Crying Enderman Sighting! Minecraft Creepypasta

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foreign the server guys I'm here [Music] where are you hello okay that's weird they're not talking to me I I just barely you know got the Discord working and you're talking to me and as soon as I joined they're not talking can you guys hear me okay this is weird this might be another situation again where my recorder will only pick up my mic still haven't fixed that bug it's really weird okay they're not talking to me but there's their place I see it guys huh okay well I'm coming up what the it's weird their place is just floating this looks like the way up oh hey look it's disconnected like that right there kind of like parkour so that means their structure is completely spin it in there it's just floating guys hello why aren't you talking to me it was kind of weird well so what happened is um they reported that they saw something an Enderman that looked kind of funny um I don't know what it is yet I suppose after we discover what it is I'll be able to title this video accordingly but what I do know is that it's some sort of strange Enderman looking thing like it's not the normal texture and acted funny so that's kind of weird as we're gonna figure out where is everybody they said they'd be here really weird are they down there somewhere good looking looking over there over there over there no I don't think there's anybody here guys it's like the structure is just abandoned oh you guys got me what okay you did that on purpose oh were you guys just sneaking on the other side oh you totally got me okay okay so is this thing even real or are you just pranking me okay okay so they're saying that's real so what happened wait wait what oh okay that is a big clue okay so guys he just said that they were out Mining and then they found crying obsidian in the ground okay crying obsidian and they saw a weird looking Enderman I already know what it is only one Enderman appears around crying obsidian like that that's the crying Enderman I feel like with my investigations usually it's by the end that I figure things out but I'm positive guys that's the crying Enderman you have the crying enemy on your server I've met him once so this is not my first time as rare as it is this is not my first time so are you just wanting me to find out if it if that's what it is or do you want me to get rid of it for you okay okay I'm signing up okay guys so I just agreed to um agreed with them to rid their server of the crying Enderman so that is our purpose here hello so we got to get rid of it somehow however that happens right okay as usual I have asked them to stay behind except for one of them already ran off that way where are you going are they okay yeah if your mind shaft's over there and you're gonna be underground I guess it's okay but you're alone um Creepypasta entities have a tendency to seek out those who are alone so I can either come join you or just be aware that you could be attacked at any time you got defenses with you good okay so good luck um I'm actually going to go down and start investigating from the bottom up but let me know of course if you see anything or if you happen to come across more crying obsidian if you do I might come running to you and we'll investigate that area Okay water directly below their main base area actually quite nice down here what I'm looking for is just anything that's out of the ordinary okay another tendency of glitches or gin or whatever to occur around Minecraft Creepypastas as a formation or object that just is in a position that doesn't generate normally so that's what we're looking for it could be anything you know an item drop somewhere an animal that was killed that shouldn't have been you know it's a nice little window oh I need torches guys I might need to come back up and get some torches from you guys but maybe I'll wait till night night time's a good time to go underneath are you guys on Peaceful or uneasy oh okay that makes it more interesting okay on Peaceful okay so I guess I don't need anything to defend myself except from this Enderman that shouldn't be here because we're on peaceful and yet it still appeared okay so it sees there's something right there something that happens that shouldn't happen normally Hostile Mobs should not spawn on Peaceful yet it did okay so I'm gonna look and if I see any hostile mobs spawn then I'll know there's something else going on okay something out of the ordinary I I'm not seeing anything let me come take a peek over here chicken but laid an egg not exactly unusual but it is interesting somehow the chicken's just sitting by its egg like it's ready to hatch it huh there's nothing unusual about that just happens to be interesting but it is kind of weird look how the chicken's just sitting right next to its egg and it's not even moving huh that is kind of weird I swear this is not the kind of thing I was looking for but this is kind of weird the chicken's just sitting right next to its egg [Music] oh there it goes it's moving a little bit but it's still sticking near its egg okay it's just interesting there's it's not like that's impossible to happen I'm sure that's just the way Minecraft is but just in case I'm going to investigate around these chickens chickens do you see anything out of the ordinary everything normal here [Music] come on top of this little Hill one second everything looks normal here I'm mostly seeing normal gen nothing's been moved I think crying obsidian or crying obsidian crying Enderman have the ability to actually move obsidian and other objects except we've never seen one move Bedrock before the only Enderman I've ever heard of that can move better off is the dead Rock Enderman so I mean I guess we could be dealing with the dead Rock Enderman but the crying obsidian is a definite sign that it's the crying of Enderman and from what I understand the crying Enderman is actually not as dangerous as the dead Rock Enderman oh I fell I'm okay I'm okay yeah the dead Rock Enderman is actually um supposed to be like number two or something of the most dangerous creep fossa entity Enderman out there I think the blood enter might be the most dangerous I'm not sure but dead Rock intermittent if it's not the most dangerous at least it's at least number two so let's be glad we're not dealing with the dead Rock Enderman Maybe okay guys I'm not seeing anything down here can I come back up I just want to get some torches okay I'm up I'm up I'm up I'm up I'm up hello come to get torches don't you have torches somewhere oh I'll just take some thank you um it's getting close to night can we go to bed oh yeah only three beds well it's peaceful so I'm not actually in danger seriously there's no reason to close doors to keep out Hostile Mobs because there aren't any okay well I'm just going to go now underground I'm going to investigate some of the caves because I think that's the next item on the list to conducting my investigation hey what's your name slimy shoes that's mining bring back Cobblestone iron if you can we need to make weapons and armor if we're going to defend ourselves against the crying Enderman okay where's that cave I saw I know I saw one around here somewhere wait wait this is a pretty view of the ocean [Music] ah I found a way down yeah I should have just come to the mine shaft I don't even know where your mine shaft is wow it was quite an area you know if I do encounter the crying Enderman down here I don't have much to lose so I think I don't mind so much [Music] that's if you guys are telling me the truth that you're not pranking me I'm holding into that see [Music] lots of iron mate gosh I should have brought Tools in there I could have picked up this iron while I was here is that that was a dead end right okay oh time to exit out this one was a dead end hello what have we here found another one coming down coming down uh I should use my torches a little more sparingly it's a good thing I've got OptiFine I'll Define us so nice do you guys have OptiFine installed okay yeah seriously get OptiFine okay you're going to really want opt to find one of the best mods ever no I'm using it as a mod there might be OptiFine plug-in as well but you can just get them as a mod oh did I just oh okay for a second there I felt like I was going in circles huh well this is interesting what he did okay okay I'm coming to you okay she found crying obsidian okay um I'm gonna come back to the surface you need to help me come find the mine okay there you are okay show me to the mine let's go see this okay where okay oh wait that's not crying obsidian hey where are you that's not crying obsidian give me a pickaxe oh if you have one oh thanks appreciate it did it used to be here okay black concrete okay so she's saying that it looked like crying obsidian before but now it doesn't like it morphed it's kind of weird okay we need a look okay can you come this way thank you go explore that way I'm gonna come explore this way whoa [Music] what the no no it's all right it's all right just just keep exploring your direction it's just whoa it's back concrete yeah the black concrete that I just pulled out it just suddenly appeared there Maybe it could just be like I don't know the server lagged Maybe that you know that can make blocks repair it might be the server just lagged that could just be a coincidence but that is really strange and come up here oh dead end there's nothing here wait this is a weird tunnel [Music] there's an abandoned mine shaft if you want to join me if you're too scared to be down here alone you can come come back and right past where I found the block concrete there's a turn on your left and there's an abandoned mine shaft if you haven't seen it already what [Music] okay so she just said that she's been down this way and there was no tunnel here like something else minded oh maybe something else has been here already shoot I wish I had better weapons I've only got pickaxe to defend myself with come and join me in mine shaft if you can no you other two that are up there I need you to stay up there and watch the bass to make sure nothing comes okay [Music] wait oh this might be a dead end um there's a man of mine ship never this small I'm gonna have to mine until I find more pure lava might be close oh yeah oh spider spawner oh that was stupid you almost here oh oh yep I see you you made it okay here we are abandoned mine shaft [Music] I don't know why these places are always so creepy to me they kind of are [Music] um far way down that way you can look if you want let's go this way yeah oh hey hey hey hey there's a cobblestone block just sitting here something's been here because why else would have Cobblestone block be floating here something else has been here okay I might come down this way oh do you hear that oh okay I'm coming down there it is there it is no no go get out of here get out of here now get out get out you go upstairs oh there it is oh there it is there it is oh I gotta get out of here I have got to get out of here go this way no no no dead end that's it I'm tunneling I'm tunneling okay I'm back in the band mine shaft I might be able to find my way back sit oh not this way go the other way oh this looks familiar wait aha okay ah I'm coming above ground I'm coming above ground whoo made it made it let's see man it's daytime thank goodness oh where am I gotta find the structure okay I'm about up in okay I'm here okay did you make the armor what I told you to make the armor up and gone for like forever you had plenty of time to make armor we need armor to defend ourselves against the crying Enderman hey wait where you going what what's up with this guy is he just like giving up oh um what what is he doing what why would why would you do that hey wait wait wait wait don't do this guy [Music] he's gone he's gone okay well we can't depend on him anymore okay look it's just us because your friend totally bailed on us um so we're gonna have to figure this out but don't worry we can still take care of this we can still get rid of the crying Enderman maybe um but three is better than just well not three's who you had before but hey I have experience with this okay I have experience with creaky possibility so we'll figure this out so I need you two to go on top please thank you and just stay up there yeah thank you and I will be down here and I need you to keep your eyes open okay and I'll be down here ready to fight hopefully that's my hopes I'm still watching get my pickaxe up nothing whoa whoa I might have seen something in the wheat or just my imagination I don't know I don't think I saw anything guys work what oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh can you get off oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh where are you guys where are ya oh what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do oh oh that's so weird you were turned into tears that's so weird Okay describe to me what it looks like where you're at what looks like you're up on the sky okay um can you see the ground when you look down can you see the ground what the oh it's starting what the what it looks like you're falling are you is this not the rain is this somehow like the enderman's tears and he and you're now part of the tears and you're falling that's crazy you're about to hit the ground oh I never even saw you you did what I never saw you Okay so what they said is that they fell right next to the building and they actually saw me and then died I didn't even hear a hit sound it's like you were just one of the raindrops and you died again huh whoa okay okay so again those two girls just told me that they're falling once again as the rain so this is going to keep falling and keep dying that way I'm just gonna leave I'm just gonna leave okay I don't know what good it is for me to stay okay why does it say hit he ground you know what just exit out let me handle this okay I'm basically talking to myself now and talking to you my viewers so they just left the server it's only me now I'm all alone trying to handle this creepy Enderman wherever this Creek the Enderman is I don't know okay I'm just gonna go looking for a while and we'll see what happens it's getting day now wait what's that what's that oh oh oh get off get off I can't get on I can't Dismount oh oh what level am I 1000 oh I'm falling I'm falling no shoot no no oh oh no oh no oh okay I respond and I've just had the most brilliant idea ever and I feel so stupid I didn't think of this in the first place I'm going to suggest that we just restart the server and see what happens foreign
Channel: RayGloom Creepypasta
Views: 35,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft creepypasta, crying enderman, minecraft creepypasta crying enderman, minecraft horror, crying enderman minecraft, ray gloom, minecraft creepypasta raygloom, raygloom minecraft, creepypasta stories
Id: Zu1ZdvpTZKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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