CS2 Vertigo - The BEST CT Utility for A Site

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so I'm going to show you every piece of utility that you need to know in order to shut down the a site on CT vertigo so starting off this is the most important smoke you could ever learn as an a player and that is the good oldfashioned bottom ramp smoke that is something like this so ideally you want to learn how to throw it on the run like I just did there but it's a little bit difficult if you're newer to throwing moving smokes like that so to practice and for demonstration purposes you just want to get stuck right here into this part of the wall look up towards the line in the ceiling and it's a simple run throw the second your Crosshair ends up passing this little plus you release it's just as simple as that so I'll go ahead and show that for you just release right when you across the plus and boom it's going to hit that pole and go all the way down to bottom ra so you can throw it like that a little bit slower you're going to mess up a little bit of timing you're not going to have as much velocity so the Smoke's going to be forward a little more than you would like but anyways that is how to throw it if you typically play Yellow this is another really good one to learn to throw kind of on your way out of Spawn this is a very loose lineup it's not very precise but for some reason it works really consistently right as you cross around this corner you just want to do a regular left click run throw right at this little red um fencing here so just a simple left click run throw and it's going to end up Landing down inside of yellow and smoking off so that you're able to Peak ramp and help out your team you would not believe how often this works where you're going to have enemies with backs turned especially if you have ramp players that are taking a little bit of fights you can end up peing off this and getting so many kills I it's honestly as for a really simple smoke and one that doesn't really seem that significant I've probably gotten more kills as a CT just by throwing this than almost any other piece of utility combined so if you followed my channel for a while you'll probably recognize this one way this is really important for regaining ramp control later round you just get stuck into this corner and just look at the very top leftand corner of this box and do a simple left click throw that's basically the old sandbag smoke from csgo but it's just a little more effective than before uh because they have to get even further up in order to Peak you so if the t's have been rushing yellow a lot and you're kind of concerned about that off spawn you can just kind of go up to this corner and throw a left click right in the center there's this little vertical crack in the wall right here just left click a Molly right at the center of that that's going to perfectly Molly off yellow and prevent the rush once that Molly is dissipating if you think they're up in this region here um you can simply throw this is a really loose lineup like I don't put much thought into this as long as I'm standing kind of somewhere in the area of this circle you can just left click a nade like right at the edge of the yellow here and it'll just end up dropping down you know like this onto the stairs so you know if you think they're hanging out around here maybe they're going for different Peaks it's just good little you know you'll get some just good chunk H damage off of it if the mol's still down and you think maybe they're sitting back in this region you can always just throw an H by just running here and just pretty much a simple run throw just right off the left side of this I beam I mean just good nades it'll you you'll start chunking up some damage and it'll really condition them to stop hanging out in yellow because they think they're just going to get nade dumped so there's two great supporting flashes you can throw from this position for anyone on ramp or short so the first one if you want to Blind all of ramp all you have to do from this corner you just left click at the top right of the crane here just like this um I'll show you from the T perspective it absolutely annihilates them it's really hard to look away from and any of your players standing up here on yellow they're not get blind it's going to go over their head anyone standing in this position it's going to go over their head it's not going to Blind them and anyone standing down here you've guessed it it's not going to Blind them so next from the same position if you want your short player to be able to peek yellow all you have to do is just left click a flash right at this little metal piece it's going to end up full blinding anyone down here in yellow as you can see pretty hard to turn away from they're going to absolutely eat it and also your short player here it's not even going to half blind them so they can very easily Peak here without any obstruction so if you're ever stuck behind this smoke um whenever you hear them plant you can just get stuck into this corner right here and just jump throw a Molly right at this little plus right here what that's going to do is land right in front of default here it's going to Molly off default um they're definitely going to be burning in this position it'll spread even all the way over to the corner if they're planning for short it's a really good Molly it even spreads all the way over here to where it's going to get you know people planting into this corner it gets the whole default plant line one of the better mollies that you can throw you can also pair that up with an a if you get stuck into this position right here aim your cross at the bottom of this bar and just do a walking throw and just release right when you get to the center of this big wall panel I don't know um but yeah you just a simple walk throw release about now that's going to land and do right at 50 damage to anyone planning so if you pair those two up you can probably even just flat out kill the planter so if you ever end up in a retake situation from back here you can get stuck into this corner right here and look up towards this window there's a little dark spot right here towards the center as you can see towards the bottom left hit just do a regular left click throw and that is going to smoke off short helping you out with your retake pair that with a Flash and boom you're in business for a solid retake so yeah I hope all of these smokes help you out and you're able to get a few more rounds in your next CS2 vertigo Premiere match
Channel: CS Tactics
Views: 25,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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