Crypto Exit Strategy Excel Sheet

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all right so welcome back to lexitam um with crypto in this part of the cycle right now um traditionally people are gonna say that the cycle that we're in the top of the market could possibly be in december you're going to be hearing a lot about if you're in this space you're going to be hearing a lot about um you know the halfway point of the having of bitcoin generally speaking in this bull run we're going to be at a december-ish time frame when you know the people that are in leverage and if they start to realize their profits they're going to start selling a lot of their their positions out so they can realize their end of year gains if you will there's a lot of different reasons why people may be cashing out towards the end of the year but we're also hearing a lot of information about because of what ethereum is doing working on the proof of stake protocol that'll be coming out hopefully q1 2022 there's a possibility we could have an extended bull run that could go into may even maybe even june of next year we don't know nobody knows you can't predict the future so in and everybody who who talks about any of this um all the major influencers in the crypto space have been in a couple three cycles um 13 17 19 if you want to call it that and so perhaps you know they're saying we should listen to what they've gone through and you know if you want to realize your profits now might be the time to start thinking about realizing some of your profits you've been if you've been holding for a while so for instance if you got into cardano at 20 cents and now it's at two dollars that's a nice that's a nice move you might want to start realizing some of your gains so you can have you know house money in the market your money invested back plus a little bit of profit do what you do with it so in thinking about that and amongst all the other sheets that i've been creating over time with excel sheets and whatnot um i put together a real quick one sheet workbook it's just a simple straight across and down and i'm going to show you here in a second give a quick look about kind of why i created this sheet more importantly how it could help for you to kind of see your strategy and let me show you that really quick so if you're like me and you're in a position where this may be one of the first times that you're actually looking to ladder out of some of your positions and you don't quite know what to do for instance how many coins should i sell how many coins should i leave in the bag for a potential moonshot what's a what's a stable uh formula to use i heard wendio talking on bitboyz um channel the other day she said something like the gen she was talking about shebe so that's really not useful to a major coin but just listening to her methodology and her point was uh correct on a uh a coin like sheep she said the generals the general rule of thumb is you sell half your stack on a double meaning you got 10 000 tokens the price doubles you sell 5 000 tokens you just got all your money back you could 4x get all your money back and get your profit double whatever you paid for it so you spend a dollar you wait till it goes 4x you sell half your stack you get your money plus a double and you still have double in the market so i started thinking about all that and i said let me just see what that looks like on paper if you will and uh let me plug in some information and see what it spits back at me and then you can fuss with the numbers and i'll show you here right now [Music] so excuse me i'm sorry so basically and again let me let me bring this up big time so it can be seen actually okay that could probably be big enough i'm gonna have to do a little scooching of the scroll bar if we will as we go across this very simple um let me hide this so you can get more screen even than that and then we'll just go with there okay so i put an id column here so this is basically going this way okay it's just one row across all the way until you get to the end which is your totals okay and then this is trend a transaction a transaction a transaction so on this date let me just do some dummy data 1 1 20 21 you went to coinbase you bought some cardano the price was 20 cents you bought i don't know ten thousand tokens and it cost you two thousand dollars cash let's say you got lucky and didn't pay any fees so we can see the numbers straight across here but let's say you paid zero in fees for whatever reason now this is where you can put any of the cells here that are off cut like light colored you fill in any dark colored cells automatically populates data so don't fill any of these in these are full of formulas i could lock them but i want people to be able to do what they want with it so anyway just fill in the light colors leave the dark column the dark cells alone leave those alone so the multiplier here let's say we're going to and our strategy is now we got to sell out let's say 80 of our tokens we're always going to hold 20. so i want them price to go up 4x okay and that means the price has gone from 20 cents to 80 cents it does the calculation how many coins what percentage of my coins because i have 10 000 of the coins right here how many of them do i want to sell well let's sell 50 or let's sell let's sell 30 of our tokens okay that means that i'm gonna sell 3 000 of my 10 000 tokens at 80 cents per which is 4x from the price that i bought it so i'm gonna have twenty four hundred dollars cashed out i got all my money back of the total investment plus four hundred dollars to put in my pocket okay now you have thirty percent out let's say i want to go another 30 out okay i'm sorry i want the multiplier to be from the original price of 20 cents now i want it to go up let's say it went up 8x okay so now it's a dollar 60 okay and i want to sell another 30 of my tokens so i'm going to sell 3000 tokens again and this time i'm cashing out 4 800 because the price went up so much that i'm selling the same amount of tokens but the price went up way from here so now i'm getting another 4 800. now i'm gonna go to sale event number three i've sold sixty percent of my token so far now i want the price to go up 10x okay there it is it's at two dollars how many tokens do i wanna what percentage of my total ten thousand do i wanna sell well let's go another i don't know let's go 10 percent this time we're trying to start to hold on to them so i sell a thousand of them i get another couple grand sale event number four i want to sell another 10 at a 15x okay so the price went up 15x it's at three dollars and then you want to sell another 10 of your coins and then you're gonna say make another three thousand so you've got 10 20 you got 50 you got 80 percent because another 30 over here so you got 80 of your tokens gone and you've made a profit of ten thousand dollars off of your two thousand dollar investment so you you paid two thousand you've cashed out over twelve thousand dollars worth and you got ten thousand dollars profit you still have a percentage of your tokens left for let's say 100x or whatever the case may be so the only column i'm looking to add here and i don't want to get this thing too big because if i push this back out you'll see on a wide screen how big this starts to get i mean even on a wide screen it's let me try to do this uh yeah it's pretty wide if you will so it's getting kind of wide and wonky but anyway so that's the gist of it i'm going to put a link to this in the description below um so that you guys can go download it off of i'll tweet about it put it out there hey go check this out if you guys want to get this play with it use it dilly dally with it all the formulas will be wide open look at the formula see if i did anything wrong with it make comments in the you know below the video here if there's any fixes or better use case for something like this i'm just kind of really reaching here to try to figure out how can i plug in data that's real from my exchanges that i've done transactions historically put the transactions in here and see where i'm at and what is my strategy on what coin because it's going to vary from coin to coin you're not going to want to sell your ethereum like that if you're looking for a five to ten year hold so generally speaking what i do is is if i have a top 100 the top 200 well let's just say the top 10 coins the major major players i'm looking to maybe sell 20 to 30 percent of it right now and hold anywhere between 50 and 80 percent of it in my long-term huddle um if it's a top 200 coin that's underneath that you know telcoin dent uh hex or whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever um you know not ethereum not bitcoin not solano not xrp not polka dot um not hex either but um a few others that i would just say i'm really only gonna sell maybe twenty percent put eighty percent off on the side for the next few years then you got your other ones down here that you're playing with whatever they may be you know and chain link i would throw in the long term so not so long term i might sell off 30 40 of those keep 50 60 of those and then your coins and your moonshot coins and stuff like that i'm looking to buy them when they quadruple in price i'm going to sell probably 70 percent of my stack 50 at least hold maybe 10 to 20 for long term who knows moonshot so the less the coin is stable and you know popular uh you know in terms of everybody knows that this is kind of an infrastructure coin um if it's a coin i'm gonna sell most of it up front on a good double to double my money so i'm gonna wait till it goes 4x get all my money back plus double i'll hold on to a few more 20 of them over here wait for another whatever i want see how it works and get out the really solid coins the long termers i'm going to sell a little bit right now get some profits and then hold most of them for the longer term that's just my strategy i'm working with it i will flesh this out a little i'll get this a little bit better off before i put not much it'll pretty much be this and we'll see and i may make a version two of that so have a great weekend uh coming up today's i think thursday so just working on these little side things still working on the big big stuff uh hopefully i can get a little more regular with this kind of stuff but um in the meantime i hope this helps you guys out uh take it easy you're going to hear a lot about people and exit strategies right now there's going to be a big buzz about that some are going to tell you to hold some are going to tell you to sell it's going to get confusing and i've been through this and it it starts to weigh on your head you don't know you get paralysis you just sit there i don't well what do i do maybe this will help you see how you can hold on to some of your stuff for the long term but also get some money into your pocket at least the money you put in get that money back because everybody's pretty much up right now try to get your money back so that you're out here playing with house money and maybe even double that so you have some realized profits not just your money back so hope this helps let me know take it easy have a good one
Channel: Luxitam
Views: 443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crypto, Cryptocurrency, 2021 Crypto, Crypto Profits, Crypto Excel Sheet
Id: foc7UdnvVOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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