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what's up guys I'm here with an essential CS2 Anubis nades guide where I show off important utility to help you improve your nades knowledge on Anubis and after watching this video you will be an Anubis Global nades expert just like behind XCS who throws all the NIS smokes from one position now let's learn some utility shall we I'm going to show you a couple ways to smoke window go ahead and stand in this corner of the doorway aim at the tip of this building then jump through this one is probably the easiest to remember smoke mid window house whatever you want to call it stand here then you're going to put your Crosser as shown then jump through this smoke lands perfectly in the middle of window and with the volumetric effects of the CS2 smokes covers the whole mid window room here's another way to smoke mid window go ahead and get stuck along this wall then you're going to put your Crosser here while you're standing jump throw this smoke will also fill up all of window quick word from today's sponsor this video is sponsored by skins monkey a trading platform where you can instantly get new skins by trading in your old ones all you have to do is click on your item see how much it's worth then pick out some new skins and if you're really picky you can always use the filter to find exactly what you're looking for if you trade enough you can get a $5 bonus what I love about skins monkey is that you could take a bunch of your skins that you don't want and trade up for a better one like I'm doing here essentially upgrading besides trading you can also buy CSO skins for a cheap with a 30% deposit bonus and if you use my code nart you get additional 5% also check out the freebi tab where you can earn free skins make sure to use the link in the description and code nart to get all the extra bonuses one more way that I'm going to show you how to smoke mid window go ahead and stand in front of this pillar put your Crosshair where these two buildings meet then jump throw I think this is the easiest his way and line up through smoke mid window if you're on the right side of t- mid the street side you can also Wing It by just going and throwing it off this wall it's going to land inside mid window and covers the whole room window smoke from this left side of mid there used to be a wall right here that you would get stuck on however it's removed so we are going to stand in front of this sign now do you see the tip of this wall right here you're going to put the tip of your smoke on that tip of that wall then while you're standing left click through it's going to take a bounce off off the right wall and lands perfectly inside of window there used to be also a deeper version of the window Smoke by standing in front of the sign putting your Crosshair at the tip of this building then left and right click jump throw now in CS2 with the volumetric smoke you're going to see that you know it covers and eventually spreads all of house or window here but the te's would usually go ahead and push up like this but I don't know if this will be effective or not in CS2 mid window smoke from the ruins side go ahead and stand along this wall with the mark on the wall and you're going to aim bottom right of this window left and right click jump throw this is a smoke lineup I got from flame Z just know it does take a little bit to land I did Fast Forward two times speed connector ebox dark smoke from Spawn stand in that doorway aim at the middle of the wood that's sticking out then jump through sometimes you'll see te's throwing the smoke other rounds you might not see them throwing the smoke the pros of throwing the smoke at the start of the round is that it's going to prevent any CTS from peeking down canals when they're inside connector another way to smoke connector stand in this doorway you're going to put your crossair at the top of this tooth then jump through sometimes you'll see teams not smoke off connector at the start of the round if they have their oper come towards down steps to hold for the early Peak this in return would save them a smoke and the CTS might be forced to smoke early if you want to smoke connector from payones go ahead and stand in this corner then once you do so you you see this wood that's sticking out go ahead and aim at it jump through this is a lineup that you've probably seen Mony using and what's nice about this lineup is that the smoke lands deeper inside connector and it does not come out and extend out towards out here connector smoke from Spawn stand in the doorway put your Crosshair like this on this part of the wall without moving your mouse you're going to run forward and then before you reach this point here walk two steps forward and jump through this smoke is going to land inside connector if you rather have this smoke L top con you can mess around with the lineup it's pretty easy to figure out window Molotov from the left side of mid go ahead and stand at the very corner of this platform do you see this white line aim at the top of it in the middle of it then left click throw the Molly will bounce off this wall and fully covers the mid window another way to M off window is go ahead and get on this platform aim at this window run forward and left click throw fast door mid Molotov where you stand here then you're going to put your Crosser like this run forward and jump throw this Molotov will cover the door side just be careful of any CTS up here standard mid molotop go ahead and stand like this and then you're going to put your Crosser here and then while you're standing left click throw this Molotov will clear the door side just note it does not spread to get this corner right here throw this flash for your teammates if they're pushing up Bridge you can aim anywhere around this general area then left click throw it's going to Blind the seat te's holding from the door side you could throw it from the left side mid right side mid and you could also throw it from the upper rug area once you have the first half of m control and you want to go for the second half mid control you could throw flashes over this wall here and that's going to Blind any CTS in this middle area the best mid flash that I know of is this one from Jame go ahead and stand in this corner put your Crosshair on this wood then for jump throw so what makes this flash so good is that it does cover this corner here as well as if anyone is holding inside the doorway mid Temple smoke from this side of mid go ahead and stand in between those two bricks then you're going to aim at this black line here for jump throw now with the volumetric effects of the smoke ncs2 you're going to see that this smoke does extend out a bit if you want a deeper mid-tempo smoke go ahead and stand here then put your crossair above this building towards the top right of this tip then jump through make sure either window smoke off or you have mid control before throwing the smoke because as you can see you're exposed and this smoke lands much deeper inside the temple area so the smoke does not extend out as much as the previous one mid Tempo smoke from inside window just throw it off this wall here above the middle window so this is going to land perfectly here to allow you to split into camera another way to smoke bid Temple is from the payone stand in between them put your Crosshair on this shape here then go ahead and jump jump throw I got this smoke lineup from yabi MSI and broi use this lineup here to smoke mid Temple go ahead and stand in that corner and do you see this indent that's sticking out on the top go ahead and jump throw then you can follow up with flashes over the door this n set is used for a fast mid rush to camera to a I'm going to show you how crimbo smokes off mid temple from rugs find this Green Dot on the ground and you know that by looking at these things to the right and then you're going to stand up afterwards and you're going to put your Crosser like this jump throw but when you're in midair press S at the same time then afterwards this allows you to go ahead and moltov off camera your teammates will come out mid safely because camera's moltov off as well as mid Temple smoked off this is how jks smokes mid Tempo from upper rugs get stuck into the wall while you're standing put your Crosser here then jump throw afterwards move up where you're going to Molotov off camera after the molotov disappears your teammates can come through camera 2 a and you could throw a flash for your teammates to come through as well variation of the mid- temple smoke go ahead and stand in this corner put your Crosshair bottom left of this window then W jump throw this Boke will bounce off the middle of the wall and lands in the middle of the CT mid area here allowing you to wrap into camera to a and you see the smoke blocks off this side as well as the other side and if I wanted to Peak I would have to jump on top of this brick at which point I would be exposed if you want to smoke camera from this position go ahead and stand there aim at this part of the crane then W jump throw how teams use this smoke here is they would go towards the upper side and have that person molo the camera so the molotov would land in front of the smoke and then they would be rushing a through a main this mly will punish the CTS from mid if they plan on rotating in through camera another way you can smoke camera is in front of the sign while you're standing you're going to aim below this writing on the wall then jump throw I got this lineup from Spinx I don't know if team Vitality still use this lineup or not for anything if you're pushing mid you could throw a flash that lands behind this right cubby is not going to Blind you as you Peak and it's going to Blind any CTS inside the mid Temple area smoke camera from te stairs go ahead and stand at this middle of the wall put your Crosser as shown then W jump throw so so with this camera smoke you're going to see with the volumetric effects it's going to cover all of camera and I got this lineup from Shiro so you can molotop mid door from rug go ahead and stand and get stuck along the wall like this and you see this white mark on the wall where you're going to aim to the left of it where there's a dark mark and I'm going to use an OP to show you so you can get a better look there's that white Mark and then to the left of it is this dark mark you're going to put your crossair on this dark mark and while you're standing just go ahead and do a standard regular jump throw this small off will cover both sides of the door and it's really good to help take mid control if you are defaulting towards B and you want to make an aggro play at the start round go ahead and malt off off B main then throw this smoke that lands in front of this box here it's going to give you cover as well as space to work the B main pick this is a nade set that a couple of pro players use in csgo fast left bide smoke go ahead and get stuck into this wall you're going to aim at this thing that's sticking out when while you're standing jump throw this smoke is meta in the Pro scene as it takes away Temple as well as back site allowing your oper to go for an early opening pick and your teammate who is smoking will throw flashes through the roof openings as well left bside smoke go ahead and get along this wall and make sure you get stuck then while you're standing put your Crosser on this tooth then jump throw the smoke will land in between the left and right wall giving you cover from Temple as well as from sight sometimes bid round you'll see teams just execute B with this one smoke another way to smoke left B sight is go ahead and stand in the middle between these two walls in that corner you're going to aim at this part of the tooth then jump throw on the left platform if you jump on top of the small brick here you could see over the smoke to see towards Temple if you need to as well you could always throw the left bide smoke off this brick here it looks like it's going to go much farther but with the volumetric effects it's going to cover both sides CT smoke go ahead and crouch in between these walls remain Crouch and you're going to put your Crosshair where this line is then afterwards left click throw now with csgo this smoke here would leave a gap on the left side and you're going to see the volumetric effects is going to cover the CT smoke leaving no gaps either on the left or close corner here CT smoke from the platform you're going to look for this black dot on the wall and you're going to go to the right of it once you do so turn around put your Crosser like this between the two teeth up top here then left click throw and once again we see the smoke come to play here where it's going to fully cover both sides as in leaving no gaps to the left here as well as towards the sight area fast Temple smoke coming out of Spawn stand at this wall then you're going to look for this Mark on this wall here I'm just using an OP to get you a better View then jump throw afterwards if you plan on rushing B this is when you would throw the smoke let's go over some Tempo smokes so we're going to stand right here and get stuck along those bricks then you're going to aim at the bottom of this tooth left click throw the smoke lands a little bit more towards the left but that's not an issue with the volumeter effects it's going to cover all of Temple another way to smoke Tempo is from this platform go ahead and crouch in the middle of the platform remain Crouch put your Crosser on the bottom of this tooth then left click throw this is how nav smokes Temple he stands in this corner between the two walls then he's going to put his Crosser here then left click throw another way to smoke Temple is from canals go ahead and Crouch at the bottom of the stair stand up now do you see this blue paint on the wall use the tip of the smoke and aim to the right of it then left click throw when Anubis came into the scene this smoke was thrown a lot however has gotone out of date from this position when you're entering B from B main you want to throw this flash that is going to go towards this left platform that's going to pop behind the brick because when you're entering in it's not going to Blind you as it lands behind the brick and it will blind multiple positions that the CTS are holding from if you want to Molly the right side pillar you could go ahead and jump throw it off this left door frame here of B Main and it's going to cover both sides of this pillar you can also throw a h nade instead if you want a nade or Molotov top con at the start of the round go ahead and stand on this corner then you're going to aim at this tooth here and you can either nade or Molly or do both I've seen Nico do this set here at the start of the round if you want to smoke top connector go ahead and stand in this corner then while standing put your Crosshair like this afterwards jump throw this smoke is going to land top connector it does take a while to bloom so CTS could body block it the purpose of of this smoke is going to isolate any CTS holding from Top con whether they're jigle peaking or they're holding with an op and then this is going to make it super easy for you to take connector by mauling it and flashing in if you want to flash your teammates into connector stand in this corner aim bottom right of this window then run forward and left click throw this is the most common way to flash connector and the most standard way to do so sometimes players will flash their teammates through the connector smoke and push in with this Flash and then if you want to take connector control make sure you throw a Molly off this wall doesn't have to be perfect because the spread of the Molly CS2 is insane and it covers this corner even covers the top connector area if you really want to set lineup for connector go ahead and stand here put your Crosser at the corner of this doorway run forward and left click throw molto will clear most of the angles and positions including this corner as well as the topc door frame be platform Molotov from inside connector go aad and stand along this back wall put your crossair like this then run forward and jump throw the molotov will bounce off the pillar and it's going to cover this corner position which in CS go sometimes it did not cover smoke Temple from KH by throwing it off this middle of the pillar you could also throw a Molotov as well you don't need to be positioned back there to throw the back platform Molotov you could be up closer like this which you'll see most Pros do instead and it's going to cover this corner a main smoke so you're going to stand next to this chair on top of this platform aim at this Mark on on the wall then jump through the smoke will land towards the entrance side of a main for the CTS and it's going to block off Fountain a main control nades from bit at the start of the round go ahead and throw the smoke off this wall run forward left click throw it's pretty forgiving and then you're going to go up to this left corner you're going to aim here at this corner then run forward and left click throw this might be the new standard way of taking aiming control with these nades instead of throwing it from upper rugs due to their being no more Skybox a main flash you could throw for your teammate go and stand here aim at this basket then jump throw what's nice about this flash is that it will clear anyone holding from this cubby this is how robs flashes aim made for his teammates go ahead and stand on that pillar right there now look for this tooth go to the height where you meet this wood so where these two points meet while standing left click throw again this flash will cover anyone up close a main in this cubby as as well as any up close positions if you're trying to take aain control at the start of the round you could throw this flash where you're staying at the bottom of the stair on that wall aim here then jump throw this flash is for anyone that is up close aiming peing you so let's say there's an oper or there's a rifer holding an off angle it's not going to cover that close cubby now I'm going to show you the best a main flash go ahead and crouch in the middle of this wall stay Crouch put your Crosser like this then left click throw this is a flash I got from Apex and it's going to cover anyone up close cubby as well as if any CTS were holding from Fountain like an oper is going to clear this position as well if you want to throw your own aiming flash like Rob's Crouch at this doorway aim here right click jump throw push into aain with this flash is going to cover anyone up close in this cubby as well as anyone from Fountain let's learn some aades first off is the heaven smoke go ahead and stand here then you're going to put your crossair like this then w jump through the smoke will take a bounce off this wall and lands like this it does extend out a bit but it fully covers heaven for the a platform on off go ahead and get in this corner Crouch and you're going to put your Crosser here remain Crouch and then jump throw platform Molotov go ahead and stand in this corner while standing put your Crosshair here then jump throw this Molotov will spread and take care of this position here so if there was a CT for example that came from heaven or rotate in and peeking down like this to Peak a main they would get punished for a flashes go ahead and stand here while you're standing you're going to put your crossair like shown then left click throw these flashes are super good because they're not going to Blind your teammates entering in from a main and they will only blind the CTS from multiple positions that they're holding from now let's see this n set be thrown all together this is the most common aate set that you'll see in Pro matches if you had to learn one Nate set for a this is the most important one to know camera smoke Molotov combo stand between the walls for the camera smoke aim here then jump throw it's going to land deeper towards mid full the molotov aim higher then left and right click jump throw the Molly is going to land in front of this smoke here punishing any CTS who plan on rotating in from mid very strong camera n set to use for your axq stand at the bottom of the steps get along the wall then you're going to aim here for the camera smoke double click jump throw for the molotov you're going to aim at this Frame here left click throw the molotov will land in front of the smoke so if any CTS try to push through they're going to burn use the other aate set that has this Molotov here and all of this is moled off if you want a Molly sight go ahead and stand on top of Tetris put your Crosser here then W jump throw make sure to give the video like if this video gets 2,000 likes I will make a more in-depth guide and nades for the C side Anubis if you want a Molotov Heaven go ahead and stand in the middle platform of the steps here aim here then run forward and left click throw another way to Molotov Heaven is go ahead and stand like this and then you're going to put your Crosser here run forward and jump throw I got this lineup from Naf some pros use this flash here where they're going to stand along this wall while standing they're going to put their Crosser like this then jump through this flash is super good because it covers multiple angles and positions and especially good if someone's inside camera or if they're rotating in it's going to Blind them and it won't blind your teammates a man if you want to split a throw the smoke for your teammates go ahead and stand here you're going to put your crossair as shown then jump through this smoke will land towards this side of heaven and you're going to see that if your teammates are coming from mid towards camera they have the smoke here to block from heaven so they can safely cross this is a set lineup to smoke off camera from upper rugs so go ahead and stand there put your Crosser here then left click throw what I want you to notice is the smoke is going to cover the whole camera room so from front to back cuz it'll do volumetric Fountain is a common position that offers hold simply deal with that by throwing a Molotov off this wall from a main that's going to push them back a main lurks smoke so go ahead and go into a main get stuck onto the wall like this put your Crosser here and while you're standing go ahead and left click throw this smoke will land perfectly in the middle between this left and right wall and it's going to give you full cover to cross the fountain I got this smoke lineup from Apex and how he and vitality used this smoke in one round is that he gets Flash and goes through his own smoke into a when you're entering a from a main go ahead and throw a flash off this right wall that lands behind the pillar and it's not going to Blind you it'll blind multiple positions that the CTS are holding very effective flash that you need to use you can also Molotov sight by throwing it off this wall without exposing yourself this is going to clear out any CTS holding from this back site position which will be commonly played by the a anchor you don't need an exact positioning or lineup you can actually stand anywhere pinging and then you're just going to aim at this thing here then left click throw just note that if you do use the smoke to cross to Fountain cross up close to smoke and not in the far back you might be seen smoke T stairs from CT spawn stand in this corner put your cross here at the tip of this building then jump throw this smoke is thrown at the start of the round for your team to push out a main and or connector for an aggro play you can pair the T stair smoke up with this Molotov by standing here put your Crosshair as shown then jump throw this Molotov will land in front of the smoke and will punish any teas coming through the smoke if you want to smoke rug from CT go ahead and crouch in this corner and you're going to put your Crosser like this and then you're going to remain Crouch then W jump throw the smoke will land in the middle of these steps to get to rugs and you're going to see it does block off the top of the rugs as well as from those boxes just be careful if any te's go towards that corner in the beginning you could also smoke upper rugs from this position in spawn go ahead and stand put your Crosser as shown then W jump throw this smoke will actually land on the upper part so it doesn't extend all the way down you could also smoke rugs from this platform go ahead and Crouch at this wall you're going to aim at the left corner of this window then left click throw smoke a main from CT at the start of round go ahead and stand in this corner put your Crosser like this then jump through you'll see that the smoke lands on this corner but it's fully going to cover up a main even this left side here just be careful if the t's jump on top of that one accurate play you could do as CTS at the start round is to throw a smoke towards this left side of B main go ahead and use the smoke as cover to get on this back platform which you could use this smoke to maneuver around to take these aim dels this smoke still makes it hard for te's to see the CTS behind the smoke at the start of the round your mid player will most likely throw this smoke off this bridge wall and it's going to land at Bridge and depending where you throw it or how you throw it is going to leave or not a gap to Peak down window for the canal side I didn't have time to mess around with it in order to get that one way to peek towards out the window but I'm sure you can but just watch out for the Boost when you throw the smoke if you want to push bridge at the start of round you want your teammate to throw this flash for you get behind this door you're going to aim like this while standing left click throw this flash won't blind your teammates pushing bridge and will blind the te's ruins Canal's Flash from mid at the start of the round go ahead and stand this corner put your crossair here then run forward and left click throw you'll want your teammate to Peak from connector after this flash as as it's going to Blind any te's inside canals as well as any offers holding connector from this angle here you can also throw this right click jump throw flash for your teammates at the start round to Peak from the bridge window or from connector this will set your teammate up in case there is a t Opera holding this way make sure bridge is smoked off and your Opera can go for this peak here early chip damage onto the te's by go ahead and stand on this platform you're going to put your Crosser like this run forward and jump throw this nade is for t stairs so any te's coming down the stairs as well as if there's an oper holding connector at the start of the round is going to do good damage to them instead of H nade you can use the same positioning in lineup for a Molly this will take care of any te's that are on the stairs allowing your teammates to safely push out connector or aain if your camera and you're facing the exq you could throw this defensive smoke off this wall or in front of you that lands like this it's going to prevent the teas from pushing up as well as well as giving you space if camera's Molotov off to safely push up like this one of the easiest canals Peak flash that you could throw at the start of the round is throwing it off this right wall and peeking down canals The Flash is not going to Blind you as it lands towards the left of the doorway and then on the other side of things if the te's were coming down canals they're either Force away or they're forced to look into it B main flash is that you could throw mid round so you're going to stand here for the first flash you're going to aim here then left click throw this is while you're standing this flash is super good for anyone up close as well as any offers holding from the back and then the second flash is in the same position but you aim here while standing then jump throw now you want to throw these flashes back to back and I got these flashes from Mony Canal's Flash from this right platform go ahead and stand here in between these two walls put your Crosser like this run one step forward and left click throw your teammate is inside connector and will peek off the flash and we'll also clear this angle close left and it's also going to Blind anyone in the Canal's area area if you want to stop the B Plant and CT smoked off go ahead and stand along this wall aim here then left click throw this Molotov will land on this corner however it spreads to the left side as well as the right side covering both plant spots B main retakes smoke when you're coming out of cave you're going to be standing like this put your Crosshair here on this dark mark then go ahead and left click throw any te's holding from outside B main will not be able to spot you even if they're on top of that box or platform now you guys are an Anubis nades Global expert YouTube thinks you should check out my other CS2 n guides on these other Maps like comment and help me out by subscribing as I'm trying to reach 100K by the end of the year
Channel: NartOutHere
Views: 51,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nartouthere, cs2, counter-strike 2, counterstrike, counterstrike 2, cs2 anubis guide, cs2 anubis nades, cs2 anubis utility, anubis nades, anubis smokes, cs2 anubis smokes, cs2 anubis nades guide, cs2 anubis smokes guide, de_anubis smokes, de_anubis nades, cs2 de_anubis smokes, cs2 de_anubis nades, anubis cs2, cs2 anubis, nades anubis, nades anubis cs2, smokes anubis, smokes anubis cs2, smokes cs2 anubis, nades cs2 anubis, anubis pro nades, anubis guide, nades on anubis, cs
Id: pHHLr6nUju0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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