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welcome back to cryptosauros i am george we're all george so in this video i want to talk about something very important and that's how to take profits i get asked us all the time newcomers that's in the space that can't believe how much money they're making with bitcoin and all coins so they're worried they want to know what is the best strategy in terms of how to take profits from your gains so that is what this video is all about i'm going i'm going to break it down very simple very simple for you guys uh but i did want to warn you there are some implications to it to profit taking so you got to be careful but otherwise it's a pretty simple concept and you never get hurt taking profits remember that you never get hurt taking profits you could lose on potential gains but you don't get hurt by that well not maybe emotion emotionally a little bit but but it doesn't hurt your pocket so let's dive right in as always smash up the like guys um subscribe to the channel if you are new two streams every day 11 30 a.m and 8 p.m central standard time so make sure you hit that notification bell and follow me on twitter facebook and instagram all right let's do this let's change the screen here let's change the screen boom all right bitcoin is above 60 000 again it's still australia at 60 000. i'm actually quite surprised i'm actually really surprised that we didn't see some kind of big movement today right ever since about a week ago going to this weekend till now you could see that bitcoin is really caged up like a caged bull uh that's that was what my video this morning was talking about but i mean you could see volatility has stopped and bitcoin is just straddling the 60 000 mark and it literally looks like it wants to break up right this coinbase ipo causing a lot of enthusiasm a lot of people very very excited so i mean this is the time this is the time to be moving right so we'll see we'll see tomorrow we got one more day before the ipo let's see if we get some excitement tomorrow but in the meantime a lot of the all coins are doing very very well so you can't really be complaining right all coins have been on fire especially some of the ones i've talked about before with let's say binance coin cool coin shares um cocoon token i mean even xrp um and others you know that have gone up so much within the last week or so and then you go back last few months man forget about it you have 5x 10x uh all over the place right and this is all while bitcoin has been stagnant but its time will come its time will come and uh and there's gonna be much much more gains to be had that is why taking profits is actually pretty important knowing how to do it is very important all right uh before i get started i don't want to give you guys a reminder about my giveaway five youth giveaway and now 4 000 nulls giveaway i have that in my possession nulls sent it to me so it's ready to go so if you guys want to win you got to participate there's a lot of entries here and of course one big one that is 1000 uh no 100 100 and i'm waiting because i'm going to add another one throughout the year and we'll add more secret entries so make sure you check it out and more secret codes for massive entries so make sure make sure you participate if you want to win some free crypto all right uh let's let's do this let's get started okay so i don't think i have to read an investopedia okay for you guys i think you guys are old enough to know what profit taking means but to dumb it down as simply as possible it's just it's just you locking your gains basically if you made some paper gains with crypto with bitcoin or all coins it's time to lock in some of that that gains right through profit taking so easy example you bought bitcoin at 100 now it's at sixty thousand dollars well if you sell one bitcoin you're gonna make fifty nine thousand nine hundred dollars you can go put that in your bank right that is profit taking now before you actually sell to cash which i know a lot of people do not want to do it's very unpopular right now to have a lot of cash so it's very unpopular to take profits and actually hoard a lot of cash at this point i get it i get it but still keep in mind while these gains are locked in right now with your crypto you know essentially they're still paper gains until you could actually use it and maybe one day yes that's gonna be the case we're just gonna all use crypto and bitcoin but for now cash is still important right so essentially that is what profit taking is now what is what is the strategy it's actually really really quite simple it's really really simple number one and this is actually the most important if you do this if you at least follow this first step you really don't have to follow any other steps afterwards i mean honestly that's how important this first step is and how how crucial it is okay so keep that in mind and this pretty much sums it right away um this reddit post double my money take out my take out initial investment question mark yes that sums it up and the question i mean the answer is yes the answer is yes this is the number one rule for profit taking and if you follow this there is no way zero chance that you could be burned okay and let me explain so like my example before with bitcoin i know it's unreasonable because i said buying at a hundred very few people bought a hundred but just to make it simple you buy bitcoin you buy any crypto at 100 and now it is at 200 so you doubled your money so what do you do then well you take out your initial investment meaning that you take out your original hundred dollars so that way if if the remaining amount goes down to zero somehow let's say the naysayer is right bitcoin goes to zero or all coin goes to zero it doesn't hurt you you already took out your initial investment right that is why this number one rule this number one um profit taking strategy i should say is the most important of all this is the number one thing whatever you put in if you take out that exact amount right that means your net zero the remaining amount if it goes to the moon great you could ride it up to the moon forever and you can make a lot of money with that but if that whatever you're riding goes down to zero it crashes hard and goes to zero like a lot of still some people say you won't be hurt by it because you already took out your initial investment right so that is why this is that important and like i said if you don't follow any other profit taking strategy out there this is the one to follow this is the most important and you could simply follow this and not follow any other strategy that's how important this is hold on one second okay i'm back i'm back all right hopefully you guys got that right hopefully you guys got that take out your initial investment that is rule number one now rule number two is really up to you with whatever amount that you have riding you know that 100 left remember the 100 example it goes to 200 you take out 100 so you still have 100 left right and i'm tying my 100 in bitcoin or all coins or whatever you may be holding you could simply ride that to the moon right if you do believe that the project you're holding is going to be the future or it's bitcoin and it's going to be the ultimate store value you can simply hold that forever you could do that but many won't argue well that's probably not a smart move so many many will argue you still need to take profits along the way and that is when you set a strategy for yourself and there's really no right or wrong if it goes up 20 or 30 percent you could take down you could take off a little bit off the table if it goes up 50 or 100 percent you could take a little bit off the table right so it's just a matter of what you're comfortable with setting a schedule for yourself to take some off the table while things keep going up again if you wanted not to do any of that you could just let it ride to the moon right as long as you took out your initial investment you can't be burned right the worst case scenario is whatever your riding goes to zero then you start over from scratch but you weren't hurt by it right but um i think this profit taking schedule that's important as things go up and up and up and a lot of you guys are seeing 100 200 500 000 gains within a very short amount of time and i know a lot of people are feeling antsy about it should you take profits this is what you should do just basically set a schedule yourself and take some out for you for um you know just to prepare yourself right in case things go down you can utilize that to buy back in buy at a lower price there's a lot of things you could do with that now a lot of people also ask me hey when you sell do you sell to usd or do you sell to say a stable coin like usdc or usdt uh that is really up to you it doesn't really matter it just matters what exchange you're using if you're using coinbase or gemini you could sell to usd if you're using binance or kucoin you could sell to usdt or usdc right stablecoins are supposed to be locked in a dollar so even if there is a market crash usdc usdt will stay at a dollar right same thing with the usd they're all you know the stable coins are back but basically to or pegged i should say uh back and pegged to the usd so whether you cash out the usd or usdt or usdc it really doesn't matter it really doesn't matter however okay that all sounds good but there is something there is something that you need to worry about whenever you're taking profits in fact it goes beyond that um even when you make a trade there is something that you have to remember and that is unfortunately crypto taxes and this is something that no one wants to talk about no one wants to talk about no one wants to recognize it but it's very important because the irs and other tax agencies are coming down on crypto hard especially the exchanges so the crypto tax like the laws right now at least in the us is really a mess so let me let me cover exactly what counts as a taxable event or a capital gains event okay whenever you sell crypto for fiat that counts as a capital gains event every single sell so when you do take profits you have to worry about taking you know paying taxes on your profits yes it sucks but that's what the tax code says also this really doesn't make sense using cryptocurrency to purchase goods and services right a lot of you guys want to buy things directly with bitcoin like a tesla for example that also counts as a taxable event and lastly trading or swapping one asset to another either on exchange or peer-to-peer is also a taxable event so meaning if you trade for usdt usdc or you sell to usdt usdc or you sell to eth or you sell to xrp or you sell the bmb whatever whatever it doesn't matter if you make any kind of trade with any kind of crypto it's a taxable event also so just keep those keep those in mind right so there are things you have to worry about and it's a big big big mess but yes every single thing that you do besides just buying and holding you know that's not a taxable event until you sell it but everything else is a taxable event and this includes includes air drops you know how everyone loves to get free air drops those are taxable interest earnings staking interest um from d5 projects they are taxable uh mining income you know when you mine right you might eat you mine bitcoin those rewards are taxable liquidity pools like you know yield farming pools nft pools that you're getting rewarded from those are taxables so yes everything that is basically uh basically money earning or interest earning or whatever uh they're all taxable just just keep that in mind and i'm i'm making this point right now because in the us we're we're entering like the last month so that's why this is important that's why this is important all right so besides text let me give you my bigger picture here okay my bigger picture so besides rule number one and that is to take out your initial investment okay and rule number two or strategy number two is basically setting a schedule for yourself to take profits right um but you may not want to follow rule number two you may just want to ride it to the moon right but let me give you my broader overview of this bull market right now we're in the fourth year 2021 of a four year cycle and the last year is always the most bullish 2021 is going to be the most bullish year uh versus 2020 2019 and 2018 right and the reason for that is because we're coming off of a having event and this year is very different because of this list michael strategy and tesla and square and everyone else that fomo into bitcoin and causing the demand to skyrocket which this never really existed before before it was always driven by retail investors now you have institutions a public trade company that's fumbling plus the fact that yes we're in the last year of a four year cycle right so if you look at this this is what i'm saying that bitcoin has a lot more room to grow a lot more room to grow we're not even really halfway if we were in june or july or august i would say yeah we're probably halfway but right now we're nowhere close and and because of these big guys you know what this may never end this may just flatten out and we continue up and up and up as the demand increases and as the supply decreases we could go through a four-year cycle we could we could be in a super cycle we go beyond this four-year cycle and just go into a massive super cycle so here's my broader view is basically right now for me at least for me i'm not so worried about aggressive profit taking i'm very i'm very let's just say loose with it initial investment i already took that out a long time ago i took some profits along the way but for the most part i'm just holding you know taxes basically is a pain i don't wanna the less tax i have to deal with the better but also i believe bitcoin has a lot more room to grow a lot more room to grow which is why i'm not having a very aggressive profit-taking strategy right now however with that said once we get into the latter half of the year let's say october november december and something fundamentally changes then i will evaluate and i will let you guys know what i plan on doing whether or not i'm going to take a lot off the top and we'll take a lot of profits in anticipation of maybe a down cycle or something like that or if there's some other kind of event that will ultimately change the landscape until then you know i'm going to take it easy and we'll let for the most part let things ride out because i think there's just so much room to grow and if bitcoin continues to grow and you could see it's right on track i drew this in february of 2020 february 2020 i have not changed these arrows i didn't just redraw them no i drew these in february 2020 and even though yes i was very wrong over here when we had a dip you could see how accurate it is right now we are literally following this right now and if this comes true bitcoin will be at 400 500 000 by the end of the year right so there's still a lot of room to grow for bitcoin and that's the case if that's the case the bitcoins will go up literally eight to 10x from here there is going to be enormous enormous enormous enormous gains for all coins all coins are going to skyrocket to the moon and beyond the moon and go to mars right so that's how i view it bitcoin will always carry the market and a bitcoin has more legs you know to keep going so will the entire market so that's what i'm looking at and take a look take a look at the bt's dominance it went down even lower yesterday i talked about bt diamonds i'd create a whole video about it and how you could use that as an indicator or pattern of whether or not we're in all altcoin season whether or not we've topped out and so forth right look at it it went even lower and that's because you have crazy gains with binance coin that is above 92 billion now closing at 100 billion i said it i said it all along i'm like look at it binance going to be at 100 billion pretty soon and then that gap really narrows between ether and binance coin and that's happening now but even xrp which i folded i'm like it's irresponsible not to have some xrp at this point your portfolio and it continues to go up too and today you have also you know swat that's pumping up like crazy 21 among other crypto that is also doing very well which is why bitcoin dominance is coming down and all coin dominance is actually increasing right so so yeah there you go so uh my my broader view my overview i guess is that you know i think there's a lot more room to grow right but with that said there's going to be volatility it's not going to be a straight line up we have seen volatility we have seen things come up and down and so forth right so i know a lot of people don't want to think about profit tanking ever not even taking out initial investment but i would say if you don't follow any other rule any other strategy at least follow number one and that is to take out initial investment so if things turn for the worse and really really badly you still won't be a hurt by it right so hopefully hopefully that helps you guys hopefully that helps you guys all right um bitcoin is still doing pretty well sixty thousand five hundred maybe we're gonna make some traction maybe we're finally gonna come up um all right so before q a got a new sponsor today zagnali zignali a new way to invest in crypto now there's something very interesting about this project that i just discovered and they didn't share with me i just discovered i'm going to share with that share with you what that is but signaling for the most part it's about copy trading basically they have a bunch of experts and if you don't feel like you know what you're doing you can basically copy their portfolio okay and you know what if they gain you gain if they lose you lose however they're introducing a product that helps with that but also besides copy trading they also have a trading bot and here's the very interesting thing recently i just covered um binance and cool coin and all the features that they they offer number one a new thing that i noticed on kucoin is they have a trading pod guess what that trading bot is from signali i had no clue so so they they do have a deep partnership uh zignali and kucoin because kucoin is utilizing trading bot and the copy trading feature i think is actually getting integrated as well but i mentioned about how maybe whoever you're copying as denali does really poorly and you lose money that's that's horrible right so that's why they announced they raised three million dollars in private sale to launch a nft insurance protocol it's based on nft i didn't even think that you could do this with nft but they're basically launching insurance against bad trades that's that's what it is if you if you break it down if you break it down you look at this insurance protocol you invest your capital with a pro trader and that trader generates a monthly return below their drawback percentage then insurance coverage is triggered to reimburse the difference the extent of insurance depends on an investor that is how much of the capital is secured via insurance nft which can be purchased with zinc which is their native token so that's actually kind of interesting that they have copy trading and if you happen to make a bad decision you could buy insurance so that if that pro trader screws up you you could get refunded for that you you could get insured for that so that's actually very very unique very very unique anyways so that's exact zignali their new nft insurance and if you want to learn more about them and what they're all about check out their url in the description of this video all right guys that is pretty much it i'll turn to you guys for some q a gino gave me a super chat out of the kindness of his heart so i appreciate that when is the hbar interview um soon soon i do have i do have that ready to go i will release it pretty soon and uh there's an interesting conversation with mance i'll say that he's a smart guy he he's worked in interesting places like the air force so yeah that'll be a good one um gene asks or g no sean asks not not yet do you think uh nulls will be added to any us exchanges in the future i hope so i hope so i think you know a lot of these coins that had ico you know it's really hard for them to be listed within a us exchange because u.s exchange doesn't want to be sued or something like that just like coinbase was sued because xrp got sued by scc right so i think there's a lot of u.s exchanges are very worried about it but um but hopefully hopefully you know it'll happen sooner than later i don't know what these projects have to do if they have to go to the sec and register themselves i don't know but there's so many good ones out there there's so many good ones out there that are unlisted right now and hopefully they get they get listed soon uh parachute token very small crypto for everyone with 40 000 users two million payments the first decentralized financial derivatives protocol we're building the future of finance uh what's up with these names hedgie which is a d5 platform it's robin hood for uniswap perju perjar wallet okay it's a payment system and they have the pear token so they have a d5 and they have they have a defy syst um app i guess uh dap and they have a wallet that can send transactions i mean at face value this doesn't look bad this doesn't look bad at face value let's see one of the co-founders uh full stack senior developer this is a three-time tech founder and holds a membership in some some labs i have no idea extensive background with jp morgan you know what it doesn't actually look bad it actually doesn't look bad uh they're very small cap yeah being on uniswap will probably hold them back but then again they have a defy app that's on top of unit swap so if it's good as they say then you could use it to buy their own token okay i'll put that on maybe list they could do well they could do well with binance on the rise what's your new eth target oh man um uh you know i don't think anything changes to these my original target for eth is about 10x from where they are um actually i said 10 000 but i changed it to 10x because i think they go more or less follow bitcoin and bitcoin goes up 10x they're probably gonna go with 10x big one with a 5x they'll probably go up 5x maybe a little bit faster but for most part ethereum is following bitcoin very very closely so i don't think it changes if binance coin flips above ethereum um i think it's still going to be the same i think finance coil will just continue flying and ethereum will more or less move with bitcoin still so i'll stick with that i'll stick with that i don't think that changes uh can you educate me on tests on a hot bit well that's just like it's a synthetic tesla share just like financing they listed it and i know a few other exchanges have it basically you're buying a token that's following the price of tesla it doesn't mean you own a tesla share it just means that you're following you're trading something that follows in its footsteps um i have no opinion about ubx it seems like every single every single session someone tries to show ubx and i'm just gonna say okay uh can you say hello to my bra sean he just got into crypto and he's a new subscriber and just awesome person well hey sean welcome appreciate that you're here can you explain how cool coin dividends work do you think it could be a 20 billion project this year coin dividend is very simple if you hold more than six kcs basically you get a portion of the trading fees 50 all trading fees collected is distributed among all kcs holders so as long as you hold six or more you go get it but it basically it's it's a pot if there's a hundred let's say a million people holding kcs um and you you hold your the amount that you hold is ranked i don't know in the top 50 or so no that's a bad example basically your your portion is compared to the pool and that's how much you get reward something like that uh hopefully that makes sense i don't know i kind of butchered that what's your opinion on when if china legit uh legalizes crypto how high do you see v chain going up i think that's that's going to be the ultimate driver for v chain i think v chain has started going up kind of because people are seeing a bigger picture but i've always said they're gonna be a top ten coin so that's at least 14 billion this you know right now but you know they get real traction they could they could climb they could get they could climb really fast you know china allows their citizens to basically invest in their own things like real estate and companies it's very hard for chinese citizens to invest outside the u.s significant amounts i mean so imagine if they legalize crypto and everyone is forced to only invest in crypto companies that's based in china guess who they're gonna go invest with v chain and all that money could drive b chain as high as ethereum one day you know so yeah uh what do you think about privacy wallet blank i don't really like privacy stuff so i'm not gonna like it what do you think about deeper network their idea was friday so they're gonna be a very very new project well they're not doing pretty they're not doing good today decentralized internet infrastructure yeah just to there's too many so this is basic copying uh uh an nkn you know basically you try to utilize nodes and create a new decentralized internet it's it's too it's too encompassing i i just i don't i don't like it i don't think it's gonna happen i don't think it's gonna happen [Music] um all right i missed a lot of small super chats here so thoughts on crypto and the roth ira for taxpayer growth you know what i'm glad you asked you could see that banner with i trust capital they're all about that so i um i partner up with them and they offer that not only can you transfer your ir ira and 401k there you could also open up a roth r ira and basically trade crypto tax free it's very very interesting it's very interesting so if you want to learn more about it contact them i have their url in the description but that's one of the reasons why i partnered with them because it's like wow i didn't know you could do that uh what what three all coins matthew has what three all coins do you think has potential to reach 50 000 long term i mean that's a hard question because you're asking like are you asking for the price are you asking how much you can make and that depends on how much you put in i i i can't answer that i can't answer that but just pay attention i'm sure your loyal follower pay attention to the projects i talk about and then make your own decisions and you'll see there's a lot of them that can make you a lot uh silly question do you use vpn for other exchanges early buys and non-us tokens i can't advise you on whether or not you should do that or not because there are instances where exchanges detect that and you know what you get banned or you get your tokens locked so technically i guess you could do it but there could be some very very bad bad repercussions so be careful with that is it too late to hop on one vet seller train no it's never too late i mean the market is so early i don't see how it could be too late so i'm not that i'm not a fan of seller but i'm a big fan of harmony and v chain and they're still very early thoughts on f x f just you know what what is this there's so many projects now that's teasing some kind of listing and they're not true they're not true or people are just making it up so i don't know phoenix flow uh i looked at them yesterday i forgot and listing at is not gonna make them pump yeah they're liquidity aggregator um yeah if if they're listed on kucoin or or um or binance it'll be pumped but getting out and i mean is not going to make them pump well i by any chance acquire some shares of coinbase soon uh that's a good question i have to see i have to see what happens after ipo whether or not it dies down and studies out or continue to go up i think i think that'll be the you have to wait because a lot of these ipos they they shoot up like first day and then the second day they tank and then for wrestler week they tank hopefully that's not the case with coinbase so we'll see uh one of my thoughts i'm babb uh i'm neutron bab i forgot what they were about um oh yeah they were [Music] fundraising it's just not very appealing btc hang at 60k seems fishy thoughts wrench ass well i've i've said that for a while right that something is holding it back but we're getting some traction let's see the near the near top right now is about 61 000 the top is a little bit higher but i do think there's something going on i i i thought today we would see a bigger rally because i think this is building up to the coinbase ipo but maybe not maybe not um but you know we'll see tomorrow right right now what i do know is bitcoin is very steady you know just the past few weeks we've seen some small little volunteer here there people panic but there's no reason to panic but while bitcoin has been steady um all coins have been exploding so definitely you know what having a diverse eye portfolio really helps and just wait it out when bitcoin's ready to move it will paul asked do you estimate that kucoin has a good chance to skyrocket like bmb will kucoin be more desirable for investors um you know especially with their new chain they're coming out the new chain i don't know when it's going to come out exactly but that chain actually draws in a lot of depth just like finance smart chain did it could help them tremendously but they do have a ton of projects out there and right now i think their biggest draw is that u.s residents can use them right where a lot of these other exchanges do not allow that so um yeah the the wherex or something wrx yeah i don't like it i don't like it at all because india is so flip-floppy on on whether or not bitcoin is legit or loud or banned i don't know awes appreciate it well polly got mad i stay stagnant until e 2.0 no no it won't hurt them if you 2.0 came out right away so this is their time to shine uh they do have a lot of d5 products on top but um i don't know there's just there's just a lot of layer twos right now and a lot of chains that they're doing very hot so i like polygon but it's going to take a while uh helium i do like helium quite a bit pundi you know hundy did their read denomination their new token is out but it's been kind of steady kind of study you know i kind of thought more will be done but they are going to introduce native staking and their new mainnet pretty soon so that could help them right uh hellcat says one is about to pump hey you you like hellcat you flip-flop more than uh a lot of guys here you're like all about one and then you're like i've got off the the harmony bandwagon i'm on go and then you're off go and you're like oh yeah just go with bitcoin and now you're coming back on to harmony but it's okay man uh skl solid team oops that's not where i want to go scale yeah second l you know uh layer two solution for ethereum to to speed it up you know there's just there's just a lot there's a lot of competition out there i mean that's quite quite simply it uh john appreciate that there's another one g-e-e-q all right guys i'm gonna wrap this up you guys got any urgent questions ask it um embrace blockchain with confidence proof of honesty protocol safe enough for your most valuable asset cheap enough for iot okay yeah i can't tell just by looking at it it sounds like every other blockchain out there so sorry um all right you guys got a lot of questions all right uh let's wrap it up i'm trying to fully understand only bnb is the same as only a share of binance uh at this point you could look at it that way but it's a utility token too because you get you know you get benefits for you utilizing it um within their amas and their exchanges and so forth but many view it as as a share of the company basically storage or file i will go file out of the two or i would say go r weave our weave uh where do you see you notice why i'm going from here i'm quite honestly surprised that uniswap keeps pumping um i just actually did a comparison that pancake swap is bigger than uniswap in usage and users in liquidity locked in yeah uta swap continues to pump i guess you know this is advantage of being the big dog and being supported by coinbase right but you know what you could just it could there's a big gap between eight and seven so i don't know if they could catch up to polka dot anytime soon but they could definitely move with the market uh yes i heard of wan chan uh one chain and they looked up at the xrp i'll have to look into that they kind of rebranded themselves from a supply chain space uh so i kind of got off the bandwagon but i'll look at what they're they're doing with xrp but they don't really they don't really compete with that anymore uh you're still getting dokuan i i uh postponed that uh tara's um ceo because i want to get a fancier setup for interviews so i want to do them live and do it better so i postponed it uh 3x long cardano token can you look at it uh yeah coinbase is not gonna come out with that that's that's more like on binance and other exchanges so basically it's supposed to move three times as fast eternity platform just launched today well you know what there was a lot of coming soon on on the platform and you know today launching did not help them one bit so it was quite honestly eternity was too hyped up for what it was and there was nothing all right i don't have time to look at that um is it everything based on this guy right here jason huser welcome to the internet exclusively at eternity by jason is he the is he the founder all these are from him see everything else is like uh coming soon coming soon coming soon like literally i mean honestly who's gonna buy who who could buy this i don't know do you guys know this guy unless he's really famous i don't know who would be buying this yeah that's probably why it dropped 16 percent because no one knows what the hell is going on so all right um that's pretty much it i'll let you guys go overall you know what tonight could be very exciting bitcoins back up let's see if we could break that 61 000 and continue on 62 and beyond you know with one day left or two days left before the coinbase ipo maybe we see some explosiveness we'll see if uh we'll see we'll see what happens but uh you know what in the meantime all coins are doing really really good really really good but like i always remind you guys you don't have to go for those ultra long small micro caps and make money even mid caps big caps they make a ton of money because they move really quickly but hopefully you guys understand a little bit more about profit taking and if you don't follow anything else about profit taking at least take out your initial investment so you can't get burned if you follow this uh you'll be fine this is the number one rule number one rule but after this it's up to you and remember crypto taxes suck but anytime you trade or profit take you do have to worry about taxes all right guys that is it thanks for tuning in as always smash the like subscribe to the channel and you know what uh just for a hell of it uh for the giveaway right for the oops for the giveaway the secret code three characters long think about it three characters long and it has to do with this xrp commercial this is the biggest clue i can give you enjoy [Music] what do you think about ripple well i mean i think it's too centralized but i definitely want to meet chris larson [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: CryptosRUs
Views: 347,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bitcoin, altcoins, crypto, alts, take profit, bitcoin profit, bitcoin profit taking, altcoin profit taking, crypto profit taking, btc
Id: kINpX8PqQhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 28sec (2608 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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