CSS en el 2021 - ¡No utilizarás Bootstrap! | la función CodelyTV 47
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Views: 121,331
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Keywords: CodelyTV, Rafa Gómez, Núria Soriano, css, css 2020, css 2021, css tutorial, tailwind, tailwind css, tailwind 2, futuro css, aprender css, aprender html, aprende css, aprende html, javascript, css live reload, bootstrap 2021, bootstrap, framework css, postcss, postcss 2021, css layout, css grid, css layouts, styled components, github, css modules, css en español, bulma css, sass, sass 2021, less, less 2021, scss, itcss, atomic design, atomic design css, atomit design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 10sec (3490 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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