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welcome to the douglas  thompson direct drive emporium   here today we have the canvas the sim magic alpha  mini and the fnatic csl dd so i'm going to do a   comprehensive sort of scoring system and then  we're going to add it up at the end we're going   to put things into different categories it's a  three-point scale so we're going to go over some   categories and i'm going to explain to you why i  think it's the best of the worst or the middle you   know we're just going to go over it together  here we go so first category is craftsmanship   now the sim magic alpha mini in my opinion  has the best craftsmanship out of these three   followed by the canvas then the csldd the csld  just kind of it feels more like a workhorse like   it's just like it works and that's all it needs  to do in my opinion it's the least attractive   and it is the worst built sim magic is just like  a big old chunk of aluminum like listen that   right good pretty much gets more and  more hollow the further you go up here three points two points one point power canvas  all the way canvas is 15 newton meters and it's   actually a 17 newton meter motor that they're  down tuning for reliability sim magic has a   10 newton meter offering and this is actually a  13 newton meter motor down tuned to 10. i don't   really know much about the fnatic i know it's  currently maxed out at around eight newton meters   size and weight i do believe that the csl dd is  the lightest of the three but we're combining size   and weight together you know for mounting reasons  on your rig you want it lightweight and small   then you can mount it anywhere i mean there's no  competition here sim magic fanatic canvas looks   i do think the alpha mini is the most attractive  wheelbase followed by the canvas than the fanatic   mounting the csld takes the cake you can mount it  in two different slots on the side and then three   slots on the bottom followed by the canvas there's  a very large slot running along the entire length   of the base and there's also standard mounting on  the bottom now sim magic does have really beefy   mounting on the front and the bottom and the sides  but i think it's a little bit more restrictive   you know the holes are where they are and that's  where they are with the fnatic and canvas you can   kind of slide it around to wherever you need  software for the tuning and whatnot fnatic is   easily the winner in this case fnatic has  the best developed software you can really   tune your stuff in a detailed way followed by  sim magic then canvas value this one's hard to   argue because canvas has 15 newton meters and  it's going for around 500 bucks right now the   sim magic is going for around 600 and it's 10  newton meters and the fnatic is going around 500   for eight new meters sim magic has better quality  force feedback in my opinion but it has a lot less   headroom so you have to kind of make a compromise  either a little bit less force feedback detail   or less headroom so for connections what you can  actually connect to the wheelbase canvas has the   most offered ports followed by fnatic then some  magic ecosystem there's no argument here fnatic   has the most developed ecosystem so first second  third but if you want to go with an affordable   ecosystem canvas definitely takes a cake here game  compatibility fnatic has the best support when   it comes to games every major game has support  for fnatic built in you know you don't need to   fiddle with anything it just works simagic is  currently still working on their compatibility   list but they're improving and they're gaining a  lot of traction canvas is brand new to the market   but so far everything i've tried it  with works so just off of what i know   you know in terms of how long these companies have  been on the market i'm going with fnatic first   sim magic second and canvas third quick  releases now this one's easy canvas has   the most compatible of all three you can attach  any quick release that's a 70 millimeter pattern   right on here you're good to go second would be  sim magic because you can connect pretty much   any energy quick release to this already but  the fact that you can't just you know attach   a standard 70 millimeter straight to the stem  here is upsetting so second place third place   is fanatic because you have to buy a 200 quick  release system with the hub in order to attach   an aftermarket wheel like this so that that's  annoying so yeah with fnatic you're looking at 200   for the hub 100 for the the paddle shifters the  basic ones the advanced ones are like i think two   or three hundred and then if you want a button box  what is that like two or three hundred and then   you know the wheel rim itself is gonna be like  50 to 100 to maybe even 200 for the wheel rim so   you're looking at a lot for fnatic if you want a  bunch of wheels so first second third convenience   how convenient is it to use the wheelbase how  convenient is it to attach things to it canvas   wins sim magic second fanatic third the reason  why i choose canvas because not only does it   have like a ton of buttons you don't even need a  button box in order to navigate menus and things   you could just do it all from the wheelbase you  know you could use these for windshield wipers   uh headlights menu navigation boost three more  newton meters and the canvas has a phone app   so you can control your force feedback through  the phone fnatic most of the wheels have an led   on there but you know unless you actually buy  one with an led you're pretty much stuck with   just the the tuning software right on the pc  but just the fact that you know you're stuck to   their ecosystem and you know you're stuck to  their specific quick releases and stuff like that   the convenience factor does go down canvas sim  magic fanatic materials again there's no arguing   that cinematic is just using the absolute beefiest  stuff really high quality feeling materials like   even the plastics that are on it and the carbon  fiber it just all feels premium i would go first   second third customer service based on my personal  experience canvas has been there for me when i   reached out to them they were immediate they were  really hungry for my business they were hungry to   answer all my questions you know they're not like  bothered by the fact that you you have questions   they want to inform you as best they can about  their product that they're really excited about   uh sim magic i'm gonna say that they're  one of the harder people to get a hold of   semester the company but when you go  through one of their authorized dealers   they're easy to get a hold of and and they answer  pretty quick like within a day or two right   uh fanatic good luck sometimes it's been like  a month before they got back to me on certain   things fanatics popularity is a factor here but  the fact that they're not investing more in their   customer service department is concerning they're  only worried about selling selling selling selling   and i've had a lot of problems with their products  and they're not quick they're the biggest company   of the three and they have the worst customer  service first second third overall force feedback   satisfaction now this one's a bit of a  toss-up because i like the canvas better   i like the force feedback quality like it feels  more realistic but i'm not able to get all those   small details you know that i can with the csl dd  and the sim magic alpha mini but the fact that i   can boost it up past anything what these two can  do is a big feature you know if i want to if i   want to drive a car that has no power steering i  can do that with this one these two you can't do   that there's no way either of these can replicate  a car without power steering but i will say that   the sim magic alpha mini when talking about the  really small nuance details has all three of   these beat the csl dd would be second place and  canvas would be third for small details for big   details canvas some magic fanatic practicality  this is really important to me what can i do   with a wheelbase again this is gonna have to go to  canvas for first place it's got a bunch of buttons   on the wheelbase very practical very functional  it has the most compatible quick release bolt   pattern you know i can attach whatever this is a  25 quick release right i can get a bunch of these   and then i'm i'm set i can attach a bunch  of wheel rims and we're golden right   it's in magic you can't do that unless you want  to pay another 70 bucks or something like that   for another stem flange thing to be able to  actually use a 70 millimeter quick release fanatic   the least practical of all when it comes to quick  releases because you can only use theirs and this   is expensive too you can't just get by with like  a 25 quick release and be good you can't you have   to get their hub their quick release all that  stuff you have to so last place second place   first place and this is clearly the most versatile  because you can tune it to any car i'm able to use   this wheelbase to replicate what my car really  feels like my 04wrx with no power steering this   one does feel more realistic even though you  don't get those small vibrations of the road   or less of them i should say but what is there  feels more realistic with the canvas the csl   dd does feel great but you know once you get to  a certain point it chokes a little bit with the   type of racing that i do rally racing all three of  these would be a good option pick your poison at   that point you know all of these can replicate the  forces that a rally driver would be experiencing   in in a contemporary rally but if you're into  open wheel racing older cars cars without power   steering being able to replicate damage to your  car canvas all day long then the sim magic alpha   mini then the fnatic csl ddd did i just say ddd  so if you're wondering about the mini specifically   i would say that the mini feels closer to  the csl dd than it does to the dd1 or dd2   in terms of performance and power and also the  force feedback it feels closer to the csl dd than   it does to the dd1 and dd2 which in my opinion the  dd1 and dd2 have inferior force feedback quality   at these levels you know at eight newton meters  this is king in fnatic's world but this is better   the canvas in terms of power is much closer  to the dd1 when i try to add 100 it was   awesome you know i'm not going to ever  drive like that for long periods of time   but if i did want to do that this would satisfy  that part of me that wants that like you know it's   not so much that it's unusable you know when you  get to 25 30 newton meters i just feel like that's   that's too much right like i'm never going to  use that unless we're talking about the the wheel   rotation stop like you know you want that to be as  hard as possible but rarely will you ever utilize   that much force so this is a really good middle  ground for the majority of people in my opinion   my personal choice of these three in terms  of what i would recommend to people and what   i want to use for myself as a long-term base is  the canvas i wish it was smaller i wish i had a   little bit more detailed force feedback and when i  say that the canvas has less detail than these two   not to say that it's not there it is there  you can still feel all the little vibrations   you can still feel like all the little bumps and  things but they're a little bit more round feeling   compared to these like you can make these feel  really sharp uh which actually might feel less   realistic but the fact that you can do that with  a tuning software is important to me you know   you have an option so if you have a particular  game that just no matter what feels too round   in terms of the force feedback you can kind of  adjust it with these two and make it feel sharper   this one you kind of stuck with sort of round  more realistic feeling honestly it does feel more   realistic to me if you're working with a budget  there is no beating the canvas right now you can   get a wheel with a button box with paddle shifters  with a quick release for 200 you can get this base   for five or six hundred dollars something  like that with the wheel and the base combo   you can get it for around eight hundred dollars  that's an immense value not to mention the quick   release the quick release you can change it out to  whatever you want you know you don't have to use   electronics you know this is compatible with any  quick release that i can think of on the market   right now the phonetic csl dd i do think it has  great value especially if you're just getting into   the dd market you know 350 bucks for your first  direct drive wheelbase it's still going to feel   better than anything logitech or thrustmaster can  put out force feedback wise maybe not power wise   but the detail you know and a lot of people really  hold that as as their most important feature in a   wheelbase is what can i feel i want to be able  to connect with the car the sim magic alpha   is in a weird spot in my mind if you just want to  buy the wheelbase and you don't mind that you're   kind of limited by the quick releases you're able  to put on here you know if you're okay with an   energy type quick release which is awesome you  know i don't ever really see myself switching   to something else unless something way better  comes along as long as you're cool with that   this wheelbase goes for around 600 something  dollars it's it's amazing it's great great quality   great size you know look at this whole thing it's  tiny i can pitch this in a softball game and lose   this you could pretty much only play basketball  with this you could probably play dodgeball with   it i hope it makes sense i'm going to add  up all the points in the description below   and let me know what you think is the best  value here i really want to know your opinions   on these things uh canvas is the clear choice  in my mind for the all-around best wheelbase   here not to say i don't really appreciate  sim magic sending this to me for the review   but i can't lie to my subscribers this channel  is founded on transparency and i'm going to   keep it that way have a good day thank you for  watching and i hope to see you in a future video you
Channel: Douglas Thompson
Views: 23,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, gaming, fanatec, csl, dd, direct, drive, sim, racing, simulation, cars, car, fast, driving, rally, dirt, realistic, motion, tips, tutorial, mods, modify, simvertex, dd1, podium, clubsport, v3, shifter, shifting, h-pattern, clutch, heusinkveld, handbrake, rig, cockpit, prosimu, ultrawide, monitor, 3090, rtx, nvidia, ryzen, 5950x, custom, vr, Simagic, q1, cammus, bdh, nrg, rift s, richard, burns, rbr, pro, rsf, alpha, mini, vs, versus, best, better, most, cheap, affordable, entry, review, breakdown, comprehensive, look, tabletop, side, by, comparison, compared
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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