going to make one of the   flex items bigger than the rest. Because  every flex item is having an unified hide.   So it will be difficult to demonstrate the Align  items property to kind of pick the third item   and set its height to 150 pixels. Let's  also change the justify content center.   And here it is. I'm just noticing an error with  my nomenclature. I've included numbers for items,   which should have been four item that's totally  fine. Here, you can see that all of flex items   are now having a height of 150 pixels and not  just the flex item three. That's not a bug,   but it happens because the default value  for our line items is scratch. When the   line item is to stretch, this is what happens.  So let's also add the Align items to center.   All right, we can visualize how align  items property align or flex items   along the cross axis. Here we have one  flex item that is bigger than the rest.   And with the Align items property service center,  we center the smaller flex items relative to the   bigger one in the vertical fashion. If  we now set the Align items to flex start   all the items will start at the top  along the top of the bigger flex   item. The opposite will happen if  we say the Align items to flex end.   So the flex items align equally at the bottom.  So far we saw center flex start flexing and the   stretch values for the Align items property.  The stretch value Prices stretch the height of   all flex items to match the height of the tallest  flex item. There is one last value for the Align   items property, it is called the baseline. It lies  the baseline value will first have to increase the   font size of one of the item. So let's select  item number four, and increase its font size   to sound pixels. If we now set  the Align items to baseline,   you can see that it aligns all the flex items  along the text inside the item number four on   an imaginary line. I'm not going to reset a line  items center and get rid of items number four,   and items. Number three selectors here. All  right, we're coming to the end of this video.   So flex direction, justify content, and the Align  items are the most important and the frequently   use properties. Of course, there are a few other  properties, but we will see them in another video.   Before we end this video, I want to answer  to one of the highest rated question,   what will happen to justify content and the Align  items property and the flex direction instead   of column? Well, let's check that out. Great.  If you notice, the main axis had changed now.   It is no longer going from left to right.  But it is going from top to bottom.   Everything is fine. But why is that the  items are aligned to the center yet?   Well, that's due to align items, they said the  center and the flex direction the set of column.   When the flex direction is set a column, the main  axis would be the y axis and the cross axis would   be the x axis. We know that the Align items  property affects the cross axis. And that's why   our items are aligned at the center vertically.  So if we now set the Align items to flex end,   and you can see that the items are  aligned at the end of the container   vertically. The opposite of this will happen  if we said the Align items to flex start.   And yes, the items are stacked at  the beginning of the container.   So I would again emphasize you guys to always  keep a track of the main axis and the cross axis   in order to use justify content and align items in  the right way. Now for your better understanding.   I'll also experiment with the justify content  when the flexor action is a call. For that,   we should first set a height value for the  container. So maybe let's set it to 1400 pixels.   And then I'll decrease the size of my viewport.  Now that said justify content space between here   if I hover over the justify  content on my dev tools,   you can see that the space between the items  are distributed just as we saw earlier,   but in the vertical direction. All right, let's  end this video here. I know I'm leaving most of   you with a skeptical mind. But that's totally  normal for any beginner. I felt the same   when I learned Flexbox for the first time. And  that's why I made those beautiful cheat sheets   for the reference purpose. I feel it would  have been better if someone gave me those   cheat sheets when I started learning Flexbox you  can now rewatch this video along with the cheat   sheet so that you get a better clarity about  these concepts. Let's quickly set the flex   direction row, remove the height and set justify  content in align items center and end this video.   Great. Let's meet back in the next lecture  to learn more about the Flexbox concepts.   The last lecture, we learned three important  Flexbox container properties. There are a few   more but we'll see them later. Now in this video,  let's learn about the Flexbox child properties.   So this is where we left in our last video.  The first property we're going to learn in this   lecture is the Align self property. The lens of  property is similar to the Align items property.   With the help of align items property, we were  able to collectively change the alignment of   a flex item Along the cross axis, but the  Allen self property will align one single   flex item along the cross axis. And it can  also override the Align items property.   I know it sounds like gobbledygook, let's see  them in action to understand how it works.   to experiment the outlines of property,  let's again create the item three selector   and give it a height of 150 pixels. You're  going to use item three as a reference point.   So let's try applying a lens off to item  number four. Right after item number three,   you're going to create item number four  selector and creating a lens of property here.   Let's set this to flex start.   Well, you can see that when the item number four  is aligned at the start of the flex container, and   all of the flex items are aligned to the  center of item three along the cross axis,   align self property accepts every single  value that align items property accepts.   But as I told you earlier, we use a lens of  property only to align an individual item.   Now, let's change this to  flex and and see what happens.   So the item had moved to the  bottom of the flex container. Now,   when Allen's office said a stretch.   Well, the item stretches to match the height of  the tallest item, which is item three in our case.   Now, I'll leave this to you guys. Go  ahead and experiment the other possible   values like center space between space evenly  spaced around and try to analyze the use cases.   Next up, we're going to play  with the order of a flex items.   The auto property is used to change the portion  of flex items within the container to experiment   this property to going to create selectors  for all of flex items and change the order   the initial value of order zero. So  according to Flexbox, the flex item one   is in the zero portion. Let's set order property  to every flex item and change the potions.   So we're going to move item one to push in three.   Then item two, to potion for item three,  to question zero item for position one.   item five to question two. So after saving  the file, you can see our items are relocated.   want you guys to understand  that these values are give here   are just experimental values. You can go ahead  and arrange the items as you wish. But again,   I would encourage everyone to  follow the order I'm giving here   so that we continue on the same track. If you see  here, one is a third question to set forth version   three is add zero to question four is that  first question and phi is that second portion.   The auto property will be handy for us to relocate  the portion of the elements when it comes to   responsive design. You can see some people using  negative values to change the order. But I never   encourage anyone to use negative values that will  confuse us when we look at our code in the future.   That's all about the auto property. We're now  going to see the last three properties associated   with the flex box child items. The flex grow  flex ring and the flex basis and remove the auto   properties from all of flex items. The first going  to see the flex grow property now. The flex group   property enables a flex item to grow. To grow  a flex item. All we do is specify an integer,   just a number like how we assigned to the  auto property. to experiment this property.   Let's apply generally in the item selector.  So I'm going to create a flex group property   and set it to one. Well, all of flex  items have become larger in size.   So here all the flex items are occupying  the empty space that they can fit into the   container. In other words, the occupying the  maximum space available inside the container   we can visualize is better if we  again come in the margin property.   You can see they're touching each other now,  and occupying all the space that they can,   that's about the flex grow property that  we uncover this margin property now.   So even if you change this one 200,   they're not going to get any bigger than this.  That's because the value only matters in relation   to the rest. Let's reset this value to one and try  to understand how the value matters. In relation   with the other flex grow values. Let's add a flex  group property to item four and give it three.   So here, item number four is three  times bigger than the rest of the flex   items. By this I'm sure you can understand  how the flex group property works relatively.   When I change this three to five, it's  going to become five times bigger than   the other flex items. That's all  about the flex group property.   Let's remove the flex group property from  item number four and discuss about a short   end property. So the last few properties we  are learning have a shortened property to them,   we can directly call them using the  flex keyword. So with the flex keyword,   we can declare three different values. The  first value will be for a flex grow property,   the second will be for flex ring.  And the last will be for flex basis,   then we simply give one is the first value,  it will automatically understand that we're   declaring the flex grow value. So if  remember the grow keyword from here,   every flex item is still occupying the maximum  space. This method is going to be extremely handy   when it comes to real world projects. And  in most cases, we'll be using the shorthand   property in a project. Maybe we want one of  our flex items to grow larger than the rest.   For example, let's try growing the last item.  Now setting flex five to item number five,   you can see that it is occupying  the maximum space and the rest are   relatively occupying the available space.  This is all about the flex grow property.   Next up, we're going to see the flex basis  property. Flex basis property will set the   width of a flex item. Instead of using the  width property, we can use the flex basis   using the flex basis property or the width  property would mean the same. That's always   a personal choice. But in my opinion, I would  say it is always good to practice to use the   flex basis property so that we'll be able to  differentiate the flex item and the nominal item.   Now for our example, I'm going to change this  to flex basis and said this is 75 percentage.   When we're using the flex basis property, we  should declare a percentage based value or a   pixel based value. Now, the item number five  is occupying 75 percentage of the container   and the rest are altered to occupy  the remaining 25 percentage space   by setting the flex basis to auto in the  background. Do not worry if you're not   able to understand the difference between these  properties. You're going to use them a lot in our   course. So you'll eventually understand them  out of practice. The very last property we're   going to see in this video is flex shrink. So to  show you guys what the fracturing property does,   let me change this percentage value to pixel based  value. Maybe let me change this to 700 pixels.   Right. Let me also minimize my browser  window to demonstrate this property.   Now, if I increase the viewport  width, just see what happens.   So you can see that our item number  five shrinks at a certain breakpoint.   In spite of setting its flex basis to 700 pixels,  it shrinks at a certain point. To avoid this,   we declare the flex string property and  set it to zero. The only two values to the   flex string property one and zero. So it works  as a binary property. By default it is set to   one which means it will shrink the flex item at a  point. Let's try setting the flex string property   to zero and see what happens. But before  that, let me expand my browser window size   Going to my text editor. I'm going to set  a flat string property to item number five   and set it to zero. Now, if I try  to decrease my browser window size   Well, you can see that after setting flexion to  zero, no matter how much size we take off from the   viewport, the item number five is not shrinking.  But the rest of the items are overflowing   the viewport. In most case, people ignore to  understand that they using the flex ring property.   In real time we use a flex keyword where we can  consecutively declare all three properties flex   grow flex ring, and the flex basis that we want  to target the flex basis, aka the width property   to set the flex items with. And that's how we'll  be implementing in our course too. After watching   this video, I highly encourage everyone to open up  the cheat sheet and practice until this point. In   the next video, we're going to learn the rest of  the flex container properties and in this section.   Before we end this section, I would  like to teach you guys how to handle   a lot of flex items into the flex container.  So right now we have five flex items.   Let's simply add another five flex items to  our container and receive the class names.   So you can see that all these flex items are  closely packed to fit into the container,   and some are overflowing the flex container  at zoom a browser to 150 percent is for the   demonstration purpose. If you don't find these  items overflowing, simply zoom your browser window   as I've said. Now coming back to the point,  we have this one last video for this section.   Because they've got a solution if you find  a flex items getting cramped up like this.   So we can use the flex wrap property to  overcome this issue. The default value for   flex wrap is no wrap. And that's why our  flex items are overflowing the container.   But if we create a flex wrap property into  the container selector and set it a wrap.   Then this will create a new line like this to  fit all the flex items inside the container.   In case we are a selector for Item  Number 10 and said the flex to one.   You can see Item Number 10 is occupying  its maximum space in the line. Now if   you shrink the browser size, then the flex wrap  property will wrap the flex items more and more   to ensure that all the flex items fit into  the container. And once again, this is going   to be extremely useful for the responsive design,  then we have less amount of space in the screen.   Now let me increase the height of the container  here and show you guys what will happen.   And we let's set this to 600  pixels and see what happens.   So here we still have two rows. But why do we have  this empty space in between. That's because of the   Align content property which we haven't discussed  yet. That's again a flex container property. So   let's create it align content property into the  container selector and set it to flex start.   Now as you can see, every row in a flex  container is at the top of the container.   Therefore the Align content property aligns  the row in the cross axis into the container.   Again, we can use the same values for  the alencon in property as we use for   the island items and the islands of property.  Here, I want you guys to pause the video and   analyze the difference between the Align items  align itself in the LM content properties.   Now let's set the LM content center.   So as you can see, a rows are aligned  at the center of the container.   We can also change the flex end.   And yes, the rows are at the end of the container.  Then let's see the space around On space between   and finally the space evenly. So the  old walk in the same logic, as you see,   these properties will take some time for you  to memorize. But you don't have to really   worry about it because From now on, the only  going to use the Flexbox in our main project.   Kudos to everyone. We have mastered the concept  of Flexbox. Let's not waste any more time. We   have got a beautiful app to be constructed inside  our website. So it mitigates in the next section,   where we'll be reconstructing a navbar and the  hero section, and then we'll move on to our app.
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Id: tXIhdp5R7sc
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Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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