CS2 Ancient - Essential SMOKES for A Site

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how's it going everybody so real quick I want to cover what I would consider to be the a site Essentials for T side ancient so really the most important smokes are going to be CT donut and Temple unfortunately Temple isn't as great as it was in CS go for throwing smokes into and I'll show you why here in just a moment let's get right into it so you can throw all through the smokes from the exact same position in this corner here so if you really want you can get your teammates to drop you their smokes and you can throw all three really quickly so starting off with the most important would be the CT smoke all you have to do is crouch in the corner and just aim at the top left of the entrance to a main pretty simple just a crouching jump through and it's gonna land perfectly right here in CT not leaving a corner Gap as well that's one thing that gets a little dangerous sometimes if it's too deep so we'll tuck in this corner and catch a player off guard so right after that right after you throw this smoke while you're still crouching you can then look up to this the tip of this plant here stand up and what you're going to want to do is a w jump through just a walking or running jump through I tap it at the exact same time as I jump through so I just press W and jump through at the exact same time just like this and what that's going to be is a pretty deep donut smoke now not pretty deep but you know it gets the job done so yeah last but not least is or last but least actually I'm not a big fan of the smoke is the temple smoke so it's this Stone right here you just jump crouching jump through at the bottom right hand corner of it and it'll land right in the entrance here just like that unfortunately it's just a little bit bigger in CS go it wouldn't go out this far and in my opinion that's just a little bit too big because see a good CT player will try to sneak out of this and catch someone off guard I would much rather find one that's a little bit deeper if someone finds it please let me know I'd uh I'd really love to throw that um so yeah that's pretty much the smokes that you want to learn if you're uncomfortable doing a running jump throw for the donut smoke this is a really easy lineup for it you just get in the center of this ramp you count two x's up and you just kind of go on the right middle of it and jump through that's the one I used to throw before I got more comfortable doing running jump throws but whatever works for you
Channel: CS Tactics
Views: 46,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS2, CS2 Ancient, CS2 Smokes, CS2 Utility, Ancient Utility, Ancient A Smokes, CS Tactics
Id: 2n8PmrKtCsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 16sec (136 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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