CS:GO - ENCE vs Astralis [Train] Map1 - Final - Champions Stage - IEM Katowice 2019

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Well when you're moving around it's not like your bullets are going to be exactly where your crosshair is, that's csgo 101

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YaBoiBunsen 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
we have such a good mentality like through the tournament even like the first week second week the whole tournament the mentality we had we can't undo anything okay let's try just grind and stuff like that yeah it's been two different experiences because today we had to take route with us a little bit and we didn't have that against an IP so that was quite nice nobody expected ends to be in the final they are really unpredictable so we definitely have to go on and study them aloud when I'm watching all the other opponents Australis is probably the only one I'm seeing such a good quality games that I it's very hard to interrupt their game really impressed with their composure as well they've been playing like good ice in their veins they play some close matches and actually do come backs against liquid comebacks against Navi so so yeah they definitely have everything they need to be a top team they don't feel the pressure that we're losing something we just play around around and keep doing our stuff and enjoying the game and that's actually something I don't see other teams having fun so much the Danish people in the arena of course and the Polish people they always bring like that really sick energy so yeah I'm just excited to play against Thames and have a little bit like gut feeling they're gonna cheer friends because they don't a talk and everybody loves like a Cinderella story it's gonna be like a huge task for us but we have to believe in ourselves we believe that we have a chance here in the major to the final and we also have the chance to take the final so let's go all the way Vodafone presents the pre-match Twista the coach saying we have a chance let's go all the way and the fans seem to agree and jerseys sold out in Katowice every seat taken and the last few premium and visitors are on their way to their seats as well a packed crowd for what could be a fantastic grand final and of course I'm prophesying it with could be because I truly do not know which end sandwich Australis are about to be walking onto that stage we mean if we look at the last two weeks I know it's a good it's gonna be a good grand final I mean literally a month ago ants was the 14th ranked team in the world and you would have asked me coming into this match again socialist then I said oh my god we're gonna be out of here and you know probably record time today but honestly they stand a great chance the way they've been approaching the vetoes is very smart and the way they approach even the maps they don't play is super intelligent they have very strong defaults I think one of the biggest strengths for instance the foundation that they've built up s team right it's a team that's been together now for a year I believe if not even more they started at Cologne doing a great result they came in to style them whether wanna tournament for the first time new bronze your dream head wins I believe whether also got another title on other belt so the song moved up in the rankings now find themselves at the big states at a major having built a great and solid foundation I think that's why it's so tough to beat these guys because they have so much like know-how of how to play together how to play from behind and all that kind of stuff that is built into this strong foundation do you think there's something to be said as well for the fact that they started as five you know February of 2018 and stuck with at five I mean like this this kind of not forcing a roster change when a result doesn't go your way do you know that does as an ingredient it's definitely an ingredient in this whole thing because you watch them and their communication and the way they move around the map and play off each other is so strong I mean it's like a homegrown project that not too has created and he's put so much work into ironically actually I'm not sure if anyone mentioned a he was a player on Astralis in like 2005 well that is oh that's beautiful the Creator founder and I essentially father event and play for a stylist before astralis was a strategy yeah that makes sense right Jacob and on the other side of things we've set their name an awful lot felis trolleys I can be stepping into this one I actually want to move to the vetoes because this is gonna be interesting we already were biting your tongue before Sean and now I'll let that word gobbledygook what's so interesting about this veto is both the team's ban cash which is the same thing that happened when ends played navi and they had in them to float that cash ban against Navi and made Nobby Bennett I think they're gonna do the same thing today against the straw Louis it's on Donnie feet it seemed like they're gonna want to play cash they're prepared for it but no they actually look Sophia Shaw's actually vans cash now this is where Ann type she has quite a few options they could pick train overpass or Mirage and I think they would send up very good chance at beating assaults on any of those maps I definitely agree I like the fact that they're coming into this one and willing to focus right they know that they're on the dog they know they have to take a risk in this video in order to make sure that they get an edge and they are picking train which is a map that they have looked very strong on that said that we seen a stylish played once in the tournament at least 16 oh yeah but that isn't much as in of course sixty knows incredibly we haven't seen too much Australis the Train we haven't got a real litmus test for just how hot they are no we haven't and if you were to ask me who has a better trained Navi or a sauce I would say Navi a hundred times out of 100 especially simple going off and getting both pistols oh ok so they were given the choice dust2 which we have seen some interesting ents games actually some of their lesser six less successful games on dust2 and they were given the choice in twos to take it to overpass as a third map dude if I had to choose a second like a mat after inferno that should be like a major third map I think overpass would be up there I think it's a very great map for instance well I think they're super happy with how this video went down they were able to float cast they were able to pressure Stratus into allowing them to play overpass as a potential third n7s would say sometimes they wonder video game they definitely want this video game you are going into a major final as an underdog with your permabanned gone and Australis is unbeaten 28 in zero nuke out of the picture before you even start picking that's that's a dream and probably the worst map for ants in this major run is dust - and don't even played wow okay we will continue but of course another fresh face see we need to introduce you to is Chad sponge Burchell he's over at his favorite machine he's gonna be breaking things down alright it's only fitting that we have trained here this is the map where it all started for ants on the run they were down 7 and 0 and this is where they were able to bring the come back against big I want to focus on one of the strategies that ran and what I really want you guys to notice is these two smokes these are constantly used through on the T side from ants and it's their map choice they're gonna have to make these work this is the round where they through the opening smokes they drew the attention and they've actually gone back towards inside which you can see right here for a dry hit they have multiple variations with these smokes being used for them to allow him to hit bomb sites let's just take a look at another one this was round 10 against Navi it was an eco round where they're just upgrading some pistols and some armor and they've gone fast onto the yard once again these smokes are going to be used this is just obscuring the vision and it's very important for these smokes you know and for Australis to be able to stop these kind of attacks Alex so this is one that they need to shut down if they want to stop ends today I mean yeah but that's we these incredible rounds every single individual ferments has had their moments and Sergei definitely Alexi bx7 I think the list continues Oulu definitely has had his rounds and I'm forgetting one did I not list how dare I not it's it's not ringing a bell but they found themselves down in some some serious holes throughout this event and they always have managed to come back Trident showed this one right here where they're down seven two against Navi they were down oh seven against big they were down 15 to seven I believe over fifteen eight against liquid I mean they have so many comebacks apparently 2500 people voted in this poll the memes have gone too far now it's is it just dank social media memes I think we're gonna have a few or salty people that don't want anyone to get diamonds that's probably a conversation itself but okay so there's definitely the fans have fallen friends they're under their spell and I mean you'd understand why their crowd favourite you go out there in the crowd I promise you this crowd is majority ants right now so they definitely have the crowd working for them and in past majors that I've attended that's a big factor I think the clock the cloud nine major the fans really motivated them to get that I definitely think so too and that's just another thing as trolleys have to overcome right to trying to rewrite history that's trying to be the second team in history winning back-to-back majors only fanatic of them that so far this is the best team to ever exist in counter-strike and they're getting all the obstacles thrown and ahead of them the crowd is not with them the fans are not with them partly wind up with them we want to see Australia sluice at some point we want to see them be human at some point but in the end right Australia's have just been the best team for such a long period and it's just impressive so it's impressive to see them keep winning and winning and winning well we'll find out if ends can put up a fight because gentlemen don't panic but I think it might be time it is grand finals time the IEM katowice csgo major championship is about to reach its crescendo we'll head over to the stage to get this party started [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's gonna be tough it's gonna be a long road this is what we love and this is the reason why we do it is to play in those stadiums and these arenas it's gonna be a great moment in my life like an achievement of mine because we are trying to get our family members to see what it's like to play on the big stage [Music] [Applause] certainly is the first kill though go is the way a flaming flame he's got another new box is preoccupied if he wraps and they're both gone for neo and they're gonna push it all together bones teeth he's got a sling they know that blaze [Applause] [Music] these ankles and it's not the twist again they know exactly where he is he's got that sharp 32 kills to his name's gonna add another one but has the crossfire 20 seconds left and I'll be chipped in for a third that gold on the upturn [Music] and they go for the doors and the wimps talk away below entity [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's playing this one so slowly feasibly sloped is he getting done picked up town looking for I've had so many different emotions in that arena I played so many big games in there I've been so disappointed so many times in there but I always have so good memories of it it is simple we'll be native down to 35 - audacity to stick around and a lose the anchor and he certainly will hold fast now just to the nick of time [Applause] [Music] sometimes you lose and sometimes you win but we want to prove that you can keep staying on the top and and play good sears even though everyone is aiming to take you down the first time on the metro we have nothing to lose here we just have to show what we're capable you miss family you miss your friends and therefore I also put so much emotions into it this is everything for me this is my life [Music] Oh baby yeah it is a championship Sunday here in the spur neck who's ready for this this is what we live for before I love to do in a sunday's put my pants on get hyped and watch computer games but this isn't just any computer game this is counter-strike the best eSports the plan in this is the Intel Extreme Masters 2019 care of it's a major a water place we are in three weeks of competition and we are now at the point yet that trophy is going to be lifted in the next few hours and the two teams that are battling out my word - we have a story line for you on one side I could believe the best CS team ever to play this game in Australis and astrology fans they are looking to do back-to-back majors they've achieved a lot they've never done that on the other hand you have the Cinderella story from the clothes qualifiers - right now not just the biggest state that ever played on this year but ever and that is an Sandy X farce it's about the trophy is about being called champions it's about bragging rights between Denmark and Finland so baby let's get it on please welcome to the stage the first team and that is mr. honest [Applause] [Music] they have won everything recently but are you look into their eyes you know that they want this as well and if you check the forum books the betting you would know they are massive favorites but that's what's been against the next team all the way through this tournament they are underdogs but they are here to win please welcome to the stage it dance [Applause] [Applause] okay here we go we have got a grand final of packed out spodek so full they are sitting behind the stage and watching it on screens about their respect to the lurkers a million people are ho watching let's get a grand final on who's winning this is it Australis digit ants one more time in Australia is it as it's time for the red final let's get it on [Applause] [Music] yes the concept modern video games competition and yet this is one of the most ancient of all pursuits to be the best humans have been trying to do it in every facet of life for as long as we have breathed air and now we stand here in the spodek 10,000 in the stands million is the number being thrown around just yesterday in the semi zarnow a major final which could perhaps deserve even more the players now on your screens determine exactly how good this final will be both Australis and nth guys as a bit of a contrast here we've got all ents in their seats already hit in the warm-up and Australis they have in their convoy they are preparing right there making sure that everyone on the team knows exactly what to do when they're going up against and I promise you sonic has been staying up all night making sure that they know every single little detail about what in scand throw at them and that's exactly what he's telling them right now to be ready for those and those small tendencies that I can throw at them Estrada's is probably not only the best team to play the game but also the best team at preparing for their poets without a doubt Australis is the best team to ever play and they will cement that if they win today but you cannot change an entire game plan within 24 hours over like four three maps right they didn't know if ence was gonna pick train Mirage or overpass but surely sonic put in some work for each map but they can't drastically change their setups in such a short amount of time a second ops Inferno course we'll talk about it when we get there but there there aren't pretty undefeated streak on that 214 but so is inte when it comes to tree and to play train ten times this year one or ten times though unbeatably of basically untrained so far so a stylist would have to be the first team in 2019 to be tense on train if they want to go at least secure tree map at this major Wow okay so we've got undefeated records clashing on a grand final stage of anything you could ask so much more let's not forget Alexi be 21 years of age and yesterday saying we're gonna break their record that takes a whole lot of something I mean he could even be talking about the fact that they haven't even dropped a map in two straight major playoffs yeah 10 and oh in the last two majors one comes to the playoffs that's an incredible feat I don't know how that's even possible I mean you're playing your opponent's best map pick five times and you in every single time you're just impervious to counter-strike you just can't fall we can't drop a map we have seen them bleed once at this major and that was on Mirage no Mirage to Cocina no an astrologist by no means unbeatable they just seem to be on delivery right we've seen renegades beat them we've seen teams test them to the wire they might be out there yesterday and I peed in it in the quarter-final of course you can be the Stratus if you're playing your best friend of counter-strike but that's what it's required from him they have to play the absolute best counter-strike that they have ever done if they want to stand a chance to beat Estrada's in this final the craziest thing is is the map that they dropped they had a 12 3 lead on it's not like you know they were down the entire map went up over time same thing the last major they look you're actually down 13 to be managed to bring it to overtime when these guys lose it's still a close game when they are down they are by far far from out ents are the same though you could say exactly the same copy and paste that statement for both of the teams on this grand final stage they've been down to huge deficits and they have overcome them both teams have done this on multiple occasions and Australis ver sense is about to go down guys you feeling it you started to get the counter-strike tingles you ready our us ready ever since yesterday that Navi and schemed there was there was really getting me fired up and I think today could be just as good yeah I'm so ready okay had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up I'm so ready to see if ants can pull up the greatest upset in history yeah we've seen eSports come close to Cinderella stories we've seen impossible runs from all across the different stratosphere of games we've seen ti champions from open qualifiers and ents now in the counter-strike world look to challenge the Goliath it's Australis taking on and their first major Australis look at the winning back-to-back the is the juxtaposition this is astralis versus ends and it is map what Henry Sato I know you're gonna bring the noise we certainly hope so Alex it's Grand Finals time ladies and gentlemen and take on us Travis back that's Wilson on the T side that's Travis depending on the counter terrorist forces and it's a slow start here permit they go over the brown horse control man that's plenty a CT presence there certainly is already zip fix is rotated over debris there as well all night or die be suggested the pitch goes beyond science I got the first kill at the finals areas gonna follow it up good start of the pistol for it or taste it require the other three for the three on be Mariel still holding while the ball but we'll go down safely planning to hold from Ivy so x7 h to stay aggressive Dupree winning the back lane actually gives them a chance to wrap in host plant loses a little bit of ground as a result and don't forget that zip --ax is alive in this you can pull a rabbit from a hat at any occasion gonna try to pull up through the smoke second one down late great utility after the plant to the Exide this is overwhelming now zip thanks trying to find any point of access to this point I think they just have to say they have no Kent's have no utility they have got 100 HP and a hundred armors that means they do force by the next round at least I'll have helmets I'll have a bit more to work with an outer spec when it's Ed's kicking things off with a bang here they're gonna find Dupree surely he goes down here well very clear says they win the Teesside pistol this one player survives not cippec's a fast approach of main entrance towards IV smoker the back of the bomb train and finding clinical killed as they make their way now x7 is had a fantastic Tolman join by ariel as well these guys are deadly and they put their best foot forward here in the first round will we see the force by from Australis I doubt it but with zip takes out the armor maybe they consider Scouts and C's heads but I thought that they will focus on the big picture stop here as you have a slight time out just to collect ourselves work out what's happening here as a straw looks to take the poor we don't need to worry too soon we know how composed that astrology and beep and or until Grand Slam winners won the previous major this would give them a third major title tying them with fanatics record and there's no signs of them slowing down either that's the impressive part of the astrology Miz that even while winning there's no hints than anyone's clutching close behind liquid seemed to be the only team that might give them the run i PR gave it a go yesterday perhaps put that back to a brazilian portuguese to be won if there's something in that but right now we're to go against them perfect setup there as well to SMGs the AKS and aloes not slowing down this way towards I think capturing the bags you get the first kill there's plenty of CTS out here though they've got the four outside stack there doesn't seem to be slowing down ants whatsoever they've got them selling a four buses one this round is guaranteed very dense so that was the pulley koalas were buying up into this next round they can afford the AWP but it's to free that have to fire on the nose who'd get no armor for himself I think I'll focus on the rifle set and it will be 2-0 can end to keep this up I expect to see some sort of execution here five players focusing on one area sending that mac-10 in first to glow behind it I'm just trying to get the bomb down get as many kills they can let's have a bit of a disadvantage I get some times of firepower here to go trying at the bomb down see what can be done if they win this they're in such a fantastic position they can get the pompons with two or three kills that's also very good as well it more aggressive outside for starlets this time in fact they burrow into pop dog we've not seen them try and take that position but sir hey he's already at the huge vomit octopus blade back if he ran out and there was no-one else watching and they hold off hot dog guns in their hand we're gonna see exactly what a straw Louis is capable of that's quite the statement isn't it we go into the first gun round there and we're in a few seconds everyone's dead on and no one has dropped on the Australia side it's just Alexi be now holding towards tea so here's the thing with the start from ends sold for it has been very quick the pace on the pistol the follow up and now this round most of the action has happened about the 120 to a minute mark they can slow this down if they start to set that tempo and a straw 'less has to use the utility early if that gets in their mind they can dictate the pace it's always difficult to analyze these sections of the game itself because yes and to use that momentum they know that got lots of weapons and as Wallace won't be fully equip the incendiaries may be no helmet set so this trying to stay together keep it very fast but Dupree with a double spray down with that org of course towards the main entrance he finds the bomb and all hell breaks loose it's up to elect to be now to see whether he can actually pour some financial damage 35 seconds to do so see T's have full control of the bomb and he's as good T of anyone's liking his position smokes down in front of the spotty one yet spective I see knew where he was coming from they can hear him inside there's the first round collected about a minute further to find the last remaining player but that's fine they only lose one gun in the meantime it's a low can afford the AWP he passes that straight away no problem for him to make that decision they'll get a force up around him at 10 C said bunny not as strong as you might think that as we head into round before he had a fantastic train performance in the game yesterday against Navi but he dropped off towards into the series so open to see him set the scoreboard on fire here with teammates gonna require up one pistol one SMG the neck is going quickly out of the man chest again that pace continues man okay all the way down smokes off as well therefore pitches to go back device he's got a hold for the top of all drink finds the one already at sandwich rotates header out there the surfers are ready for this absolutely that's flawless if they're gonna run the fast pace a stroll this is absolutely ready for it you know what I think it was a bit I don't want to say predictable but unsurprising that ence is doing this because they want to send a message early I would have thought they'd allow a low to at least explore what's happening that they know that rawness don't happy aw be right now maybe take advance without back to see them get any pitch but you're absolutely right they are so ready for this how perfect is that round it doesn't get much better than that round five has to be the eco resume Lewis starts will take the lead as we'll see now just two Glocks and the Russian so we discussed this all tournament long most these folks in that in a bomb tokus you're almost guaranteed aplomb but they're aware of it they're playing up closer personal here device giving the first crack nails that survey goes down I'd open a CF plum here I was still trying to find his way around the corner the fact that they were running so quickly and that typical a flash in but what's it in the position of devices side you could have caused concern for the RDoc this time for for device [Applause] device is going to be a problem for them there's no question a loo he can't be slow at any point in this game yesterday he had a few odd moments or he was huge in crucial late-round late-game big moments put device is gonna be firing the whole time by that AWP and they have to counter it well they won't be able to this round it's going to be a k47 so get out these utilities trying to negate the AWP of device it's very powerful looks like everyone on the stralla sees looking very very sharp indeed 3 2 2 on the CT side a train in the first map of this best of three this is the pickup X that's what I'll start on the T side and device he's no longer toward the inside bomb sites he'll doing outside Duprey assumingly joining hawaii towards the whole program a very common setup these days after to focus divorcement and topic area and avoid any utility on the other side the palm stays down at each spawn at events go back to a more default setup there so that's a fast-paced gameplay outside I'm still down below and this is also fit unsurprising as soon as the money becomes a factory they want to slow it down it's all vast Rallis because they couldn't overrun them as planned you've been spotted as well on that jump so it's not just you that's holding the angle now I like sea knows that he's down there far away he is now that's not really wallop open he is certainly trying to flirt with the crowd leave flirts back amount of damage done to both a Leo and Alexei alright go the bomb towards inside here it's the one we're trying to fake them out towards ID that's x7 gets the kill by buses for they commit towards inside this is looking very good French just absolutely wrong zip things and he was forced off he was so far back because they put so much pressure on they knew he knew specifically that they were going to try to go for the plank with debris just wants to do economic damage at this point in time one on five they've got money built up surprisingly a great amount on a straw less already they want to punish ends No Deal what he can ten thousand dollars to his name they'll certainly be a by pressed Wallace going forward we do sometimes see them rock the double orb set up on train like to be made you squeeze the second your play technically on this map alone and stay pipe aground from them slow default trying to see if there's any aggression in the sea team is having seventh Ward diving it gets that all-important killer causes the rotation and then zip X they're very back at the bomb site nothing you could do a little bit lovely shot the ak-47 guarantees the round and they managed take four players down with them Dupree will survive they start to adjust things that I'm interested may just go to that second job as if X is called for attacks full-time I have pretty and shot them out covering the black this would be a good game these guys are ready to deliver on ants the timeouts here we go three three and device and major ski yet to buy so that's why I pull out that kind of considering the double ops right now slight issue no.11 of the thicket he changes with even the slightest yes sir any other issues given this is a grand final you don't get to play in these too often I mean I guess if you're a straw Louis maybe you do but yes certainly get this as comfortable as possible and that's a factor as well because their mentality on this stage it's a narrative you've heard all week long they've never been on the stage I was the only one and they've come in now for three series and remained absolutely resilient all the way through so so long solid and takedown meant something as well not just by beating them in a server for taking down liquid enough eventually now you this is even this is twice as hard against this charlatan you gotta wonder do they crack is there a point when they do this is a whole different level of pressure watching the clips from yesterday and seeing how ice cold and so after winning huge clutches against the likes of simple for example there's such young players but playing gears above their experience it's fantastic to see and now we go 3 3 we run on the T side as well so doing a great job so far the unpause is coming through it's only device that has not purchased yet they just will not get the second for your device presumably he's your hair as he certainly does as we headed to round number 7 here a lose back on his AWP as well snow get heading towards inside it's a more of a default here Alan did get a chance of either shot off the wars main engines but nothing connects 7 just making sure the thing clear off ivy before they even approach it's a good read almost does like to flash him go feel under bit just bill they wanted to try and take you back but he was perfectly because his net lash was just over his shoulder yeah he misses the ball itself and the flashbang gets the kill and now he falls back safely so debris this time the one to go up underneath the ladder blames already rotated off he's playing at be swings early and it's all 5 their debris he's already up the letters you know what he's just below he pushes now he locks them in sent here he's gonna force them they're gonna take damage for the flags Sergei get through it's like the kill but it's now Duprees turn to strike have immediately behind the JISC Smoketown knows that they're pushing up if they get him they can actually wrap back through z connector of a book at the amount of players that's rotating over-promised Rowlett let it go anywhere it ariel it's a search set finish to the round there's no way he finds for in this occasion he might get one fortunate find but immediately responded considered one of the best anchors in all of csgo it zip exhaling the inside bomb site that perfectly positioned and the enemies have pushed in towards inside his world I play perm Aegis they know they've lost information outside of the map if he pushes towards T's form they have to act very quickly that's why they go focusing towards inside there by bus is bought and running through the flames you could see they got one kill upon entry about zip X look at this position it was so well played then he gets a kill for the smoke though profit all denies the plan so very well done it is a reset technically they still have enough for ak-47 set X ever on the map ten not a huge deal can make that work they send five players towards inner once more just sip --ax same way though do breeze underneath does it work twice zipping white side they know he's there they can flirt with the patrol repeat but he still find it Sergei he ran off the clip Caterine swine he goes down he was created because of the tag in the air that was spectacular but unfortunate it's not exactly what you want to see on their side of things because now despite the thing at zip X they're only left with three alive bomb is planted can they hold it don't plank this time all four at the front of the site for all us money's still good they could definitely make a case for going at this and they will justify aerial kits enough it's down to just x7 he's only got a mac-10 rifles away from him as well they're already inside he's gonna try to push through that was too close for comfort there I thought the knife might do it he jumps through the smoke valiantly gets the first mac-10 kill he gets the backstab if you get it right between the shoulder blades is an instant kill as well there was a chance he pulls that one off nor meant to be SIF thanks once again he did so much damage as to crave the circuit and do anything wrong this is very important to fix that much damage zip X of 2 kills essentially and it will be 5 3 after that reset it has to be the full eco now for ends I'll take a bit of investment here sees Ed's PG 50s wand eagle hold on till about two thousand dollars Dupree looking to get up close and personal okay take him down as he offers a rifle up there this could get a little bit dicey for him my swings though that's gonna buy him some space because he already could hold off reverse side of the alleyway natan followed up glaives went first device easy-peasy at that point Sergei will plant at least it be so further money for ends hauless looking pretty comfy they are far enough forward though whether the battle gets a head shot the circuit is able to at least get a trade there's something in it our parts getting rifles and the angles that they're playing because it's gonna be decently business I should say between them in the kill behind them again loss to Sergei he's too far removed at this point damaging to reload they're putting it down disc will and that'll be six to three pretty well done that ferments they get a couple of kills to bomb planted PG fifties in Kevlar the bomb down they're gonna have a ton of cash here that's made us your three kills six to three Australis in the lead on the CG side now Ali with five kills really want to see him start stepping up the AWP train you can get a lot done with that sniper rifle if I set on eight kills right now everyone from Estrada's looking very very good indeed but ants are holding their own and this is not unfamiliar for them they've been down in a number of games early on and combats true Navi had them at 7 2 & 7 1 or 2 different points in that series like see trying to find some grounds x7 again will battle off with magista this will be an ongoing duel between the two yeah that's a great battle as well x7 so good of his timings and even individual skills what better and better as the tournament progresses Ali why stuff towards main unable to get real information right now backed off as the utility in place x7 is aware that they could sneak out they've obviously scouted that I think most people have on train device checks corner with the AWP but still there brings if it's over that direction so we have the information that no one was there but I just rotate off of that that's showing so much presence towards bot-dog they're comfortable Ivey still so might as well have a couple players towards inside the next several of the commitment warrants back his spot off but the shot isn't played ready for it takes him down five verses for once again his play who's looking to find a couple more over looks like his days might be numbered while right next to that area doesn't miss many shots so take him down buzz if X finds the bomb he finds the bomb is the key aspect so unpredictable Sergei just absolutely confused and destroy Dupree all in one motion but tix will hold out against Ali we managed to get the bomb back but that's all seven three very confident in their setup right now a Strasse looking almost perfect an awkward moments Awards popped up they're literally almost glitched out that's cuz he's jumping off a ladder attaching to it again trying to make things as difficult as possible for the CT he gets one kill but such large being taken down quickly after that loss bonus done in Toorak up now that the fourth stage and the T side for their seventh three down he's round to him put it quick $3,000 per player I would suggest they're going to take a partial buy here with the maximum loss brother's coming enough for that you can see what's available to them there's actually a good chance of winning these sort of rounds especially the lost brothers getting a fifth stage you can get deagle we can get our Matt you can get a few smokes execute towards inside potentially and see what can be done take the time now now workouts and they'll operate in ran over eleven save requirements I've gotten a number of all plants on this too on rounds that they've won to that event diffused on rounded they lost which is also put in this sequence of four routes against them so that's been adding a little bit to the bonus but in a couple of those occasions specifically she ready to go it was desperate this isn't x7 kill on blade cleanly and he's got a gun picked up to go along with it so it had before to work with on the T side demise doesn't response wants to try and take the corner at B that allows the other three to stay on the a site what bug has been served a problem for them you have the good sport try to take it on and now there's a best second kill Pacific he is an absolute beast right now three more fair he just keep finding hat-trick after hat-trick it looks like a stroller so back on that beeper not for long two buses to H be pretty similar on either site its device of the AWP though but he still has a hundred health and all of his utility as we hit the wall minute mark ends gonna slow things right down and work out the next move is deagle the waited hell if they walk back in it still to the m4 stays with X 725 position to try and plant the bomb device is nowhere near enough to deny that x7 wants to beat them out though the longer he does that the more chance he gives device to rotate around an ally can't really counter that set angle he could swing to trade but he certainly would give device a crack at it fortunately Dupree plays this smart enough those were to check feet and because he's so far away device can't do anything he's got a hold for his teammate to get back in place Steagall won't find it out Lou goes down x7i only has the twenty five but again he's the one that has the m4 he presumed that he's gone to pop dog and he knows exactly where device is sneaking it late as well parked on the side low HP finds to free device gets off its plays the ladder so that the feet don't show what he's pulling him away from the ball to win the route device does he have time to get back it's gonna be close or near markets with the Eco victory wibbit it's that fast hot dog wave of x7 it gets him a rifle it's a key to the round allows them to stop pushing towards IV applying the pressure and that's a big one for them we got plenty of cash here now they haven't broken the finances just yet of Astralis but maybe the morale as we get into round 12 here I'll be back on the AWP and cippec's currently set of eleven kills and four deaths here he's having an absolutely amazing game Murray kills the last round wasn't quite enough though I'm afraid as the smokes and flash bangs are deployed outside just fill out a load you get a position and see whether he can find an aggressive CT towards all off there Dupree backs out of it early continue to hold this in default the default again is exited toward my disc it's a repetition of battles early on change a play for astralis misc he's got a much more powerful weapon this time to keep x7 at bay does require a bit more accuracy [Applause] VP will never die they're legends in this arena for life the real Starks if you breed down that's exactly what they want so slowing the pace has proved valuable because now Astralis is starting to get inquisitive vulgar curiosity he walks in no chance and absolutely gets ripped off by it no utility as well by the way for Dupree to try to take a mane as a secondary over major spoilers Oh kept the opening killed the CT side back to a four and four it goes the absolutely right they're waiting for that CT aggression that come through areolas really impressed me on transcribe this tournament he looks fantastic with the opening facts of that ak-47 ladies in position to find kills towards main entrance though gonna be done quite connecting the shop is low as well needs to be very careful with its forward step this time he's got it coming off to further damage the often reverse does get laid back but not before he can get the farm away luckily they got it back eight seconds that's going to on the ground I was gonna stay alive miss shot an awkward standoff in the middle of the site but they'll wait they want the time to expire they wanna kill him afterwards and they will no money for a loo no money it's all that's very smart stuff there from Australis a lot of teams we tempted us to rush around after he fired the shot get the trade make sure he can't do anything more they wanted to run that timer down if you die after the round time expires you get no money into the next round luckily olive had a bit of residual cash he has 1200 still but they are going to take a pause at this stage yes yes trawlers the call-up as they work out the opposition will happen round up a 13 the artist joining us the first map of his best array the grand final at the IEM katowice CS cope major 2019 its device back on the organ Aegis or hold on to the AWP for now tense there are first days lost bonus everyone hovering around $2,000 they force by this one there won't be a lot to work with if they take up for me coke police get aks and armor and smoke into the next realm that won't be an awp not for short how do they approach this situation Cesar's armor purchased by Aleksey be all the others join them that's pretty much a force bite indeed they will they're going for this one so far with just one smoke now make it two not a lot that on the table we'll see what they can make of it one smote swords connect turns it's how they once again waiting for the aggression towards you manage his position Bree gets away with the m4 again same position they lost in last time popped up but he's already tanked down to 26 this time to cleave he wants to punish the fact he starts - that was under him he jumped in device somehow got the shot underneath and they'll keep themselves perfectly composed that good should come law has no sort of surprise I mean that's so solid that they're easily able to work off of each other even in panic situations the outside hole is this looking so sharp all of a sudden they lose the first pick but then a flurry of frags come in from absolutely nowhere it's so good so watch and that's ents punishing that pop dog aggression once more they get the opening kill at the season they find the rifle but before they have a chance to reload it everyone's gone down and that was the force by as well so ants will have to take the full eco and see what they can do a random of 15 Glocks one deagle one flashbang once again heading towards inside and see think of money to fight Pacific's could be alone but he's not it's the kill - what spot dog want to get that car believe it how do picks it up and device trying to answer back he's spotted everyone there I'm not hunting him this is the problem for device now they AWP against the pistols he has to run all the way back because if they come around the corner high-flying they'll have no chance at it pop dog continues to be the issue and they won the pistol they converted it they won one gun rounds and they want a neat go so two things to take from that one is going around start going bald with two they have won an eco already once doing it twice without picking up the m4 might prove to be a bit more difficult things fall silent Astral's knows that needs to pull back the map but they also know they don't need to overextend because on train you still have so many angles you could play and they haven't given the way the rifle they gave away a kill but still they've got a massive advantage here had they given the all pub or an orc for example that could have been enough to try and force them into getting the kill back and response but they're running the timer down right now and aren't sure what to do with this if you're barely anything waiting for mistakes to be made but the fewer far between went astrov are on the server wave isolated sort up I don't think you'll have much trouble here and try and seem distracted but his team they started to arrive at the crime scene the bomb goes down a mages will finish things off in style with the p250 not thrown off at all by running out of ammo taps away at brain jiggly was your right as much as he was trapped though he knew exactly what their plan was yeah if he gets distracted at a man if he gets caught up in that down coming the player pop dog and likewise vice-versa so he only want to do a couple shots either way until someone over committed that pop had just called a space that he needed so one round left in the half 10 Phibes not impossible this is the shot so his remain entrance the only deagle did open things up he could see how far away that weapon was it's not like it helped them out a tremendous amount because there's still plenty of money here for a straw let's round up a 15 may just could be challenged by two he times it well though drops the smoke and might send them packing as well they deep catch anyone goes it bounced off the wall when I bring a shade to the right oh dear that's no go wild for xev definitely not good have utility lost they've got one smoke left that's it other than the one that they were planning on using that didn't go anywhere again no device this is something we've noted four or five rounds now getting this coin with the AWP they're not challenging it early enough the problem with that is as soon as you let him sit there he's so capable with hitting shots and he allows the rotation to go back over to the way it's a bit like anchoring banana on inferno it's Heaney the default him smoke to the left hand side to block vision for major skip bangs out as well they continue to progress down that position flashbangs in position to actually access that they're taking damage now do they go they've timed it well ladies gonna reload taken the five versus four laughter I'm surely gonna struggle with first the top so it makes actually got the shot at separate debris still up in the control remember bumps team kill aerial takes down Alexi the last thing they needed at least he gets one after but now he sits on tending to be alone against device and Dupree 13 seconds ball he'll gather but to create awaits find the lemon for a straw listen so far it's smooth sailing it absolutely is a lost epistle as well remember an astrologer lead 11 to 4 and a CT half this is the pic of ants and they're looking like they're gonna run away with it ends will need the pistol we said they've had great combats before I'm not sure this is possible you'll have to find out after this break [Music] Kumasi you [Music] [Music] and the next thing [Music] [Music] [Music] it's been nothing short of a miracle it's been nothing short of miraculous it's been everything that every fan ever wants in an underdog story ferments but they're gonna have to dig into every bit in every emotion that they had in those previous series because 11-4 down against world number one astralis who very very seldom break on stage it just needs a pistol they can get that under their belt and converts it which they've actually done a significant amount of times in this tournament they could be on to something if it has to be a pistol victory anything else I feel like us through all that so let's close this one out again quickly outside with three players down to one spot though the smokes are already down in the bomb site here it's overwhelming to see the flames coming in as well as seven in a lot of trouble but he digs himself out that's to bomb down he started the first pistol off they wanted to remember but just gets a loo back he's gonna follow it up Sergei put x7o like they've taken the palm down if you're he's gotta go wide up the trade wine and he nearly get the second as well he knows the water pulse but except dropping it they try and swarm him it almost falls apart Dupree left and a 1vs1 but ANSEP done it that's the round they need it on their CT side this is now possible we get it around 17 here as stralla have a choice to make that they force by now considering the golf-ball kills that or do they by that time and look to do it in the third of the ak-47s is what they it's a laptop house it's called the auto shotgun out I like that just one rifle head in the hands of serger that's gonna make round number three very difficult indeed in terms of that firepower nothing purchases really at all from astral I said one p250 form a disk thanks Evan he's hungry for frags here I smoked by some time I pushed him back towards enough same position that he played on the T side remember yes not uncommon when you have a sort of a solo hold default position that you play it on both sides because naturally you know a prospective each way now Lou get specifics down auto shotgun kill he said he wanted some yesterday he did that's what do you want to except and behold it's nearly finds the last night to go to tapping at that point in time and with great syncopation he nearly gets forth to kill on the boards smoosh now has to just sit back and see the fact that the ball talent oh wait his fate ants get their six ball players survived on the inside the hair come the ak-47s did they upgrade any of these lesser weapons now they have an MP 9 at UMP an auto shotgun I would say except I might want to consider dropping that SAP oh by the orb for himself Paulo gets the FAMAS yes it's Sergey the shotgun so we'll see how this one falls Australis suddenly in the advantage shed device has brought the creek so he's feeling we haven't seen many of those throughout this tournament to be honest hasn't caught on like the orc as well see what he can do of every they ground here for a solace they start their campaign on the T side there's like a very default round flash banking blade towards low around 2 hours if X have access with a smoke download and CT scan sneak through that and they know the auto shotguns out the SMGs has every chance it might happen and actually be once more in that main entrance he loves this position you certainly can rely on a little bit more pressure on ivy or hazel onething at this point I lose got a bit closer but Sergei has the shotgun down below so basically to commit to fall on the sword was the gap by way of gravity there's quite a cool little play there as well I put the smoke at the low around from the CT side a better decoy the shotgun inside it just to cause absolute chaos in there they're not sure the players in there or not and and so we'll bait out a few grenades less than a minute now very slow around and Australis is waiting for that first picker to come in their favor [Music] she plays an off angle inside of the smoke no reason to stop believin yet young talents on either side but a wealth of experience that goes against the other x7 patient if he wasn't revealed soon he could be scaled back and swung because now flame gets a loop though he nearly get to nearly sprain in it is just he that remains however and this plate that the bomb is ticking Ariel was already on the diffused blade I don't think he's aware of it he's not he's sitting back we have to say bak amazing response there from ants it was the fake from astral as well almost have Pence on the inside bomb so they showed presence towards IV smoke the right-hand side their objective then was get towards the back tracks through CT spawn and cause chaos as the teammates came down lower and upper it works out and they lost too many kills x7 is looking absolutely deadly right now wave did a great job here almost gets of double doors the damage on the first but then can't find the second the bones being defused at this point and he's left with nothing it looks like astrology to buy here once again they know they're so close to resetting the CTS as blaze jumps down the pot dog here looking for that first pick there's a little bit of damage towards area or enough to fall back remember the way in which ends battle back against Navi they want an eco we're on the run of six rounds they won't be intimidated yet by astrologers all been either they won the pistol they somehow win the third round against the a case when they had shotguns and SMGs they're on that female astrologer with one ak-47 okay well deagles and really isn't ideal I do have a lot of utility and now I pick in return they get upgrade one of those pistols to an M form send URI down that forces them back buy some time except it will complement that with one that also goes over toward a mains that buys a bit of room as a straw let's have to regroup [Applause] eleven eight with a reset that's the possibility friends [Applause] and that opening Pekka stralla slow things right down but they need to hurry up now 30 seconds remain answer playing in front of any potential smokes a double stack as it looks like zip X will start to show presents towards inside a Molotov and a smoke to pull a rotation there there's actually two players that but this is where the action really takes place outside of xcp half the chance for to hit if he gets it he can actually pull this one back he's bought a tremendous amount of time here but he does go down ten seconds to get that plant in the time was everything that little fake but a loop he's trying to swing back in eighty he can't do it majestic was waiting in the H and they won't be able to deny the plant Sergei he may have to back off with this he's gonna try it he'll go around at least and give it a crack if he finds one fast enough he does have a kit to work with but the task it still would be from there because you've got zip --ax majestic device absolute stars and they're searching for their third star let's keep that in mind this is what you're playing for they want a third major but just it would be his second but for a story for him as well in a year's time that he's joined this roster they've been unbeatable that's round a straw us and that by was a bit of a gamble from them one Aki Khalil and Igor's to get that first pick towards the port dog area that gives him a rifle there was 10 seconds remaining zip X to the inside not so much a fake to showing the presence of the smoke in the mall itself that it was enough to keep those two players caught in that position they had to take the gamble they're thinking well this 10 seconds left we've got so much heavy signs it to other side of the map it's caught but it was a device comes back round towards main entrance and takes down Alexi B that was to kill the decided at all allowed them to plan it couldn't be denied and ants they save one weapon do they want to buy up into this they'll take the tactical time I discuss their options looking down the barrel of giving up their their map pick of train this round would lead them to 1377 and they'd have no cash at all so much on the line Ariel has $5,000 ally with the Krieg right now they are going to buy from what I can see Ariel's bought the org armor so gate with Kevlar as well they might as well fully invest now I'll see what they decide to do let's love to say pull it all out now this money is going on after this and your three rounds away from the finish for Astralis you don't want to give them an inch in this you don't want to give them a room note debride oh yeah he did absolutely Sergei tag number 24 immediately but if you let us trawl a settle in late in the game no way you pull it back for them shortly this round might decide you out coming to SMAP good pick from device no kill but takes the anchor down to 24 HP al who does the Krieg that's been carried over on the inside brings it over to the tanker he'll support above the low HP Sergei advises communicate that he knows he's done damage it they might as well go for it maybe a quick kill if they can gain access through the low around three swings in the smoke early sir he's already there he's gone Duprey on entry al who's got a drop off ball plant at this point is sure but Molotov does reveal to ally that debris is up close - behold the echo but can't find the shot it got away from him but a lot of people have said that the creek as opposed to the odd the spray pattern is much more difficult to manage and a lot of players haven't taken the time to find it it's a lot more chaotic especially start spraying like that you can see the bullets nowhere near the intended target they're not as clinical as you would like and there it is that's a great call from a stylist there they know the money's low on the inside they've gathered up that they have bought into this but they won't have in centuries they're not gonna have the AWP you've already tagged one towards inside you might as well group up as a five take that low HP player down and it's executed perfectly I have to say with Duprey getting two of those kills and now a five on three the round is guaranteed to be Australis but they want to take all of these cities down with them [Applause] difficult to do considering the positions of burial and extent at the bottom of the stairs so it will and as it is Alexi won't be able to pick up a gun from the round so stays on to Missy said and I think quite literally he will this time as well okay they're gonna drop one over to him he has the armor so it's gonna be pretty much a safe they don't want to invest anything else into it give the gun to the two that carry the armor and I suppose at this point in time Dupree so deep in the site as well they get in so quickly and they know as Chadwick said the flight patterns exactly where to run an exact they were to position themselves it was very impressive and I don't think enter forcing into this they've saved two orgs but they're gonna try and keep their money I say strong at least there still a chance to winner with Ariel Alexi be two very strong rifle is here they have a smoke and is there any sort of aggression from them they've got four players outside and Sergei actually starts probing towards inner he is done for here we go one at least device was tagged on 248 Capri alongside and along with everybody else there's no chance he was getting out of their life play the crisis most he's already walking out he's like he has the whole outside yard he's racked the man the fact is so close they have no idea just gets x7 but it's still gonna be glaive that's the problem for them zip excretes up do they know at all that this is already a saved call because they're over toward B bomb planted a du Preez close enough he can punish this again spot it at himself dictation push the ramp to take him down because that gives them one further gun device close enough though denies Ali was working forward to getting it so it has to be the two all carried over once more astrologer gonna double to score at 14 to 7 they can get the opens well now that's a fantastic pic of it is could be 14-7 police there will be a bye that's it they both survived here now remember map ends up on both pistols by the way it's a good point winning both pistols but gun rounds have not at all gone their way in fact they converted one this has one laptop and I did go other than that if YouTube missile the four rounds in total that add up is aerial at least gets two more down keeps the one odd but the AWP they saw it after it they knew the situation they weren't giving that up easily yeah that's the really important kill though deny the AWP aerial can still drop one for a low however that 14-7 down there's still gonna be compromises here with the bike that's jawless looking to close this one out early vice mr. back away it's forced off that gives a lower chance finally a song that he can sing he gets back in the round and it just walks out they never had control of pop Doug there's no one else at the front of the site where's the flash where's a utility why is he walking in like that well it gives up the kill straightaway glaive still holds off back alley first side of the train but just has x7 in front this has been a battle two on both ways same thing in Reverse they flashed up through fantastic response that one gets blamed Dupree he's picked up the off that went down on his teammates hands he's made good work on it but finally instead of lead in two rounds I think sevens gonna try and make that matters worse debris he's aware but you pee keep that in mind XM happy perfect to find the kill and this opens up the round completely 53 seconds it picks already lurking over toward B and the reasons that they have to believe in won't be too hard to sell if he works in in this position they have to consider rotating because they can't afford to get caught out the two-on-one situation and go down in sides open 40 seconds remain the CTS at gambling towards outside and smoke available for the lower ramp and zip Max is walking out up up this is looking good for Australia tick and I form down to got Molotov s'posed one as well there is a smoke and Alexei be but this is gonna be a very difficult retake and they go they've got the inside control that bombs going down wreath throws it down to his teammate below he'll stay up above with the leop has a result of it and you can already see by the laser he's aimed perfectly towards the connector as soon as if fix is freed from planting he then takes that task if you pre covers the back lines the corner of the ground hauls bolotov already thrown as well Alexei and Sergei they want in desperately but they're held up a little bit of time zip pics new shortly where they were coming from Nate should get him shoot mcwilley fun to kill first Sergei 17 years of age tutoring keep them alive not concede overtime point let's I've already down the top he could force Dupree back but he actually just wants for poetry he's got it does he at the time he's got Kitty will he should it's gonna be so close he's gonna be extremely close they desperately needed that round it's okay they're Winsett just a foul by the skin of his take that it came down to the utility those in centuries absolutely everything usually it's the T side that will have the advantage there but I think Dupree wasn't aware of us the bomb was planted he dropped it on the default plan spot instead of busty to the side in the more open position mister Allah's will win the round blister will a ton of cash and I can't say the same thing for NCA they're still so close to being broken I'm surprised they won that it was such a difficult route to recover well done to them they bring the walk over to the next round 14:8 down on the CT side money's not bad I have to do what they can orgs umps you could see sir game we've been around as well as eyes been adrenaline souse so close still all to do double up for the first time 4x6 already through the smoke as well he'll try to hold off round the hole there's Ariel underneath put so many players above there's no chance he could try and swinging silently stealthily get the flank they have a fantastic play but it's just not possible they've been bullying that inside position but for now smoke stores outside it's clave to get the first kill Ariel this time to do nothing about it if they pull it back inside is the corner it's Sergei towards the sport needs to be perfect it's one it's a scrappy one and now a low needs to start hitting shots both the orbs looking down towards the bomb sight well flash Ally was fortunate not to be gazing in that direction sneaked up though they're gonna stay on top of the bombs the Pyxis has not moved an inch that was easy so perfect so precise Sallu gets it the second off work sailed it off but just one of the work back in the ramp II couldn't do in 49 the comeback begins now they have money they have double offset three survived great stuff there from allergist showing his in-game knowledge that sees just the toes of the plants as if X that takes him down and then hits a wonderful shot on the follow-up heads such great play by him look at the second shot as well as the Vice didn't see it coming and a clean round from ends that's the one that's the most important so far and a stralla say might consider nika their devices down to this $2,700 and looking for double digits starless look that they were gonna close this one out and pick up both pistol two haven't done enough in the gun rounds here but as usual they seem to arrive just before it all falls apart as jealous they can buy into this round do they want to [Applause] break them now and we're on for something they themselves don't have a bumper to play for overtime so every round the steward I remember no one has beaten Astralis on the stage a playoff match in a major since London they went unbeaten there to the championship they're gonna try and do the same here and serve all opponents one last team standing in their way seven again to the off two to go jump run boost trying to flick as fast as he dare giving up the position that was a result smoked down and back in front of the site they go it all slows down for now for CTS outside they cancer game alone with the ak-47 I gotta go for that main entrance control once again they've been doing that throughout this tournament they're so good at isolating the terrorists dropping the smokes buying time and that's to get the area confirm its clap still and aggressive positions holding out side of the road save one play out that's gonna be alley towards inner [Applause] smoke covered the entire end of IV after right counter Molotov Oh Matt IV those so x7 pretty much alone at this point as well they pushed a main to at least try and anchor this site Dupree he's the problem and he doesn't need to be a part of this attack if they work in three from IV they're gonna pull the attention inevitably and then du Preez you sense the time his approach he's down to 33 softened up by the name that gives them a chance but look at majeski it's one or the other they're giving up so much space than a strollers they catch him off next time they get the one killing forces du Preez it departs it's such good plan the CT side is so frustrating to play against at they've got full control of main engines pretty much the entire round they don't waste their smoke to the star they use flashes just to acetate information at the very beginning then when they see they're at the one-minute mark they start deploy and send raise the smoke and run the timer right down there Dupree was waiting for his moment to strike they even knew the CTS are in there but nothing could be done it's 1410 Ed's I've managed to get the double digits and break a starless down to an eco they can actually do this now they're mad pic we said the knee to the pistol and managed to do that it wants some very important gun rounds now as well no utility on the T side just some C's there's a bit of armor the majors go oh my god the desert eagle finds two could that be enough possibly Alexie's still holding off though just what I thought they can't possibly do it to a third top three team logistic reminds us that this is a very different team from the others device wants to swing the damage Aleksey nearly got caught with the stone in his hand but then it just just to get away with device you're right though the damage as a result puts him down to 48 and everything's within reach of the pistol circuit it is well removed civics with a/c set from ages away time to see that clutching prowess now though because he's in a one on two I'll try and swing it around he might think he's low around now problem is he can't go any further than here if x7 holds that line he's gonna spot didn't go far enough said picks nose with a bullet off down behind he can get ever closer he can win this bout if they overcome it he's got the first destroyed it he's got it down to 101 and he can evade he can be pervasive he's got it zip exid absolutely everything there that shot from the lower rack towards connector house he pulled that one off luckily for ends they pull it off that that was close by pic movement you can see why he's the king of the clutches as if x1 bullet away I'd say from winning that one of finding map points 14 11 though however around 26 ends continue to come back that's four rounds in a row this is remarkable for a disc keep in mind all of these kills the fact that it's a one-on-one there's still not a buffer for it so again they lose one rounds yes and they're clutching at straws Duprey Molotov goes deep Alexi wants to drag it on the trains above it there's so many smokes down its chaotic already councillor days this is a fast pace for utility tactical warfare Dupree finds one device follows it up at feeler for a sir all I said now the money becomes the factor for round 15 if that happens if they can't hold off three versus five they do swing out next seven that sinan gets away exactly what he's done and a lot of people were saying he was the perhaps supports if you will the lackluster role in the team who wasn't contributing all these playoffs he's been perfect absolutely a great fantastic work from him pulls at least one frag back it's a 4 verses 3 and this time a stylist actually have outside control they're not locked in towards the main entrance big 7 still with enough hb2 he'd win causative agent looks towards IV disconfirming so the positions are clear here aloof outside as well the orbs ready picks a neck 7 gets caught off by device Hal who gets it back but he's gonna have to be better than ever exceptional in this position to swing around but he can't buy the shot missed by just a fraction over the shoulder and it's all on to Sergei yet again in a one on three he's got nobody left over does fine majeski he's already got a chance at this as well glaive he's not committed to the plant 27 seconds he could fire under it's so hard to to incendiaries gonna be too late he even sprayed to try and counter it off knows he's got no choice but to go through and that terrific's is waiting mappoint barber Australis is 15:11 and as you mentioned going into this round them it's been so tightened under the clutches so many one versus ones bomb plants down as jawless have broken the back events here they have enough for a couple of rifles but then it's gonna be Scouts SMGs and whatever else they can find and scrape together now Lou he had a chance to win that one he had to hit a couple more shots but his position was very good we get his row number 27 this could be at mp9 UMPC said and two orc said it looks like a fast approach if must Rallis he said three players water main entrance dropping the utility and a loo looking to fight back nearly trying to catch over the bottom a pop dog it's device that caught him off with the AWP up close as well it was from a main zipping since I pop dog can feed off of this flash does he want to go back for it didn't quite work form didn't bounce all the way through if Isis to be fair wasn't ready to swing off of a main even if it had caught the two players up close look at Sergey C's head blade goes Chuck Bob he backs it away he won't be able to hold off the ball but he will get back at the site and Tippit's knew there was a timer on that that he might be able to catch him as he ran a chance now I have the three on two advantage but two players towards a pop dog this effect spots warmer can't answer back just yet device still waits asthma holding they rotate back off take your time mister he's got x7 down does he expect this second he won't aerial knew it he waited just long enough to make him think there was no one else to your bike and it's on hit-mix again but this time he's got a little more than a C's ed and they're split into multiple one-on-ones it's two isolated battles at this point because aerials a half a map away but Sergei he's got a good position there you only have to seize that sure but time we'll see zip excellent towards the back of the bomb train here he suspect applies towards out but this is looking very good for it this is the problem though when zip Xperience clear he's up to no good they know he's on be beware how do they possibly get that information they'll go together that is the right call but this time keep in mind also there's no kids yes indeed I know smoke zip excandesco Ivy Lal who's he can be spotted so he didn't see it he didn't realize his own gun I think blocked the vision and now cippec's knows that they're working in one above all he's the lamb the slaughter absolute perfection once again from SIMEX he's the man to close it out hence a great effort towards the end of that map the last Rallis is too much to handle fantastic work that we're waiting for a huge cippec's plush and it couldn't arrive at a better time for them Matt point two versus one he absolutely nails it a map you knew he would show up eventually there's so much depth on Australis they'll beat you any given way and deserve credit they pull back even against the world's best they made it a game they made the contest 1611 we have a final there's no question about it and we go to Inferno next a tantalizing map but that's where scholars do their absolute best work it's gonna take everything ends having them to actually do anything on a fur no but they've show they can play at this level as well as for rattle for a few rounds it is a close game 16 to 11 and we'll see what can happen in the next [Music]
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 586,413
Rating: 4.9101567 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, Counter-Strike, major, cs:go major, IEM, Intel Extreme Masters, katowicce, 2019, spodek, challengers, legends, champions, stage, Global offensive, csgo, cs:go, ENCE, Astralis, Train
Id: kgitmggEgrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 52sec (5032 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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